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Friday, May 30, 2014

Painting A Picture of ACCOMPLISHMENTS!!!

Hi EveryOne!!!
Today is the Month for Congratulations: To the many graduates of Schools and Colleges.
To the many Person's whose Birthdays'are this month, We say Happy, Birthday to you. We
also say to you take some time to Enjoy a much needed break. It is with much LOVE that
we embrace the Accomplishments with you that you have achieved. Sometimes, I imagine
that you thought, When Will I finish/whatever?......No more wondering it is done. BRAVO!!!
We Congratulate the new Promotions.The new Homeowner, The new Bride/Groom, The Veterans that returned home from the War.
Oh, there are so many people that truly need to be honored today///
Let us see how many we can think of together:
We Congratulate the students who passed from Head-Start to Kindergarten.!
We Congratulate the students who passed from Kindergarten to Elementary School!.
We Congratulate the students who passed from Elementary to Middle School.!
We Congratulate the students who passed from Middle School to Junior High.!
We Congratulate the students who passed from Junior High to High School!
We Congratulate the students that passed with ON-LINE-CLASSES!
We Congratulate the students that passed their GED exams! 
We Congratulate all the Grades that you have achieved not necessarily just the A's, B's,
or any particular grades, but the Tenacity that you have shown in acquiring a GRADE!!!.
I also passed my test for my Legal Services Business License with a whopping 92% instead of the 1st grade of 79%. the Passing score was 80% (GO< FIGURE)!! I told you I would keep trying and I did.
I had Meditated on what to write about today and this what I have been led to say"

MAYBE WE ARE IN EACH other LIVES TO ASPIRE (to have a great ambition of ultimate desire: to arrive toward and end:) TO INSPIRE(to stimulate to an indicated feel or action) 

Thank you for joining with me today, and did you get your coffee, tea, milk, water or a snack?
I took a long time to ask, yet it was the 3rd line I originally wrote, but today I see we are to give
notice to EveryOne. If I did not single you, (YOU) are to just look at the above Statement and just KNOW today we are all included. From the Tiny Youngest to the Oldest!!  
BE BLESSED<BE A BLESSINGS to others, and Don't forget to LAUGH and with the LITTLE ones, the SENIORs/PARENTs/VETERANs  equally.  I APPRECIATE YOU!!!
With Much LOVE(TYG)
Tonnie Stowers Jackson    

Thursday, May 29, 2014

Painting A Picture of the 2nd Time!!!

Hi EveryOne!!!
Happy, Happy Birthday!!! Happy Re-Birth today!!! Thank you for joining with me
today. Guess what? I will start off with my Phrase I usually end a paragraph with and
that is(GO, FIGURE).
But, I did not say in case you can or if you want too, Do you want to get a snack to eat
or a beverage to sip on?
Hurry back OKAY!
Well, are we ready? Have you ever heard the expression "Once a man and twice a Child?"
If you are young, then we will have to ask your Mom, or Granny-Mom/Dad?. I have heard it
throughout my life, needless to say. When I was Meditating on what to write what I received
was If not Now/ then When? 
If a "Little Child Shall Lead Them", then why can't we as SENIORS embrace our 2nd 
childhood as a learning guide to support our years of Personal Growth and Development? I know,
(I know) most people, even I, at one time use to think twice as a child meant senility, discomfort
in our body movements and functions. Never did I think (well, gee whiz) I should capitalized
on this 2nd time around. (If not then/When?) We do not lose anything but the Energy that has
been provided to us to embrace the Once a man and twice a child Theory, thereby doing all the
things we could not/did not do in our Once a Man/Woman stage. What do you think about that?
We are so willing to entertain the idea that as we get older, Our teeth will fall out, we expect this
and it happens. Our knees/hip bones gives away to something else, and IT happens. Our vision will
become impaired, we expect it and it happens. Our skin loses all its elasticity, we expect it and it happens. Our heart ache becomes heart trouble, we expect it and it happens. Our arteries become harden, our backs ache, because of not enough Divine Strength, we expect it and it happens etc.

Have you noticed that a few of our body parts do not change their Shape? Our eyes don't get
smaller or larger? Our nose doesn't change it shape? Our fingers and toes maintain their lengths?
Our heads don't get any larger or smaller. Look at you while I look at me, think to your/myself
(Hmmm). We also acquire new family members not (Soul) family members but the Ritis family.
you have heard of them Arteritis/Bursitis and other ritis family members, even Emotional
ritis  (smile) We willingly accept them, claim them, and fall prey to all of our time being consumed by them. I am only saying  Maybe, JUST Maybe we can be TRANSFORMED BY THE
RENEWING OF OUR MINDS; Because clearly it is written As I prior stated, 'A Little Child shall
Lead (THEM). Just think, if we become twice a child in one Lifetime, This could be the one reason, why, (Well let me say It is Mine as a SENIOR) I AM! I AM! I AM! and that I AM! WILL BE TRANSFORMED BY THE RENEWING OF MY MIND. I have even heard SENIORS say of other SENIORS why doesn't he/she stop trying to be young? .The younger ones do not say it as often because they are too busy trying to help US.!!! Now (GO, FIGURE) again. IT is OKAY for anyone to hold on too, things"" Happen"" because we are getting older. Now-a-days we can have  almost any body part changed that we want too, I believe except the Color of our skin (permanently) an knowing how to stop the greying of our hair.(initially).
Let us be Grateful!& Look Around Us. "Who is giving us the most information on how to prolong Life?" That is because Most SENIORS think "Who Will Listen TO us Anyway?"

I tried to research exactly where to find it in my Bible "Once a Man and twice a Child" an you guessed it, it isn't there or for once I just couldn't find it. I had researched earlier and found that it is in the 1st act of Hamlet and earlier than that, a Rabbi had said it. BUT. I did find this Scripture, Maybe IT will square up things a little.
BE BLESSED and BE A BLESSINGS to OTHERS and don't forget to LAUGH with the Little Ones? SENIOR'S/VETERANS/PARENT'S equally. I appreciate this opportunity.
With Much LOVE(TYG)
Tonnie Stowers Jackson         

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Painting a Picture of NEEDING!!!

Hi Everyone!!!
Thank you for joining with me today. It is the time to recognize the persons that
are celebrating their Births today. Happy, Happy Birthday. You will have the
opportunity to have Re-Births from this day forward, but do not hesitate to ENJOY
today. Did you send yourself a greeting card?
Let us advance to eating some fruit today, while we get any other snack or a beverage
to sip on. I am now trying to elevate my consciousness to the point of saying it's okay if
I did not exactly get it right yesterday because I have been Blessed with the presence of
another day.
I will not procrastinate until tomorrow, but if I start trying to change any of the things
in my life that I need/want to change, and cannot quite cram it all into today, at least I
will have begun, and no longer will I allow myself to quit or be enticed to think I fail.
I know some of you are already in this mode of thought, thank you for allowing me/us
to do the same. "THERE, NOW, I HAVE SPOKEN FOR YOU AND I" (Go Figure!!!)
Since We wrote so much for you yesterday, we will write one of my COLLECTIVE
I need to lend a little of myself,
today for yesterday.
I need to find all the right words
to say, to keep
from building on antipathy toward
any person, place or thing.
that would reach out, for me, too me
with me, hoping I can lend myself to
their EMOTIONS of fear, LOVE, hate,
pride, doubt.
NO, I need to Lend a little of myself,
for Yesterday's Tomorrow
Take care, BE BLESSED<BE A BLESSING to others, and don't to LAUGH with the
Little Ones/the SENIORS/VETERANS/PARENTS ,equally. I Appreciate You:
With Much LOVE(TYG)
Tonnie Stowers Jackson.
(PS) My grand-son was getting one of his final reports for school and he seem to have
been pondering for some time. I asked him "Was he okay?", He answered, 'Yes, mom, but
I really think I can type much faster using just two fingers"..(I laughed to myself ) because
he knows his mu-mu will not allow it. I know he wanted me to ask her, I thought to myself
No, Sirree,buddy. (Go, Figure):))) 

Sunday, May 25, 2014

Painting A Picture of the 23rd PSALMS!!!

