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Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Painting A Picture of DISCLAIM/CLAIM!!!(119)

Hi EveryOne!!!

How are you? Happy, Happy Birthday to you.Today I am going to sing for you the birthday song and while you are reading imagine the song is being sang just for you,  

Happy birthday to you, Happy birthday to you, Happy birthday my dear Blogger friend. 
Happy birthday to you. I Love you I do, I Love you I do. I Love you I do and
GOD does too.
Now Happy Re-Birth today to you and I as well. We all deserve to commend ourselves for allowing us to not falter but so much, and did not lean to our own understanding but so much,we did not try to lead SPIRIT but so much,we did not undertake the Negatives but so much, we did try to follow our Leader whether we were walking upright or being dragged along we went. :-)))(GO<FIGURE).
How do I know?, Well it is evident, cause you and I are reading and writing together this morning.

I did not ask you but did you get something to snack on or a beverage to sip on? Please do because I think You will want to Listen with me to SPIRIT. I will wait! Okay! First of all today Thanks to each of you for joining with me.  I am both delighted and gratefully to have your company.  Today as I was Meditating I felt led to share with you a Vision, I don't usually say this but today I am..  
In the Vision I was walking along with a Wand, It looks like a butterfly and had four shiny Blue
beautiful balls on it. As I walked I heard SPIRIT continue to say to me "DISCLAIM THE NEGATIVE", and "CLAIM THE POSITIVE" I finally realized what the Voice was saying to me, at first I did not quite understand. but here is a example of what it is saying. I DISCLAIM ALL LACK and I CLAIM ABUNDANCE: I DISCLAIM ALL CURSES and I CLAIM ONLY BLESSINGS: Now I want you to do this with me, whatever is bothering you, anything that is causing you any amount of Mental grief. Now is the time to "DISCLAIM AND RECLAIM ".
Do not say I RE-CLAIM as I just stated because SPIRIT just gave to me CLAIM,and I wrote it so you will not say it. Have you ever heard of or have you ever said" I CLAIM IT NOW IN THE NAME OF JESUS CHRIST"?, well it will not matter what you think about, these are Magic words even if you do not believe it but for a moment, Let this be an important moment. I walked through the house DISCLAIMING ALL THINGS THAT WERE NEGATIVE IN MY CONSCIOUS MIND, and I CLAIMED ALL THINGS TO BE POSITIVE. e,g Sickness to Health, Sadness to Joy, Jobless to a Job, Not much Food to an Overflow, Judgmental to Praise,
and Fear to being total fearless, of all things, For remember that:
BE<BLESSED,BE A BLESSINGS  to Others. Don't forget to Laugh with the LITTLE Ones, PARENTs/GRAND/GOD PARENTs/SOLDIERs/VETERANs/FRIENDs.and if you see someone who is hurting you will want to lift them up maybe not through your pain of seeing them hurting but through GOD given words of encouragement. Please help me/you to "DISCLAIM" and "CLAIM" only the good. That is the only difference in being Positive or Negative. If something feel wrong then it generally is just that.(GO<FIGURE)
So many wonderful things have happened this week I will share. Also we have a Wedding coming up in the family!! A Great Gift was Awarded to us. HONESTLY you just never know who SPIRIT has to think of you. I feel so HONORED>
 I Appreciate you, I Appreciate the Opportunity to share. Take great Care.
With Much LOVE(TYG)
Tonnie Stowers Jackson
(PS) Accept thus the words of this BLOG as this SENIORs Wisdom and if you find that the after effects are fulfilling to your mental capacity please continue to click a View with us.(smile) Have a Great Day!!!



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