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Monday, February 10, 2014

(Con't) Making a Difference With Pictures for Words:

Hi Everyone!

Thank you for joining me again.Tonight my title looks a little confusing to me, and maybe to you too. First, my daughter showed me how to correct my errors from yesterday, and I am writing this to continue.  My grandson drew illustration characters for my blog today. I was so happy, but, you cannot see the details he drew in the pictures, therefore I am going to place it up front so you can see the pimples on one of faces.  I thought it was cool, and he did this because I read my blog to he and his mom. I usually think as I write but I told you that I had been up early writing and I did not see my errors.

You see,the only time anything really bothers me/you/us is when an opinion is different from ours. Now, what do I mean? Just different. When your child is teased about their size, their hair, the color of their skin, the texture of their skin, the size of their nose, eyes, feet, their mother size, their father's job or whatever they are teased about, It is helpful for them to counteract the negative remarks with positive ones. (For instance) Here are some criticisms and some reply answers. About Size, Do think So? About Hair, Well, yes and I am tender-headed as well. About Color of Skin Tone Dark Medium or Light. Gosh, thank you  for pointing that out I did not know that. About Head Size Wow, it is big/little because I have a functioning brain. About Skin Texture Simply say: Are you sure? About Nose Size True that (as young people say today) About Eyes, Big, Cross, or Pop So you like my eyes, HUH? About Feet Size Big or Flat Yes,that is because one day I will have my own shoe store and I can sell you some shoes.

I took the time to write all of this, because I have heard all of these things said to kids, really I have heard adults say these things as well.  I am a Senior and I doubt that some little child is going to say these antiquated words. But you as a parent can tell your child what she/he can say to help them feel better about themselves. You can tell your child to tell The Teacher, The Preacher, The Policeman or their Best Buddy. What you want to do is to empower them with Strong ,Confident and Positive thoughts that will work for them. Wherever they are. Don't let the Emotions of someone else settle in their minds. Your child has been Entrusted in your care to nurture by God. Help them to overlook Negation. You can say  "Don't say anything back" but you can not keep them from storing Negation in their Memory Bank. Think about the times you were bullied (unless you were the bully) in your life, or simply made to feel bad.

Sometimes, we as adults get angry when these words are said to us. We must Re-train ourselves while we are training our children. Do you know as a Senior what I have found out? If you say anything at all back to a person, simply say what they have said to you.  I believe that people are seeing you in the Reflection of their Mirrors, because they are  facing the Mirrors while looking at the Back of their Heads. Other than that you can only see in others what you will not recognize in yourself, because ultimately you only see in others what lies with-in you.

Always show them LOVE, LOVE, LOVE I know the pace of today's world and just to stay afloat, you cannot always take time to show love but you MUST find what will work for you.  I know, nowadays children have so much technology to keep them busy but it only serves as a temporary solution.  If you have to make an appointment with them to tell them (YOU LOVE THEM) Do it. LOL MUCH LOVE 


  1. LOL! I understand! Make an appointment! This seems what some people have to do in their own houses. They can TEXT to make an Appointment and the child will get it. Thank for these need to fight...just a need to internalize positive thinking...that will get the job done for our children.

  2. Thank you for such a great idea. It is a unique and wonderful way for you up-to-date moms to keep in constant contact with your child. Now that I as a Granny-mom know how. it is awesome. LOL