Hi EveryOne!!!
How are you? Thank you for joining with me today. This is another day to wish someone, a very, very Happy, Happy Birthday, and this is another day that I want you to have a Happy Re-Birth today. Are you enjoying your day? What would make a difference today? Just make it
Happen. OKAY! Time is here at this is the second, don 't allow anyone to make you squander it. Don't blame anyone else if you do,(as I have done in the Past).Do you want to snack or drink a beverage? I really want you to take a little time to really read this one with me. We will be reading it together. I began to Meditate on what should I write today and I feel Guided to ask some questions to you/me today. I will not try to exclude myself because I don't again know where I am going with this, But, this I know I am going to try to be amenable to SPIRIT, We will
share my WISDOM together. I told you on yesterday that I had a Melt-down, that was to the point of tears, which was why, my daughter asked me "Was I becoming ADDICTED to my BLOGGING." I did answer truthfully> I do not know what it is but it seems as if I have not yet said what I am supposed to say.(GO,FIGURE) .

(Sometimes I am right to the wrongs of the world and some
and Sometimes I am wrong to the rights of the world)  


1.     What would you do if someone drew a gun on you?
2.     What would you do if someone snatched your pocket 
3.     What would you do if you were sick and did not have
        another human -being to call on for help?
4.     What would do if your child was being physically and
        and mentally abused, and would not tell you because
        they don't want you to fuss with them? or,
5.     What if the child has been threatened by having been told
        if that child tells, harm will come to you, as their parent? 
6.    What would you do if a woman/man lied to your mate
       and said they were having an affair with you?
7.    What would you do if your car breaks down at night and
       you do not have a cell phone to call or tow company to
       come see about you?
8.    What would you do if your spouse committed to relocating
       without your knowledge? Your entire family?
9.    What would you do if you worked on a job and clearly
       you are a exemplary employee, yet your performance 
       rating was always average/or below, never excellent?  

10.  What would you do if your next door neighbor is/was a
11.  What would you do if you are beautiful in/out side and
       the envy of others caused you to doubt your God-given
       gifts and talents
12. What would you do if you knew you were sick but is to
       afraid to tell anyone, because you know you would be                        
       sent to a nursing home?
13.  What would you do if your male/female adult child
       lived with you and constantly stole from you?
14   What would you do if on your job you were/are called
       out of  you name daily? or,
15.  What would you do if you are the best football/baseball/
       hockey or soccer player on you team, but the color of
       your skin keeps you on the bench? and, sadly,
16.  What would you do if you were in a crowded room and
       was temporarily blindfolded. and was asked to hold
       the persons hand next to you, upon opening your eyes
       you discover you are holding another skin color, what
       would you do? etc.
The Lord is my shepherd; and I shall not want
for no-thing. He maketh me to lie down in
green pastures; he leadeth me beside the still
 waters  He restoreth my soul; he leadeth
me in the paths of righteousness for his name
sake. Yea, though I walk through the valley
of the shadows
of death; I will fear no evil, for thou art with
me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me.
Thou prepareth a table before me in the
presence of mine enemies. thou anointest my
head with oil, my cup runneth over
Surely. goodness and mercy shall follow me
all the days of my life, and I will dwell in
thy house forever.   
PSALMS (23:1-6)
IF WE CAN JUST THINK TO ASK and BELIEVE: THAT THE GREATEST/OFFENSE/ DEFENSE: WE CAN/OR WILL EVER NEED: IS TO KNOW AND REPEAT CONSTANTLY: is the 23rd PSALMS honestly there are no-things that God will not let happen to/ for us  IF we just believe it. I really wanted to do something different with my arrangement of this article.  BE BLESSED<BE A BLESSING to others and don't forget to Laugh, also with the LITTLE ones, the  SENIORS/PARENTS/VETERANS equally::: 
With Much LOVE:(TYG)
Tonnie Stowers Jackson.  

Friday, May 23, 2014

Painting a Picture of Past BLOGS Excerpts!!!

Hi EveryOne!!!
How are you?
Did you have a Happy, Happy Birthday?
Even so, let me tell you as well. Happy,
Happy Birthday. Can you imagine how your
mom/dad felt the day you were borne? Try to imagine
then  recapture the feeling and I am sure
from this Birthday forward, you will be assured
that this is a very Happy Day for you.
How did you spend your day? Relaxed, running ,
dancing, cleaning, or did you just say
I am just going to BE STILL and KNOW?
Happy Re-Birth today as well!
It is so awesome to think we can start with
new thoughts to Guide us on our daily walk.

Today I will not occupy to much of your time, but I am grateful for the time you are allowing me to occupy. Thank you for joining with me. I have just finished with my coffee. and if you want to get you something to snack or sip on that will be just great. I must tell you this, I enjoy this so much that my daughter asked me last night ?"Mommie are you becoming ADDICTED to BLOGGING?"I had a melt-down when my spell-check wouldn't work and a coupled of other things I readily could not  identify with happened. I sat and Meditated and I was all for the better. If I am supposed to do this, I WILL and if not then I WILL NOT! I feel Guided and somehow I believe if this is the will of SPIRIT, to share even if to you/I alone then OKAY!!!
It will remain or it will cease.  ALL I can say is It is a feeling of  "Utopia" to think that SPIRIT will  speak through this VEHICLE that its has chosen for me to do it through. (GO,FIGURE)
Again, Edification is in order. Let me say Thank You Again. And I thank my daughter for using her expertise to help me to understand what this company already knows. and I do NOT!! 
  Re-read these verses with me, because this is what today I am being led to write. I do not, nor do I have to understand why, except maybe I am/we are not living them to the fullest. (GO,FIGURE)!!! 
In all thy way acknowledge me and I will direct thy paths. PROVERBS (3:6)
Trust in the Lord with all thine heart and lead not to thy own understanding PROVERBS(3:5)  
For as a man thinketh within his heart so is he.PROVERBS (23:7)
and lastly
Behold I will do a new thing: Now, It shall spring forth: Shall you not know it? I will even make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert. ISAIAH (44:19) 
Well, honest to goodness, that is especially for me, I just finished telling you I was having a Melt-down about my BLOGS (GO, FIGURE) Well, so be it SPIRIT: As you can see, Age doesn't really matter and if I had known THAT I was going to be reprimanded in such a kind way, I don't know if I would have written this article, today, but I Thank the Spirit for the Kindness. Have you any reason to be Thankful for a Re-Birth lesson today? It will always hold true that "WE ALWAYS TRY TO TEACH WHAT WE NEED MOST TO LEARN" Sometimes I really get, "MY CHILD, STOP YOUR WHINING". Mmmm this must be one of those times.:)))
BE BLESSED<BE A BLESSING to Others, and don't forget to Laugh,and with the LITTLE ones,the SENIORS/PARENTS/VETERANS as well/
With Much LOVE(TYG)
Tonnie Stowers Jackson

Thursday, May 22, 2014

Painting A Picture of BLESSINGS!!!

