Hi EveryOne!
Happy, Happy Birthday!!! Is it too late to ask you How was your day! Please forgive my delay but I just decided to finish writing although it is a little late. We had a great day today and I am hoping that you had one as well. I also had a great Re-Birth today, Did YOU?
My nieces are visiting down from Md. and we all took the time to reminisce about the things that made us laugh when they were growing in the South. They did not live here long ,but, the bold and daring things that occurred were fun to think about.( Maybe you want to get a snack or a beverage)
I am going to share just one incident! One of my nieces loved to be adventurous and everyday after their( mom would go to work) , she would get on her bike and tie her little dog leash on the handle bars, My other niece explained that their mom would always give them their do's and don'ts before she would leave out of the door for work. For which one of them was, "Do not go out the door, and don't ride the bike until she returned back home." Needless to say this niece would ride with the dog tied on the handle bars and the little dog would sometimes be dragging behind her while trying to keep up with her on the bike. When their mom found out about it she had told my niece to stop because if the dog ever got a loose it would jump on her. and retaliate for the way she was treating it. Did she listen? Well, No, she did not. Guess what? It happened, one day she did not tie the leash tight enough, and the little dog got free. (I am sitting here just laughing out loud because it tickled me so much) When she started to pedal the bike the dog grabbed her leg and jumped on her, my other niece said,"After that day.Her sister never touched the little dog again for any reason" and all her mom said, "Was, well didn't I tell you it would happen? I started to think, how much fun is it to be daring and bold if the end results will cause you pain? I guess as my niece thought it would never happen because in her little mind at that time, she would always tie the leash tight enough.
There are some leashes young/older people have today that we think just might be tied tight enough only to find that it isn't and the agony will prevail, when we think it will never happen. Search today for the leash that you/I may have that isn't secure enough to withstand being constantly pulled and tugged on.(GO,FIGURE) My RE-Birth Moment! Hmmm!
Here is just a little something to add to your Meditation: Do you know the story of the little train that was carrying a heavy load, It tried with all it's might to go up a hill, but was finding it so hard to do.It began to speak to itself, YES I CAN!!!, YES I CAN!!!, YES I CAN!!!, YES I CAN!! YES I CAN, CAN!! YES I CAN!! YES I CAN!! YES I CAN, CAN!! YES I CAN!!
And it DID, and so will you/I because YES WE CAN. Now this was all I received from SPIRIT!
BE BLESSED<BE A BLESSING to others. Don't forget to LAUGH with the LITTLE ones/PARENTs/SENIORs/SOLDIERs/VETERANs/FRIENDs/partial foe/ Now since we are having RE-BIRTHS we will stop giving power to the WOULD BE FOES IN OUR LIVES. I Appreciate you and the time you take to read with me. I Appreciate the Opportunity to Share. Next time we will devote the BLOG to kids.(the youngsters)
With Much LOVE (TYG)
Tonnie Stowers Jackson
My Pageviews
Thursday, July 31, 2014
Sunday, July 27, 2014
Painting A Picture of Mini-Meditation(4)
Hi EveryOne!!!
Happy, Happy Birthday!!! Today is just beginning and I am believing that you will receive the special card or gift that only you know what it is. Then, you will know that it is from SPIRIT, even though it came to you through Human Form. :-))) WOW!! Happy Re-Birth to us as well, for we will always know that it is always from SPIRIT!!! We already know that regardless to what it is, that is Positive it comes to us as we believe or better yet, It comes whether Negative or Positive, but I truly believe that SPIRIT only see or bring the things that are Good.(POSITIVE)
Aren't you glad to know that the only things that came come for you are from the Source that is unwavering?. Nor is double -minded?. I just experienced that and was it an eye-opener? You/I can not be amenable to the Thoughts, that you/I think someone want you/I to THINK, if you are not being Guided by SPIRIT, if you are, you might and as well do what you know is right and save your self the trouble of having to apologize, but be, grateful that someone will be kind enough to tell you that your actions are not being intrepid(resolutely, courageous or bold). That was my Re-Birth for this day. (GO,FIGURE)
I often tell you as a SENIOR I am Guided by, I believe SPIRIT and I firmly believe that"Everything
That I need To Know Is Revealed To Me". This is one of those time. I am so glad that I do not yet know everything," this way " by "This way", I am constantly reminded that I /you can learn until the day we Transition. How grand is this and the fact that I can share it is totally Awesome! By my (BLOG) at this time.! It is like, I sometimes state if , if just if, we grasp this lesson in time what a difference,We can make in our lives, Our children lives or Our community for that matter.
We are supposed to be entering upon our final stages of Meditation today, but SPIRIT is leading me in another direction, maybe we/I am suppose to let it sink in, the information we have been given and if you are interested you will do a little more research or just become attuned enough to just be STILL and KNOW what steps you are to take further. I do not know God ways but the Scripture
states "HIS WAYS ARE NOT MY WAYS". Therefore I will render the Message I have been given for today:
"Pronounce every experience good, and of God, and by that mental attitude you will call forth only the good. What seemed error will disappear, and only the good will remain. This is the law, and no one can break it. The adversary always flees, before the mind that is fixed on the pure, the just and the upright. There is no error in all the universe that can stand for one moment in the presence of the innocent mind. Innocence is its own defense, and he who invokes the Father with pure motive and up right heart need not fear any experience. God has not forgotten His world nor the children of the light. It is His will to build in you His eternal habitation, and He will do so in a manner so attractive
that you will be delighted with the process after the first few moves have been made. It is not always pleasant to tear down old brick an mortar, but when the new structure begins to go up, there is Rejoicing."
This passage Is from the book "TALKS ON TRUTH" by Charles Fillmore.
This passage Is from the book "TALKS ON TRUTH" by Charles Fillmore.
I am too sensitive to copy-right infringements:
I have to tell you I have never written anything verbatim from a book, but I have confirmed information, on line even though there are things that I have learned from one source or another, at one time, or the other, but I was led to get this book from my shelf, I asked where to look, my hands opened to this page, I was grateful because I was agonizing on what to do next In our Meditation. You see I have also read Freud!!(Thank you
Internet Explorer for the assistance)!.
I did not ask you, but, had I known exactly where we going to go I would have prepared you as I would have prepared myself(smile). Now, we all can get something to sip on and to snack on:-)))(smile)
I Pray this will be a part of your ENLIGHTMENT, as will it be for me:
I Appreciate You and I Appreciate the Opportunity to Share with you.
BE BLESSED<BE A BLESSING to others, and Don't forget to LAUGH with the LITTLE ones, PARENTs/SENIORs/SOLDIERs/ VETERANs/FRIENDs/foe. Have you made your FOE your FRIEND yet?. Remember the only thing that is needed is a WORD. Don't let a word get in the way of you being Bigger than the SITUATION!!! Let this be one of the Happiest Days that you have ever had. "Try It, I will as well"
With Much LOVE(TYG)
Tonnie Stowers Jackson
(PS)If you have any doubts, "JUST BELIEVE"
Internet Explorer for the assistance)!.
I did not ask you, but, had I known exactly where we going to go I would have prepared you as I would have prepared myself(smile). Now, we all can get something to sip on and to snack on:-)))(smile)
I Pray this will be a part of your ENLIGHTMENT, as will it be for me:
I Appreciate You and I Appreciate the Opportunity to Share with you.
BE BLESSED<BE A BLESSING to others, and Don't forget to LAUGH with the LITTLE ones, PARENTs/SENIORs/SOLDIERs/ VETERANs/FRIENDs/foe. Have you made your FOE your FRIEND yet?. Remember the only thing that is needed is a WORD. Don't let a word get in the way of you being Bigger than the SITUATION!!! Let this be one of the Happiest Days that you have ever had. "Try It, I will as well"
With Much LOVE(TYG)
Tonnie Stowers Jackson
(PS)If you have any doubts, "JUST BELIEVE"
Saturday, July 26, 2014
Painting A Mini-Meditation Part (3)
Hi EveryOne!!!
Happy, Happy Birthday!!!I am believing that you have planned something great for today, and just as importantly you have included reading with me on your special day, How Awesome is that? Thank You! Happy Re-Birth to us today as well. I cannot forget to say this because I really believe that we are having a second chance at Living/Learning each day that our Mental faculties are balanced into a new day to breathe.
I will continue with my Wisdom of Meditation today and do not think I am doing this without the feeling that I am being Guided to do so. I am just not smart enough of my own knowledge, but then I do not take credit for the knowledge that I have, I know it is from a much Higher Power than any Human Form can give.
A little Humor to begin today with. Once a young lady was glancing up toward the sky a young gentleman passed by, he too looked up but he did not see anything, he then asked her in a facetious manner "Was she checking out God" she Answered, "No, I was looking at the beautiful clouds and I would not be looking up to see God, I would look With-in" How many of us can say these same words, I believe, many, as we continue to have our Re-Births. NOW, WE KNOW THE SECRET!!
Now, we shared that if we can began to sit quietly for 21 days we would began to lessen the flow of our new formed energy, we know that energy isn't new, but we are beginning to deposit it in a concentrated form, that is the only new thing about it. However, we are bringing in Newcomers to start enjoying it. Read the previous BLOG if you can, You know what, I am saying this now, I will not continue to do that because someone might be reading with us for the first time, to make this a point I could just as easily erased this line but for those of you who read with us constantly then you know that we try to speak to anyone that chooses to read with us.
