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Thursday, May 29, 2014

Painting A Picture of the 2nd Time!!!

Hi EveryOne!!!
Happy, Happy Birthday!!! Happy Re-Birth today!!! Thank you for joining with me
today. Guess what? I will start off with my Phrase I usually end a paragraph with and
that is(GO, FIGURE).
But, I did not say in case you can or if you want too, Do you want to get a snack to eat
or a beverage to sip on?
Hurry back OKAY!
Well, are we ready? Have you ever heard the expression "Once a man and twice a Child?"
If you are young, then we will have to ask your Mom, or Granny-Mom/Dad?. I have heard it
throughout my life, needless to say. When I was Meditating on what to write what I received
was If not Now/ then When? 
If a "Little Child Shall Lead Them", then why can't we as SENIORS embrace our 2nd 
childhood as a learning guide to support our years of Personal Growth and Development? I know,
(I know) most people, even I, at one time use to think twice as a child meant senility, discomfort
in our body movements and functions. Never did I think (well, gee whiz) I should capitalized
on this 2nd time around. (If not then/When?) We do not lose anything but the Energy that has
been provided to us to embrace the Once a man and twice a child Theory, thereby doing all the
things we could not/did not do in our Once a Man/Woman stage. What do you think about that?
We are so willing to entertain the idea that as we get older, Our teeth will fall out, we expect this
and it happens. Our knees/hip bones gives away to something else, and IT happens. Our vision will
become impaired, we expect it and it happens. Our skin loses all its elasticity, we expect it and it happens. Our heart ache becomes heart trouble, we expect it and it happens. Our arteries become harden, our backs ache, because of not enough Divine Strength, we expect it and it happens etc.

Have you noticed that a few of our body parts do not change their Shape? Our eyes don't get
smaller or larger? Our nose doesn't change it shape? Our fingers and toes maintain their lengths?
Our heads don't get any larger or smaller. Look at you while I look at me, think to your/myself
(Hmmm). We also acquire new family members not (Soul) family members but the Ritis family.
you have heard of them Arteritis/Bursitis and other ritis family members, even Emotional
ritis  (smile) We willingly accept them, claim them, and fall prey to all of our time being consumed by them. I am only saying  Maybe, JUST Maybe we can be TRANSFORMED BY THE
RENEWING OF OUR MINDS; Because clearly it is written As I prior stated, 'A Little Child shall
Lead (THEM). Just think, if we become twice a child in one Lifetime, This could be the one reason, why, (Well let me say It is Mine as a SENIOR) I AM! I AM! I AM! and that I AM! WILL BE TRANSFORMED BY THE RENEWING OF MY MIND. I have even heard SENIORS say of other SENIORS why doesn't he/she stop trying to be young? .The younger ones do not say it as often because they are too busy trying to help US.!!! Now (GO, FIGURE) again. IT is OKAY for anyone to hold on too, things"" Happen"" because we are getting older. Now-a-days we can have  almost any body part changed that we want too, I believe except the Color of our skin (permanently) an knowing how to stop the greying of our hair.(initially).
Let us be Grateful!& Look Around Us. "Who is giving us the most information on how to prolong Life?" That is because Most SENIORS think "Who Will Listen TO us Anyway?"

I tried to research exactly where to find it in my Bible "Once a Man and twice a Child" an you guessed it, it isn't there or for once I just couldn't find it. I had researched earlier and found that it is in the 1st act of Hamlet and earlier than that, a Rabbi had said it. BUT. I did find this Scripture, Maybe IT will square up things a little.
BE BLESSED and BE A BLESSINGS to OTHERS and don't forget to LAUGH with the Little Ones? SENIOR'S/VETERANS/PARENT'S equally. I appreciate this opportunity.
With Much LOVE(TYG)
Tonnie Stowers Jackson         

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