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Friday, March 20, 2015

Painting A Picture of TRIVIA (!#130)

Hi EveryOne!!!

Happy, Happy Birthday! I am going to start out today as if we are already engaged in a conversation.
I am believing that you and I are so Happy for our Re-Births as well. As I MEDITATED on what to
write, I began to think, should I continue to write as if I am talking to myself and just as quickly, I relinquished the thought. No, someone clicks a read with me, therefore, I am knowing that it isn't just
about me and my Wisdom. I don't proclaim to know all things, or pretend that I am not concerned as to whether you read with me or not. (I now know clearly that I am) I feel that as a SENIOR, I am permitted to write my truths, I try to preserve the rights that I am given....

As a bit of Trivia, have you ever thought about this? That no one has the (Monopoly-exclusive possession or control over anything) e.g."whether or not you have a birthday "except SPIRIT? Now, it can be determined as to how the chromosomes are combined to create characteristics. Also, when a child will be born (childbirth, parturition the act of giving birth) but ultimately you and I have the distinct privilege of saying this is my, my. my, birthday and no-one can take that from us. It is by Divine Design and that is something that belong exclusively to you & I. "I think that it is Awesome."Although,we had no choice or decision as to when or where, once it happened, our life became our gifts. Now, that is something to think about. No longer can/should you think that you are just like everyone else, we are all individuals and can make by Divine Right the choice as to whether we want to live as someone else, or use our privilege to be among others but live the life that has been destined for us before our inception. Try earnestly to do this and not to imitate or force yourself to be like anyone else. Beauty is in the EYE of the Beholder, and I may not view as you do, nor you as I, but, does it really matter in the interim?, Every developmental stage of Life begins with the Birth. Toddlers,Youth, (Adolescent), Adult then Seniors thereby constituting a Lifetime to LIVE, LOVE, TEACH & BE HAPPY!!! It seems as if I live in a make believe world, doesn't it? Believe this, as you live, almost everything that cause you any kind of grief will subside and you will slowly began to think did it really matter in the first place?, Although at the time of various incidents in your/my life it seems if it would go on forever,. especially the things that would bring us discord,but, just Remember,as it is stated in  PROVERB (23:7) AS A MAN THINKETH,WITHIN HIS HEART, SO IS HE: That does not mean that I should try to take advantage of you or your thoughts, because, you don't think exactly as I do, and I firmly believe that if it is not within the right of your thinking, then I do not feel that you shouldn't let it be known. If SPIRIT tells you to "BE STILL" then do so, If SPIRIT tells you to fight for your rights, then do so, especially after you read ECCLESIASTES (3) within its entirety.
We can help our young people to grow into changing the whole world of Thoughts, if we can show them that we are Living the Lives that we were/are borned to Live. Can we teach them without getting fired up attitudes ourselves?  Can we say with certainty that most things did not come to Last, but to Pass? It will, you know.
I Appreciate you. I Appreciate the Opportunity to share and I sincerely as always, Thank you for joining with me. Let us do this again real soon!. IN the meantime, join with us on the and leave us your feedback. I finally think I have learned how to add which I tried today.(GO,FIGURE) Now, I have to see have I really learned it!!!:-))).
BE<BLESSED. BE A BLESSINGS TO OTHERS. Don't forget to Laugh with the Little Ones/SENIORs/PARENTsGRAND/GODPARENTs/SOLDIERs/VETERANs//TEACHERs/FAMILY/FRIENDs and any other person who will be glad that you took the time to do so.
With Much LOVE(TYG)
Tonnie Stowers Jackson
Oh, (PS) I forget to tell you something I thought was funny. My grand-son asked me yesterday while (he was recuperating from a slight virus) Did he ever tell me why he "used to chew his fingernails",I answered him by saying "No you did not" , Well, he said, "Mom, remember how you all always tell me about the calcium in my bones and teeth, I said "yes" he said "Well I thought if I chewed my nails instead of cutting them off I would be putting the calcium back in my body.and when  I got a piece of it caught in my tooth, I had to stop". I laughed so hard and  I just thought to myself and a little child shall lead them.

Thursday, March 12, 2015

Painting a Picture of C's (#129)

Hi EveryOne!!!

