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Sunday, September 6, 2015

Painting A Picture of "INJUSTICE" (#155)

Hello EveryOne!!!
( in 2 or 3 parts)
How are you? Happy,Happy Birthday. Happy Re- Birth to us as well.
Thank you for joining with us today. Please  feel free to get a snack or a sip of
beverage while we chat.together.
                     I am going to share my article today for "DAISY".
Now, I could at least state that I wanted to write a biography for an outstanding lady, 
that I have a great amount of Respect for, but in that case, I would be writing 
about her instead, I asked her did she mind just giving me some highlights of her 
personal life because I see her work so diligently for the seniors since I have been attending. I also asked her did she mind what I did with her story? she answered ,
"NO" Therefore, this BLOG in part I dedicate to her, in her very own words verbatim. I
have never asked anyone before. I would write my thoughts about an individual, 
without their permission after I researched the infringement clauses(smile). To me,
this is a relevant story for other SENIORS to read or for someone to read to you.
I believe you will see even the dedicated are victims of Injustice.
This Article in part is As Per "DAISY" about "DAISY"
"Daisy, like the flower, #5 out of 16 children, Love to laugh until I cry. Kayak, do cross words puzzles and jigsaw puzzles. Married to High school sweetheart. Two children, a daughter & a son, 4 grands and one great grand. Love being around  people, all Colors, have traveled overseas. A member of FAIRVIEW A.M.E.Church and a member of New Light Community Center, also a member of the "SIZZLIN SENIORS" and Manager of the "SIZZLIN SENIORS" for the last three years. Plans were to Travel with my husband and then my world was turned Upside Down, when I got the news that my husband had Parkinson, we do Travel but it is not like the dream I had, but to GOD, be the Glory, for the Great Things he has done. For Day by Day & GOD Mercies,we are getting through. I am not a Public Speaker, but I have a lot to say, that, is why I never meet a stranger, even when they do not SPEAK., and with my Big Family or Kin and the "SIZZLIN SENIORS." (by Daisy)"
If perchance you are reminded of anyone, by reading about "DAISY" then you would (I believe would) want to do just what I doing.
 I want more than anything that for those of you that read with me to always have a little something to say ,well, I liked/enjoyed this although (Long) it was worth my snack, sip or time that I have taken to read this BLOG. NOW, I did share with you when I began to go the the Community Center and how much I enjoy it. MEMBERS, have always varied from the teens to twenty-odd people each day that I have attended the Center, I started  noticing just how many people were doing all the preparations with the food, games ,cleaning the tables & the room, making the coffee and ice water, whatever snacks they've provided, (they) prepared them for the rest of us. as we sat played games, whist,worked puzzles and played various forms of Bingo, gosh, so many different kinds of bingo and what Fun? Each day "DAISY" is at the Center by 8:30 am (and for at least the past 3 years, as I was told). I believe that with what she has to go through it is such a Blessing to be able to comfort her husband, care for her home and then put forth a great effort to take care of the SENIORS. 

I sat there at the table and looked around, I was commending Senior Solution of Anderson, for the great work that they were doing in this, Center, knowing that in some of the Centers, food is given to the Seniors and others amenities to carry home because of Senior Solution, I learned this as I had visited others Senior Centers, I did not continue because they were not as much fun to me as this one. (No-one comes to this Center feeling OLD or Leave feeling OLD) .We are aged from the late 50's to 97 years of age.  I said this aloud, to no one in particular, but then a conversation ensued that this Center is not maned by Senior Solution, nor are any of the other baked goods or stipends given such as to some of the other amenities that are provided to other Centers.  It was explained to us that the last Thursday in August would be last day we would be served Senior Solution's lunch. (only Lunch) but their demands outweighed the service that they did provide.  With all the work I had observed Daisy doing, I could not believe it.  I once asked Daisy if I could assist her cleaning tables in preparation for lunch and she told me "no, Tonnie, I have to do this myself."  This was to stay in accordance with guidelines. 