I think that we have already established to" LET THE WORDS OF OUR MOUTH AND THE
It is a well known fact that one comes finally to believe, whatever one repeats to one's self, whether
the statement is true of false. I was taught to use the 21 days method and it worked for me that is why I shared the same period with you. WITHIN 21 DAYS THOUGHTS BEGAN TO SINK INTO OUR CONSCIOUSNESS, IF WE SAY OR DO IT CONSTANTLY , IF YOU DO IT RANDOMLY EXPECT RANDOM RESULTS meaning that I cannot tell you the time limit!. therefore let's continue. We can control what goes into our consciousness, BY CONTROLLING OUR THOUGHTS, WE WILL LEARN TO CONTROL EVERY AREA OF OUR LIVES, BUT DON'T BEAT UP ON YOURSELF IF YOU AREN'T ABLE TO DO THIS RIGHT AWAY, IF YOU TRY, and REPEAT KEEP STILL, TO YOUR BODY IT WILL EVENTUALLY ATTUNE ITSELF TO YOUR DIRECTIONS. I call this Affirming.WE REPEAT AFFIRMATIONS OVER AND OVER, which is what Meditation is(a devotional exercise of contemplation) except you do it by thinking with your manual mind. I do not know of any technology that can do it for you, and any way this is the time you are in Commune with your God-Self and you want to take all the credit for SPIRIT's way of Guiding you. Remember,, now take your time, Relax your Mind. Body and spirit.
You now want to Release let go all things that are in your life THAT is/are not for your highest good.
Repeat this to yourself as you are breathing slowly, I RELEASE AND LET GO OF ALL THINGS IN MY LIFE THAT ARE NOT/IS NOT FOR MY HIGHEST GOOD (you name them, cause only you and SPIRIT know what that will be)
Then simply Reject them as they try to hold on, Reject the thoughts by saying OVER and OVER I LET GO, AND I LET GOD. I know this seem like a bit much but you will grasp it and you will slow your heart rate, your pulse will not run-a-way with you, your circulatory system will slow down and the feeling of pins will stop. As you Release, Replace with Positive Thoughts. Think on the things that are below:
Happy, Happy Birthday!!!I am believing that you have planned something great for today, and just as importantly you have included reading with me on your special day, How Awesome is that? Thank You! Happy Re-Birth to us today as well. I cannot forget to say this because I really believe that we are having a second chance at Living/Learning each day that our Mental faculties are balanced into a new day to breathe.
I will continue with my Wisdom of Meditation today and do not think I am doing this without the feeling that I am being Guided to do so. I am just not smart enough of my own knowledge, but then I do not take credit for the knowledge that I have, I know it is from a much Higher Power than any Human Form can give.
A little Humor to begin today with. Once a young lady was glancing up toward the sky a young gentleman passed by, he too looked up but he did not see anything, he then asked her in a facetious manner "Was she checking out God" she Answered, "No, I was looking at the beautiful clouds and I would not be looking up to see God, I would look With-in" How many of us can say these same words, I believe, many, as we continue to have our Re-Births. NOW, WE KNOW THE SECRET!!
Now, we shared that if we can began to sit quietly for 21 days we would began to lessen the flow of our new formed energy, we know that energy isn't new, but we are beginning to deposit it in a concentrated form, that is the only new thing about it. However, we are bringing in Newcomers to start enjoying it. Read the previous BLOG if you can, You know what, I am saying this now, I will not continue to do that because someone might be reading with us for the first time, to make this a point I could just as easily erased this line but for those of you who read with us constantly then you know that we try to speak to anyone that chooses to read with us.
I think that we have already established to" LET THE WORDS OF OUR MOUTH AND THE
It is a well known fact that one comes finally to believe, whatever one repeats to one's self, whether
the statement is true of false. I was taught to use the 21 days method and it worked for me that is why I shared the same period with you. WITHIN 21 DAYS THOUGHTS BEGAN TO SINK INTO OUR CONSCIOUSNESS, IF WE SAY OR DO IT CONSTANTLY , IF YOU DO IT RANDOMLY EXPECT RANDOM RESULTS meaning that I cannot tell you the time limit!. therefore let's continue. We can control what goes into our consciousness, BY CONTROLLING OUR THOUGHTS, WE WILL LEARN TO CONTROL EVERY AREA OF OUR LIVES, BUT DON'T BEAT UP ON YOURSELF IF YOU AREN'T ABLE TO DO THIS RIGHT AWAY, IF YOU TRY, and REPEAT KEEP STILL, TO YOUR BODY IT WILL EVENTUALLY ATTUNE ITSELF TO YOUR DIRECTIONS. I call this Affirming.WE REPEAT AFFIRMATIONS OVER AND OVER, which is what Meditation is(a devotional exercise of contemplation) except you do it by thinking with your manual mind. I do not know of any technology that can do it for you, and any way this is the time you are in Commune with your God-Self and you want to take all the credit for SPIRIT's way of Guiding you. Remember,, now take your time, Relax your Mind. Body and spirit.
You now want to Release let go all things that are in your life THAT is/are not for your highest good.
Repeat this to yourself as you are breathing slowly, I RELEASE AND LET GO OF ALL THINGS IN MY LIFE THAT ARE NOT/IS NOT FOR MY HIGHEST GOOD (you name them, cause only you and SPIRIT know what that will be)
Then simply Reject them as they try to hold on, Reject the thoughts by saying OVER and OVER I LET GO, AND I LET GOD. I know this seem like a bit much but you will grasp it and you will slow your heart rate, your pulse will not run-a-way with you, your circulatory system will slow down and the feeling of pins will stop. As you Release, Replace with Positive Thoughts. Think on the things that are below:
Thoughts of fear produce fear.
Thoughts of failure produce failure.
Thoughts of love produce love.
Thought of envy produce envy.
Thoughts of sickness produce sickness'
Thoughts of kindness produce kindness.
Thoughts of success produce success/
Thoughts of laughter produce laughter'
You and I , we all have the power to make failure totally impossible and let all these negatives aspects find a new home, after all you have let them to live rent-free in your mind long-enough. Remember they will not go without a Fight.
BE BLESSED<BE A BLESSING TO OTHERS to others and Don't forget to LAUGH with the LITTLE ones/SENIORs/PARENTs/SOLDIERs/VETERANs/FRIENDs/foe equally. Make a foe a friend, just remove the WORD out of the Way, that is usually the only difference in a foe and a friend. I Appreciate You. I Appreciate this Opportunity to share!
With Much LOVE(TYG)
Tonnie Stowers Jackson
Thursday, July 24, 2014
Mini-Meditation (2) Update!!!
Hi EveryOne!!!
Happy, Happy Birthday today!!! I am believing with you for what ever it will take to make this the Happiest Day that you have ever Had. Happy Re-Birth to us as well!!!
I will not take up much of your time, because I still want you/I to concentrate on the Mini-Meditation Post from yesterday. Let's go for it, OKAY?
I will re-iterate this from yesterday. Assume your quiet place then within your mind, silently state:
Happy, Happy Birthday today!!! I am believing with you for what ever it will take to make this the Happiest Day that you have ever Had. Happy Re-Birth to us as well!!!
I will not take up much of your time, because I still want you/I to concentrate on the Mini-Meditation Post from yesterday. Let's go for it, OKAY?
I will re-iterate this from yesterday. Assume your quiet place then within your mind, silently state:
Remember our thoughts are Prayers and we are always Praying:
The following Verse just may help you/I to remember there is no wrong way to include SPIRIT into your /my world. We are not Privy to the choice whether we believe it or not!! Of Course, Remember I speak from my Wisdom that I whole-heartly and truly believe:
To the weak, became I as weak,
that I might gain the weak: I am
made all things to all men, that I
might by all means save some:
Thank you for joining with me. Let us continue with our MEDITATION Tomorrow, OKAY?
Be Mindful, if this new adventure is for you, YOU will know if it isn't you will know that as well"
BE BLESSED<BE A BLESSING to others, Don't forget to LAUGH with the LITTLE ones, SENIORs/PARENTs/SOLDIERs/VETERANs/FRIENDs/foe equally.
WHY NOT BE BIG ABOUT IT AND LAUGH YOUR foe INTO A FRIEND. ThinK to yourself, as the youngsters say: MY BAD, AND THIS JUST AIN't NO BIGGIE!!!:-)))
With Much LOVE(tyg)
Tonnie Stowers Jackson
(PS) I will take my leave so you can concentrate on your NEW ENLIGHTMENT!
Wednesday, July 23, 2014
Painting A Picture of Mini-Meditaton (2)
Hi EveryOne!!!
Happy, Happy Birthday, How is this day going for you. Is it going as you expected? Did you say how you wanted it to go? Well, then it is done, just as you thought it would. See the difference? What you thought and what you said. (Hmmm) POWER IS IN THE SPOKEN WORD, AS A MAN THINKETH WITHIN HIS HEART SO IS HE!! Happy, Re-Birth to us today as well.
Gosh, for those who read with me, you already know I am going to ask did you get something to snack on or to sip on, but I think I want to again leave this up to you today. Here is Why. I am going to write what I am guided to write and I want you to get it. I want to get it too.:-)))
LET ME START THIS WAY:.. SPIRIT LET THE WORDS OF MY MOUTH AND THE MEDITATIONS OF MY HEART BE ACCEPTABLE IN THY SIGHT.WILL THY TEACH ME HOW TO SERVE (LOVE) THEE, WILL THY TEACH ME HOW TO PRAY. I am sure most of you have heard this and probably know it as will as I do, but When we say it, it will help to prepare us to Slowly quiet our Consciousness(MIND) to accept the Cleansing that will take Place.
