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Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Painting A Picture of GIVING THANKS!!!(115)

Hi EveryOne!!!

Happy, Happy Birthday and Happy Re-Birth to us as well! Today is the day that day that the Lord
hath made, Let us be glad and rejoice in it. I know you are aware of that expression. I want to began today with a little more indepth look at the things/ circumstances that have evolved around some of our lives. Your Birthday is special, and our Re-Birth is special as well. Let this SENIORS WISDOM reflect upon some to the things that are on/in my heart to write today.
I am not sure who will share this Post with me, but as I have forestated in the Past if it be just one person other than myself, then SPIRIT will have done its' intent. I know that and I believe that vehemently.I also am thankful that I am not the only person.
I was Meditating on what to write and I began to slowly formulate in my mind Parts of a song that I used to sing as a child. "COUNT YOUR BLESSINGS, NAME THEM ONE BY ONE, COUNT YOUR MANY BLESSINGS, SEE WHAT GOD HAS DONE"(i googled this to find out who wrote it, believe it or not it was written by johnson oatman jr. composed by edwin excell a song composed for young people 1897)  " See I am learning". My legal services made me aware of how to search for data that have copy-right restrictions to avoid infringing upon them. Of course, my daughter made me aware of asking my Legal Services in the first place. I am grateful now that I know a person can be sued for their Blogger content. Gosh, I have learned so much and just think when I started writing my BLOG< (I just wanted to get out of my daughter and grand-son hair, ( a cliche) so to speak) Look maybe you will have time on this special day to unwind, relax and take time to share your moments of truths with me. especially while you are waiting for the turkey to thaw out or maybe you are having some delicious dish made with tofu, whatever the case may be, enjoy some juice of danish with me as we write and read together.
I was thinking of all the BLESSINGS that SPIRIT has afforded me/you or at least some of them. I thought about the Veterans who have returned home in a different way than when they went into the Armed Services, whether Mental, Physical or Emotional. We give Thanks for them. We give Thanks for the ones who returned home without any physical changes in them but, instead for the efforts that they put forth in serving their country initially. Especially to those that did not return home at all.We give Thanks for their family members who endured the long wait.
We give Thanks for the many, many young/old men and women who have been incarcerated through their efforts or someone Else's. We give Thanks for their family members who bore the time of their separation.
We give Thanks for the many families who had to wonder where their next meal would come from. We give Thanks that maybe through no fault of their own (jobless) or for any other reason. that they kept on believing that a change would come and IT DID.
We give Thanks that our children have withstood the tests of time with their peers, teasing and belittling them.We give Thanks that you have had enough strength to support (their strength) to know that unlike them.(those kids) you have taught yours to accept others and to be kind to one another regardless to the color of their skin, the shape of their body or the,texture of their hair.
We give Thanks for the sick and shut-in, just knowing that they are still holding on. We give Thanks for the ones that are sick because "They are Shut-in", knowing that they still have a chance to see a better day. We give Thanks that one day Oh, one day they will say I REJECT THIS, I REJECT THE OTHER, and I REFUSE TO ACCEPT THIS ANY LONGER. We give Thanks for the people in our LIVES that will use a forceful demeanor to tell us to STOP feeling sorry for ourselves and get on with the Business of Living.
We give Thanks for the ones of us, who have a job, Although you are not always appreciated or shown any respect for the job you do because of the title you are given. We give Thanks that you are bigger than the insecure person that think that you do not know, that it is their own insecurity that they are judging you by.    
We give Thanks for the Centers that donate Food, Clothing and Shelter for the less fortunate. We give Thanks for those that ridicule you/me for accepting assistance because we know that Everybody's day will come maybe not for provided services but it just could be for a kind word from you/me.
We give Thanks that we cannot give Thanks for all Our Blessing, nor can We Count Our BLESSINGS  One by One. 
Because we would not have to go any further than to start with the Breath that we Breathe, the use of our Limbs. the soundness of mine, the ability to see, hear or smell. The ability to speak. We give Thanks that everyday is a day of Thanksgiving.
I Give Thanks that I could go On & On ,and I would still be writing until next Thanksgiving(GO,FIGURE) and I still could not count all of our BLESSINGS but for today I am going to ask you to continue with your count and see just what you have not seen or have counted as a BLESSINGS for you.................
Right Now, I am going to Thank you for joining with me , I am going to tell you I Appreciate you and I Appreciate the Opportunity to share with you
BE <BLESSED, BE A BLESSINGS to Others, and Don't forget to Laugh with the Little Ones/SENIORs/PARENTs/GRANNY-GOD PARENTs/SOLDIERs/VETERANs/FRIENDs and all the BIG BLESSINGS that you/I have referred to As a LITTLE THING Especially since everything that Spirit does is a Big Thing, Would Our BLESSINGS be Any LESS? :-)))
May this be the best Thanksgiving you have ever had or will ever have while giving THANKS!!! 
We give Thanks for the Trees, Flowers,and Insects. All thing that God created and all the things that ADAM named..
With Much LOVE(TYG)
Tonnie Stowers Jackson