Hi Everyone!!!

And just how are you today? Are you having a Happy, Happy Birthday today? Did you awake with the idea that you would do something wonderful for yourself and those you hold dear? Or did you think for a moment that "I am just going to be STILL and KNOW!
Thank you for joining with me today! I really appreciate those who take the time to take a View with me. No you aren't looking at Joel Olsteen, Joyce Myers, Bishop Jake's, John Hagee, Creflo Dollar, Kenneth & Gloria Copland, TBN, Richard Roberts or the any of the many others that I admire and enjoy. But for this moment you are reading with me. That is a Blessing. Do you know how that makes me feel? "Super Special" A SENIOR Painting a Picture of Words. WOW! WOW!
Are you relaxed? Do you have something to snack or sip on?

I am having a Re-Birth today on the topic of BLESSINGS: If you have ever wondered why in  my Life Guidance's I do not mention some things/someone(s) it is because I don't proclaim to have anything other than My Life Guidance's and if  by chance, It will help anyone else, I am so eternally Grateful. Because, you are, just maybe in the need of a LAUGH, A PRAYER, or a PLAN as I am that, we can touch on together and we can say together, here is an average person like me, who is a (SENIOR) who is going through what I am going through; or has been through what I have been through that only SPIRIT and you know about. Do my words alleviate any anxieties for you? I Pray so.                                Do I perplex you when I do not say the words?:                            

JESUS!.JEHOVAH!,ALMIGHTY I AM PRESENCE! ALLAH, LORD! SAVIOR! JEHOVAH JIREH ,FATHER  MOTHER GOD or HOLY SPIRIT,BUDDHA ? e.g., There are many other names that I do not/ or will not ever know. Does that mean that they do not exist for some one else? Am I Ashamed to use any of the NAMES?, AM I Afraid to use the NAMES?. Will it lessen the Influx of people who READ OR will READ this Seniors viewpoints? Do I write to encourage a following? Do I straddle the Fence, so to speak! The Answers are NO! NO! and NO! I Believe in /GOD The FATHER ,The SON, and the HOLY SPIRIT . I also believe that :
The heavens declare the glory of God:
and the firmament showeth his handiwork.
Day unto day uttereth speech,
and night unto night showeth knowledge.
There is no speech nor knowledge
where their voice is not heard.
PSALMS (19:1-3) 
This is why I believe that as it written: Such knowledge is too wonderful for me; it is high, I cannot attain unto it. Whither shall I go from thy spirit? or whither shall I flee from thy presence? I ascend unto heaven, thou art there; if I make my bed in hell, behold thou art  there....... PSALMS(139:6-8)

If ever you are in doubt of the words I speak unless it is of a personal nature it can be verified.. No, I do not know how to reach you on-line yet. My preference is not to speak to profanity,discriminatory or sexual innuendos, but because I believe you have a right to say what you want to say, I also believe that there are/an can be repercussions for the things we say and do,/ If we are old enough to do better then we should do it, if we are old, and don't know any better, then just ask any younger person and more than likely they will tell us>(GO, FIGURE)< It becomes much easier when we are speaking to others if we can see that we are speaking to others about ourselves ."What we are seeing in others is what lies with-in you/me".
I, for the first time ever, saw in my American Heritage the word UNBLESSED,(it means deprived of a Blessing, unholy. evil) do YOU NOT KNOW? I have never thought of /or have seen the word I guess I am so busy believing that "I AM BLESSED, HEALED AND HARMONIOUS IN THE NAME OF JESUS CHRIST" I always have and I always will. (WHOA)

Let us Learn, Remember,and Repeat often the Prayer of
O that thou wouldest bless me indeed, and enlarge
my coast, and that thine hand might be with me
and that thou wouldest keep me from evil, that it may
not grieve me. And God granted him that which
he requested.
1 CHRONICLES (4:10)  
 Thank you for this time today, and join with me again. I am learning about browsers and I tell you I have to get this or else!!! BE BLESSED<BE A BLESSING  TO OTHERS, and don't forget to LAUGH with the LITTLE ones, SENIORS/VETERANS/PARENT(s) Equally.
With Much LOVE(TYG)
Tonnie Stowers Jackson  

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Painting A Picture of SENIOR/Junior Concepts!!!

Hi EveryOne!!!

How are you Today? Thank you for joining with me today. I really am a little disappointed with myself, because I have been studying most of the day trying to pass a test, to get a business License for my Legal Services, and the ironic thing is I did not pass. "Woe unto me". You know what? I am going to go right back and take that test until I pass it. Hooray for me.!! As a SENIOR I just do not start too many things that I will not finish. After I began to realize that I can not tell my grand-son that he cannot quit because it is sometime convenient, it is still our responsibility to do the very best that we can. In any given situation. Of Course, that Tenacity is implanted in his mom and from her we both are learning to be more diligent. (Go,Figure)
Well, how was your Birthday today? Did you have a great one? Did you send yourself a card? or did you get the one you wanted? I am working on a Re-Birth today and it may take me a little while to finish but I will continue until I do. Have you ever encountered such a feat?(an act of courage) I guess I will say that because if you continue to try to do anything and you do not quit, many lessons will be opened to you. 
I spoke with my brother-in-law today and he shared this with me; "If you believe, no-thing in this world can destroy you!. If you feed your Spirit Well or Sick God will always feed you" He also stated "That he is glad he has another building that is not made made by hands. It is the heavenly Tabernacle that is Eternal" I always liked to listen to him 'CAUSE he speaks with such Joy and Fortitude(strength of mind that allows one to endure pain or adversity with courage). You see, I don 't profess to be anyone other than who I am. Through the years He has learned all of OUR WAYS and just like the poem that I wrote about in Painting A Picture of Homage. He always treated us ALL the same. He always reminded me that when I relocated here to SC I drove a seventeen feet(17ft) U-Haul truck with God and my cat, Emmy, and was void of another human being for five-hundred and sixty(560) MILES to my now home. He said "It is the same God that brought us this distant that is Guiding, Leading, and Protecting us NOW. When I would become dismayed about anything he told me often"To remember you drove a truck" and I allow my mind to reflect on this. Sometimes, I forget that, Especially, this year and the latter of last year, but you know what? I stand up, brush myself off and I give Thanks that I have the opportunity to continue on with this road that is less traveled on by me/and others.
I will tell, you, my Young person/SENIOR just remember the best or most challenging thing that you have come through that YOU too are still being Guided, Led and Protected. Or do you take CREDIT for it yourself?, Well that is okay, I will not tell you how to think, after all you have not awaken to all my truths nor have I awaken to all of your truths. But I will ask you to think about it for the person that you some day will lead/ or is leading now:
It must be or should I ask is a great feeling to sit in a Judgmental
seat on other?
ROMAN (14:22)
From a Junior," My grand-son informed me yesterday, when I told him to comb his hair that God who knows the number of stands of hair on our head will not even BE able to count his, (smile), He answered this time by saying,"Mom do you know that every strand of hair on my head is attached to a vein and I hurt my veins when I come my hair?.(Go,Figure) I simply said "W---What?"
 Really I did not know what to say. I just said TO MYSELF I will continue too "Throw a LOT OF LOVE his Way" with a smile on my Face AS I THOUGHT, I WILL JUST HAVE TO THINK OF SOMETHING ELSE!!! (Go,Figure)
BE BLESSED< BE A BLESSING to Others, and don't forget to LAUGH and with the LITTLE ones,Senior/Parents/and the Veterans, as well.
With Much LOVE(TYG)
Tonnie Stowers Jackson

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Painting A Picture of HAPPY!!!