Be Patient: Be Still: Relax: Just find a comfortable place wherein you can be still. Don't fret that is just a waste of time, remove that thought right now or just simply do not do it. If you concentrate on other things you will not be able to find the place that you need to be for your Guidance to take place. Don't worry about your progress. read and re-read the first line. Let me say I understand when someone says, remove this thought or that thought from your/my mind. First just how am I supposed to do that? You may ask, This is how I do it. I think of the most beautiful thing that my eyes have or now behold. a flower garden, a beautiful room. a beautiful place, or even your beautiful little one, whatever is/has been the most beautiful thing to you. The water, I always used to start for my calmness by imagining a beautiful lake, an ocean, see the ripple of the water or the waves rising in the ocean. whatever it takes. You will not find this happy place if you are snacking or sipping on something, that is why I did not suggest it necessarily for today. I am not going to tell you too much at one time, try to sit today in what ever position you can to be still and then you can concentrate on your posture, believe it or not that will come automatically on its own. You will hold your fingers together to allow your energy to flow with one continuous flow throughout your body. You will become so contented that No-thing will bother you. Try this for today!!! I do not want you to be concerned with the onslaught of thoughts that will come at first. Just continue to remain as Still as you can. It will come. I am believing with you and in you. We will do this together. To Prepare yourself read and reread or get more information on this from other sources. Those persons that meditate daily may do it another way but I know this is my way that works for me and until you choose another method it just might work for you as well At least it will get you started to just relax in the quiet. If your bathroom is the most quiet place for you then go for it. No one else can feel the place you will be the most attuned to your God self, for you, but you.
LET NO MAN DESPISE THY YOUTH: but be thou an example of the believers, IN WORD, IN CONVERSATIONS, IN CHARITY, In spirit, In Faith, In Purity.
MEDITATE upon these things, give thyself wholly to them: that thy profiting may appear to all. Take heed unto thyself, and unto the doctrine: continue in them for in this, thou shalt both save thyself, and them that hear thee. 1 TIMOTHY (12, 15, 16)
I Appreciate You. Thank you for joining with me. I Appreciate this opportunity to share.
BE BLESSED<BE A BLESSING to others, Don't forget to LAUGH with the LITTLE ones/SENIORs/PARENTs/SOLDIERs/VETERANs/FRIEND or foe equally
With Much LOVE(TYG)
Tonnie Stowers Jackson
(PS) If this your first read with us, just go back to the 1st BLOG on Meditation, that will help your nerves to become still. Concentrate on this read for a couple days, I will return with more. Please continue to join with me.
Happy, Happy Birthday, How is this day going for you. Is it going as you expected? Did you say how you wanted it to go? Well, then it is done, just as you thought it would. See the difference? What you thought and what you said. (Hmmm) POWER IS IN THE SPOKEN WORD, AS A MAN THINKETH WITHIN HIS HEART SO IS HE!! Happy, Re-Birth to us today as well.
Gosh, for those who read with me, you already know I am going to ask did you get something to snack on or to sip on, but I think I want to again leave this up to you today. Here is Why. I am going to write what I am guided to write and I want you to get it. I want to get it too.:-)))
LET ME START THIS WAY:.. SPIRIT LET THE WORDS OF MY MOUTH AND THE MEDITATIONS OF MY HEART BE ACCEPTABLE IN THY SIGHT.WILL THY TEACH ME HOW TO SERVE (LOVE) THEE, WILL THY TEACH ME HOW TO PRAY. I am sure most of you have heard this and probably know it as will as I do, but When we say it, it will help to prepare us to Slowly quiet our Consciousness(MIND) to accept the Cleansing that will take Place.
Be Patient: Be Still: Relax: Just find a comfortable place wherein you can be still. Don't fret that is just a waste of time, remove that thought right now or just simply do not do it. If you concentrate on other things you will not be able to find the place that you need to be for your Guidance to take place. Don't worry about your progress. read and re-read the first line. Let me say I understand when someone says, remove this thought or that thought from your/my mind. First just how am I supposed to do that? You may ask, This is how I do it. I think of the most beautiful thing that my eyes have or now behold. a flower garden, a beautiful room. a beautiful place, or even your beautiful little one, whatever is/has been the most beautiful thing to you. The water, I always used to start for my calmness by imagining a beautiful lake, an ocean, see the ripple of the water or the waves rising in the ocean. whatever it takes. You will not find this happy place if you are snacking or sipping on something, that is why I did not suggest it necessarily for today. I am not going to tell you too much at one time, try to sit today in what ever position you can to be still and then you can concentrate on your posture, believe it or not that will come automatically on its own. You will hold your fingers together to allow your energy to flow with one continuous flow throughout your body. You will become so contented that No-thing will bother you. Try this for today!!! I do not want you to be concerned with the onslaught of thoughts that will come at first. Just continue to remain as Still as you can. It will come. I am believing with you and in you. We will do this together. To Prepare yourself read and reread or get more information on this from other sources. Those persons that meditate daily may do it another way but I know this is my way that works for me and until you choose another method it just might work for you as well At least it will get you started to just relax in the quiet. If your bathroom is the most quiet place for you then go for it. No one else can feel the place you will be the most attuned to your God self, for you, but you.
LET NO MAN DESPISE THY YOUTH: but be thou an example of the believers, IN WORD, IN CONVERSATIONS, IN CHARITY, In spirit, In Faith, In Purity.
MEDITATE upon these things, give thyself wholly to them: that thy profiting may appear to all. Take heed unto thyself, and unto the doctrine: continue in them for in this, thou shalt both save thyself, and them that hear thee. 1 TIMOTHY (12, 15, 16)
I Appreciate You. Thank you for joining with me. I Appreciate this opportunity to share.
BE BLESSED<BE A BLESSING to others, Don't forget to LAUGH with the LITTLE ones/SENIORs/PARENTs/SOLDIERs/VETERANs/FRIEND or foe equally
With Much LOVE(TYG)
Tonnie Stowers Jackson
(PS) If this your first read with us, just go back to the 1st BLOG on Meditation, that will help your nerves to become still. Concentrate on this read for a couple days, I will return with more. Please continue to join with me.
Painting A Picture of Medal of Honors!!!
Hi EveryOne!!!
How are you and Happy, Happy Birthday!!! and Happy Re-Birth today as well. Are you enjoying your special day today? I will not ask you to get something to snack on or to sip on, I would like for you to be at ease whenever you are reading with me.
Today I am going to finish some information I said in the BLOGs of my Great Uncle, CPL Freddie Stowers,that I had found out about the Medal of Honor Awards. I write what I feel that I am Guided to write and today I am supposed to finish that conversation.
I guess, I feel that because I am a SENIOR and some of the information that I now learn is new to me, it just might be news-worthy to some of you as well. I may be the only person that doesn't already know it, just in case that I am not I want you to know it as well.
Before I continue, I will tell you to go to www. United States Army site and some of this information can be confirmed as I did. It is Just so Wonderful that confirmation can be obtained from a reliable source, Don't you just LOVE it? Anyway let us read it together.:-)))
Although not required by military regulation, all members of the military, including the President of the United States, salute the recipient of the Medal of Honor. This sign of respect creates the only situation in which the President is not given first salute:
In 2002 Congress as part of the Defense Authorization Act-- set up a review of Jewish and Hispanic Veterans who had served in Combat since the middle of the century "To insure those deserving the Medal of Honor were not denied because of prejudices."The Congressional Action was later amended to open the door for any Service man or woman denied the Award due to discrimination.
There has been only (1) Coast Guard recipient. Douglas Munro.
There have been seventeen Air Force Medal of Honor recipients since the formation of a separate U.S. Air Force in 1947. Nine teen recipients received Medal of Honor twice as of 2004.
William Carney was the first African-American recipient. He was awarded the Medal of Honor for his actions at Fort Wagner, SC on July 18 1863.
There have been forty-one Hispanic-American Medal of Honor recipients.
There have been eighty-seven African-American Medal of Honor recipients.
There have been thirty-one Asian American Medal of Honor recipients.
There have been twenty-two Native-American Medal of Honor recipients.
There had been 3,459 Medal of Honor Awarded, but, now the list have changed .
President George Bush awarded (11) Medals of Honor Awards.
President Barack Obama has awarded approximately (9) Medal of Honor Awards.
Information obtained from www. United States Army site also Reference:
The Medal of Honor Commemoration of recipients.By the South Carolina State Guard Foundation.
I wrote this information because of the Purple Heart that was given to my Great-uncle Cpl. Freddie Stowers and the longevity that was involved in the process to his family members:seventy three years later. But. Some one took the time to write down his actions other than that this would never have been known and it never would have happened.Regardless to the time that had elapsed!!!
And No, the award cannot give back a life, but when you think about it and think about all the Soldiers/Veterans that gave their lives for a CAUSE that they believed in, And for a Country that still does not totally regards the Human Rights of all People.Now that is worst then the wait!