I did not know what to think, but to be fair to all concerned, I know that I am not privy to knowing all the rules, but this I do know. When I began to visit the Center, "DAISY" gave me a form and asked to fill it out: in fact it contained 9 pages. I took it home with the intent to fill them out, then  I noticed all the questions that the forms required, my home address, age, SS#, mortgage, rent, mobile home or house, household income,how many occupants, doctors, medication, transportation, -RACE- (about 5 or 6 categories), associate services, of which I am not familiar, ETC. (It also stated that the information could be viewed by  almost anyone)... It does state on the form some areas that you can refuse to fill out and this is just what I did ( although I was informed by an "agent"of Senior Solution that left me a voicemail, if I did not fill out the the form I would not be able to eat the lunch.  I called her back and she told me that Daisy did not fill out the form correctly.  For which I told her, "Daisy did not fill out the form.  She asked me to fill out the form & I filled it out."  I explained that I was going for the activities and not the food AND that there were several areas in the document that stated I could refuse to answer; date of birth was one of these areas.  She said because I did not put my date of birth on it, after she observed my application she asked her vice president and she told her to just SHRED my application. I told her that I am a Senior and in the future may have to avail myself to some of the services, but I did not see the significance for a meal.

  I did not know why this was requested at this Center but was not requested at the other Center where Senior Solution provided food that I had attended. Was it because this is basically an African American Center? I thought Nooooo, this can not be at this day and time but then I thought to myself, yes, here, it can be in this location at this time, in this area and why not? I told the "Agent that I would put a donation in the box and I asked was this permissible she answered "YES". This is the first time I (Have explained what happened)  to anyone except to my daughter and my grand-son. I just know SPIRIT did not prevail upon me to mention it before now, All I now is that the "SIZZLIN SENIORS" have been established for 5 years (Senior Solution has provided food for about 3 years) and what an unfair thing to do, not to supply this Center with the same amenities as other Centers, or to provide those Centers with the same thing that they have provided to this Center, which is from my learning (Nothing) else. I believe that would be a Fair Assessment. Which is what the "Agent"  told me that was the purpose of my filling out the 9 page forms.I do not think for a moment that I should not regard this as an INJUSTICE. I do not intend to be bitter and very rarely do I mention anything about RACE, but, I often mention about "SENIORS" because that is who I am as well as others, and maybe your parent or grand-parents. Just know this,if it is not today it will be a tomorrow, someone you know, will fall into this category and you will want the thing that is fair for them to happen.There must be some kind of guidelines on Sponsor Ship that's fair and equitable to all Seniors.  Hmmm, I wonder just what is needed here? Is there Retroactive Recompense?????This Center and the ones who have worked with such diligence should be made WHOLE!

The SENIORS that attend this Center could be anywhere else doing other things or could be sitting idle someplace in a Nursing Home, but because of the way they are treated, and the fact that feel useful/youthful they come out to the Center each week, regardless to weather conditions for the friendly atmosphere and that they are apart of here at "SIZZLIN SENIORS, They all say that it is okay about the food, because they come for the FELLOWSHIP,  I only know what happened to me that is why I am writing about it, tn. 
Believe it or not I Appreciate you, and I Appreciate the Opportunity to share with you and I try to always give you the truth, even when the numbers don't change much, At least I know what I have written is the Truth to the best of my Ability to tell. I frown upon this kind of blatant disregard for the Human Race let alone the "AFRICAN AMERICAN RACE"  
Thank you for hearing me out. BE>BLESSED>BE A BLESSINGS TO OTHERS, and don;t forget to SMILE,AT ALL TIMES, EVEN WHEN YOU/I KNOW THINGS, that need to be changed, you/I cannot do it, alone, but maybe,(just maybe) we just need to remember that Someone Can. LOVE and BE LOVED!!!Please take time to read this BLOG, I will be back on Wednesday, Thank You.
With Much LOVE(TYG)
Tonnie Stowers Jackson

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