Happy, Happy Birthday!!!I am believing that you have planned something great for today, and just as importantly you have included reading with me on your special day, How Awesome is that? Thank You! Happy Re-Birth to us today as well. I cannot forget to say this because I really believe that we are having a second chance at Living/Learning each day that our Mental faculties are balanced into a new day to breathe.
I will continue with my Wisdom of Meditation today and do not think I am doing this without the feeling that I am being Guided to do so. I am just not smart enough of my own knowledge, but then I do not take credit for the knowledge that I have, I know it is from a much Higher Power than any Human Form can give.
A little Humor to begin today with. Once a young lady was glancing up toward the sky a young gentleman passed by, he too looked up but he did not see anything, he then asked her in a facetious manner "Was she checking out God" she Answered, "No, I was looking at the beautiful clouds and I would not be looking up to see God, I would look With-in" How many of us can say these same words, I believe, many, as we continue to have our Re-Births. NOW, WE KNOW THE SECRET!!
Now, we shared that if we can began to sit quietly for 21 days we would began to lessen the flow of our new formed energy, we know that energy isn't new, but we are beginning to deposit it in a concentrated form, that is the only new thing about it. However, we are bringing in Newcomers to start enjoying it. Read the previous BLOG if you can, You know what, I am saying this now, I will not continue to do that because someone might be reading with us for the first time, to make this a point I could just as easily erased this line but for those of you who read with us constantly then you know that we try to speak to anyone that chooses to read with us.
I think that we have already established to" LET THE WORDS OF OUR MOUTH AND THE
It is a well known fact that one comes finally to believe, whatever one repeats to one's self, whether
the statement is true of false. I was taught to use the 21 days method and it worked for me that is why I shared the same period with you. WITHIN 21 DAYS THOUGHTS BEGAN TO SINK INTO OUR CONSCIOUSNESS, IF WE SAY OR DO IT CONSTANTLY , IF YOU DO IT RANDOMLY EXPECT RANDOM RESULTS meaning that I cannot tell you the time limit!. therefore let's continue. We can control what goes into our consciousness, BY CONTROLLING OUR THOUGHTS, WE WILL LEARN TO CONTROL EVERY AREA OF OUR LIVES, BUT DON'T BEAT UP ON YOURSELF IF YOU AREN'T ABLE TO DO THIS RIGHT AWAY, IF YOU TRY, and REPEAT KEEP STILL, TO YOUR BODY IT WILL EVENTUALLY ATTUNE ITSELF TO YOUR DIRECTIONS. I call this Affirming.WE REPEAT AFFIRMATIONS OVER AND OVER, which is what Meditation is(a devotional exercise of contemplation) except you do it by thinking with your manual mind. I do not know of any technology that can do it for you, and any way this is the time you are in Commune with your God-Self and you want to take all the credit for SPIRIT's way of Guiding you. Remember,, now take your time, Relax your Mind. Body and spirit.
You now want to Release let go all things that are in your life THAT is/are not for your highest good.
Repeat this to yourself as you are breathing slowly, I RELEASE AND LET GO OF ALL THINGS IN MY LIFE THAT ARE NOT/IS NOT FOR MY HIGHEST GOOD (you name them, cause only you and SPIRIT know what that will be)
Then simply Reject them as they try to hold on, Reject the thoughts by saying OVER and OVER I LET GO, AND I LET GOD. I know this seem like a bit much but you will grasp it and you will slow your heart rate, your pulse will not run-a-way with you, your circulatory system will slow down and the feeling of pins will stop. As you Release, Replace with Positive Thoughts. Think on the things that are below:
Thoughts of fear produce fear.
Thoughts of failure produce failure.
Thoughts of love produce love.
Thought of envy produce envy.
Thoughts of sickness produce sickness'
Thoughts of kindness produce kindness.
Thoughts of success produce success/
Thoughts of laughter produce laughter'
You and I , we all have the power to make failure totally impossible and let all these negatives aspects find a new home, after all you have let them to live rent-free in your mind long-enough. Remember they will not go without a Fight.
BE BLESSED<BE A BLESSING TO OTHERS to others and Don't forget to LAUGH with the LITTLE ones/SENIORs/PARENTs/SOLDIERs/VETERANs/FRIENDs/foe equally. Make a foe a friend, just remove the WORD out of the Way, that is usually the only difference in a foe and a friend. I Appreciate You. I Appreciate this Opportunity to share!
With Much LOVE(TYG)
Tonnie Stowers Jackson
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