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Monday, April 13, 2015

Painting A Picture of BROKE/BROKEN!!!(#133)

Hi EveryOne!!!

     Happy, Happy Birthday. Happy Re-Birth to us as well. How are you and how have you enjoyed yourself today? 
Did you relax? Did you ask what should you do today? Did you plan to do anything special or did you say that I 
am going to accept what is given me to do?
     Were you listening or did you just think GIVE ME THIS DAY MY DAILY BREAD! It really doesn't matter
unless you ask for Guidance, if that be the case then I really do not have to say anymore about that.
     As usual, I Meditated on just what to write today and I received in Consciousness the following thoughts on the
words, BROKE/BROKEN. I said okay, SPIRIT Speak your Words through me and think your thoughts through me. 
     Do you want us to continue now? Well, here goes. If you want to get something to snack on or sip on, okay, if 
not and you are reading while riding that is okay to. I am so glad to know that you are reading with me I give 
Thanks to SPIRIT that I remember to ask for Guidance and further more I give Thanks that I remember how to 
type from one day to another.I looked at a movie entitled "AGE OLD FRIENDS" I am a SENIOR and when you /I
look and listen if  we do not acknowledge how Grateful we are,where would we be?, What's to become of us?  
I do not  look at movies that make me unhappy, I simple REJECT, (REJECT), and REFUSE 
to accept  anything that Quench my spirit. How much time do we have to continue to accept 
this kind of thinking?. If you are doing it then STOP, if your PARENTS are doing it then tell

     Definitions acquired from {The American Heritage Dictionary}

Broke; Lacking funds(past tense of break) 
Broken;(past participle of break) #1.adj.Forcibly fractured into two or more pieces shattered.
#2. Violated, transgressed as promises.#3.Fragmentary incomplete(a broken set of books)
#4. Disorganized routed(broken troops), #5.Intermittently stopping and starting, discontinuous.
#6.Varying Abruptly, as in pitch(broken sobs),#7.Spoken imperfectly(broken English)
#8.Topographically rough, uneven,#9. Subdued,humbled(a broken spirit)
#10.Tamed and Trained(a broken stallion) #11.Weakened, Exhausted (broken health)
#12. Crushed by Grief(a broken heart) & #13.Financially ruined, bankrupt,#14.Not functioning
      As I began to concentrate on the meanings, I thought to myself. I only use the word (BROKE)
when I am stating that I do not have any money, but rarely do I use it in any other context,Now that I have observed the meaning of  the word (BROKEN)I realize why I am given the two words. Do you
see as I do the only difference is the (N) attached to the word BROKE, Can we see just what changes came come forth by something so min -ute?Would you believe that often times we make ourselves
so miserable by just changing one thing , let alone one word?You nor I am BROKE/or BROKEN, and if you are in the habit as I am/was saying it let us refrain from given little things so much Power over us. There is Power in the Spoken Word and from this instance on.may we regard this as a lesson to be "reckoned" with. Frankly I have never looked up the word BROKEN, but this I know as it is stated in
JOHN: (10:35)"........The Scripture cannot be BROKEN.
PROVERBS (17:22)  A Merry heart doeth good like a medicine,but a BROKEN spirit drieth   up the Bones.
I Appreciate you, and I Appreciate the Opportunity to Share. Thank you for joining with me. and
Don't forget to Laugh with EveryOne. BE BLESSED & BE A BLESSING TO OTHERS.
With Much Love(TYG)
Tonnie Stowers Jackson
(PS) From now on I will for my Salutation say the same as my greeting, because my grand-son said I did not include the Little people after I watched the movie "The Minis" you know what He is right, and just to think, I thought I was including all/Most people. "AND A LITTLE CHILD SHALL THEM" (GO,FIGURE) As he said "how do you know if I don't tell you". To Every Parent Child, where ever you are. Whaaaaaaaaat ever your age may be, BE HAPPY!!!:-)))

Tuesday, April 7, 2015


Hi EveryOne!!!

How are you? Happy, Happy Birthday. Happy Re-Birth to all of us as well.
I wanted to make my birthday special this year. Might I say this is the first year that I have been inclined to do so. I wanted to share with those people who never forget that I exist. No, I did not want any special gifts, I wanted to share with them. I am a person that never like to send an empty card, so guess what? Invariably I don't send near as many as I should. This year I am so Grateful that I did
just that, not to everyone that thinks of me on a daily basic, but to some of them and the other ones are still forthcoming from me. I noticed for the first time that I enjoyed this, and I will make it a practice for the rest of my existence on this earth that I will do so. 
Join with me,with your snack and beverage of your choice to sip on. It is just thought provoking to take for granted somethings and for other things it is not. I wanted to say all the words to me that I felt that I would want to read in a card, so inherently depicted for me. I started off by asking SPIRIT for Guidance. Things were very quiet for awhile.  Then I felt with some Urgency "Just what do you think of MY CREATION?"" well, I thought , Whaaattt -Whoa,- Hold Up!  
I tried to ponder, I tried to Ponder, and I tried to Ponder, I was taken aback because for a moment there I could not think of an answer "MY CREATION", Have you ever heard of such a thing? For a Moment there I felt a sudden sadness,  I don't think I ever thought that about being SPIRIT'S CREATION to the degree of feeling SPECIAL as to be at a lost for words, and clearly that is not a place I usually find myself in, but,by the Grace of God,(there goes I) to coin a phrase.
Thank you so much SPIRIT for reminding me that of all the things that I can say to other and to all the cards beautiful written so appropriately for the giver/receiver, I found myself thinking I am GOD'S Creation my Human Form is regarded as MY CHRIST SELF, how POWERFUL is this as a Lesson to grasp on to for the Seasoned or Young People alike. I Dare for us to think that If we write ourselves a card and ask for Guidance we would not be asked what do we think? After I regrouped I thought I am A Believer, I will do this with the same amount of care I would give if I was choosing this card for any very Special Person. Which I am/You Are.  This will be my card to myself.
I am glad to send this card to you today. although this is your day,
each day is as special as the next.
I hear you when you are appreciating the smile of others whose presence you grace,
I am so appreciative of you for not allowing yourself to prejudge/misjudge others
 regardless to their race.
I applaud all the efforts you make to be steadfast in your actions, and of the time you stop, and listen to the birds as they tweet (tweet) SPIRIT'S name, as you make up words to their
  beautiful music. 
I am happy, with you being A Child of the King in your body, mind and spirit,
I am so proud of you for not giving up although some time you have wanted to give in.
I am proud of you for every stance you have taken to help some one else grow to reach their level of competence, whether they say thanks or not.
I am proud of you for not thinking to much of yourself and for not becoming too puffed up to be any earthly good for your own or on behalf of some else sake. 
I am very proud of not allowing yourself to be swayed by the position of others, but rather I am soooo proud of you for treating others as you would want to be treated.
 I am proud of you for calling it self-reflection when others try to blame you for their shortcomings.
I am proud of you Tonnie for knowing this day that you are now realizing you are not blameless or to blame, for your continuing successes or trials that were deemed for you before your inception but what you have chosen to do with them has been your right and privilege and what is not pleasing to you (you) still can change it. 
I now ask for forgiveness for anyone pass or present that through this life I have offended., and I forgive!!!

