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Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Painting a Picture of ROTATION!!!(#140)

Hi EveryOne!!!

Happy, Happy Birthday. Happy Re-Birth to us as well. I wanted to say for the 
most part. I just want to give you a (Smile). 
I did not ask you to get something to snack on a drink to sip on, because I am 
gaining weight,(:--)))  just a little, but I told my grand-son that I will just say maybe
a cold glass of water will do, he suggested that I do not say that either because his mom
never drink anything cold.(GO,FIGURE). 
So this is what I will say, Let us join together and read, and as I re-read while writing
however, we choose, let us make some sense out the Messages that SPIRIT provides
for us.OKAY!!!
On last Wednesday., My grand-son and I re-potted some of our plants and as usual we 
will take them in the house for the Winter, but in the Spring, we will put them back on  the 
Patio for the Sun and to their re-growth for the Winter.  I was washing off the pots and he asked me
"Mom what are you doing? I told him that" I was washing the dirt off the Plants", he looked 
at me in amazement and said, "Well, I thought the Plants needs the dirt to grow" I turned
away from him and chuckled to myself. I answered him by saying yes, "but the dirt must be 
in the pots and not just on the pots" I thought to myself as careful as I try to be, when 
answering him, I somehow or the other always give him something else to think about as 

He and I were talking about his Pass tests, which he had taken a few days earlier, I asked him
"Did he think that he had gotten exemplary on the tests, which he wanted so desperately to
get? He said" He thinks so, but right now he wasn't sure" I said"Did you ask SPIRIT to"
He answered "No" I asked him"Why Not" He said,"Well Mom, I did not ask him because God is probably busy right now and I did not want to bother him, because he (my grand-son) was sure other kids were asking for help as well" I then said, but the Scripture says in PROVERBS (3:6) "In all thy ways Acknowledge him and he will Direct thy Path" He answered" I know Mom,but when I have 
asked for other things and when I do not get it right away, I have decided that maybe God is just
Rotating his help right then and (then) when he finishes, he will start over again"(I Guffawed), I 
laughed so hard,and I have thought of so many reason when I am waiting on an Answer to a Prayer. but never that God is rotating his help. I even often say God will not give us Gasoline to blow us up with. but now because of my grand-son's answer, I will just think that I will not be Selfish again,but
while I am waiting on an answer just know that God has not forgotten me or my request, he is just
doing it on a (ROTATION) Basic. Have you ever Thought of That as an Answer?
Thank you for joining with me again. I Appreciate you, and I Appreciate the Opportunity to write/share. Remember LAUGH all the Way to the Non-Serious Bank, It Is Worth all the Deposits you Make, and Just as 
Valuable as any withdrawal you will ever make.
Remember We are all Blessed< Healed< and Harmonious> in the Name of Jesus the Christ, Or what ever  gives you Peace, Say It Often.
Just Be Happy. Let your Little One make you Smile today. You will never guess what they are thinking> It is a Golden Opportunity!!!
With Much LOVE (TYG)
Tonnie Stowers Jackson .

Painting a Picture of WA{O}NDERING(#139)

Hi EveryOne!!!

Happy,Happy Birthday. and just how has it been going for you so for? Well
I must say a very Happy Re-Birthday to us as well. It is just so wonderful the
news that I now have, but I cannot get my picture to come up and I cannot show
you what I had planned upon its arrival to show you..I think I will continue to
write my Blog since(I have waited soooo long to do so.)
I will now try to explain my topic for today. I am writing about WA(O}NDER/ing!
I have oscillated long enough with the two words, but I just don't get why SPIRIT
and I cannot agree on another Topic, but now, you know  I am going to write what I 
feel led to write.  I researched the meanings first and these I will share now:                                                    
WANDER----To move about with no purpose or destination freely.
to go by an indirect route or purpose, to amble, to stroll, to proceed in an
 irregular course or action., to meander to think or express oneself unclearly or
            WONDER--- that which arouses astonishment, surprise, or admiration..
A marvel. The emotion that arouses a monumental human creation regard with Awe.
 A feeling of puzzlement or desire.

I even looked up the old and new Seven Wonders of the world, ALAS, I felt this great surge of
ENERGY, and I began to think:
I wonder why I wander; Do you suppose what I'm wandering about is real?
Should I wander further to find out, or is this such a big deal?
I wonder through the maze of unforgettable chills.
that which inspire the majority of those that are wondering still,
I believe it is okay to wonder if my/your wandering is real.
Should/Do I seek to know you, your life, Your world or is it best to just, wonder and not have
any adversity to my will.
Because I chose to wonder if my wandering is real.
Many Successes I have known ,of which I did/did not Succumb for the moments. I could not
distinguish my Wonder to Wander into the Array of dreams and facades. That lead itself to those
moments,when I stop and think,it is really okay to wonder if I am wandering still:::   

Thank you for joining with me. I Appreciate your time. I Appreciate the Opportunity
to share. Remember to Laugh with the World  and Help Others to release their Pent-up-Joy!!
which has been diagnosed as low-self-esteem, claustrophobia,  or some other dis-ease of 
the mind. 
SAY (Hmmmm,maybe) then it is so worth it. iF i GET YOU TO lAUGH, iT IS WORTH IT still.(type)
a MISTAKE bUT i AM GOING TO LEAVE iT IN. maybe it got a laugh, huh?
We are all Blessed< Healed< and Harmonious> in the Name of Jesus the Christ. What ever Affirmation that you use to make you the most Happy,Say it Often. Live it every Moment.
With Much LOVE.(TYG)  
Tonnie Stowers Jackson