Monday, November 24, 2014

Painting A Picture of PROCLIVITY!!!(114)

Hi EveryOne!!!

Happy, Happy Birthday! Happy Re-Birth today as well. I must say for once I am a little 
amazed at the the length of my MEDITATION. Below you will find the only word that 
came to me as I was getting prepared to write what I thought would be a long message 
that would encompass a great deal of useful insights for you/I. The word is(of course, I had
to look it up)

PROCLIVITY: A tendency to choose
or do something regularly. 
An inclination or predisposition
toward a particular thing.

  That is all I have to say. Today I am going to obey SPIRIT as I almost always do. (Go, Figure)

This Message will be Powerful for you/I if only we will Listen, Read RE-Read and Reject anything that is not of our God-Self. 

Don't forget to look at Post (111)&(112). We all have the ProPensity for Greatness.

 BE<BLESSED, BE A BLESSINGS TO OTHERS. Don't forget to Laugh with the Little Ones/PARENTs/SOLDIERs/GRANNY/GOD PARENTs/VETERANs/FRIENDs and to any one who has made you the Happiest today and all your past yesterdays and will continue for all your futures tomorrows.

With Much LOVE(TYG)
Tonnie Stowers Jackson

  I Appreciate you. and I Appreciate the Opportunity to Share. Thank you for joining with me again!



Saturday, November 22, 2014

Painting A Picture of Reversal!!!(113)

Hi EveryOne!!!

Happy, Happy Birthday and Happy Re-Birth as well. I decided between these two days I would write a story about Reversal.(The act to turn back in position,direction or order) 
First though how was your Birthday did you celebrate it with Joy and Glee?. . Did you have a great Re-Birth?
Can we change the time? Can we revert back to where we came from? Can we reenter our mother's "
womb". We can be Born a second birth that is considered SPIRITUAL.. See the story of Nicodemus in JOHN (3:1-7) even he wanted to know could we reenter our mothers' "womb"
I did not ask you to get a snack or a beverage, but I want you to make your self comfortable. Listen for the past two post(111)&(112), I left the same message for you to click a view.  Well, today I am going to tell you to go back once more and this time you may also join after you click a view, it is that simple and for the betterment of your family and for the opportunity to make your family life or your life change for the better.  It is really worth going back too.
Try a little Reversal and this time you will not be disappointed at all. I guarantee it! The Dove looked for and found dry land. Look back to (111)&(112) Post for your dry and prosperous land. Remember you too will be Touched By An Angel
Don't hesitate to take action on this.If you take action because you have to, then there is no way you are going to do your best. Then it is better not to do it. No, you do your best because doing your best all the time makes you so happy. When you are doing your best just for the pleasure of doing it you ARE TAKING ACTION BECAUSE YOU ENJOY THE ACTION. ACTION IS ABOUT LIVING FULLY. INACTION IS THE WAY WE DENY LIFE. As stated in The Four Elements, By Don M. Ruiz. Your life will never be the same if you Click a view and then join as shown in (111)&(112) Posts. You can do the same things as well or even greater things than I am /Can. I am licensed for Businesses as well. Please Meditate on it then try it for you and your family you will always place it among one the best decisions you have ever made.
BE<BLESSED, BE A BLESSING TO OTHERS. Don't forget to Laugh with the Little Ones/PARENTs/SENIORs/SOLDIERs/VETERANs/GRANNY&GODPARENTs FRIENDs and to any one that has /have made you the Happiest today.
Today I want to say with LOTSA LOVE !!!"-)))
Tonnie Stowers Jackson
You will find the LINK to be spiritual, it is easy to say the JABEZ PRAYER 1 CHRONCLES (4:10)
And Jabez called on the God of
Israel, saying , oh, that thou wouldest
bless me indeed, and enlarge my
coast, and that thine hand might be
withme,and that thy wouldest keep 
me from evil, that it may not grieve 
me: And God granted him that which he 

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Painting a Picture for Success!! (111) (112)

Hi EveryOne!!!

