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Thursday, August 21, 2014

Painting A Picture of YOU CAN!, ARE! & HAVE!

Hi EveryOne!!!

Today I am knowing and agreeing in advance that this is a Happy, Happy Birthday for you,
You and You. Also I am in Agreement with you for all the Re-Births today as well;
Please get something to snack on, and or to sip on . Today while we are communicating
with each other I want us to be totally relaxed. OKAY!
As per usual As I was Meditating on my BLOG, something I really had not labeled in
my consciousness came forth. Join in with me for my WISDOM'S TRUTH!!

Lately, I have been concerned about the Outbreak of Stress Related Concerns, that seems
to be affecting many of us, Nationwide, What instead of Whom is causing this unrest?
Although we will not admit it.
I asked SPIRIT for some Assistance with my views, knowing it will give me just what I
need, not Necessarily what I expect, because ultimately, when I feel I am being Guided by
SPIRIT, I really don't expect anything, But, to receive!!. I feel that it always include me,
because I am in the midst of Everyone else that is included in SPIRIT not being a Respecter
of Person, but gives fair and Divine treatment to all his Children. (AS WE ALL ARE)

Do you/I realize that most of our concerns in Life are filtered through(YOU,YOU ARE,
YOU HAVE,) Even though I SHUDDER to think that NEGATION IS THE CULPRIT for most illnesses' Mental, Emotional, and Physical. Some of you will Agree and Some will Not. But you know how I feel about that, for those that this will apply too, we will get it and understand,
if not then that is okay. If it just for me then I Pray that I will get It. Look Below: First let us take (YOU ARE)
    You are: Sick, Too Tall/Too Short, Slow/Fast, Brainy/Dull, Black/Pale, Shy/boastful
Bold/Fastidious, Greedy/Fat, Anorexia/Unhealthy, Crazy/Stupid,
Over sensitive/Too Over Confident, Not Creative/A Clandestine
Trying to be someone, that clearly you are not. I do not know whom.
You Have: Low Resistance/Shingles/Dementia/Arthritis/Meningitis/Claustrophobia/
Dysphoria/Fallen Arches/Alzheimer/Migraines/The Big Cancer/
Post Traumatic Syndrome Disorder/Sciatica Nerve Damage/Slip
Disc/Glaucoma/Kidney Failure/Gall Stone Inflammation/ Lupus/
Stroke Potential/Thyroidism( Hyper/Hypo)
YOU: Think that you are so smart/Look better that any everybody else/make me Sick/
Just like your Mom/Dad/Will never Amount to Anything/Eat to Much/
Waste God's time by Living a wrong Life/Should wear different Clothes/
ought to be ashamed of yourself/ Can't think,& Can't speak with proper 
Diction/Criticize too much/Shouldn't wear those clothes/young or old/ 
Just need to act your age/Need to Change your Shoes,you know
get the orthopedic ones/Drive too Fast/Drive/ Too Slow.
                                                                         " ETC"
The List go On and On,Who can tell us that they do not get tired of hearing about YOU ARE,
YOU HAVE, or YOU. What do you think you Could, Would,  Should be doing while you take the 
time to Listen? I do not know honestly know how to answer that, but what I will tell you is this, Most of us have Opinions, we have them ourselves, as I am an example ,but If I cannot say something Positive to you or anyone Simply do not Listen!!.  Everyone that knows me (Know) that I REJECT CLEARLY, What I do not want to hear. I Simply Just Say I REJECT THIS, I REJECT THAT, OR I REJECT THE OTHER. I am not frozen in thought to think I have to hear it. Just for the sake of it, when someone come again with the (YOU'S) just simply do the same.  I realize this is bad grammar, don't hold that against the article. I think I have written what Thus Saith the SPIRIT:
Here is a Verse that I MUST SHARE:MATTHEW: (7:7) Ask,and it shall be given you, seek and ye shall find;knock ,and the door shall be opened unto you . This I think is a very good way to express YOU" Do you Agree?
 BE BLESSED<BE A BLESSING to others. Don't forget to LAUGH with the LITTLE ONES/SENIORs/PARENTs/SOLDIERs/VETERANs/FRIENDs and all the would be friends if only they would:
With Much LOVE(TYG)
Tonnie Stowers Jackson

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