Hi EveryOne!!!
Thank you for joining with me today!
Have another perfect peaceful year:(HAPPY), How are prayers protecting you?(HAPPY)Birthday:
Heaven appreciate positively pleasing yourself:(HAPPY) Re-Birth today:
Now that I have begun, let us continue. I wanted to tell you in another way to have a perfect day, for you. 
Are we ready to join our minds together and see what SPIRIT is going to give to us today.?
Do you have your snack and a beverage to sip not (snip) as I once wrote(smile)?
I will believe that we all have had a great day, we are awake, alive, and we can see clearly with our eyes an /or with our hearts.
As you know, I have Meditated on what to write, and I am rather pleased that I understand exactly what I am writing. I planned to finish writing on Primitive but today I must write in this way. 
I do not bring to you my concepts without clarity, I have visions as we all do.We have already discussed whether or not we all are intuitive and my Wisdom tells me that we are.  Are we Guided by our Actions or do we guide our actions?. Now, we must remember we are, I believe given Free Will, do we take it to confuse or to be confused by it? If I say a word to you and I have no idea what IT means, I will say "I am getting a word do you know what it means?" You will or not (depending on your understanding of SPIRIT ) might think, "Why are you using a word(s) if you don't know what it mean?"or maybe you will think I am speaking and forgetting what I have said. If you knew me you would know I do it all the time. Sometimes we look up the words together and sometime the person I am speaking with will already know what it means. I do not do this with everybody but to those I am close too in Spirit it will happen. Is it surreal with me? No, I am fully conscious of thought. I take no credit for this, although I used to be afraid of it because I did not understand it. From an early age I have been this way. People are so quick to call you crazy, and I did not want to be called crazy. Since I now know. I am encouraged to just see the fantastic way SPIRIT guides me and those like me of (like) Minds. 
Check this out for yourself, I am sure it has happened to you and probably to your Little one(s) as well, if that be the case don't scoff, at them/or yourself rather embrace the God in you and them. If nothing else will work get your Bible and read MATTHEW (7) in its entirety.  It is such a comfort to know that it is as it written. "FOOLISH THING ARE GIVEN TO CONFOUND THE WISE" This keeps me from Judging others too Quickly!!!(Go,Figure)  
Would you believe I got my dance on again today to "HAPPY" by Pharnell Williams, 
I think this is the correct spelling of his name , for once I did not look it up(and I 
will not repeat any lines, because I do not know of the copyright provisions)
The last time I danced to it I was at the QT station, today I was in the bank, and
we had walked about (3)miles to take care of our business, between bus times.
It runs every hour and if we have something to do, we ride/walk and then
be ready to catch the bus on its return trip.
After my grand-son gave me the song to listen too in the bank on his M3 player it
was heaven sent. "I did not know he had recorded it just for me". Wasn't that thoughtful of him?:))):))):))) I (the SENIOR) was really ready to walk again(smile)
      I wanted to find another meaning for (HAPPY) for you. I sought Google to ask why is the word (HAPPY) in front of Birthdays and Holidays. To Be honest I did not grasp my mind around the explanations therefore I asked "SPIRIT" for Guidance. I usually make up an acronyms for words for myself. That is what I attempted to share with you today. However,
I did look up (HAPPY) in the Bible and I found that it is in more that fourteen(14) different Scriptures, but I did not want to give you a particular verse.
Now it is time for me to leave you for a while, Please join me again, also tell a friend, and don't forget to LAUGH with the LITTLE ones,PARENTS/SENIORS/ and the VETERAN(s) as well. I APPRECIATE YOU!!! BE BLESSED<BE A BLESSING to others.
With Much LOVE(TYG)
Tonnie Stowers Jackson
(PS) My grand-son was biting on his finger nail, and a piece of it got lodged in his tooth, I asked him "Why was he chewing on his nail?" he answered "That he was trying to put the Calcium back in his body since he had so much in his fingers"Now you know I let out a silent  (GASPS) I (smiled) an I thought (GO,Figure).

Sunday, May 18, 2014

Continue To Paint A Primitive Picture!!!

Hi EveryOne!!!

Happy, Happy Birthday! Happy Re-Birth today!
How are you enjoying your day? Will it matter if I say the best in every way I Pray,l laugh and I Enjoy in Spirit with you.

Thank you for joining with me again, and as we journey together I insist that you are
comfortable!!! :))) Today I am going to try a little something different. Regardless to whether or not my belief is correct. I feel that I am to wait on SPIRIT to guide me through this maze of words.

For us, here are some Primitive (a self-taught artist,someone or something at an early stage of development)words that have served this SENIOR's Life. I hope you will find that some of them continue to work today.    
Ultimate(the greatest size or significance):
Unconditional(without limits)
Ubiquitous(being or seeming to be everywhere at the same time) 
 And because GOD IS. WE ARE: We allow so many words to get in our way, but let us always remember that if we do not dis-associate ourselves from the Ultimate.Unconditional,Ubiquitous Supreme Being.We will always be/feel Superior to any situation..

The other day, my daughter told me that she had seen a little car (that she liked) while on her way to take my grand-son for his Pass Test, Since we still had the rented car. 
She asked me would I like to see it? I answered "Yes' When we arrived near the car, I said, "Oh, that is a Nash". She had not stopped previously to read the information in the window, She said," It is seemingly well put together and it is cute." Although she doesn't observe cars too much. I on the other hand always have, needless to say she replied"What's a Nash? I explained that it was the name of the car. She looked suspiciously toward me and drove across the street to get a better look at the car. As she read the information posted in the window, it stated that it was a 1986.Nash priced at 15,600. Listed all the new/replaced parts. I asked her "Why did she like it" she answered "The color, the style, and it is cute. & it is an Antique" She stated" Whether it is an Antique or not it would be over our price range. As we began to drive away, I told her in the pass we have discussed the descriptions of cars e.g from Lamborghini ,Audi, Saab. Mini-Cooper, Porsche, Bmw, Toyota and Kia, leaving none out, ( I hug myself each time I see an Infinity because of the Inverted Heart insignia) . But, I found it to be wonderful because she took the time to look at the Antique car, Anything that requires finances we just have not endeavored to inquire about lately.

