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Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Painting A Picture of HAPPY!!!

Hi EveryOne!!!
Thank you for joining with me today!
Have another perfect peaceful year:(HAPPY), How are prayers protecting you?(HAPPY)Birthday:
Heaven appreciate positively pleasing yourself:(HAPPY) Re-Birth today:
Now that I have begun, let us continue. I wanted to tell you in another way to have a perfect day, for you. 
Are we ready to join our minds together and see what SPIRIT is going to give to us today.?
Do you have your snack and a beverage to sip not (snip) as I once wrote(smile)?
I will believe that we all have had a great day, we are awake, alive, and we can see clearly with our eyes an /or with our hearts.
As you know, I have Meditated on what to write, and I am rather pleased that I understand exactly what I am writing. I planned to finish writing on Primitive but today I must write in this way. 
I do not bring to you my concepts without clarity, I have visions as we all do.We have already discussed whether or not we all are intuitive and my Wisdom tells me that we are.  Are we Guided by our Actions or do we guide our actions?. Now, we must remember we are, I believe given Free Will, do we take it to confuse or to be confused by it? If I say a word to you and I have no idea what IT means, I will say "I am getting a word do you know what it means?" You will or not (depending on your understanding of SPIRIT ) might think, "Why are you using a word(s) if you don't know what it mean?"or maybe you will think I am speaking and forgetting what I have said. If you knew me you would know I do it all the time. Sometimes we look up the words together and sometime the person I am speaking with will already know what it means. I do not do this with everybody but to those I am close too in Spirit it will happen. Is it surreal with me? No, I am fully conscious of thought. I take no credit for this, although I used to be afraid of it because I did not understand it. From an early age I have been this way. People are so quick to call you crazy, and I did not want to be called crazy. Since I now know. I am encouraged to just see the fantastic way SPIRIT guides me and those like me of (like) Minds. 
Check this out for yourself, I am sure it has happened to you and probably to your Little one(s) as well, if that be the case don't scoff, at them/or yourself rather embrace the God in you and them. If nothing else will work get your Bible and read MATTHEW (7) in its entirety.  It is such a comfort to know that it is as it written. "FOOLISH THING ARE GIVEN TO CONFOUND THE WISE" This keeps me from Judging others too Quickly!!!(Go,Figure)  
Would you believe I got my dance on again today to "HAPPY" by Pharnell Williams, 
I think this is the correct spelling of his name , for once I did not look it up(and I 
will not repeat any lines, because I do not know of the copyright provisions)
The last time I danced to it I was at the QT station, today I was in the bank, and
we had walked about (3)miles to take care of our business, between bus times.
It runs every hour and if we have something to do, we ride/walk and then
be ready to catch the bus on its return trip.
After my grand-son gave me the song to listen too in the bank on his M3 player it
was heaven sent. "I did not know he had recorded it just for me". Wasn't that thoughtful of him?:))):))):))) I (the SENIOR) was really ready to walk again(smile)
      I wanted to find another meaning for (HAPPY) for you. I sought Google to ask why is the word (HAPPY) in front of Birthdays and Holidays. To Be honest I did not grasp my mind around the explanations therefore I asked "SPIRIT" for Guidance. I usually make up an acronyms for words for myself. That is what I attempted to share with you today. However,
I did look up (HAPPY) in the Bible and I found that it is in more that fourteen(14) different Scriptures, but I did not want to give you a particular verse.
Now it is time for me to leave you for a while, Please join me again, also tell a friend, and don't forget to LAUGH with the LITTLE ones,PARENTS/SENIORS/ and the VETERAN(s) as well. I APPRECIATE YOU!!! BE BLESSED<BE A BLESSING to others.
With Much LOVE(TYG)
Tonnie Stowers Jackson
(PS) My grand-son was biting on his finger nail, and a piece of it got lodged in his tooth, I asked him "Why was he chewing on his nail?" he answered "That he was trying to put the Calcium back in his body since he had so much in his fingers"Now you know I let out a silent  (GASPS) I (smiled) an I thought (GO,Figure).

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