I believe this Motto is Applicable under/in all situation. Many SOLDIERS need us to Pray,Write too,
talk and just SPREAD LOVE to them/ male and female alike. I have asked this question before and now I am during the repeat It is just like with our Children, if we show them LOVE then they will not think it is LOVE when someone show them attention with ill intent. We must show them the difference.Day- in, Day-Out. I am trying to make a better effort of during more.
I appreciate your reading with me. I wanted to finish this before we begin to concentrate on our Mini-Meditation.BE<,BLESSED> BE A BLESSING to others, and Don't forget to LAUGH with the LITTLE ones/PARENTs/SENIORs/SOLDIERs/VETERANs/FRIEND or foe equally,
With Much LOVE(TYG)
Tonnie Stowers Jackson
How are you and Happy, Happy Birthday!!! and Happy Re-Birth today as well. Are you enjoying your special day today? I will not ask you to get something to snack on or to sip on, I would like for you to be at ease whenever you are reading with me.
Today I am going to finish some information I said in the BLOGs of my Great Uncle, CPL Freddie Stowers,that I had found out about the Medal of Honor Awards. I write what I feel that I am Guided to write and today I am supposed to finish that conversation.
I guess, I feel that because I am a SENIOR and some of the information that I now learn is new to me, it just might be news-worthy to some of you as well. I may be the only person that doesn't already know it, just in case that I am not I want you to know it as well.
Before I continue, I will tell you to go to www. United States Army site and some of this information can be confirmed as I did. It is Just so Wonderful that confirmation can be obtained from a reliable source, Don't you just LOVE it? Anyway let us read it together.:-)))
Although not required by military regulation, all members of the military, including the President of the United States, salute the recipient of the Medal of Honor. This sign of respect creates the only situation in which the President is not given first salute:
In 2002 Congress as part of the Defense Authorization Act-- set up a review of Jewish and Hispanic Veterans who had served in Combat since the middle of the century "To insure those deserving the Medal of Honor were not denied because of prejudices."The Congressional Action was later amended to open the door for any Service man or woman denied the Award due to discrimination.
There has been only (1) Coast Guard recipient. Douglas Munro.
There have been seventeen Air Force Medal of Honor recipients since the formation of a separate U.S. Air Force in 1947. Nine teen recipients received Medal of Honor twice as of 2004.
William Carney was the first African-American recipient. He was awarded the Medal of Honor for his actions at Fort Wagner, SC on July 18 1863.
There have been forty-one Hispanic-American Medal of Honor recipients.
There have been eighty-seven African-American Medal of Honor recipients.
There have been thirty-one Asian American Medal of Honor recipients.
There have been twenty-two Native-American Medal of Honor recipients.
There had been 3,459 Medal of Honor Awarded, but, now the list have changed .
President George Bush awarded (11) Medals of Honor Awards.
President Barack Obama has awarded approximately (9) Medal of Honor Awards.
Information obtained from www. United States Army site also Reference:
The Medal of Honor Commemoration of recipients.By the South Carolina State Guard Foundation.
I wrote this information because of the Purple Heart that was given to my Great-uncle Cpl. Freddie Stowers and the longevity that was involved in the process to his family members:seventy three years later. But. Some one took the time to write down his actions other than that this would never have been known and it never would have happened.Regardless to the time that had elapsed!!!
And No, the award cannot give back a life, but when you think about it and think about all the Soldiers/Veterans that gave their lives for a CAUSE that they believed in, And for a Country that still does not totally regards the Human Rights of all People.Now that is worst then the wait!
I believe this Motto is Applicable under/in all situation. Many SOLDIERS need us to Pray,Write too,
talk and just SPREAD LOVE to them/ male and female alike. I have asked this question before and now I am during the repeat It is just like with our Children, if we show them LOVE then they will not think it is LOVE when someone show them attention with ill intent. We must show them the difference.Day- in, Day-Out. I am trying to make a better effort of during more.
I appreciate your reading with me. I wanted to finish this before we begin to concentrate on our Mini-Meditation.BE<,BLESSED> BE A BLESSING to others, and Don't forget to LAUGH with the LITTLE ones/PARENTs/SENIORs/SOLDIERs/VETERANs/FRIEND or foe equally,
With Much LOVE(TYG)
Tonnie Stowers Jackson
Saturday, July 19, 2014
Painting A Picture of Meditation!!!
Hi EveryOne!!!
This morning I had to get out of bed and start with my POST. I sometimes Meditate and then I get up and try to capture the Guidance for my Writings and sometime I go straight into Letting SPIRIT, Speak its words through me!, Think its thoughts through me!, Act through me! and React through me!This I must do today. I WILL just type while SPIRIT dictates "Of Course, I have to use spell-check" (smile):)))
Happy, Happy Birthday!!! Happy Re-Birth today!!! Let us enjoy this Day, OKAY?
I am in a Mental Stage of wonder.This is my Re-Birth today. What will yours Be? Think about it now, Will this be your "ah-ha" or "Hmmm" moment today? Please read with me! Let us Began***
Now Concentrate. Take a Deep Breath, Relax, We will begin a Mini-Meditation
Allow your body to become still. At first you may feel like Little needles are being stuck throughout your body as if you are using Acupuncture, Hold perfectly quiet, it will subside, if you attempt this and you began to feel it more, just be adamant with your Patience and be Still. Relax and welcome your Energy to flow(which is exactly what is going on now) Began to feel Rejuvenated. Breathe slowly through your nostrils Inhale and Exhale with a slow rhythm ,Tell your Energy, Thank you. I believe that THIS is your/my God self emerging through the Mazes of Emotions of doubt, fear, lack, critical thinking, anxiety, being ungrateful, cynical attitudes, unforgiveness, and depravity. All /or some of these thoughts will come forth because they have controlled your subconscious for so long, they will want to hold on. Just keep thinking to yourself, (KEEP STILL). I believe that when Scripture says KEEP STILL AND KNOW! It isn't speaking as a body movement, but, as a Mental Movement instead. I used to think it meant not to move my Body.(GO,FIGURE) If you/I, Can/Will KEEP STILL, the walls can fall down around us, But, because we are becoming aware of our GOD Guidance within us , nothing can and I do mean No-Thing will matter. That is what is meant to me as Faith without works is dead, and Works without Faith is dead WORKS MAKE FAITH PERFECT: JAMES (2:22)
Faith to me is just holding on tightly / mentally to the changes you/I want to Achieve. Hold On with out changing the thought process in any way. Just keep the same thought repetitively. If it is for the Good(positive) it will work. If it is for the Not-Good(negative)then that will work as well, Cause THOUGHTS HELD IN MIND REPRODUCES AFTER ITS KIND!!!
If you already Meditate then nothing I have said is new to you, If not, then first it might seem a little strange, but, if you will try this for a period of (21) days you will be able to began to sit through the Energy replacing and distributing itself throughout your limbs, from your head to the tip of your toes. It will be so wonderful just to be able to sit and relax from the noise and chatter from every direction. Then you will began to feel, that no longer will you have to Pray in the Morning or in the afternoon, you will be able to Pray without Ceasing, all day long. We already know that "Our Thoughts are Prayers and we are always Praying"
If you have faith as a grain of mustard seed, ye shall say unto this mountain, Remove hence to yonder place and it shall remove: and nothing shall be impossible unto you: MATTHEW (17:20)
I think that today and yesterday's Post is SPIRIT telling me to Keep my chin(s) :))) up.
Can you relate to any part of the message for you?, I know it is not in Vain even (if )(is)(only)(for)(Me).
I Appreciate you who have joined with me! I Appreciate the Opportunity to write my POST. Thank You. BE BLESSED<BE A BLESSINGS to others, Don't forget to LAUGH with the LITTLE ones,
With Much LOVE(TYG)
Tonnie Stowers Jackson
(PS) when I first started this with my grand-son, he said he did not like the pins that he could not see that were sticking him. I said W-What? But he is right that is just what it will feel like at first.
I did not tell him He was learning to Meditate. I told him it would help him to be calm. (GO,FIGURE) I will tell you the same thing, then we will later Call it MEDITATION: Next time we will have to get something to sip an/or snack on, I am now thirsty and hungry.(smile)
This morning I had to get out of bed and start with my POST. I sometimes Meditate and then I get up and try to capture the Guidance for my Writings and sometime I go straight into Letting SPIRIT, Speak its words through me!, Think its thoughts through me!, Act through me! and React through me!This I must do today. I WILL just type while SPIRIT dictates "Of Course, I have to use spell-check" (smile):)))
Happy, Happy Birthday!!! Happy Re-Birth today!!! Let us enjoy this Day, OKAY?
I am in a Mental Stage of wonder.This is my Re-Birth today. What will yours Be? Think about it now, Will this be your "ah-ha" or "Hmmm" moment today? Please read with me! Let us Began***
Now Concentrate. Take a Deep Breath, Relax, We will begin a Mini-Meditation
Allow your body to become still. At first you may feel like Little needles are being stuck throughout your body as if you are using Acupuncture, Hold perfectly quiet, it will subside, if you attempt this and you began to feel it more, just be adamant with your Patience and be Still. Relax and welcome your Energy to flow(which is exactly what is going on now) Began to feel Rejuvenated. Breathe slowly through your nostrils Inhale and Exhale with a slow rhythm ,Tell your Energy, Thank you. I believe that THIS is your/my God self emerging through the Mazes of Emotions of doubt, fear, lack, critical thinking, anxiety, being ungrateful, cynical attitudes, unforgiveness, and depravity. All /or some of these thoughts will come forth because they have controlled your subconscious for so long, they will want to hold on. Just keep thinking to yourself, (KEEP STILL). I believe that when Scripture says KEEP STILL AND KNOW! It isn't speaking as a body movement, but, as a Mental Movement instead. I used to think it meant not to move my Body.(GO,FIGURE) If you/I, Can/Will KEEP STILL, the walls can fall down around us, But, because we are becoming aware of our GOD Guidance within us , nothing can and I do mean No-Thing will matter. That is what is meant to me as Faith without works is dead, and Works without Faith is dead WORKS MAKE FAITH PERFECT: JAMES (2:22)
Faith to me is just holding on tightly / mentally to the changes you/I want to Achieve. Hold On with out changing the thought process in any way. Just keep the same thought repetitively. If it is for the Good(positive) it will work. If it is for the Not-Good(negative)then that will work as well, Cause THOUGHTS HELD IN MIND REPRODUCES AFTER ITS KIND!!!