Happy, Happy Birthday to one and all. How are you? How has your day gone so far? How is your day going or is your day going on without you?You and I both know that we can go with the flow of the day or it will simply go on without us, by that I mean are we participating in the events of today/ each day or are we remembering what happened yesterday? Oh, we can plan to live each day to the FULLEST!!! ARE WE? Are we teaching our young ones the same truths that we are applying? Are (are) they applying what they (C) SEE! 
When we live and C, (see) tomorrow, we will see it came/ went on its way with or/ without us. But, for those of us who have seen many Re-Births we can attest, that, it is wise to make the very best of each new horizon that our eyes can behold. I write to alleviate stagnated Energy. and I (so)enjoy the idea of being able to do so. I (so) enjoy the idea for those of you who read with me. I sometimes say to SPIRIT, I want the whole world to read with me, but then, I remember of your own Free Will, you join with me and for that I am so Grateful. I mean it when I say I Appreciate you, and I Appreciate an OPPORTUNITY TO SHARE. Thanks be to GOOGLE!!!
Are you going to stay for a while? Well if so, why not get something to snack on to to sip on?. If you cannot, well, that is okay. I will write anyways and maybe you will not get too bored while reading with me. Now, that I know you may be reading while you are riding.
     I have been trying to wrap my mind around what SPIRIT is giving me to write about, I keep getting the alphabet "C." I have been Concentrating all week on just what this means. I am sure it just might be that I am suppose to Contemplate on the Consistency of thoughts.  I even looked on line to try to find out how many C's are there meanings given for, to no avail, I MEDITATED on the Alphabet (C) then I asked,"Is It SEE?"Am I/ Have I missed something I should SEE? Therefore, I began to Concentrate on some words that began with (C) from my own Consciousness,such as;   
1.   Candle, burns one's candle on both ends(to expends to much of one's energy)
2.   Candid(without pre-judging)
3.   Caprice(an impulsive change of mind)
4.   Capriccioso (lively and free)as in music   .   
5.   Caring(to support or sustain)
6.   Carry(to transport from one place to another)
7.   Circumvent((to avoid by passing it around)
8.   Circumlocution(a roundabout expression)
9.   Concede(to acknowledge as truth)
10. Concise(expressing much in a few words) (GO< FIGURE) :-)))
11. Conjecture(to infer from inclusive evidence, to guess)
12. Couth(refined,suave, knowledgeable, humorous) 
Just to name a very few, I did not know I knew so many. WOW<>WOW.(smile) I really think I LOVE to (LiVE) my Wisdom.
 Maybe, some of these words you already use, maybe not, but, If I convey my SENIORS thoughts to you I will Continue to Consult SPIRIT's Guidance to you and (to) myself. To Connect the truths that I may always Conclude with Candor(frankness of expression.)
This I SEE, that God, is the Master Planner and although,We are given "FREE WILL" to be the Master of our fate, We must See that LOVE will Conquer the test of time in my Life and in yours. If I/we Continue to See this, then, we would have seen what ever we need to (C)
(smile)Then we will not have to( have )a Plan A&B. ASK, TRUST, BELIEVE!
I Contend that I don't always know what I am going to end up writing but I always write, and it is verbatim to what I have been given, and then some times a word will change here and there. When I read it back before I publish it, is as if I am reading it for the first time. { It is just so Wonderful,} especially since I never forget to ask SPIRIT, to SPEAK THROUGH ME, ACT THROUGH ME AND REACT THROUGH ME. I don't worry about it because sometimes I  am learning as SPIRIT teaches both you and I. In this way, I Confess that everything I need to know is being revealed to me.!! Sometimes I even try to use the word I (LESS) but as of right now that hasn't changed and"It" must be OKAY, because it is easy for you to read as if you are writing yourself, or at least that is what I  BELIEVE: (GO<FIGURE)
With Much LOVE(TYG)
Tonnie Stowers Jackson
(PS)If you BLESS a person, that person has no Power to harm You. by V. Henderson
Believe this as you Commit to being "HAPPY"

Thursday, March 5, 2015

Painting A Picture of HELP!!!(#128)

Hi EveryOne!!!