Make a click to & Join!!!

Much Love (TYG)
Tonnie Stowers Jackson

Sunday, November 16, 2014


Hi EveryOne!!!

Happy, Happy Birthday! How are you today, and how has your day been so far?
Are you having a great day? About our Re-Births, Are we notating our progress?
Are we recognizing our Growth?
We have had such a splendid week, First off, I want to tell you of this week events.
It has been a little different than usual.
On June 13,2014. I wrote about out Historian here in Pendleton, by the name of 
Mr. Jim Smith while I was discussing My Great Uncle, CPL.Freddy Stowers. I made
mention that I had cited his name while I was writing my article without his permission
and had labeled him as our Historian, he just smiled and said that he was not a Historian
but he did not seem to mind that I had done so. I had to do it because if it had not been
for the fact that he is a History buff, and knew my Mom, we would probably not have
begun this joyous journey about my Great Uncle. I think it is time to say (GO,FIGURE)
and to give him a BIG THANK YOU again, Whether he reads this or not, I am saying it
to you who click a read with me." IT IS BETTER TO BE LOOKED OVER, THAN TO BE OVERLOOKED". I am glad I saw he and wife again!
We went to Hilton Head Resort on Friday to my grand-son school outing, We were going to 
tour on the boat to see the Dolphins, would you believe that my daughter drove 5 hours
each way which totaled a 10 hour trip just driving and we were 30 minutes late reaching Dock C
to aboard the boat to take the tour. Can you imagine that? My young cousin whom I always
call my daughters-sister took the trip with us and explained the features of Hilton Head 
which I did not know about.  For those of you who have never visited there it is just a 
Majestic Place and I have never just felt that I would like to live any place where  I 
was visiting. The impulse was so great I had to make mention of it. The buildings are of
low structure and the signs are all at eye length at least the ones we saw. I told my family that
they really had their zoning laws in place. Now I understand why some years ago, when I
lived in DC. I had seen a show on channel 26, wherein a gentlemen had stated that they
had bought all the land in Hilton Head 25 years prior just to be able to monitor who would 
be able to buy/and live there. It is a place that calms the spirit, and the energy is unforgettable
The tallest buildings were the Hotels/Apartment buildings surrounding the Harbour. I believe
that it is because there seem to be a great deal  of water that's around the Resort that the 
atmosphere is just peaceful. My grand-son stated upon my observation "That maybe it is 
because everyone that lives there is Rich" we all laughed and agreed. We always know that 
there are no accidents and although we did not make the tour , we will go back and we will
be on time the next time.:-))) I even liked the moss on the trees.
Lastly, I mentioned about Seniors wearing our high heels in my last article, and I had no idea,
that I would have this to write to you today, but here is a Chuckle for you. My O.E.S presented 
a Baby Contest, and Fashion Show this Saturday and it was a tremendous success. We had
all age groups, as well as SENIOR COUPLEs, I looked at one of the ladies who had on a pair 
of heels, and I said to her, "That I had written about us in my Blog, I told her that I admired 
seeing us (Seniors) in our attire that we still can wear that uplifts our spirit and keep us feeling whole".
(Of course I Still stand 5'8 and I can still wear my heels as well) She stated to me" On that I,
say as the youths say Don't pay any attention to the Hater's, how they feel is not my Problem, it is there's, and she said  I am sixty-five(65) years old and I will wear my heels as long as I live,
because I will not think any other way and I have already told my husband if I ever get where
I can not wear my heels, put them on me and push me around in my Wheel Chair with them 
On that." I Guffaw and I said "YOU GO GIRL". So SENIORS Friends Awake to Your Divine Self. Let us have the attitude of this beautiful Senior Lady.
Don't be intimidated by the misplaced thoughts of others. 
INSTEAD become a Sophisticated Senior, I once started a Club called "Sophisticated Seniors"
Don't be like the lady who once told me that she was a Senior but she wasn't a Sophisticated
Senior, I told her, Oh Yes, when you live to be a Senior you can call yourself any name you 
want too, or you can listen to (My now new Phrase) THE HATERs. They are the same ones Who will tell me why don't I dye my Hair but never mention to be like theirs.(dah) The Scripture states that "GREY HAIR IS A MAN'S GLORY. I TAKE IT TO MEAN A LADY AS WELL".
 BE<BLESSED, BE A BLESSING TO OTHERS. Don't forget to Laugh with the LITTLE ONES/
your FRIENDs'
I Appreciate you, and I Appreciate this Opportunity to share with you .What has made you the Happiest today?. DON'T BE OFENDED BY PEOPLE WHO ARE OFFENSIVE, JUST SAY IT
IS JUST THEIR NATURE!!!(GO,FIGURE) Thank you for joining with me!
With Much Love(TYG)
Tonnie Stowers Jackson