If you already Meditate then nothing I have said is new to you, If not, then first it might seem a little strange, but, if you will try this for a period of (21) days you will be able to began to sit through the Energy replacing and distributing itself throughout your limbs, from your head to the tip of your toes. It will be so wonderful just to be able to sit and relax from the noise and chatter from every direction. Then you will began to feel, that no longer will you have to Pray in the Morning or in the afternoon, you will be able to Pray without Ceasing, all day long. We already know that "Our Thoughts are Prayers and we are always Praying"
If you have faith as a grain of mustard seed, ye shall say unto this mountain, Remove hence to yonder place and it shall remove: and nothing shall be impossible unto you: MATTHEW (17:20)
I think that today and yesterday's Post is SPIRIT telling me to Keep my chin(s) :))) up.
Can you relate to any part of the message for you?, I know it is not in Vain even (if )(is)(only)(for)(Me).
I Appreciate you who have joined with me! I Appreciate the Opportunity to write my POST. Thank You. BE BLESSED<BE A BLESSINGS to others, Don't forget to LAUGH with the LITTLE ones,
With Much LOVE(TYG)
Tonnie Stowers Jackson
(PS) when I first started this with my grand-son, he said he did not like the pins that he could not see that were sticking him. I said W-What? But he is right that is just what it will feel like at first.
I did not tell him He was learning to Meditate. I told him it would help him to be calm. (GO,FIGURE) I will tell you the same thing, then we will later Call it MEDITATION: Next time we will have to get something to sip an/or snack on, I am now thirsty and hungry.(smile)
Thursday, July 17, 2014
Painting a Picture of APPARATUS!!!
APPARATUS; The totality of means by which a designated function is performed
or a specified task is executed.
Gosh, while I was Meditating this is the word that has come to me. I said OKAY!
SPIRIT, then this is exactly what I will write about today. Now what I am going to
ask you to do is to reach into your consciousness as you read with me, and let us see
where this is going.
Hi Everyone!!!
Happy, Happy Birthday!!! Happy Re-Birth to us as well!!! May this be one of the happiest
days that any of us have ever had. I really anticipated today message, even though I
had to look up the word. That is why I did it in the very beginning of my writing for
today................ I think by the time that we finish you / I will understand its meaning.
Let us begin with Written Facts:
Do you know that Solomon wrote the book of PROVERBS for his Children?
I wish I could I could tell you to listen my to words as they are the words of Wisdom .but what I can tell you that they
are words of My Wisdom that work for me. No, I did not create the words, but I have chosen to find the ones that have worked for me continuously .They are Life to me and I find them Health to my Flesh: PROVERBS (4:22)
Do you know that the Longest Verse in the Bible is ESTHER (8:9)?
Esther pled for her people before the king that they may be saved from the wrath of Hamen, and her request
was granted. Thus saving her entire Race.
I guess this is why some people are regarded as Hero's. I imagine many of us would think twice before we would
act on someone Else's behalf, if we know that is could jeopardize our own Life. I often wonder is that why there are so few of us. Excluding our Soldiers Active/Inactive, Veteran/Fireman or Policeman's. Would we be considered a Hero if we saw a child being bullied, beaten or mauled by an animal? or an adult/Senior. Would we intervene for them? Suppose you saw someone in a
Wheel-chair trying to get across a busy intersection, or a blind woman/man trying to get across a busy street? Would we take the time to help them or would you think that you might get hurt in the process?. Would you help if there
wasn't anyone there to applaud your bravery?(except the person you have helped) Would you / I, think about GOD's
Presence that enabled us to do it in the first place?. ESTHER Prayed before approaching the King. Do you/ I stay
Prayed up enough to just know that in everything that we will be confronted in the course of our daily lives, we have
already been given the strength to bear it?
Do you know that the shortest verse in the Bible is JOHN (11:35)
JESUS WEPT: Why do you think he wept?, Was it because he felt bad that Martha thought that he had left her brother to die. (When all he had to do and did was to say( Lazarus, Come Forth) Could it be possible to think that he WEPT that we MIGHT WEEP, and to do so sometimes is a form of Cleansing rather than a Sign of Weakness?
BE BLESSED<BE A BLESSING to others, DON'T forget to LAUGH with the LITTLE ones,/PARENTs/SENIORs/SOLDIERs/VETERANs/today let us LAUGH with our FRIEND or FOE.
With Much LOVE(TYG)
Tonnie Stowers Jackson
(PS) Thank you for joining with me today, and know that I really Appreciate your time that you take with me, as it is written the in the SONG, "YOU ARE MY HERO'S" :))) and I Appreciate this
or a specified task is executed.
Gosh, while I was Meditating this is the word that has come to me. I said OKAY!
SPIRIT, then this is exactly what I will write about today. Now what I am going to
ask you to do is to reach into your consciousness as you read with me, and let us see
where this is going.
Hi Everyone!!!
Happy, Happy Birthday!!! Happy Re-Birth to us as well!!! May this be one of the happiest
days that any of us have ever had. I really anticipated today message, even though I
had to look up the word. That is why I did it in the very beginning of my writing for
today................ I think by the time that we finish you / I will understand its meaning.
Let us begin with Written Facts:
Do you know that Solomon wrote the book of PROVERBS for his Children?
I wish I could I could tell you to listen my to words as they are the words of Wisdom .but what I can tell you that they
are words of My Wisdom that work for me. No, I did not create the words, but I have chosen to find the ones that have worked for me continuously .They are Life to me and I find them Health to my Flesh: PROVERBS (4:22)
Do you know that the Longest Verse in the Bible is ESTHER (8:9)?
Esther pled for her people before the king that they may be saved from the wrath of Hamen, and her request
was granted. Thus saving her entire Race.
I guess this is why some people are regarded as Hero's. I imagine many of us would think twice before we would
act on someone Else's behalf, if we know that is could jeopardize our own Life. I often wonder is that why there are so few of us. Excluding our Soldiers Active/Inactive, Veteran/Fireman or Policeman's. Would we be considered a Hero if we saw a child being bullied, beaten or mauled by an animal? or an adult/Senior. Would we intervene for them? Suppose you saw someone in a
Wheel-chair trying to get across a busy intersection, or a blind woman/man trying to get across a busy street? Would we take the time to help them or would you think that you might get hurt in the process?. Would you help if there
wasn't anyone there to applaud your bravery?(except the person you have helped) Would you / I, think about GOD's
Presence that enabled us to do it in the first place?. ESTHER Prayed before approaching the King. Do you/ I stay
Prayed up enough to just know that in everything that we will be confronted in the course of our daily lives, we have
already been given the strength to bear it?
Do you know that the shortest verse in the Bible is JOHN (11:35)
JESUS WEPT: Why do you think he wept?, Was it because he felt bad that Martha thought that he had left her brother to die. (When all he had to do and did was to say( Lazarus, Come Forth) Could it be possible to think that he WEPT that we MIGHT WEEP, and to do so sometimes is a form of Cleansing rather than a Sign of Weakness?
PROVERBS(3:13) and PROVERBS (8:11)
BE BLESSED<BE A BLESSING to others, DON'T forget to LAUGH with the LITTLE ones,/PARENTs/SENIORs/SOLDIERs/VETERANs/today let us LAUGH with our FRIEND or FOE.
With Much LOVE(TYG)
Tonnie Stowers Jackson
(PS) Thank you for joining with me today, and know that I really Appreciate your time that you take with me, as it is written the in the SONG, "YOU ARE MY HERO'S" :))) and I Appreciate this
Tuesday, July 15, 2014
Painting A Picture of Denial!!!
Hi EveryOne!!!
Thank you for joining with me.
Happy, Happy Birthday, How was your special day?
Happy Re-Birth today as well. I just want to say, will you reflect with me
today on being grateful for all you have and all that you have become?. I will not
mention what you/I will become because I believe that "THOUGHTS HELD IN
MIND REPRODUCES AFTER ITS KIND". Therefore, we still have the
opportunity to become the greatest self that we can be. I am a SENIOR and I still
believe this. I also tell this to my grand-son often. Once he asked me,"Did him
self know great it wanted to be?" I, as I always do when I am speechless just said,
Hmmmm, (GO, FIGURE) AS I always say and "A LITTLE CHILD SHALL LEAD
THEM!! I Laughed!!
When I Meditated this is what came to mind.
