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Monday, August 10, 2015

Painting A Picture SELF-RESPECT(#145)

Hi EveryOne!!!

How are you this morning? Happy,Happy Birthday!Happy Re-Birth to all of us as well.
This morning I want to share something I think is so very important.
Do you want to get a snack or a beverage to sip on? I don't know how much time this 
will take, but as soon as My SPIRIT finish, I will close, and wait for another day.
First let me say, for those of you who read with me, I mostly say, I Meditate on what to 
write and then I try to get it right.
While my daughter and Grand-son were in "Petsmart" on Thursday, she informed me 
upon their return that she had spoken to her son about getting food for "Dri"(that his
fancy-bearded dragon)and just as they were exiting the store,a Lady came up to her and 
asked her could she tell her something? She said "I want to tell you something, I want to
thank you for respecting me,by that, I mean because you respect yourself so much you 
in turn respect me".
I asked my daughter, "did she say anything else?" My daughter answered "No, not really"
My daughter is going thru so much right now until she said she doesn't know whether the
lady was speaking to that instant or some other one that she might be going through.(But she
took it as a POSITIVE STATEMENT!!!
I began to think, as I thought quietly to myself. How often are we told by a complete
stranger, "Thanks for anything?" This is major to me, because I often tell you my daughter
will say "SPREAD LOVE " for everything, Now, No, as a SENIOR I do not always think
to say "SPREAD LOVE" sometimes I will react to an action, without given complete
to it being respectful or not, I believe in correcting the situation at hand, especially if it
needs to be corrected....But, then, Who Am I? Am I Disrespecting Myself?
If I allow you to question my integrity am I being disrespectful, If/ should I respond? Or
should I think ,Well, it is okay because you have disrespected yourself first?
If you call me/ my child a name in my presence, should I respond? If, I do not will my child 
think I should have spoken up on their behalf? Am I teaching my child to be respectful and 
don 't respond to that person/person(s) because if they were respecting themselves then, they
would not have said anything in the first place?.
If you go to work and your co-worker lies on you/your boss yells at you/you friends laughs at
you.Would you disrespect yourself by telling them all off?  Or would you think that they all have
disrespected themselves first?. 
If your Mate say things that are very mean and disrespecting to you and your child/children
hear it. Do you respond? Would you then feel your mate is disrespecting themselves first?
I looked up this song I remembered from some years back, from the "STAPLES Singers"
it is on line. just look for "Respect Yourself" you will see it. It states Respect Yourself, Respect
Yourself, If you don"t Respect Yourself, then Ain't nobody gonna give a good Cahoot, NA, NA, 
Now, To Tonnie and EveryOne else, Let remember that "Man looketh on the outward appearance
but the Lord looketh on the heart.(I SAMUEL;16:7)
I Appreciate you. I Appreciated the Opportunity to Share. Thank you for joining with me.

BE BLESSED<BE A BLESSINGS TO OTHERS> And don't forget to Laugh.
With Much LOVE(TYG)
Tonnie Stowers Jackson     

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