Hi EveryOne!!
How are you today? How was your Birthday? Happy, Happy Birthday. Happy Re-Birth today as well. I want to think that today, very special things happened for you. You know if I can make that statement to you and you are coherent to read it, then something wonderful did happen. You waked with your life, health and strength to back up your response. It is just so wonderful.
I think I still want you to get something to snack on or something to quench your thirst. I told you previously about the movie that I watched "Is Anyone Here" I think I am carrying it to heart. I always tell my grand-son, "Well, it is just a movie" especially if it does not stipulate that it is a true story.or a Documentary. Therefore I, should remember the same thing, but you know I believe that everything we need to know is revealed to us, it just seem to happens.
In viewing this movie I have begun to take on another task, I have been researching on line the many facet of the Nursing homes. This article is in no way a reflection to the many employees on staff at these homes, but I wanted to know just how many people are we talking about?... I do not think that any of you that can help it would allow your Parents to go to a Nursing home if you could service them yourselves. I remember when my mom had her stroke, she had to go to a Nursing home, she went in at 12.00 am and her demise came that evening at 7:00 pm. She had always stated, that,"She did not want to go to any body's nursing home", but because she was totally immobile her doctor said that she would not survive if she came back home if she realized that she could not talk, or move around, in familiar surrounding which was such as the case. He told us that even if we were nurses/caretakers, we could not take care of her for appropriately for 24/7, without the proper facilities and that she was too use to being the Matriarch of our family and even if we were nurses we could not take care of her as the need would be. We tried to no avail, and that is why I made that statement. That is because she had heard of so many tales of the abuse that is given to the SENIORS.
I did some research and I told SPIRIT that I really do not want to take this stance on what is right or wrong. but, Inquiring I found that there are over seventeen(17) hundred in the Carolina's alone.The actually rated results are submitted for the Records Annually, current violations ranges from 1 to 19., they are listed as Substantiated Complaints. I did not find out how the remedy is imposed for the infractions. but I noted the infraction numbers changed from one year to the next. Some Homes have/nor have had any Complaints at all.
I began to think would it not be a great idea, if we could implement some kind of in-house tutoring from the SENIORS to our at-risk children? I am not talking about the SENIORs who can move of their own volition, takes yoga, dance, walk, exercise of whatever undertaking that they want to take, but to the ones who sit in the wheel-chairs or the rocking chairs but are still cognizance of their Mind Power/Surrounding? . There are some who have offspring's and some who do not. We are going to now began to make a conscious effort to reach some of those SENIORS, that have yet so much to give, and just don't have anyone to give too, it is so easy to feel helpless when you don't have anything to do, and although I watched the movie it is something I needed to do. I have sent packages to the Nursing home, but did I go help out , Will you commit with me that the Homemakers, Teachers. Lawyers, Doctors, Counselors, Coaches,or what ever their profession was will again have a real reason to Live. Maybe their is one or two dances left in their feet, maybe their is a song in their heart, maybe there is a Poem yet to be written and I am sure there is SMILE to be shown. We of LSN Kids will continue to reach out to the SENIORS and the VETERANS which is what we did on Saturday. It is so Much that we all can do, and just maybe, just maybe when your/my time comes as it will do if we continue to live, we will be proud of the stance that we took today.
I Appreciate you, I Appreciate this Opportunity to Share. Thank you for joining with me.
BE<BLESSED,BE A BLESSING to others. Don't forget to Laugh with the LITTLE Ones,
/PARENTs/SENIORs/SOLDIERs/VETERANs/GRAND/GOD/PARENTs and to Whom/ever that has made you the most Happiest today.
With Much LOVE(TYG)
Tonnie Stowers Jackson
(PS) Although I am on this ROAD, I REFUSE to accept this ride to TO A SIT DOWN POSITION, AS LONG AS I CAN REJECT, REJECT, AND REJECT, (GO,FIGURE):-)))
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