I always ask you to LAUGH, I really feel that Laughter is good for the Soul. But I
was asked the question, "How do you know when someone is Laughing with you or
at you?" I had never given it much thought, especially since I believe that as long as
we can Laugh at ourselves It lessen the turmoil in our spirit. Why would someone
Laugh at how someone else look? Who can afford too? Why Laugh at how some
one dress? Suppose it is the best that they can do, even it isn't. why care? Have
you ever given a stranger a compliment? Usually you/I can if we are not being to
critical of ourselves, although we don't think that, We usually are thinking. HOW
GREAT AM I? (tsk, tsk!!) If you think this, it is OKAY. We usually do better when
we Know better.
Here is a little something that came to me in my Consciousness.
Always remember when someone laughs in your face, and then take the time to say,
I am not laughing at you but with you instead, What they are really saying is, I am
Laughing at you but too your Face. It helps them to be in Denial of laughing at you.
Think of this, If you are laughing, you too, could be laughing at them to their face. So
all in all A great Laugh has happened to the both of you, that is the important thing,and
nothing else!. Think on this for a moment. Seem redundant doesn't it? Re-read and this
time slower, it will make more sense. I think so.(GO,FIGURE)
Many years ago, my friend told me that she was going to tell me a joke about
A Dove and A Crow. See have you heard it?.
She said that every Crow thinks that it has had a Dove. She did not say anything else,
I waited finally "I asked was there anything else to the story," She answered "No, it isn't"
But when the Dove mother saw her baby playing with the Crow baby on the playground
she exclaimed,"Oh my God she is playing with a Crow", The Crow mother exclaimed
when she saw her baby playing with the Dove baby, "Oh my God she is playing with
a Dove" . Isn't it funny that the children did not notice the different in the color of their
feathers? (GO,FIGURE)
But when the Dove mother saw her baby playing with the Crow baby on the playground
she exclaimed,"Oh my God she is playing with a Crow", The Crow mother exclaimed
when she saw her baby playing with the Dove baby, "Oh my God she is playing with
a Dove" . Isn't it funny that the children did not notice the different in the color of their
feathers? (GO,FIGURE)
BE<BLESSED, BE A BLESSING to others, Don't forget to LAUGH, with the LITTLE
ones,/SENIORs/PARENTs/ VETERANs/SOLDIERs equally. I Appreciate Your time!!
I Appreciate this opportunity. What has made you the Happiest today?
With Much LOVE(TYG)
Tonnie Stowers Jackson
Saturday, July 12, 2014
Painting A Picture of JUST Stuff!!!!
Hi Everyone!!!
How are you? Happy, Happy Birthday!!! Happy Re-Birth to us today as well!!!
Was today the Happiest Day that you have had this week? I hope it was among the
Happiest Days.
Tell me something, (I guess you may think How does she know what I am telling her)?
Well, I really rely on SPIRIT to tell me what I need to know. If someone want to tell
me something that is worthy caused, somehow or the other I get Vibrations as we all
do. Sometimes if I think hurriedly I may not perceive exactly word for word what is
being said, but, there is a certain unrest in my spirit, that tell me what I am to give my
attention toward. Do you find this to be true with yourself? Maybe if you haven't given
this much thought now you will. for it is written that EVERY THING YOU NEED TO
KNOW IS REVEALED TO YOU/ME!! Am I telling you that your thoughts are being
tossed and driven as the unseen wind? No, I am not, but again, I am saying that even
though you don't see the wind you can still feel the effects. Would you agree? Then I
believe it is the same thing.
EXample, today my daughter was going to help the Rotary to give out food from the
MAnna truck to those persons who are in need of food. At different time it goes from different locations to bring food from stores like Wal-Mart/ Publix as well as other
grocery stores to help those in need. Well, just two weeks ago we had gone to the
Community care, (which is where the food is being distributed from today) to seek help
for ourselves. We were asked to fill out these forms and my daughter had to show proof
as to where she had been seeking employment. We were advised to go to the Employment
office,to get a print-out that would confirm this information. (Of Course, being the SENIOR
that I am) I simple asked my daughter did she want to do this? she answered" that she did
not mind" We proceeded to go back in the Center and asked for the location of the
Employment Office, we were told that it was just around the corner from where we were.
We did not know this and we had no idea that it had been moved to Clemson, last
September, Now upon entering the office she was told to down-load her resume and that
would show how many jobs that she had applied for, when she tried to get into the system
her pass-word still did not work. It had to be reset just for her to see the Job Vacancies
that were listed on their Web site Why am I telling you all of this? I am telling you because
I am being led to do so. I really don't want to hurt her further than what she has already been,
I was just too through. I know SPIRIT had led us to go there I really did not want and would
rather have had a whipping(smile) than to have done so. God always has a Plan for he is
in the Planning business and is the best Planner of us All. Anyway I am getting off on one
of my tangent.Bear with me please!!!. We then realized why we had gone in the first place, this
way she found out that she still had been shut out of the System, and none of the jobs she has
applied for had not gone any where but maybe to their (the Employment Agency's Spam) now
I am saying this and not she). It seem that If we obey God then where it is written EVERY
THING WE NEED TO KNOW WILL BE REVEALED TO US, really does apply. Since the
Employment Office first gave a ruling after she had filled her grievance that She was working in a Hostile Working
Environment and Racially Discriminated against by School District 4.(this DECISION was
overturned) It was later claimed by the State that their records had been Tampered with of the
employees of (the Employment Office) and it was closed (GO,FIGURE) I know this because
it made the News. Now who had assess except the Agency itself?
By making this visit(initially to get food assistance) we had been shown; why, and we were
also shown that some of the employees had lost their jobs or had been relocated to this new
location. Did this have anything to do with my daughter's case? Now mind you it was never her
intent to do anything but try to get unemployment for she and her son now, I wonder?(Hmmmm) Was the person that made the ruling in my daughter favor affected? Let's guess!
It did not stop there, because, she had tried to get unemployment and the District repealed and
won, she just finally had to write two briefs, because we could not afford an Attorney
to write one for us, to the Administrative Law Judge who upheld the ruling for the School
District, I say (WE) because that is who the brunt of this situation impacted// Much of what really happened was left out out their rebuttals even a recording of her first meeting with the Administrators (that is permissible here in SC) and since did not have a representative she
carried in a tape reorder.
I wrote in my BLOG in March about Painting A Picture of IF'S, in it I shared with those of
you who has been reading with me the trials that my daughter had incurred since she left
that Anderson School District 4, where she had been a teacher for 8 years. She has had some
unbelievable challenges since then, she applied for Medicaid for 10years son (mind you) not
even for herself,She applied for President OBAMA'S INSURANCE plan for herself and still
(has not received it) It is now July she was told when she acquired about it (that) her application
was sitting there with no action taken. Her son application's for Medicaid had been submitted in person by us, November 10, 2013. but was not issued until March 2014. It was then requested by them
that she bring in my Earning statement from OPM showing that I was the sole supporter of our
family at this time. Now really, Can you understand my Plight?That is why when she went
to help other families this morning, I was sitting outside tearing. I did not want her to feel
embarrassed that we had gone there ourselves to get help and (because my sister said maybe
we could get assistance with food) that she was now going to help others. We would never lie
to get assistance before because our household income was above the allotted amount. We
always felt that others were more in need that we were. I really have to admit sometimes, Where was I when I was training her?(smile)
She said to me this morning, "Mommie you trained me never to be embarrassed about anything, so
don't feel embarrassed for me" I often Pray for her Sanity and this morning I was trying to Pray
for OUR SANITY. I know what she would say if she knew I am writing this in My BLOG, but
you see I think now because I can write it helps me to remain SANE.(GO,FIGURE)
SHE WOULD TELL ME TO SPREAD LOVE!!!! I know an answer will come, I don't know
HOW, WHEN, or WHERE but I am knowing it will be done in DIVINE ORDER. I really
thank you for your indulgence. I Really, Really Appreciate YOU who read with Me, and you
PARENTS out there, FROM THE CRADLE TO THE GRAVE, I believe it is okay to feel what
Our children feel, even if we don't always see the tears as (I knew my daughter was shedding)I
know someone will say let them live their lives and leave them alone, I agree with you for yours!!! I REJECT! I REJECT! I REFUSE TO NOT BELIEVE THAT AN ANSWER WILL
With Much LOVE(TYG)
Tonnie Stowers Jackson
How are you? Happy, Happy Birthday!!! Happy Re-Birth to us today as well!!!
Was today the Happiest Day that you have had this week? I hope it was among the
Happiest Days.
Tell me something, (I guess you may think How does she know what I am telling her)?
Well, I really rely on SPIRIT to tell me what I need to know. If someone want to tell
me something that is worthy caused, somehow or the other I get Vibrations as we all
do. Sometimes if I think hurriedly I may not perceive exactly word for word what is
being said, but, there is a certain unrest in my spirit, that tell me what I am to give my
attention toward. Do you find this to be true with yourself? Maybe if you haven't given
this much thought now you will. for it is written that EVERY THING YOU NEED TO
KNOW IS REVEALED TO YOU/ME!! Am I telling you that your thoughts are being
tossed and driven as the unseen wind? No, I am not, but again, I am saying that even
though you don't see the wind you can still feel the effects. Would you agree? Then I
believe it is the same thing.