By the time I finished talking, I smiled as I thought to myself (can you even began to imagine what she and my grand-son have to go through as they are listening to me?), That is why they suggested to me to write my BLOGS, because I am so grateful to breath that I always use my breathe to continue to breath even online. Gosh, do you think Google will get tired of me? I hope not and for those of you who click with me I hope you won't either. (Go,Figure) giggle, giggle. Well at least they say "That they would rather hear me talking than not talking"

Now are my thoughts/ knowledge Primitive?. Can I be considered a Neanderthal(an extinct or race of man )or the slang Neanderthal( a crude. boorish or old fashion person?) NO< NO, NO. is my own answer!
Is my knowledge just minuscule(very small) of today's world? If I don't relate to movies of killings, kidnapping, brutalities. molestation, drugs, deception as being unreal? Which becomes real because I believe (Thoughts held in Mind reproduces after its kind) Am I Primitive, If I don't mind if I ever feel/fill my mind with so much Clutter of today's rhetoric of hate, destruction, discrimination and chaos?. Am I Primitive if we do not /can not watch TV but read instead? Am I to believe as some people say but this is the real world!!. What makes this the real world? The people who spend billions just to collect millions on the backs of us/our children? Are we Primitive because I would rather see( A Movie that makes me laugh) that may not generate Millions for some one pockets or be supported by Hollywood. (which means it could not be produced), because we as a people would not  patronize it", Surely we are not the only segment who cannot decipher the real from the unreal (from the real). THINK ON THIS FOR A MOMENT:
BE BLESSED< BE A BLESSING to others, and don' FORGET to LAUGH and LAUGH with the LITTLE ONES and the SENIOR/PARENTS/VETERANS TOO///. Let's create in our lives and others, so much "Happiness that Chaos will be too afraid to comes near us". (GO,Figure) and (smile.
For what would it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world and lose his Soul?

Friday, May 16, 2014

Painting A Picture of Primitive!!!

Good Morning  & Hi Everyone!!!
It is 6:38am and I have been awake for some time now. I just thought I would take some time to
mull over some of the events of yesterday. I will share them with you tomorrow.
Today SPIRIT has already given me a mindset as what to write. OKAY!
Happy, Happy Birthday to you today. Enjoy! Enjoy! Enjoy!
Happy Re-Birth to us as well!
Thank you for joining with me as well, and I am thinking maybe you are going to have your snack and your choice of beverage as well. 

I have a new Grand-daughter that works for MVA and each day I have been intending to welcome her to the family. Let me do that right now because I do not want her to fill left-out, WELCOME MY LOVE and thank you too for joining with us. I hope you will read with me/ us and don't forget to read this to your mom. 

Today I have a great (to me) idea. I was Meditating on just how to incorporate all past yesterday's actions into today's actions. If that is possible. Let's attempt to do that . I wanted and asked for Guidance on how to relate the Primitive into the Sublime(of high moral, spiritual or intellectual work). I know most SENIOR(s)/YOUNGER persons in some ways will agree with my knowledge maybe, and maybe not. My objective is to share and not to try to command you to say yay or nay. I want you to allow the Freedom of thought to exist and not in any way to direct your consciousness, but rather speak to my own directions.

My BLOG(s) contain a lot of I's because I am not a researcher therefore I do not speak in the third person format. (As my daughter often does) It behooves me to think that somehow, somewhere, someone, maybe on a remote island (smile), or in a hospital room, or a lonely big/little house. recuperating or just plain relaxing, commuting to/from work will read, laugh or simply state to  one's self where does she get this stuff from? or Whew. or Hmmm, or Gosh!  I don't always understand the directions but as I fore stated I venture on the Journey anyway. No, it is not for money or for any special recognition, but, because I really do appreciate the opportunity to write my words in an uncensored way and if only I am permitted  to see and read my after thoughts, I do so and maybe just someone who click a read with me will find a word of Guidance for themselves that can be unbeknownst to anyone else.  

 Have you ever thought about the word (UN) do you know how many words start off with
(UN) (one of the meaning is a reversal of an action)with that having been said. We will continue
For every Action there is a Reaction!
For every Cause there is a Effect(something brought about by a cause) this is not to be confused
with Affect(to simulate or imitate: to fancy to love) In order for us to be on the same page I sometimes feel that you who read with me, are reading and proofing while I write.(Go, figure):)))

BE BLESSED<BE A BLESSING to others. Don't forget to Laugh and Laugh with the Little Ones, Seniors/Parent and now we are including the Veterans:
Something happened and I do not know what it is: I will have to ask the EXPERTS. I will continue with Primitive (2) at the next writing,
With Much LOVE(TYG)
Tonnie Stowers Jackson
"This is certainly a case of making my Brown Eyes Blue"

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Painting A Square.Circle Picture!!!

Hi EveryOne!!!

Thank you for joining with me again,
How are you today?
Happy, Happy Birthday and Happy Re-Birth today! Did you have a great celebration for your birthday? Did you notice just what you had a Re-Birth about today? Are you relaxed?
Do you want to get something to snack or to sip on? 

Here is something funny to start your laughter off today,well for those of you who are computer
savvy. you know the little swiggly line that comes when an error has occurred.? I did not wrap my hands around that at first, although I noticed that it did not come under every word, it did come. I continued to type and I wanted my daughter or my grand-son to do all my checking or should I say proof-reading at once. Therefore, I did not bother them until I finished. I almost had swiggles all over the page. (smile) When my grand-son checked my writing, he stated to his mom. "Mu-Mu. I think you had better check this because I have never seen this many swiggly lines before. When they explained this to me , We all had a great BIG laugh. Now don't think I have learned everything yet, about the computer but I sure have learned about spell-check and I know the meaning of the swigglies as I call them (Go,Figure)( Oh, by the way I began to write in different colors, and when I use all red I don't see the swigglies).:)))

 Now this is just how conscientious I am, I almost always check my American Heritage Dictionary and now Google, to confirm the information that I write in my BLOG(s) because when SPIRIT gives me something to say I have to know that I am being /doing what I am led to do.Tonight I am writing about Squares./Circle for a reason. SPIRIT led me to look up the word, sure enough I had felt SQUIGGLY but I said aah I don't think so, if you noticed I spelled it incorrectly(5) times because I was just sure the word looked right, isn't that something it looked right!. No, I don't know everything that is why I rely on SPIRIT to reveal things to me.(I never knew the word when we played Scrabble)
But, when we ask, and we receive, do we believe that we have received? 
or do 
we continue to look for what we really wanted and it did not come in the 
package we were looking for?
 Then do we conform to what is /has been given or do we try hard to put a 
Square into a Circle? that is the same proportion?
We can change the Circle to fit the Square or the Square to fit the Circle
but should we have too?
When the change occur, who's the most happy the Square or the Circle?
This seem redundant doesn't it?  Mmm     

My SENIOR analogy is simply this: DO NOT BE UNEVENLY YOKED!!!(something that connect or is joined together). If ,for, what ever your reasons for having been such, (were/are), then do not worry it can be repealed. If you know what this feels like (THINK!!! ) (are you/ did it make you happy?) Well then it isn't so redundant after all is it?
Be it far from me to tell you how to live your life, but  in my SENIOR life, I have found out that when you make concessions for any thing other the Guidance's of  SPIRIT to you for your Life. You simply have to keep on trying to fit the Square into the Circle or the Circle into the Square . It then filter down to your Children and then you began to think that it is Hereditary. ( GO, FIGURE) :)))

Just a tid-bit more and I will take my leave for this article. We were Looking at the movie"THE RETURN Of NANNY McPHEE" , in it the little boy's family was waiting for the father to come home from the War. The uncle lied and said that the father had died in the War(because he wanted their land) the little boy contended and would not change it that his father was still alive.When he was asked" How did he know that he was still alive". He answered that "He knew because that was his feeling, and that his dad had taught him that if something feels right it usually is right" AGAIN, THIS I WILL CONTINUE TO SAY, A LITTLE CHILD SHALL LEAD THEM. Confer with your child ask them without any hesitation the questions and they will more than likely have an answer for you:))) I would not have said this to my mom, no, no, no, but I am sure you can.
BE BLESSED< BE A BLESSING to others, and Don't forget to Laugh and Laugh with the Little ones and the Parents/Senior as well.
With Much LOVE(TYG)
Tonnie Stowers Jackson
 (PS) What was the Happiest thing that Happened to YOU today!!! 

