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Saturday, February 22, 2014

Painting a Picture With Punctuation Marks!!!

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Hello Everyone!!!
Thank you for joining me again. Do you wonder why I am writing so large? Well, today I will just say I am in a Larger State of Mind. :)    

Well to be honest, if I were texting, my daughter would say to me. "Why are you yelling at me?" I would say really? I simple texts large in order to see the print. (DUH! Go Figure) I know there must be a Texting book for Dummies they have them for all subjects. I must look for one for myself. My daughter, god-daughter and grand-son have taught me some of the lingo I now know. Except, I really try to text in small fonts now. How wonderful it is to learn. I remember that "A little child shall lead them." (Is.11:6) I hold on to that and sure enough I continue to learn.

Let me ask first do you have your coffee,tea,water or milk? I want to share today's events with you. and it will seem a little long.

Our first encounter. We went to the post office in the township next to where we live.  In and out of the doors people entered and exited. I watched as some people would say thank you, nod or smile to the person holding the door for them. Others would not even make a gesture what-so-ever. Elderly Seniors, middle aged or young people they all behaved the same way. I only counted 9 people but I said to myself Gosh! "Where have all the manners gone?" I noticed a well dressed elderly male Senior that held the door for an elderly female Senior and sure enough she did not say anything either. Therefore, I am not just picking on anyone but merely stating a fact.  I blame manners for not jumping up and declaring "I am here! , "Don't you want me to help you?" (smile) Why does everyone seem to be so unhappy?

 As my daughter finally came out of the post office, I asked "What had taken her so long?" She explained that the mail clerk acknowledged her presence and continued processing an application for a passport.  After providing a one word answer to her questions ("no") three times, she ignored her standing there and got up and left her post.  My daughter waited for her to return to get her name to report her attitude, yet was friendly to those who came before her in the line. My daughter will not complain most time about things and she tells me to "Spread Love." I told her this is the first year that I have seen such a Diversified group of students on this particular campus, and I wonder what would their parents think to know in  a college town, someone still have a prejudice attitude? How far does it extend? I just thought to myself "Is it just toward Minorities?" and if so where would it end? Indian, Asians, African American or whom?  I thought, this young lady need to be retrained or at least placed in a position wherein she does not have to deal with Minorities. (Mind you now, this was my perception.) Oh, Parents be sure and tell your children do not patronize any place and tolerate someone being rude to them without first asking for a manager, if that person is the manager then take your business elsewhere. or then complain to the owner! Most of them are in business for a profit (I thought to myself it goes much further than the door that I had previously observed). The mail clerk is not in the minority.  Maybe she believes what she is doing is correct...because that is what she has been taught.  Wow! And at such an early age.  (This statement represents the Period.)   


(This entry represents a Question?)  Ladies can think of what you do if some one came into your home and asked " May I use your rest-room?" It is clean, you don' t mind. You say okay/yes. Now, when they leave they have left your commode un-flushed, paper towels on the floor, Paper -towels on the counter, soap running from the dispenser, floor wet from splashed water and the commode top wet from urine. then you wonder, WOW, "I thought that they would do the same thing as they would do at their home". Well, what would you do if it was your job to clean up after this person, how would you then feel? Think about it and try to be a little more considerate of the person who has to perform this job as their livelihood. It is a honest living and hard work I presume. Don't make it harder for them to do their job. I know you want to feel relaxed but you can and still be clean. Is it just a matter of respect for another person or the lack thereof? (Okay, I am just asking for a favor for my friend). Who stated that, "The men aren' t nearly as bad as the women." KUDOS to the men. 
Today my friend was consumed about her cousin who had been previously gunned down by the police. She spoke as to how, her cousin had spent 4 years in the Military and when she came home she had become addicted. She had gone into one of the local stores and taken some of their merchandise but before she was gunned down, she returned the merchandise back to the store, and that the car she  supposedly had been driving as of yet, has not been found. A March is being held on Sunday from one of the Local Churches here for her.  I told her "Since we are riding the bus now and there is no transportation on Sunday's her family will be in our Prayers.  I knew her demeanor was different and when I saw her during her job, I did not see the happy face I had grown accustomed to seeing.  That is how this whole conversation took place.  

I don't know but if you are still here. I appreciate you and especially for your time.  I don't know if I will bother you tomorrow or not.  But I probably will. (SMILE) I want to help anyone that I can. I think more and more that I am not just talking to myself  and if you tell me something Maybe if I write it in my Blog, it will work for us.  I forgot to tell you last night I wrote (12) Scriptures on " SOUL" and they were  mysteriously deleted.  I asked myself is this blog under censorship?  I do not intend to try and guide your life, but I share with you what I have found that works for me. IS THAT A MISTAKE? I want it to be fun and helpful. My grand-son said "just Write a little, MOM." If I write tomorrow it will be a poem. OKAY!

Well I tried to include all Punctuation marks. My daughter said if I continue to underline, then someone may began to look for the links.  I said I was having such fun underlining!!! Like I said, I am learning and I don't want to run you away but instead bring you towards reading my BLOG daily!!!

With Much Love,
Tonnie Stowers Jackson

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