I Appreciate you, I Appreciate this Opportunity to share. Thank you for joining with me!!
BE BLESSED<BE A BLESSINGS to others. Don"t forget to LAUGH with the LITTLE ones/ /SENIORs/GRAND/GOD PARENTs/SENIORs/SOLDIERs/VETERANs/FRIENDs/FAMILY/ and TEACHERs (twice) I did not say it in the last POST and my grand-son would remind me (therefore it would be just as easy to go back and edit), but I just don 't want to (GO,FIGURE)
With Much LOVE(TYG)
Tonnie Stowers Jackson.
(PS) My daughter and grand-son treated me to the movies to see MARIGOLD HOTEL(sequel 2) while they went to see HOME.I wrote about the first (1) some months ago that I had gotten from the Library. It is fun to watch  I enjoyed both of them.. GO SEE IT it was fun for the SEASONED and for the Young alike. For Males and Female for couples and singles. It will give you Hope, that is if you have not given up on a significant other.(smile)My grand-son said it was my birthday gift. I told him I enjoyed it immensely. You Will Too.  Please join with me the next time.& BE HAPPY!!!
Show someone how much you love them and start with yourself!!SPIRIT WILL SAY NOW YOU FINALLY GOT THE KEY THAT WILL OPEN ALL DOORS.

Painting A Picture of a REQUEST!!!#131)

Hi EveryOne!!!

Happy, Happy Birthday to each of you. Happy Re-Birth today for all of us.
How have you been? I, for one have had some some moments of reflections
in ways that even as a SENIOR were "unbeknownst to me". When my daughter read this
she will ask mommie where did you get that word from? I will smile and say well, as usual 
Spirit gave to me.(GO,FIGURE) 
Thank you for joining with me and today I want you to render yourself a little time for us 
to relate to each other. I must say that I have had a Birthday, since our last encounter. My mom,
my grand-son, my god-daughter, and my baby-sis. Isn't that something? So many of us in the 
same month, yet, I have heard through the years that people that are borned in March are just
as changeable as the weather, but, dare I say another cliche I need to rid myself of, I suppose.
Please join with me with your snack or your beverage to sip on. I intend to write on the merit
of SPIRIT. You know by now. how I feel about writing what  am given. I could not decide how
to do this in the beginning, but now I know just what to do. I will write in different BlOGS, 
and in this way you will not tire of what I am trying to convey.
I  will start off with the request of writing ECCLESIASTES (3) in it's entirety which I spoke of 
in my last POST.  I am going to be amenable to this request because I did not think that everyone
would not have access to it. Now I know differently. BELOW IS THE COM PLETE CONTENT OF THIS CHAPTER:
To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heavens:
A time to be born, and a time to die; a time to plant and a time to pluck up that which is planted.    
A time to kill, and a time to heal; a time to break down, and a time to build up;
A time to weep, and a time to laugh, a time to mourn, and a time to dance;
A time to cast away stones, and a time to gather stones together, a time to embrace and a time to refrain from embracing;
A time to get, and a time to lose; a time to keep and a time to cast away;
A time to rend, and a time to sew; a time to keep silent and a time to speak;
A time to love; and a time to hate; a time of war, and a time of peace;
What profit hath he that worketh in that wherein he laboureth?
I have seen the travail, which God hath given to the sons of men to be exercised in it.
This request came about it because in a conversation we were having, I stated "that it is such a waste of our Energy to waste the time hating,and killing anyone or anything" I was reminded of what I had previously written  "A time to kill and a time to heal; and A time to love; and a time to hate"; these were not my words and I stated them as they are written in the KING JAMES VERSION. However, I will contend that it also states that "Wherein he laboureth". I choose not to Labor in Vain personally, and when I share my Wisdom with you, I can only ask that you let your consciousness be your GUIDE as well. 
I have fulfilled the request and I am so Thankful that I was approached about this again.
I Appreciated the Opportunity to Share, and I Appreciate your time you have taken to read with me.
With Much LOVE(TYG)
Tonnie Stowers Jackson
(PS) Did you send a card for yourself this birthday" Look at my POST and see what I did for mine & Thanks again for joining with me. If there was NO you, then there would be no need for ME..... to continue.:-).