Sunday, May 11, 2014

Painting A Picture of HOMAGE!!!

Hi EveryOne!!!

Today let us paint a Picture of Homage to Every Living Thing!! To Every Living Person or Not!!
That seem a little confusing I Know, it is very important to dwell on the MOST things that are important or has ever been important to you. You do not have to reminisce yourself into a state of 
depression, but rather in a state to create total Bliss for you. Thank you for joining with me today.

How are you? and Happy, Happy Birthday! Happy Re-Birth today! Happy Mother's Day: I have Meditated on this topic and I have found it to be a rather tedious Journey. I really do not know what to think as I write, it seems as if I want to go one way and SPIRIT is directing me to go another.  Usually I sit and allow SPIRIT to think its thoughts through me Act through Me and React through Me, If I truly believe this, then why do I hesitate to write?  I think I have learned how to read the numbers and I don't know whether I am writing because I think I have someone who is reading with me or because I am just sitting writing idle words, I do not believe SPIRIT will waste time giving me idle words.(Go, Figure) As long as Google allows me to write my BLOG I will do so!!!
 OKay SPIRIT, I have it. Guess What? I began to wonder if being a SENIOR allows me to be able to share my Life Guidance's with you. Do the words I write help anyone? Do they help anyone to think?, Or say, well maybe, Or what if? I have come to learn if you are led by your feeling, which I truly believe comes from God. you cannot bend it to the will of yourself or the will of others Do you believe that we are all intuitive?. Have you thought about this? Do you not know that I get confused even being a SENIOR if I try to sugarcoat something I am feeling to commit to the will of others?. (EMOTIONS) there is that word again.I was explaining this to my daughter, and she said mommie, "I think maybe I need a break, because I have a (5) page article to write and its seems that I am not finishing this as fast as I should"She suggested that since we are driving today that we should go and get some cookies. This seemed like a great idea and of course. We did however, I wanted an ice cream cone this just hit the spots that were void of being pleased.
Now, that I  am back and guess what? I feel so much better, and now I will ask you did you get something to snack on or to sip on? I am not going to hold you much longer.  Do you ever let words get in the way? Whether they be your words or a friend, a relative? a stranger? or a passerby? If you do, Stop it right now! I know it can happen but there is so much to be grateful for that if we treasure each moment, without allowing anything or anyone to mar our Peace we will be so much better off. Pay Homage to the things that will elevate your consciousness and leave the unrest to those that it best serves .Have you heard that (MISERY LOVES COMPANY, WELL,SO DOES JOY IT LOVES COMPANY TOO!! 
I did go to visit my sister and my brother-in-law. They are both having a bit of health challenges right now, but my brother-in-law is a Minister and he reminded me that he has been serving the Lord for a long time and  he said to me" That sometime we just have to wait on the Lord to finish what he has to do and we will be alright" I kind of think I let their situation get to me a little bit, not because I don't believe but I am just accustomed to seeing them up moving fast, laughing and being jovial all the time and I know I started judging by appearances. I know we are not to:LEAN NOT TO OUR OWN UNDERSTANDING, BUT IN THY WAY ACKNOWLEDGE HIM AND HE WILL DIRECT THY PATHS.... PROVERB (3: 5-6)
 Here is a poem my brother-in-law shared with me:
 A friend is one to whom, one may pour out all the contents
of one's heart.
The gentlest of hands will siff it, keep what is worth keeping
and with the breath of kindness, blow the rest away!
An ancient Proverb
I will stop now until tomorrow. BE BLESSED<BE A BLESSING TO OTHERS and don't forget to LAUGH and please don't forget to LAUGH  with the LITTLE ones as well the SENIORS: Remember to ask what was The Happiest thing that happened to them today?
With Much LOVE(TYG)
Tonnie Stowers Jackson
(PS) I asked my grand-son "How did he think he had done on his PASS tests last week?" He answered very nonchalantly " I am so glad I cannot answer that", I (smiled) (GO,Figure) I'm sure he was not kidding that is why I did not ask him in front of his mom.(phew)

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Painting A Picture to SPIRIT!!!

Hi Everyone!!!

How are you? Happy, Happy Birthday , and Happy Re-Birth to -day.
Just a few word to live BY today. Let us say them together.


PSALMS (19;14)
BE BLESSED<BE A BLESSING to others. And don't forget to LAUGH with you, your Little One, and your Parent or a SENIOR:  Please don't forget  to ask' WHAT IS THE HAPPIEST THING THAT HAS HAPPENED TO THEM TODAY?"
With Much LOVE(TYG)
Tonnie Stowers Jackson


Painting A Picture of Sharing and Caring!!!

Hi EveryOne!!!

How are you? Thank you for joining with me today!

Happy, Happy Birthday. Now let me see, who had the best Birthday? Was it the mom who got the children off to school in/on time? The father who has been looking forward to the alone time with his wife? The one whose's spouse decided not to take the trip out of town, but, instead surprised their mate with a bottle of wine or just a cup of tea? Was it the grand-parent(s) who's own child decided to let her/his child, spend the day with them?. Or lastly the person who has been waiting for the person that they love to say to them for the first time that they love them too? What ever the case might be I am happy for you and I do want to think that you emerged yourself in the luxury of enjoying it?

Happy Re-Birth as well to all of us! Do you know why I often tell you to get something to snack on or a beverage to snip on while you read with me?  To be very honest. I really did not know until today. I really do Meditate on being guided as to what to write about. Like I have fore stated, I really sit here and let the words flow from my consciousness through my fingers, I find it to be invigorating. I suppose you want to know why does it has to be sooooo...much? So did I ? The answer is simply this: In today's Society we are always rushing, too and fro, we rush to get up, we rush to eat, we rush to get dressed, we rush to work, (we rush to work),we rush to get home, we rush to prepare an already prepared dinner.or we rush to get fast food! we rush to lay down only to find we cannot go to sleep.

What do we take time for? It is phenomenal that such progress has been made to alleviate the stagnant syndrome that my/your ancestors had to endure. But, do you take the time ever to just relax?. No, I am not saying you have to read my BLOGs, and No, every one does not have a 4 hour train ride where she/he has to travel out of town as part of their job, as one of my God-daughter(s) does or when you have to get on line to do a training or give/take a class as my daughter does. (this gives them time to read while they are sitting) I understand that this is now considered Progress!!! I simply think it is one of  the ways to say take a little time for yourself and to read Tonnie's BLOG.(smile), or to watch The Ellen Show, I also hear that Steve Harvey has a good show as well.

