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Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Painting A Picture of DISCLAIM/CLAIM!!!(119)

Hi EveryOne!!!

How are you? Happy, Happy Birthday to you.Today I am going to sing for you the birthday song and while you are reading imagine the song is being sang just for you,  

Happy birthday to you, Happy birthday to you, Happy birthday my dear Blogger friend. 
Happy birthday to you. I Love you I do, I Love you I do. I Love you I do and
GOD does too.
Now Happy Re-Birth today to you and I as well. We all deserve to commend ourselves for allowing us to not falter but so much, and did not lean to our own understanding but so much,we did not try to lead SPIRIT but so much,we did not undertake the Negatives but so much, we did try to follow our Leader whether we were walking upright or being dragged along we went. :-)))(GO<FIGURE).
How do I know?, Well it is evident, cause you and I are reading and writing together this morning.

I did not ask you but did you get something to snack on or a beverage to sip on? Please do because I think You will want to Listen with me to SPIRIT. I will wait! Okay! First of all today Thanks to each of you for joining with me.  I am both delighted and gratefully to have your company.  Today as I was Meditating I felt led to share with you a Vision, I don't usually say this but today I am..  
In the Vision I was walking along with a Wand, It looks like a butterfly and had four shiny Blue
beautiful balls on it. As I walked I heard SPIRIT continue to say to me "DISCLAIM THE NEGATIVE", and "CLAIM THE POSITIVE" I finally realized what the Voice was saying to me, at first I did not quite understand. but here is a example of what it is saying. I DISCLAIM ALL LACK and I CLAIM ABUNDANCE: I DISCLAIM ALL CURSES and I CLAIM ONLY BLESSINGS: Now I want you to do this with me, whatever is bothering you, anything that is causing you any amount of Mental grief. Now is the time to "DISCLAIM AND RECLAIM ".
Do not say I RE-CLAIM as I just stated because SPIRIT just gave to me CLAIM,and I wrote it so you will not say it. Have you ever heard of or have you ever said" I CLAIM IT NOW IN THE NAME OF JESUS CHRIST"?, well it will not matter what you think about, these are Magic words even if you do not believe it but for a moment, Let this be an important moment. I walked through the house DISCLAIMING ALL THINGS THAT WERE NEGATIVE IN MY CONSCIOUS MIND, and I CLAIMED ALL THINGS TO BE POSITIVE. e,g Sickness to Health, Sadness to Joy, Jobless to a Job, Not much Food to an Overflow, Judgmental to Praise,
and Fear to being total fearless, of all things, For remember that:
BE<BLESSED,BE A BLESSINGS  to Others. Don't forget to Laugh with the LITTLE Ones, PARENTs/GRAND/GOD PARENTs/SOLDIERs/VETERANs/FRIENDs.and if you see someone who is hurting you will want to lift them up maybe not through your pain of seeing them hurting but through GOD given words of encouragement. Please help me/you to "DISCLAIM" and "CLAIM" only the good. That is the only difference in being Positive or Negative. If something feel wrong then it generally is just that.(GO<FIGURE)
So many wonderful things have happened this week I will share. Also we have a Wedding coming up in the family!! A Great Gift was Awarded to us. HONESTLY you just never know who SPIRIT has to think of you. I feel so HONORED>
 I Appreciate you, I Appreciate the Opportunity to share. Take great Care.
With Much LOVE(TYG)
Tonnie Stowers Jackson
(PS) Accept thus the words of this BLOG as this SENIORs Wisdom and if you find that the after effects are fulfilling to your mental capacity please continue to click a View with us.(smile) Have a Great Day!!!



Saturday, December 20, 2014

Painting A Picture of OSERVATION !!!(118)

Hi EveryOne!!!