Thursday, November 13, 2014

Painting A Picture of An Earthly Vessel!!! (109)

Hi EveryOne!!!

Happy, Happy Birthday!  Happy Re-Birth as well to all of us. Please join with me today with a 
snack or a beverage to sip on. Thank you first of all for joining with me. To those of you who 
May this be the day that we waited for in the past and did not have until today. May this be the 
day all of your/my desires are being full-filled of most things that we have want/wanted to do,
said/wanted to say. May this be the day that we will shed all the hidden back tears that we have
for the longest wanted to shed. In other words may this be the day we Celebrate  for ourselves
a day of FREEDOM:
May the be the day that our old clothing will look New:. May this be the day that our children 
clothing will not look torn or tattered: May this be the day that we will find Peace in being
able to walk because we do not have a car to ride in/or drive: May this be the day that we will 
awaken to our GOD given right to Live Life to the Fullest. It can be if we believe that  ALL OF
the day that if our Pockets are empty of Cash, that we will allow us to think that doesn't define 
who we are as a Human Being. May the be the day that even if we are SENIORS  we do not 
have to sit,
in the rocking chair idle and tapping our fingers and feet reminiscing about WHEN this. that or 
the other happened.
Instead, may this be the day that we will Rise Up, Honor our SPIRIT and be Thankful that we
are of Sound Mind. Do you/I know that it does not have to be this way? There are so many other 
(Dis-Eases) disease of the mind that we could be undergoing through right now, yet here we are 
today I can write about it , you are reading with me about it. We have not felt the cold hands of 
death aligning our shoulders with its' touch. Our Subconscious have kept us out of Harm's Way.
Are we Grateful? We should be/ and we are. Would it then matter if we have cash or not? No, Life
is not promised to any of us be it Wealthy or not.Just being able to say Who we are/ Where we are
or how many children, grand children we have is a sigh that we have not had a Severe Stroke. We,
Oh, My Friends, this is the day to welcome being a Earthly Vessel and replenish ourselves with a
degree of Love, Forgiveness/of self and others, be a little more kind, a little more compassionate
and to stop worrying about what could have been, what should have been or what it is now if we
are not in agreement with what ever it is. 
To those youths that may share this, Visit your Granny-moms or Granny-dads,Embrace them tell
them to get up. take a spin around the floor with them. Make your Granny-Mom try on a pair of
heels that she says that she no longer wear, because of her ankles, feet, legs or something else hurt.  
I Dare you to awaken the once Vital, Fun and  Loving person that you knew who you see that is now
perishing before your eyes. Don't make things easier for us. Make us use our Minds, Our Legs, Our
Hands, Our feet, Our Bodies and most of all again Our Minds.
If you are having the least bit of trouble getting this accomplished try contacting us on my PROFILE.
I can assure that we will help, I say we because I am that one who watched the movie "Is Anyone There"? I was researching information for my Great Uncle Freddy for Veterans Day and decided to
take time to watch this Movie, although it is so real, I just wanted to cry in fact I did cry because it
doesn't have to be this way, and I could not finish my research without taking the time to just speak
on our (SENIORS) behalf. 
I think I have already shared with you that my Grand-son taped "HAPPY"  for me on his MP3 Player,
and I dance when-ever-where-ever I am. It is so delightful, and IT IS JUST SO WONDERFUL:
Don't forget to Laugh with the LITTLE Ones,PARENTs/GRANNY-PARENTs/SOLDIERs/
VETERANs/SENIORs/ and FRIENDs Alike. And What has made you the most Happiest today?
I Appreciate you, and I Appreciate this Opportunity to Write to You/us. BE MINDFUL!!!  
BE <BLESSED,BE A BLESSING TO OTHERS,and just think on these thoughts while you are sitting quietly Let us Began to GREET AND SALUTE each other more often. A TRUE EXAMPLE is shown in ROMAN 16.
With Much LOVE(TYG)
Tonnie Stowers Jackson

Saturday, November 8, 2014

Painting A Picture of Tunnel Vision (108)

Hi EveryOne!!!

