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Saturday, May 12, 2018

Administrator of Anderson County Preserves Veteran History (#161)

Hello Everyone!
Please see the Press Release Below that details a human interest story about African-American, Congressional Medal of Honor & Purple Heart recipient, Cpl. Freddie Stowers and extended gratitude to Mr. Rusty Burns, Anderson County Administrator for his avid support.

More information to follow...

Thank you for your interest,
Tonnie Stowers Jackson
May 12, 2018

This is a letter of Gratitude for the County of Anderson Administrator,
Mr. Rusty Burns

We the descendants of Cpl. Freddie Stowers, humbly submit this letter of "Thanks" for the 
professionalism and prompt service that was provided to us by Mr. Burns and his designee
Ms. Dana Owens, in restoring the Commemorative Marker erected in his honor in 2004.  

On February 2, 2018, my family and I found the Commemorative Marker uprooted from
the ground, leaning against a tree in the Sandy Springs Community park in Anderson
County. Finding the marker in this state led to astonishment by family members and we
were uncertain as to whether vandalism played a part in its move however, in immediately
seeking a resolve, we found restitution in the assistance of Mr. Rusty Burns.  Mr. Burns
ensured us of the safe return and enhanced grounding of the marker from its previous
state. He made "good" on his word in assigning Ms. Dana Owens, Anderson County
Landscape Specialist to redesign the space with members of our family. We worked
together with Ms. Owens in a project that improved the park,unexpectedly for the
overall community.

The Commemorative Marker was restored to the ground with a new concrete, handicapped
accessible ramp, beautified with surrounding boulders on April 20, 2018.  Matching the
improvement to this area also facilitated the replacement of old benches in the park, to
new wrought-iron benches for park dwellers. Our extension of gratitude to Mr. Burns, Ms.
Owens, and Anderson County staff is of the utmost importance.  We are grateful to
Anderson County for their commitment to preserve the history of its' residents and their
steps to finalize a Restoration Event for the re-grounding of this Commemorative Marker.

We are approaching the centennial anniversary of Corporal Freddie Stowers' birthday and
are planning a celebratory event to include the vast array of individuals committed to the
cause of preserving the history of our uncle/great uncle Freddie Stowers and veterans far
and wide.  

**Corporal Freddie Stowers was awarded the Congressional Medal of Honor, posthumously
on April 24, 1991, by President George W. Bush, Sr.  He is the first African-American,
Congressional Medal of Honor recipient for WWI and II, recognizing his acts of bravery.

If this is a story of interest, feel free to contact family members below for more detailed


Tonnie Stowers Jackson, niece of Corporal Freddie Stowers @ 864.209.7553 /
 | Ri'Cha ri Sancho, great niece @