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Tuesday, July 28, 2015


Hi EveryOne!!!

Today I am so glad to say with a "SMILE" upon my face, Thank you for just being who you are.
By that, I mean still taking the time to make this "SENIOR"feel very special, in that you have
joined with me again.
Happy, Happy Birthday to you for all the ones that have passed, Do not think that I have 
forgotten to say it in Mind?(No, I have Not). I am too grateful for the times that we have shared 
while reading 
and writing Together. Happy "RE-BIRTHS" TO US AS WELL. I feel with a tremendous amount 
of Joy the Tenacity that some of my BLOGGER Friends have, they continue to read with me, 
You extract the very Essence of my Being, whether High or Low. It Seems to be Okay.
 I am going to start this morning by writing something that I wrote and the date that I did it, and 
for a moment I just said to myself, I am not going to bore my "FRIENDS"or" MYSELF" if it ISN'T in Spirit and in truth. so I decided to take a little Break, but let's face it, I Love the idea of sharing and
it has not been a very pleasant break for me, more "IMPORTANTLY" There aren't many things I 
enjoy as much as this, and I don't want to miss out on having you not read with me.After all I am a 
and I would have let you down. Please FORGIVE me if I have. (GO<FIGURE)
I started out with 07/10/15.Today I am writing again because I have not written before today in quite a while. I remembered just why, I prolonged my BLOG, when I have to take time off believe me it is for a reason that is usually beyond my control. It behooves me to think of all- most- nearly-misses
as a new un-foldment rather than to just give in/or up. I choose to continue to "MEDITATE" on all aspects of Living that I am Privileged to have.
Sickness, Deaths & Births have occurred with-in our immediate family and although it is not a personal attack on my being. never-the-less I am confronted with it anyway, as I suppose many of you are as well have had the same or similar things happen to your family, I am not to callous to think
I should be spared.
Look at this, I had a Cousin to Transition on June 22.2015. Her birthday was June 23rd. Her Minister
that gave her Eulogy said"At first, he asked, "God why didn't she have live just one more day, to 
Celebrate her birthday on Earth?"But just as quickly dismissed the thought when God gave him this
to think about,""How wonderful it must have been, to Celebrate a Birthday in Heaven."I listened to the Lesson that he taught, and I remembered in the past when I was working as a Pre-Planner, we always looked at the date and we learned that if with-in a three-month span of births & deaths a full life had been lived ( Now don't quote me on this)because I don't know who said or why,but in my years of living unless it has been in Child-birth I cannot remember of it happening. (Now just another thing to Think about or maybe not). What it truly says to me is  "TO GIVE BIRTH  IS THE ULTIMATE GIFT, THAT WE AS PARENTS CAN HAVE and  IF WE CAN NOT GIVE BIRTH  , IT IN NO WAY CEASES OUR  CAPACITY TO  LOVE THAT WHICH HAS BEEN GIVEN BIRTH TOO" From the Cradle to the Grave, For Every- Living Thing. This is just (this) "SENIORS" Wisdom.but, just in case you have a chance to try something different today, try Sharing your LOVE WITH A BABY OR A SENIOR, I bet you'll gonna like it. (;))) ) (smile) & (GO< FIGURE>)
I Appreciate you and I Appreciate the Opportunity to have shared. REMEMBER: What Ever you Enjoy. (ENJOY) it to the Utmost. In the Meantime We all BLESSED, Healed and Harmonious in the Name of Jesus the Christ. Or As I say (Say) what works for you, but for.( Me and My House-this Works for Us) WE MISSED YOU & AND WE HOPE YOU MISSED US TOO. PLS. JOIN US AGAIN REAL SOOOON!!!!
With Much LOVE,(TYG)
Tonnie Stowers Jackson.              

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