How are you? Happy, Happy Birthday. Are you having a great day today? Did you began to celebrate on yesterday? Sometime I wonder with my SENIORS Wisdom, Do we mostly celebrate the day of our Births or the time when our Anticipation of Birth began. Hmmmm I wonder! Happy Re-Birth today as well.
Guess what? I am drinking Apple Juice I mostly drink sodas' but today I am going to drink something Healthy for me. Do you want to get something to drink or to snack on? I want to share some recent, well not too recent because I have been aware lot the calorie info for a while now. Let us start off with that Observation" It is because I drink mostly Pepsi's and Coke's and a Sprite every once in a while that I began to notice when I would pour a portion of Pepsi from the can and leave the rest that when I would return to get the balance, it would taste just like water, without any flavor. In the South we get a Pepsi for($ .99) On the bottle or can  it states "Born In Carolina". Now, I do not know whether or not it is the same traveling up the Highway.but, the taste never changes whether it is hot or cold. Also here is something else I have Observed that Pepsi's have an Calorie statement on the side of the can. The very weak tasting soda once it sits awhile states that it is {150} calories.other have (200} calories, and the strongest taste to me is {250} calories, it is usually remain the same whether hot or cold. And just guess what else? We really at one time did not shop in stores like the Dollar General or the Family Dollar Stores but needless  to say we shop there now. I always thought there weren't any Brand names of products with expire dates, Well, I was wrong about both things and when we did not have a car the DG is in walking distant to our home or to the Bus Stop. Honestly, at the Dollar Tree, and those others stores they have now Cold Food Storage, as well as brand names products, with expiration dates. In fact I get the bottle Pepsi (250) calories for ($l.00) where most places it will cost at least ($1.68). That is a little less than WALMART and it cannot be beaten price- wise for most products or many thing that College Students will need. In this way we are fortunate because we live with-in the Town Limits of where we live and it is near a College.. Just check it out the tell me what you think . The Coke is (140) calories and it has a lasting taste. I also will drink Sprite because you can get 3 -12oz.cans to a.cartons of soda's for $9 to $11 dollars and that cannot be beaten.When we first moved back here, we/I continued to maintain the same way of doing most things that we were doing, and Since we are Vegetarians we had to change somethings and with the Lack of a Job we have had to change even more but Spirit is good and will not allow to suffer above that which we can stand.(GO,FIGURE)
I was browsing in the Dollar Tree on
Thursday for some Bugles they are only $(1.00)
and I did not find any but instead I found this
bag of BRIM'S. I have not tried a lot of the
un- familiar labels yet this bag looks like Cheetos
It is called CRUNCHY Cheese CURLS.
On the Bag it is written:
"Life is so Delicious"
and a Scripture to back it up,
ROMANS 10:9-10
Please read it if you so choose, but I generally share with you the Scriptures SPIRIT gives to me
 and I better not change this today.
Well, this was a Little Observation from this SENIORS point of View and *I do not know any Proprietor's or any one else who asked me to share this information, I shared of my own volition.
I also find that many people who have more or less than we do shop in these stores to save what they can.
 I Appreciate you, I Appreciate the Opportunity to Share. Thank you for joining with me
I Don;t Think SPIRIT is helping me to face where we have cometh from, DO YOU? Well, just let me tell you that is exactly what is happening, at one time I would not have thought  about whether I should have entered into any of these stores. I would have thought they were for people less fortunate
than we were and since we could do better we should  DO better.
This is Why I say I/We because I Know
Spirit is talking to me as well as to others. :-)))..(GO,FIGURE)

With Much LOVE(TYG)
Tonnie Stowers Jackson


Monday, December 8, 2014

Painting A Picture of MISTLETOE!!!(117)

Hi EveryOne!!