Happy, Happy Birthday for all of you whose Birthdays have passed since I last 
wrote to you/ me for us. I am going to believe that you/I have not stopped believing!!!

Please tell me that you have had Many Re-Births as well, as I have:

I regret that I have not taken the time to say it daily, and I am not going to justify
my actions with excuses. I wanted so desperately to share a way for all of us to feel
that we have a way of protection as well as a way for all of us to prosper at the same 
time, but you know what? I now think I wanted to give us the opportunity to share in
ABOUT IT. Now, I ask you IF I TRULY BELIEVED THAT as it is written In all Thy
Ways Acknowledge me and I will DIRECT THY PATHS. How or Why would I think 
that this TRUTH doesn't apply to me as well? 

I have continued to Meditate on what I should say or write. Second, let me say "Thank you,"
for joining with me today, and I want you to share with me in this Revelation that I have had
for a few days now. I am writing because I have a VISION that I always stay involved in 
my Endeavors until I reach a snag, meaning when I LEAN TO  My OWN UNDERSTANDING:
As a SENIOR that is a very hard thing to ADMIT,but I have too, because I have always 
been as Honest As I can be and I will be no less Honest today, that is exactly what I allowed to 
happen. I did not want to accept what I was being given to SHARE ...I began to try to tell,
SPIRIT that I think it is the right time for my own BENEFIT, so when I kept getting "TUNNEL
FOR TUNNEL VISION and it wasn't given so I just chose the meaning for "TUNNEL," which 
is (a passage through an extended barrier) (GO,FIGURE). OKAY, I finally conceded to the
VISION, I had been given, but it took me a while.  I am sure that this hasn't happened to any
of you, and if if hasn't don't succumb as I did, but rather know that it will probably not 
change even if you "wait" for it to do so. I always thought about it as driving on a Highway and 
when I came to a Tunnel (an under ground or underwater passage) or If I was looking at
something I would embrace all I could see, even with my Peripheral Vision. 
Except, that is not what I was supposed to see. As we were traveling on Highway I-85, I finally 
got it , I shared with my daughter what SPIRIT had been trying to get me to see with my
naked eyes. Although I could see all the Scenic View; We were traveling on a Straight Highway, and it did not matter as to all the other things I could see.  It is not where we were traveling, instead we were traveling on a straight and narrow 2/4 lane Highway and that is where our  destination  was to take us. We didn't deviate from this route but continued on this route until we reached the POW WOW Exhibition in Aynor near Myrtle Beach, which was a 4 hour drive each way. That is what I am suppose to see as I go through life, NOT WHAT IS ON THE RIGHT OR LEFT OF ME  but INSTEAD WHAT SPIRIT LEADS ME/YOU TO DO AND BE.
I sometimes share with my Daughter what I write, before I publish, but she had said previously
mommie it is so long to read, but one my God-daughter travels a great deal with her job and it gives her something to read as she travels back and forth also You, who take to time to click  a read with me,and It affords me as a SENIOR time to sit an "Be Still and Know" and it just may take the time off from you who are Heavy-Hearted to just Relax and Be Calm for a Litttle While. Thank you for sharing with me your time.
 I Appreciate you, and I Appreciate this Opportunity to share, Look again very Soon as we share about your RE-Births. Don't forget to list them to Yourself and Make Yourself Proud of You. "IT IS JUST SO WONDERFUL"
Don't forget to Laugh with the LITTLE Ones,/PARENTs/GRANNY-PARENTs/SOLDIERs/
Always BE<BLESSED, BEA BLESSINGS TO OTHERS, And Always Forgive Yourself and Others for what you Perceive things to Be.Whether it Be Right or Not Right!!!!  (smile)
With Much LOVE(TYG)
Tonnie Stowers Jackson