EXample, today my daughter was going to help the Rotary to give out food from the
MAnna truck to those persons who are in need of food. At different time it goes from different locations to bring food from stores like Wal-Mart/ Publix as well as other
grocery stores to help those in need. Well, just two weeks ago we had gone to the
Community care, (which is where the food is being distributed from today) to seek help
for ourselves. We were asked to fill out these forms and my daughter had to show proof
as to where she had been seeking employment. We were advised to go to the Employment
office,to get a print-out that would confirm this information. (Of Course, being the SENIOR
that I am) I simple asked my daughter did she want to do this? she answered" that she did
not mind" We proceeded to go back in the Center and asked for the location of the
Employment Office, we were told that it was just around the corner from where we were.
We did not know this and we had no idea that it had been moved to Clemson, last
September, Now upon entering the office she was told to down-load her resume and that
would show how many jobs that she had applied for, when she tried to get into the system
her pass-word still did not work. It had to be reset just for her to see the Job Vacancies
that were listed on their Web site Why am I telling you all of this? I am telling you because
I am being led to do so. I really don't want to hurt her further than what she has already been,
I was just too through. I know SPIRIT had led us to go there I really did not want and would
rather have had a whipping(smile) than to have done so. God always has a Plan for he is
in the Planning business and is the best Planner of us All. Anyway I am getting off on one
of my tangent.Bear with me please!!!. We then realized why we had gone in the first place, this
way she found out that she still had been shut out of the System, and none of the jobs she has
applied for had not gone any where but maybe to their (the Employment Agency's Spam) now
I am saying this and not she). It seem that If we obey God then where it is written EVERY
THING WE NEED TO KNOW WILL BE REVEALED TO US, really does apply. Since the
Employment Office first gave a ruling after she had filled her grievance that She was working in a Hostile Working
Environment and Racially Discriminated against by School District 4.(this DECISION was
overturned) It was later claimed by the State that their records had been Tampered with of the
employees of (the Employment Office) and it was closed (GO,FIGURE) I know this because
it made the News. Now who had assess except the Agency itself?
By making this visit(initially to get food assistance) we had been shown; why, and we were
also shown that some of the employees had lost their jobs or had been relocated to this new
location. Did this have anything to do with my daughter's case? Now mind you it was never her
intent to do anything but try to get unemployment for she and her son now, I wonder?(Hmmmm) Was the person that made the ruling in my daughter favor affected? Let's guess!
It did not stop there, because, she had tried to get unemployment and the District repealed and
won, she just finally had to write two briefs, because we could not afford an Attorney
to write one for us, to the Administrative Law Judge who upheld the ruling for the School
District, I say (WE) because that is who the brunt of this situation impacted// Much of what really happened was left out out their rebuttals even a recording of her first meeting with the Administrators (that is permissible here in SC) and since did not have a representative she
carried in a tape reorder.
I wrote in my BLOG in March about Painting A Picture of IF'S, in it I shared with those of
you who has been reading with me the trials that my daughter had incurred since she left
that Anderson School District 4, where she had been a teacher for 8 years. She has had some
unbelievable challenges since then, she applied for Medicaid for 10years son (mind you) not
even for herself,She applied for President OBAMA'S INSURANCE plan for herself and still
(has not received it) It is now July she was told when she acquired about it (that) her application
was sitting there with no action taken. Her son application's for Medicaid had been submitted in person by us, November 10, 2013. but was not issued until March 2014. It was then requested by them
that she bring in my Earning statement from OPM showing that I was the sole supporter of our
family at this time. Now really, Can you understand my Plight?That is why when she went
to help other families this morning, I was sitting outside tearing. I did not want her to feel
embarrassed that we had gone there ourselves to get help and (because my sister said maybe
we could get assistance with food) that she was now going to help others. We would never lie
to get assistance before because our household income was above the allotted amount. We
always felt that others were more in need that we were. I really have to admit sometimes, Where was I when I was training her?(smile)
She said to me this morning, "Mommie you trained me never to be embarrassed about anything, so
don't feel embarrassed for me" I often Pray for her Sanity and this morning I was trying to Pray
for OUR SANITY. I know what she would say if she knew I am writing this in My BLOG, but
you see I think now because I can write it helps me to remain SANE.(GO,FIGURE)
SHE WOULD TELL ME TO SPREAD LOVE!!!! I know an answer will come, I don't know
HOW, WHEN, or WHERE but I am knowing it will be done in DIVINE ORDER. I really
thank you for your indulgence. I Really, Really Appreciate YOU who read with Me, and you
PARENTS out there, FROM THE CRADLE TO THE GRAVE, I believe it is okay to feel what
Our children feel, even if we don't always see the tears as (I knew my daughter was shedding)I
know someone will say let them live their lives and leave them alone, I agree with you for yours!!! I REJECT! I REJECT! I REFUSE TO NOT BELIEVE THAT AN ANSWER WILL
With Much LOVE(TYG)
Tonnie Stowers Jackson
Tuesday, July 8, 2014
Painting a Picture of the Body!!!
Hi EveryOne!!!
Please let us get something to snack on, and a beverage of your choice to sip on!!!
I have been asking as I will do right now, How are you? Happy, Happy Birthday!!!
Did you awake this morning and say to yourself?, "I will have a great day today. It
is wonderful and I am wonderfully made. Why would I not enjoy all the LOVE that
surrounds me and emanates from me? Happy Re-Birth today to you/me!!! I am
where you are in believing that LOVE will hide a multitude of faults, for those that
we see in others which is really what we are seeing in ourselves.
My Meditation has brought me to a state of consciousness that I want to share with
you this morning. I do this daily but today I want to let you IN on my ritual. It is a daily
routine and has been for many a year with me. I REJECT, REJECT AND REFUSE all
thoughts that causes me to have Negatives connotations and most times I am successful
in sending all Negatives back to their dust heaps of nothingness from which they cometh.
I usually start this way:
Good Morning Body::
I breathe in LOVE, Joy, Peace and Tranquility, through all of my Five Senses.
Thank you first of all for continuing to allow SPIRIT to work through you for my Benefit
today. To my Mind thank you for being in your right state of consciousness without the
intent to hurt or harm anything or any one else mentally or physically.
To my Beautiful Brown eyes, thank you for opening up to see the world around me with
my 20/20 vision.
Thank you my ears for hearing the sound of Mother Nature, as the birds chirp their melodies,
and the crickets spew out their continuous chatter.
Thank you my Nostrils for smelling the fragrances of the Cedar, Pine and Oak trees, and
for the scents of all the unique flowers that are arising among the weeds and the aroma
of fresh brewed coffee.
Thank you my Palate and Tongue for tasting the effects of the coffee and water after I use my
my hands to bathe and brush.
Thank you Hands and Fingers for assisting each other in allowing me to lift my arms, to
dress myself and to feel the freedom of movements.
Thank you Body that each part of you is Functioning in its proper Prospective. My Back
support me, my Legs carry my feet for me from one place to another and my Toes gives me
balance.My Internal Organs that attunes my Anatomy to performs all the duties of my;
Circulatory, Digestive, Muscular, Nervous, Respiratory and Skeletal Systems. I am so
Grateful that you LOVE me so much and I LOVE you for it. THANK YOU HOLY SPIRIT!!
For I am the Perfect, Face, Figure, Form and Beauty perfection of my Christ Self, Physically Manifested,
Expressed and Sustained, And I Regret Nothing about me that you have MADE:
Because I am given Free Will, I Choose not to use it to the will of others. Be it in Thought,
Word or Deed, I know it is certainly not to try to Monopolize or Selfishly Apply or to abhor
others to my will.
BE BLESSED<BE A BLESSING to others. Don't forget to LAUGH with the LITTLE ones/
SENIORs/PARENTs/SOLDIERs/VETERANs equally. I Appreciate the time you take to
read with me!!!. Think of your own Body and when anything seems to go wrong try talking to
it just before you take your Medicine. Scripture states "PHYSICIAN HEAL THYSELF". If you try this it will make it easier for your Doctor to diagnose your real Problems. If you
Meditate you may not have too Medicate as often!!!
With Much LOVE(TYG)
Tonnie Stowers Jackson
(PS) I also Affirm before I go to Sleep, Only I then say, THANK YOU FOR MY THICK
HEAD OF HAIR. (GO< FIGURE)!!! (smile) Until Next Time. "BE HAPPY"
Please let us get something to snack on, and a beverage of your choice to sip on!!!
I have been asking as I will do right now, How are you? Happy, Happy Birthday!!!
Did you awake this morning and say to yourself?, "I will have a great day today. It
is wonderful and I am wonderfully made. Why would I not enjoy all the LOVE that
surrounds me and emanates from me? Happy Re-Birth today to you/me!!! I am
where you are in believing that LOVE will hide a multitude of faults, for those that
we see in others which is really what we are seeing in ourselves.
My Meditation has brought me to a state of consciousness that I want to share with
you this morning. I do this daily but today I want to let you IN on my ritual. It is a daily
routine and has been for many a year with me. I REJECT, REJECT AND REFUSE all
thoughts that causes me to have Negatives connotations and most times I am successful
in sending all Negatives back to their dust heaps of nothingness from which they cometh.
I usually start this way:
Good Morning Body::
I breathe in LOVE, Joy, Peace and Tranquility, through all of my Five Senses.
Thank you first of all for continuing to allow SPIRIT to work through you for my Benefit
today. To my Mind thank you for being in your right state of consciousness without the
intent to hurt or harm anything or any one else mentally or physically.
To my Beautiful Brown eyes, thank you for opening up to see the world around me with
my 20/20 vision.