Thank you for joining with me today. I am going to ask a favor of you. Ask someone to join with us today. I don't usually ask and probably will not ask again, but for some reason I am asking today. and Thank you in Advance. Maybe from the onset you may want to get a snack or a beverage of choice to sip on.
Today the strangest thing happened, while I was Meditating on today's content for my BLOG, the word MISTLETOE came to Mind.  I did like I always do and said ,Well, "Just tell it to Jesus". I sometimes do this when I am trying to get Clarity in my mind's eye. I cannot explain it but when 
I am suppose to go forth with my thoughts, it will not change, but when I am not to go forth somehow or the other my thought pattern will change. (GO,FIGURE)  Needless, to say, I am suppose to write about "MISTLETOE"  
But only, after I say to you, you and you, Happy, Happy Birthday,and Happy Re-Birth today to us as well. I want to reach out and touch someone in the way SPIRIT will direct me to do.. Did you have a great day? Do you have any regrets for the thing(s) you wanted most for yourself that you did/did not receive. Did you remember to send yourself the perfect card from you to you?. I have not asked that question in a very long time, but, I was sure that it was a thought to someone who maybe just had not done so before. I had not either until a friend suggested to me to make myself feel Special on my day.


I asked where am I to get the information to support the article about my subject and I was given; leads which I attempted to follow. The first being on line, if you want to  you may do the same thing, just go to search and ask for the information. I did this and and I also saved pictures to share with you until I saw at the bottom of the pictures (images may be subject to copy-right) that is the only reason I am not going to add them to my article. As I have stated before I am more conscious of the laws that prohibit verbatim language (plagiarism) or photo's for monetary gains, of course there is neither, in this respect, but I started out writing from the Wisdom of Mind and it it is better that I continue with that approach. Let us continue, Would You believe that I only thought about MISTLETOE at Christmas time, and never did I concern myself with how it came about, and now evidently I am sharing with someone who was/is the very same way. I found out on line that mistletoe is usually spread on trees. It attaches itself to the host tissue(a tree and grows out of the branches). Mistletoe promotes wildlife. Birds rely on the plant and the Butterflies lay their eggs on it and use the nectar.
The Bees also get important pollen from Mistletoe.
Now to further baffle my thinking, my other source from SPIRIT is from a book written about all "The Healing Herbs"
 by Michael Castleman 
You may find this book on line also, of course, I have my own copy and have had it for years,but I had never looked at the information about the Mistletoe until today as I was Meditating, else I would not have been baffled of the (I just go where I feel led to go)contents also, before quoting any written information I now check(thanks to my Legal Service) for my/your information so as not to infringe without giving proper recognition to the proper author. At one time you could write without thinking about the infringement clauses except where songs were concerned. Anyway I see ,(you can purchase this book as well as others). If you are interested in Healing Herbs I find it to be a good read and have tried many of the suggested (teas,& herbs) not so frequently known /ones'''  I have chosen for many years to Meditate instead of Medicate. He states that one scientific authority calls it "gentle...[and] nontoxic."Others call it"poisonous" and all parts of the plants should be regarded as toxic"  The truth lies somewhere in between. He states in this book some believe that MISTLETOE has healing  properties for dis-eases such as Blood Pressure, Cancer..epilepsy, typhoid fever, dropsy(congestive heart failure)hysterical and other illnesses,but others believe the exact opposite is true. Read for yourself. if this article interest you in the least, consult your Doctors on the Pro's and Con's or the effects of it for Medicinal purposes. Or in the meantime since it is almost time to hang it up for anyone who passes under it that they should receive or at look to receive a
AS WAS DECREED BY THE GODDESS OF LOVE: )let us remember that The Holly. The Ivy, and The MISTLETOE PLAY A GREAT PART IN OUR DECORATIONS even if just for looks. Early Christians believed mistletoe was a freestanding tree during Jesus's time and that its wood was used to make the Cross. God punished the plant for its role in the crucifixion by turning it into a parasite that is why it grows on the bark of other trees. I tried to confirm this in my Bible but I could not find it, if you know of this information pls. email it to my email address & Thanks.
 I hope you found something to Think About, or simple to say Hmmmm.  Don't forget to Laugh with the LITTLE ones, SENIORs/PARENTs/GRANNY-GOD PARENTs/SOLDIERs/VETERANs. and FRIENDs.
With Much LOVE(TYG)
Tonnie Stowers Jackson.

