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Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Painting a Design With Words!

Hi EveryOne!
Thank you for joining with me again. Tonight I went on the site basically to 
explore.  Guess what I discovered? A new way to format. I saw all
my blogs. and honestly if you don't want to take a lot 
of time to read, You will miss the Messages  I
believe that Spirit gives to me. I asked 
for guidance and here goes!
I told you that I have begun to Meditate again, and sometime it isn't to get anything but rather to listen to what I am guided to say and do.
I will Meditate in my Precepts
and have respect unto thy ways.
Psalms 119:15 
Anyway I wanted to elaborate on completing my thoughts on children but for the time being, I have to write about LOVE!
Many years ago I had a friend who always spoke of Love. Well, you see, I experienced the great Love she and her entire family had for each other.  It did not stop there for it extended out in their lives.  She was non-judgemental, she did not gossip, she did not find fault, she not ridicule anything, or anyone for any reason.  She only saw the good in everything and everyone including me. I used to think I, want to be just like her when I grow up. Mind you now, I was already approaching (30) years old.:) But really, when we would end our daily conversation for the evening, she would always sign off by calling me "LOVE". She referred to everyone the same. I didn't wrap my hands around that too tight because, you see I thought I had to be in "LOVE" with someone to be called "LOVE". I was always looking for someone to "LOVE" me. I didn't  realize that I didn't "LOVE" myself.  It took a lot of their time to help me. I was a mess and I do not know how they stood me but they did and I was so unworthy, but she would say God "Loves" you and so do We. That is why I share this lesson when and where I can.  

I was raised in the Church and it wasn't that I didn't know about God, but I came to realize I did not know God. As she helped me to grow in Grace, I began to "LOVE" myself and God enough to say "I Love You" to anyone or anything irregardless of race, color or creed. I really feel it in my consciousness. I mean it when I say it.  I sometimes get side way glances but it is not about anyone else it is the God within and that same indwelling God that is within everyone. I raised my daughter with this guidance and sometimes I know that it has always been worthwhile for HER sanity and mine as well.  I KNOW MANY VERSES, BUT I HAD TO RESEARCH SOME AS WELL. I WILL ONLY SHARE THREE. PLEASE JOIN ME TOMORROW FOR MORE!
Owe no man anything, but to
love another: for he that loveth
another hath fulfilled the law.
                                                                        Romans 13:8
And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are called according to his purpose: (Romans 8:28)
We love him because he first loved us:
1 John4:19
With Much Love,

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