I do not how to let you know that I appreciate the time you take to read my BLOGs (but I really do). 
and I do not know how to EDIFY a Company but I am glad Google has this PROGRAM set in place to help us to defray our inhibitions with writing instead of having to take a pill for anxiety. Do you not know this is an opportunity for you to relax? And is an opportunity for me a Senior to think I am writing for other Seniors who's fingers will not allow them to do so, because they are being visited by the (ritis) family or for the Seniors who cannot sit for a long period:
I am so grateful for the opportunity to write, I thought I was getting out of their hair, but Spirit had other plans, You see, I did not know how much I was worrying about my daughter and the Challenges she was having, I Prayed day and night, night and day that SPIRIT would keep her sane with complete sanity. And for her little son, who knew when mu-mu( his name for his Mom) was totally exhausted, although we really do know that in all things:WE ARE TO KEEP STILL AND GOD/ SPIRIT WILL FIGHT OUR/YOUR BATTLES. (My lesson): I NEEDED AN OUTLET AS MUCH AS SHE DID.  BUT I DID NOT KNOW IT. SPIRIT is so AWESOME as my daughter always says (go,figure) JUST AFTER OR BEFORE SHE WILL SAY "SPREAD LOVE"   
I am writing so much, because I want you to have something to read while I am sharing time with my sister, who would do it with me if the tables were turned.
     Here is a Prayer my Mom always Prayed: "And to my God, link us up like links of a chain, let my Circle not be broken from the east to the west, from the north to the south. Let my children love one another, Let my grandchildren and great-grands teach each other love. Let them feel each other's Joy.
Let my children not rest until when one hurts, they will all hurt. When one is happy they are all happy. I'm depending on you God to see this through"
BE BLESSED<BE A BLESSINGS to others. LAUGH and don't forget to LAUGH with the Little ones and with the Seniors as well. If you do not know a Senior, Find one you will not know how much your life can be enriched by their wisdom, their joy and LOVE. By the Way do not think for one minute I do not think about the Veterans I do, bear with me and one day I will tell you a story..
With Much LOVE(TYG)
Tonnie Stowers Jackson    

Monday, May 5, 2014

Painting A Picture of Little Things!!!

Hi Everyone!!!

Today I want to say Happy, Happy Birthday. Was it a great Day? Did you treat yourself to your heart's desire?, or did you do as most of us do and waited for someone to do it for you? Well if you did it is just okay. If it happened, if it didn't you will take matters into your hands and never let yourself be void of being recognized again. It really seem to be a little thing doesn't it?

Happy Re-Birth as well. Now, that I know about this, I try to do a little something different for myself each day. Regardless to how mi-nute it might be. A different treat, a different look in appearance, learn a different word, etc. Anything to keep me from DWELLING about my have and have not's. I also am learning that I DON'T KNOW HOW TO HELP OTHERS. Especially if we are not saying I am going to REJECT! REFUSE! and REJOICE. RIGHT NOW ABOUT their have and have not's  Have you ever thought just how much pressure your ears have to endure? If you are " Revealing" to "Heal" My Ears enjoy this, in fact I believe it is almost a treat. Although it seem to be a little thing ( it is really enormous):
  • I think sometimes as I write I am writing to myself, but, it is so good just to know that someone is reading with me, my desire is too make you smile, and although I Meditate on what to write sometimes I say to Spirit I have no idea why, but I will do it. Maybe since Spirit is far wiser that the most Wise. (eg) A person that may have said I will not waste my time reading any one's silly words (in a BLOG) will sit down and their fingers will automatically touch the keys and here is something they may say (Aaaah) about. (Go, Figure) Then, SPIRIT will say to that person see,"I gotcha".......
  • Speaking on little things here is a (little) get it? something I want to share:
  • PROVERBS (30:24-28) There be four things which are little upon the earth, but they are exceeding wise; The ants are a people not strong, yet they prepare their meat in the summer.(did you notice that ants are referred to as a people) I chose this scripture deliberately. I was perplexed. I even checked this on Google and sure enough it is verified. Now to continue:
  • The conies(a rabbit or rodent) are a feeble folk,yet they make their houses in the rocks.
  • The locusts have no king, yet go they forth all of them by hands;
  • The spider taketh hold with her hands, and is in kings palaces.

Last week when I wrote about the movie "Ant Bully" in my BLOG, I had told my grand-son that I had read about the ant in the Bible, he asked me" Were was it?" Of course, I had to research it and I also went to Google. I was pleased that the confirmation was there. Now, I was explaining that there aren't any small deeds that are done by Spirit even if the Bible referred to the four little things.

He then asked me "What about the gnat and the flea?" I told him "I would research it later or we would just wait and  ask his mom"I said (WHEW) (GO, Figure) (I just smiled)

I hope this at least gave you a smile. BE BLESSED<BE A BLESSING to others. Don't forget to Laugh and Laugh with the Little Ones and also the Seniors as Well.
With Much LOVE(TYG)
Tonnie Stowers Jackson

(PS)I thought to myself that the Bible doesn't speak to how, although the ant is little, that it has a ferocious bite and if it bites you ,you can end up in EMS, but do you think that Spirit gave it more protection for itself than he gave to a Human Being? Are we not suppose to have dominion over the things of the earth? Well guess what? I just figured it out, THE ANT DOES NOT WASTE TIME TALKING!! (GO,Figure) Oooops. LOL

Sunday, May 4, 2014

Painting A Picture of Collective Poems!!!

Hi EveryOne!!!

How are today? Did you celebrate your Birthday today?, Let me say I want you to have a very, very
Happy, Happy Birthday. Frankly I want to tell you the same thing this very same time next year:))) 
Did you do anything different this year?

Also, for those of us who are having Re-Births, Congratulation and do you feel the Energy since you have begun your new awakening? We can have our choice of beverages and our choice of snacks, isn't it wonderful?  I am going to write one of my poems for today. A Tribute to a Friend! Please read with us!!

"Spiral Stairwell"

Does the Spiral stair case lead to anywhere, nowhere,
does it exits, Does it even start?
Is it remiss of me, to think, I am even on one,
or ever will be!
It it just a long winding road, which goes nowhere
Except when I look back and see the 
places that I have passed or
look at the places that passed me by. Did I?
while I have been standing on the
Spiral Stairwell, wandering which way  to go, back
or forward. When in fact, there has never been any other way to go 
except up! Through my wonder did I not think to just SEE,
that the Spiral Stairwell is me gone nowhere,
But still going? Does the sweet passion
of Transition ease upon those
of us who stopped wandering
and began to see that we
are on the stairwell
that leads to where
we want to be,
When we  stop
taking the time
to wander and
then, just
take the time
to See & Be!!
Take time to Smell the
Flowers while the Fragrance is welcoming your presence!
Laugh and don't forget to Laugh with you. your Little One and Now let us start too say your Parent(s) as well. BE BLESSED<BE A BLESSING TO OTHERS!!!
With Much LOVE(TYG)
Tonnie Stowers Jackson

Friday, May 2, 2014

Painting a Picture for Seniors!!!

Hi EveryOne!!!

How are you? Thank you for joining with me today!!
Happy, Happy Birthday and Happy re-Birth Day. I really mean this because when I say that, I am speaking to a new discovery that you did not have yesterday.

