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Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Painting a Picture of the Body!!!

Hi EveryOne!!!

Please let us get something to snack on, and a beverage of your choice to sip on!!!
I have been asking as I will do right now, How are you? Happy, Happy Birthday!!!
Did you awake this morning and say to yourself?, "I will have a great day today. It
is wonderful and I am wonderfully made. Why would I not enjoy all the LOVE that
surrounds me and emanates from me? Happy Re-Birth today to you/me!!! I am
where you are in believing that LOVE will hide a multitude of faults, for those that
we see in others which is really what we are seeing in ourselves.
My Meditation has brought me to a state of consciousness that I want to share with
you this morning. I do this daily but today I want to let you IN on my ritual. It is a daily
routine and has been for many a year with me. I REJECT, REJECT AND REFUSE all
thoughts that causes me to have Negatives connotations and most times I am successful
in sending all Negatives back to their dust heaps of nothingness from which they cometh.
I usually start this way:
Good Morning Body::
I breathe in LOVE, Joy, Peace and Tranquility, through all of my Five Senses.
Thank you first of all for continuing to allow SPIRIT to work through you for my Benefit
today. To my Mind thank you for being in your right state of consciousness without the 
intent to hurt or harm anything or any one else mentally or physically.
To my Beautiful Brown eyes, thank you for opening up to see the world around me with
my 20/20 vision.
Thank you my ears for hearing the sound of Mother Nature, as the birds chirp their melodies,
and the crickets spew out their continuous chatter.
Thank you my Nostrils for smelling the fragrances of the Cedar, Pine and Oak trees, and 
for the scents of all the unique flowers that are arising among the weeds and the aroma
of fresh brewed coffee.
Thank you my Palate and Tongue for tasting the effects of the coffee and water after I use my
my hands to bathe and brush.
Thank you Hands and Fingers for assisting each other in allowing me to lift my arms, to 
dress myself and to feel the freedom of movements.
Thank you Body that each part of you is Functioning in its proper Prospective. My Back
support me, my Legs carry my feet for me from one place to another and my Toes gives me 
balance.My Internal Organs that attunes my Anatomy to performs all the duties of my;
Circulatory, Digestive, Muscular, Nervous, Respiratory and Skeletal Systems. I am so
Grateful that you LOVE me so much and I LOVE you for it. THANK YOU HOLY SPIRIT!!
For I am the Perfect, Face, Figure, Form  and Beauty perfection of my Christ Self, Physically Manifested,
Expressed and Sustained, And I Regret Nothing about me that you have MADE:
Because I am given Free Will, I Choose not to use it to the will of others. Be it in Thought,
Word or Deed,  I know it is certainly not to try to Monopolize or Selfishly Apply or to abhor 
others to my will.
BE BLESSED<BE A BLESSING to others. Don't forget to LAUGH with the LITTLE ones/
SENIORs/PARENTs/SOLDIERs/VETERANs equally. I Appreciate the time you take to
read with me!!!. Think of your own Body and when anything seems to go wrong try talking to 
it just before you take your Medicine. Scripture states "PHYSICIAN HEAL THYSELF". If you try this it will make it easier for your Doctor to diagnose your real Problems. If you 
Meditate you may not have too Medicate as often!!!
With Much LOVE(TYG)
Tonnie Stowers Jackson
(PS) I also Affirm before I go to Sleep, Only I then say, THANK YOU FOR MY THICK 
HEAD OF HAIR. (GO< FIGURE)!!! (smile) Until Next Time. "BE HAPPY"

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