Monday, December 1, 2014

Painting A Picture of Nursing Homes!!!(116)

Hi EveryOne!!

How are you today?  How was your Birthday? Happy, Happy Birthday. Happy Re-Birth today as well. I want to think that today, very special things happened for you. You know if I can make that statement to you and you are coherent to read it, then something wonderful did happen. You waked with your life, health and strength to back up your response. It is just so wonderful.
I think I still want you to get something to snack on or something to quench your thirst. I told you previously about the movie that I watched "Is Anyone Here" I think I am carrying it to heart. I always tell my grand-son, "Well, it is just a movie" especially if it does not stipulate that it is a true story.or a Documentary. Therefore I, should remember the same thing, but you know I believe that everything we need to know is revealed to us, it just seem to happens. 
In viewing this movie I have begun to take on another task, I have been researching on line the many facet of the Nursing homes.  This article is in no way a reflection to the many employees on staff at these homes, but I wanted to know just how many people are we talking about?...  I do not think that any of you that can help it would allow your Parents to go to a Nursing home if you could service them yourselves. I remember when my mom had her stroke, she had to go to a Nursing home, she went in at 12.00 am and her demise came that evening at 7:00 pm. She had always stated, that,"She did not want to go to any body's nursing home", but because she was totally immobile her doctor said that she would not survive if she came back home if she realized that she could not talk, or move around, in familiar surrounding which was such as the case. He told us that even if we were nurses/caretakers, we could not take care of her for appropriately for 24/7, without the proper facilities and that she was too use to being the Matriarch of our family and even if we were nurses we could not take care of her as the need would be. We tried to no avail, and that is why I made that statement. That is because she had heard of so many tales of the abuse that is given to the SENIORS.
I did some research and I told SPIRIT that I really do not want to take this stance on what is right or wrong. but, Inquiring I found that there are over seventeen(17) hundred in the Carolina's alone.The actually rated results are submitted for the Records Annually, current violations ranges from 1 to 19., they are listed as Substantiated Complaints.  I did not find out how the remedy is imposed for the infractions. but I noted the infraction numbers changed from one year to the next. Some Homes have/nor have had any Complaints at all.
I began to think would it not be a great idea, if we could implement some kind of in-house tutoring from the SENIORS to our at-risk children? I am not talking about the SENIORs who can move of their own volition, takes yoga, dance, walk, exercise of whatever undertaking that they want to take, but to the ones who sit in the wheel-chairs or the rocking chairs but are still cognizance of their Mind Power/Surrounding? . There are some who have offspring's and some who do not. We are going to now began to make a conscious effort to reach some of those SENIORS, that have yet so much to give, and just don't have anyone to give too, it is so easy to feel helpless when you don't have anything to do, and although I watched the movie it is something I needed to do. I have sent packages to the Nursing home, but did I go help out , Will you commit with me that the Homemakers, Teachers. Lawyers, Doctors, Counselors, Coaches,or what ever their profession was will again have a real reason to Live. Maybe their is one or two dances left in their feet, maybe their is a song in their heart, maybe there is a Poem yet to be written and I am sure there is SMILE to be shown. We of LSN Kids will continue to reach out to the SENIORS and the VETERANS which is what we did on Saturday. It is so Much that we all can do, and just maybe, just maybe when your/my time comes as it will do if we continue to live, we will be proud of the stance that we took today.
I Appreciate you, I Appreciate this Opportunity to Share. Thank you for joining with me.
BE<BLESSED,BE A BLESSING to others.  Don't forget to Laugh with the LITTLE Ones,
/PARENTs/SENIORs/SOLDIERs/VETERANs/GRAND/GOD/PARENTs and to Whom/ever that has made you the most Happiest today.
With Much LOVE(TYG)
Tonnie Stowers Jackson 
(PS) Although I am on this ROAD, I REFUSE to accept this ride to TO A SIT DOWN POSITION, AS LONG AS I CAN REJECT, REJECT, AND REJECT, (GO,FIGURE):-)))