Happy, Happy Birthday. How are you? How Will you spend your day. I do hope you 
take a good read of today's content and then maybe it will even make your future days a
little better.
Even your Re-Birth day will be a little, no, I think a lot better, that is if you need the 
assistance that is being offered here. I have for a long time wondered how to present this
in a forum that will be understood and accepted by those who need the service in one 
form or another.;;;;;
It is applicable to all ages, all races, all genders, employed /unemployed or who may
need employment. "Especially so". Anywhere in the 50 states. All you need to do is visit
the link that will be listed below and I believe you will not be disappointed. I don't want
to wait any longer and each day I have Meditated on what to write and I just get, tell the 
I was standing among others at a bus stop in DC and we all were conversing back and
forth with our usual conversations, weather, jobs, kids, cars, or lack thereof, bills, creditors,
calling, irate supervisors, long work hours, etc. 
One of the ladies said "I am so tired of working this job, I do not know what to do" I listened.
Another lady said " I just bought a suit I love more than any piece of clothing that I have. I 
wore it, sent it to the cleaners and they messed it up, then claimed they did not do it." I listened.
A Senior was sitting down and she stated "I work so hard still and I do not have much to leave
as a legacy for my grandchildren, and I know my kids will squander what I leave for them,
(the grand kids) away themselves." Someone suggested "why not leave a will for them?" she 
said that she "could not afford that." I listened  
One of the younger student stated that " he was so tired of the student/teachers harassing
him at school"  one of the ladies asked him, "well, hon, what are they doing to you" he stated
 that" I cannot afford to wear the name brand clothes like other kids, and I live in the projects". I reiterated that it doesn't matter where you live ,you do not have to be treated unlike any other
student in school. "He said, " Huh, that maybe, the way it should be, but, yet, we are not all treated the same and we receive more suspended days than other kids that have more "than we do". I did
 not want to believe that  although this is another day and time ( the hurt for the heart is ageless),
but, I listened.
Another young lady approached the stop, the first lady asked "Where has she been? she went on to say "I have been driving but it is so expensive to park and I have parking tickets and that sometimes
I think they issue tickets before the time has expired". I listened.  
One of the other young lady spoke up to say "that as soon as I get my income tax straightened 
out I am going to get me a car."I listened.
The Senior spoke up to say" I don't mind riding the bus, but that her neighbors dogs barks a lot at night and it keep her awake and she sometime oversleep." I listened.
A gentlemen was standing there and had been quite the whole time stated" that If people weren't
just so mean, the world would be a much better place, and even though he tries to live in the right way. But, someone had stolen his identity and it is causing he and his family a great hardship," I listened.
In addition to this his wife had been trying to open up her own small business but the start-up costs were a little more than they had anticipated, even though they thought they had included everything the web design page had cost more than they had expected. Although I had listened , I finally said I have a solution for each of you and please invite a friend, you will be so glad that you did::: Take a Look at this opportunity,
(As I extended a business card.) In addition to gifts, trips, bonuses and exemplary friendships. YOU will realize it to be the absolute best thing that you have done for you and your family;
Well, today I wrote my story to you to let you know if any of these scenarios plus many others apply to you or anyone you may know please visit this link; All of these circumstances can be taken care of, and no one will be left out, because this service is for all  people and you will always feel like you are talking to your best friend. Please partner with me and everything you will need to know will be shown to you. Just go to Join NOW! and Businesses can apply as WELL! Consider this to be your (LMO) Legal Maintenance Organization as you do your (HMO) Health Maintenance Organization!! You will be so glad you did. Now I want you to listen
and be made happy. You may make Comments to me on The Senior Artist Site.If I can further help you.
BE BLESSED<BE A BLESSING  to others, Don't forget to laugh with the LITTLE Ones/PARENTs/
I Appreciate you, I Appreciate this Opportunity to share with you.
With Much LOVE(TYG)
Tonnie Stowers Jackson

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Painting A Picture of ISAIAH ( #127)

Hi EveryOne!!!

To those of you who have continued to Click a View with me. "I Thank You". How has your life been serving you and how have you been serving your LIFE?

Today, I am not going to hold you but a very short time. Did you get something to Snack or Sip on?
Happy, Happy Birthday to you for days passed and for today. I really missed writing and as you can see I am back and the reason for it, is because I know someone actually reads with me.  I know I say it often but I really can see this, and in a way I feel it just might be someone who SPIRIT uses me to be an Instrument for them that day as it is with/for me.

I can now PROCLAIM A new Re-Birth. OH, it may not show, but believe this, It has Happened. I am so eternally Grateful just to be able to Share. I really Appreciate You and I Appreciate this day (this) Opportunity!!!
Our Conversation today will come strictly from ISAIAH, You will find all of the 
Scriptures in there but not in Numerical Order. I must write as SPIRIT lead me too,

(43:2) When thou passed through the waters, I will be with thee; and through the rivers, they shall not overflow thee; when thou walketh through the fire, thou shall not be burned; neither shall the flame kindle upon thee.
(43:4) Since thou wast precious in my sight, thou hast been honourable, and I have loved thee: therefore I will give men for thee. and people for thy life.
(43:5) Fear not : for I am with thee: I will bring thy seed from the east, and gather thee from the west.
(42:20) Seeing many things, but thou observest not; opening the ears, but thou hearest not.
(42:18) Hear, you deaf; and look, ye blind that you may see.
(43:18) Remember ye not the former things, neither consider the things of old.
(43:19) Behold I will do a new thing; now it shall spring forth; shall ye not know it? I will even make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert.
(43:26) Put me in remembrance; let us plead together; declare thou that mayest be justified.

Well that is all I am supposed to write FROM  ISAIAH . If it will help you in any way, I am happy. I Believe this, that Someone IT WILL. (go,  figure)   
BE Blessed, BE a Blessings to others, and Don't forget to Laugh with the LITTLE Ones/PARENT/
And How will you spend the rest or your day?. Maybe just by sharing our BLOG with a Friend.:-)))
REMEMBER. I appreciate Both You and This Opportunity to have shared with you. 
With Much LOVE(TYG)
Tonnie Stowers Jackson