Thank you my ears for hearing the sound of Mother Nature, as the birds chirp their melodies,
and the crickets spew out their continuous chatter.
Thank you my Nostrils for smelling the fragrances of the Cedar, Pine and Oak trees, and
for the scents of all the unique flowers that are arising among the weeds and the aroma
of fresh brewed coffee.
Thank you my Palate and Tongue for tasting the effects of the coffee and water after I use my
my hands to bathe and brush.
Thank you Hands and Fingers for assisting each other in allowing me to lift my arms, to
dress myself and to feel the freedom of movements.
Thank you Body that each part of you is Functioning in its proper Prospective. My Back
support me, my Legs carry my feet for me from one place to another and my Toes gives me
balance.My Internal Organs that attunes my Anatomy to performs all the duties of my;
Circulatory, Digestive, Muscular, Nervous, Respiratory and Skeletal Systems. I am so
Grateful that you LOVE me so much and I LOVE you for it. THANK YOU HOLY SPIRIT!!
For I am the Perfect, Face, Figure, Form and Beauty perfection of my Christ Self, Physically Manifested,
Expressed and Sustained, And I Regret Nothing about me that you have MADE:
Because I am given Free Will, I Choose not to use it to the will of others. Be it in Thought,
Word or Deed, I know it is certainly not to try to Monopolize or Selfishly Apply or to abhor
others to my will.
BE BLESSED<BE A BLESSING to others. Don't forget to LAUGH with the LITTLE ones/
SENIORs/PARENTs/SOLDIERs/VETERANs equally. I Appreciate the time you take to
read with me!!!. Think of your own Body and when anything seems to go wrong try talking to
it just before you take your Medicine. Scripture states "PHYSICIAN HEAL THYSELF". If you try this it will make it easier for your Doctor to diagnose your real Problems. If you
Meditate you may not have too Medicate as often!!!
With Much LOVE(TYG)
Tonnie Stowers Jackson
(PS) I also Affirm before I go to Sleep, Only I then say, THANK YOU FOR MY THICK
HEAD OF HAIR. (GO< FIGURE)!!! (smile) Until Next Time. "BE HAPPY"
Monday, July 7, 2014
A Continuation of Friends/Family!!!
Hi EveryOne!!!
How are you? Happy, Happy Birthday!!! Did you send yourself a birthday card?
Did you get one from the person you most admire? or did you get one from the
person who admire you the most?(smile)
Happy Re-Birth to us as well!! Are you noticing your daily Re-Births? Are you
feeling/seeing things any different today than yesterday? (Positive difference) Do
you know that I am feeling so rejuvenated that I am more than ever looking forward
to each day?. I asked myself what will my Re-Birth be about today?,Will I be a
little more kinder today than yesterday? Will I answer a question with a yes instead
of the no that I answered with yesterday? Will I answer with a Smile instead of the
Frown I used yesterday? There are so many ways we are having Re-Births each day
but we must recognize it and call it out to ourselves.Other than that it will not matter.
You may want to get a snack or a beverage to sip on. We won't take up to much time of
your time ,But, when I Meditate I feel that SPIRIT want you and I to think for a moment
about what I am Guided too write. I Have been thinking so very hard about I Believe.
I will write that as soon as I write what my Nephew-in-law told me many years ago. I
say many because I am a SENIOR but all of my Family members/God-family members
are basically youngsters.Since I believe that A LITTLE CHILD SHALL LEAD THEM:
I usually retain what they say to me in my memory bank, I had no idea that I would say
them is a BLOG but (GO,FIGURE), WOW, what an Opportunity I have?
My Nephew-in-law told me of a joke that had been shared with him on his job. It goes
like this. There was a young guy who was an Achiever and he worked he felt hard to
accomplish the Material things that he wanted in his life. A beautiful home, a Luxury
car, Beautiful clothes and Beautiful jewerly Now, each time he achieved something new
his co-workers would compliment him,and tell how that he was so "Blessed by God in
his achievements". He would readily exclaim "That it wasn't God that had given him these
things. he had worked hard and achieved them himself. Well, needless to say he wanted
and finally brought a motorcycle.On his way home from one of his Joy-rides, he had an
accident on his motorcycle and was badly injured. he said to God,"Help me, I am in
need of help here" and GOD answered with an inaudible voice. "I am here where I have
always been my son, while you took credit for doing everything for yourself." I sat there
somewhat perplexed and suddenly I got it. If the young guy had taken credit for everything
else himself then surely he was going to be able to save himself. (WOW). I don't remember that
my nephew-in-law ever admitted or contradicted my observation. What would yours be?
I Believe for every drop of rain that falls, a flower grows. I Believe that somewhere
in the darkest night a Candle glows:
I Believe for everyone who goes astray, Someone will come and show the way:
I believe above the storm:The smallest prayer will be still be heard:
I Believe that someone in the great somewhere, hears every WORD,...........
By Dolly Parton and Others
I am sure that you have heard it if not just Google it and see all the words for yourself:
BE BLESSED<BE A BLESSING to others. Don't forget to LAUGH with the LITTLE ones
/SENIORs/PARENTs/SOLDIERs/VETERANs equally. I Appreciate each of you!!!. I guess I will
have to share GUESS WHAT/WHO tomorrow. Please join with me. What has made you the
Happiest today?
With Much LOVE(TYG)
Tonnie Stowers Jackson
Saturday, July 5, 2014
Painting A Picture of Family & Friends!!!
Hi EveryOne!!!
How are you? Thanks for joining with me.
Happy, Happy Birthday!!! Happy Re-Birth today as well.!!! I have taken a little haitus
and now I am back and ready to start anew. I missed writing and hope you missed reading
an up to date BLOG with me. I have a little surprise for you, See below:
Gosh this picture was finally secured. It took some time but through the efforts of my
daughter and grand-son I can at least show you the members of the Board of (LSN).
Los Ninos de Spring N2 Salsa. This is the youth organization that I have spoken about
in Previous BLOGS. This year our Annual Meeting was held in Washington DC, at the
Mariner> It was wonderful and to have been able to make the trip was a real treat and
a Blessing. My daughter felt as all other Washingtonians feel she was just glad to have
been back home. Due to our challenges she/ we have not been able to make the trip as
often as we once did. However, so much for that. Of Course, my grand-son is not a
Board Member, but you know, we just could not leave home WITHOUT HIM.:))))
How are you? Thanks for joining with me.
Happy, Happy Birthday!!! Happy Re-Birth today as well.!!! I have taken a little haitus
and now I am back and ready to start anew. I missed writing and hope you missed reading
an up to date BLOG with me. I have a little surprise for you, See below:
Gosh this picture was finally secured. It took some time but through the efforts of my
daughter and grand-son I can at least show you the members of the Board of (LSN).
Los Ninos de Spring N2 Salsa. This is the youth organization that I have spoken about
in Previous BLOGS. This year our Annual Meeting was held in Washington DC, at the
Mariner> It was wonderful and to have been able to make the trip was a real treat and
a Blessing. My daughter felt as all other Washingtonians feel she was just glad to have
been back home. Due to our challenges she/ we have not been able to make the trip as
often as we once did. However, so much for that. Of Course, my grand-son is not a
Board Member, but you know, we just could not leave home WITHOUT HIM.:))))
I had the Joy of talking to my Nephew-in-law, this week end, and would you believe that when
I first went into their home he was sitting at his computer.
I thought that was a great place for him for to be and I proceeded to tell him about my BLOGs. Now you may be wondering, Well, doesn't she tell everyone? The answer if No, I do not. I shared with my daughter.god-daughters, a few friends and family that is all . I was so happy when other people began to read with me that I guess I wanted to share with all others that I cannot/do not see face to face. I always share with everyone else I know when I see them that is if SPIRIT gives me the feeling that I supposed too. Anyway, after my Nephew-in-law read a couple of them he said this is whom he has always known me to be, and he discussed ways that I could share with more people if I wanted too. I told him that now I wanted to share with as many people as I can . I truly believe that SPIRIT, lead and Guide my thinking as well as my writing. He agreed that maybe someone will read my BLOGs that may need a word from someone like themselves. He also made my Little Heart over flow into a Big Heart when he said that it reminded him of Maya Angelo. Tears began to cry from my eyes and I felt so honored I wanted to jump-up and embrace him. He is just like my brother-in-law I spoke about him already in the BLOG I wrote on Painting A Picture of A SENIOR/Junior. He too I have always been able to talk with about many subjects. I will not call his name because I did get his permission to do so. He suggested ways that I had not even begun to think about that will include all persons, from Children, Adults, Seniors, as well as Veterans, I have begun to make preparations this week to implement some to the suggestions that he made to me. I will take the time now to say with a very Happy Heart to him THANK YOU!!!!!
Tomorrow I will share a joke with you that he told me many years ago about having Faith and Belief in God.
Please join me, and I did not ask you did you want to get something to snack on or a beverage to sip on? That is why I am closing for this morning. What is the Happiest thing that has happened to you today? Was reading my BLOG one of those things? (GO,FIGURE) but SMILE.:)))
BE BLESSED< BE A BLESSINGS to others, and Don't forget to LAUGH with the SENIORs/PARENTs/VETERANs/SOLDIERs equally, I Appreciate You:!!!
With Much LOVE(TYG)
Tonnie Stowers Jackson
(PS) Tomorrow I will also write about some GUESS WHATS!!
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