Today I am not going to ask you to get something to drink, instead I am going to say:" Whatever you are doing incorporate this in your functions for today". If you are sitting in your favorite your chair, resting on your chaise lounge, or just enjoying your companion's company, playing bridge, bingo, or scrabble etc.,(Now), if you are having a glass of wine, coffee, tea. milk or a glass of Splash. Enjoy!,Enjoy! Enjoy!  

  • I started to write last night and the words just did not flow with ease from my consciousness, or at least I did not think so. Upon Meditating on what to write, I kept feeling the word (IMAGE). Okay, I thought Spirit , I looked up the word.this time only in my American Hertiage Dictionary and its meaning is"A reproduction of the appearance of something or someone ,An optically formed duplicate".
How dare I presume that I know that 
every SENIOR is happy, well contended,
being treated fairly, is being spoken too,
with respect, not worrying about their next
meal, or why the pain in their arms, legs
or other another body part won't stop hurting?
How dare I alienate the seriousness of their
Emotions, that they were not made aware
in time to Reject! Refuse! Reject! Refuse!
and that it has no Power to hurt them.
How dare I try to think that they already know 
that Power is in the Spoken Word?

How dare I think that just because you have
children one/or all of them have not been to 
busy/caught up in their own lives today to Hug 
You and tell you how much they LOVE you? 
How dare I think that you see them or talk to
them daily, without them thinking you are
having a Pity Party if you cannot breathe without 
an oxygen apparatus?

How foolish could I be to begin to think all of a sudden
your shoes are too small, and you don't even
know what size your feet have been most of
you life, if you complain that your toes have a fungus
or your arch is feeling sore?(Go,Figure)

How dare I get angry for you SENIOR if you
just found out today, that you are being 
displaced from your home,that you have 
lived in for years, is being torn down so that a
New Mall,  High-Rise,Apartments or New 
Assisted Living Quarters will be erected in its
place.A place that you probably cannot afford
to even stay in?. How dare I think the child that you
Labored to bring into the world, will send their
Adult child to see about you, because they
are too busy, and their job is too important .
How dare I think that (they think) you are either suffering
from Alzheimer or Dementia if you get up fold
up your blanket, and say with a Strong Voice 
I REJECT! this I REFUSE! this and Now.!!!! 

SENIOR(s) How dare we let anyone who is
doing these things to other SENIORS get bye
when they tell us"That we're over protected
of our Children if they are not doing us the same
way"Let us feel that they LOVE us enough to
face the Antipathy of the one's who are just a
little derelict in their duties to make time for
the person/persons that made time for them
especially the ones that have 

Restoration --The act of putting something back into a place or position:
Resurrection--A rising from the dead or returning to life: the state of those who have returned to Life: A returning to a practice, notice or use, RE-Birth: as per my American Heritage Dictionary.

Let me say this to Our Children all the World Whomever should read this if your Parent(s) is alive Anywhere in the world tell them : I just called / I just came by to say I LOVE.YOU
Ask them "What is the Happiest thing that has Happened to them today!"
I say this to Parents each time I write because I believe that if we train them up the way that they should go the majority will not depart from that..(GO, FIGURE) (GO, FIGURE) (GO,FIGURE) and (smile)
BE BLESSED<BE A BLESSING , LAUGH and don't forget to LAUGH with you Parent and your child today.!! 
With Much LOVE(TYG)
Tonnie Stowers Jackson

Thursday, May 1, 2014

Painting A Picture of Tendency!!!

Hi EveryOne!!!

How are you? Thank you again for joining with me again. I really missed sitting here and writing to
myself, while all the time, I was asking "Why not just speak these thoughts aloud to myself?"I quickly answered, "Because I would not be able to rethink the same thoughts in the same way" So, I don't have to try to remember what I thought about I can just reread my writings.

Well, Happy,Happy Birthday to you and Happy Re-Birth to you and I as well. If you have not had the opportunity to get your tea coffee, milk,soda, or water you may do so now. Did you say to yourself? If Just For Today. I will be whom I always wanted to be, and I will do what I have always wanted to do?( BRAVO)

My grand-son's dad and my great nephew's birthday was on April 25th and he wanted to dedicate his writing to them. I said "Fine with me,we will do just that". That way I knew he would get it done, and we would be in compliance with his mother instructions as well. It was fun. That is why I only used his writing for my BLOG in Painting A Picture Of my Grand-son's Words and In Painting a Pictures of LSN KIDS, I got permission to use the photo's that are already on line. These pictures are just a fragment of  what the Program renders.

On last week April 24th thru April 27th my grand-son and I kept each other company. My daughter was Blessed to have been able to attend her 1st year Residency (which she could not do earlier) and he and I were together. It was the first time they have been separated for a week from each other since his birth. First she gave us strict instructions that he would do all of his writing for his class composition;and his check-points.He is in a Virtual on Line School and his lessons are advanced (speaking from a Senior"s standpoint) and very tedious, well planned and organized to an almost rigorous schedule,needless to say his mom's strict instructions were no DS and no watching of movies until all of his work had been done. However, she changed her mind and took the DS with her. We were left to carry out her instructions and we could then watch movies which we did. I know you know I was very (STERN) uh huh! I told him emphatically before you can so anything else yooooou must finish your Composition. His class instructions for the story was to reverse the roll of the villain in the story that he would read. He chose Jack and the Beanstalk. He asked me to read it to him,while he composed the story himself. I would spell words for him but the ideas were his and his  compilation amazed even me.(he reads almost as well as I can, but he does not like to spell, (if that makes any sense) he can type but he does not like to write(if that makes any sense) but his mom is insistence that he does it whether he likes or not. I, on the other hand am one of those granny-mom that is happy to see him do the best that he can. His mom says often "The Pass Test is not about doing the best that you can, it is about doing what is required for him to do to pass". Anyway, I eagerly awaited his mom return to get her permission to use it in my BLOG. I enjoyed it, Did you get a chance to read it yet?

We try to teach him that all stories do not have a happy ending.He stated to me that if "Jack killed the Giant then his wife would be left alone in the sky, that is why he sent him back", I said (Hm mm) 
Would you believe that he could not ever understand why the wolf wanted to destroy the 3 little pigs home? I thought (Go,Figure) Now, I used to think as I read some of the children stories,why did so many unhappy things  happened in some of the stories for kids, always a villain and a hero, or someone getting clobbered over the head with something. Does it have anything to do with our kids growing up to be defensive? A Bully, or a feeling of not being Good-Enough? 
We watched the Ant Bully and My grand-son asked me "Why do they always make the Bully Fat?". I could not answer, he stated that "All Bully's aren't fat" and "Why it always the smallest  kid that is picked on?" I could not answer that question either but,
I as a Senior thought to myself,that is how Life is depicted from the beginning of times to the present. Not everyone will /or can get a Trophy but everyone can feel like a WINNER because in my observations the So-Called Loser has sometimes worked as hard as the one who gets the trophy but yet they are regarded as the Loser, WHY is that? Oh, anyway the masses dictate the winner but the masses are sometime just followers of the person who has The loudest voice, The most money , or The family relative in high Places.                
God confound their language that they
may not understand one another's
Suppose, just Suppose, We are all saying the same thing but, we just don't understand that the 
BE BLESSED,< BE A BLESSING TO OTHERS, and don't forget to Laugh and Laugh with the Little Ones as well. Remember to ask them "What was the Happiest thing that Happened to them Today?"
With Much LOVE(TYG)
Tonnie Stowers Jackson