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Saturday, February 15, 2014

Paint a Picture of A Bloat to Float

Hi EveryOne!

Thank you for me joining again, I want to share something that I believe to be rather profound. I
was doing my Meditation this evening and apparently I fell asleep.  I was awaken by my daughter and grand-son running downstairs to ask me "Mommy, did you hear the loud noise?" I sat up and said "no!" but I stated, I was awaken with the phrase in my mind "A bloat to float." They looked at me as I turned to look at them, for a moment we just stared at each other, neither realizing what the other was talking about.

My daughter said there was a loud noise and she called our family and friends and they also heard what the two of them heard. It was being cited on the News (my cousin shared this) that an earthquake had taken place, first a loud noise followed by a vibration in South Carolina. This is totally unheard of in these parts, by that I mean S.C.

Needless, to say I was still trying to figure out what did "A Bloat to Float" mean, I explained this to my grand-son, he stated to me "Mom, do you remember drawing a picture last year to Sink or Swim?" I answered "No, not really." He then said, "How can you Paint a Picture with words if you can't remember to 'Paint a Picture?'" I began to think on this; Is this a little child leading me? Sometimes we miss our lessons because a little child is LEADING US. (Go Figure)

I suddenly remembered, In all thy ways acknowledge me and I will direct thy Path: Proverbs 3:6 and
Trust in the Lord with all thine heart and lean not to thine own understanding. Proverbs 3:5

Now, after all of this. I asked my family am I getting bloated about my blog? My grand-son stated, "maybe you are expanding across the world."  My daughter said, "maybe you are helping people."  I thought to myself and just think I thought I was just a Senior getting out of their hair.  I would Love to think Spirit is helping someone through me as I lean not to mine own Understanding.

Please join me again and don't forget to listen to the Less-on your child/grandchild may be teaching you.

With Much Love,

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