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Sunday, June 1, 2014

Painting a Picture of Simple Life!!!

Hi EveryOne!!!

How are you? Happy, Happy Birthday! Happy Re-Birth today! 

Forget about everything else momentarily and read with me,Well ,NO, that isn't right
to ask such a thing of you. I could have erased this and you would not have known my 
thoughts but I did not want too. Please bear with me. I am eager to share something
with you.

I have been on a learning journey and I am so thankful that I am a slow learner some
times. I have tried to venture out to find out other information about the mechanics
of the technology systems, needless to say since I am a slow learner, I have learned that
I do not want to do anything other than what I am doing, or go anywhere else other than
where I am. Too many incidents that I don't understand. Thank you...

This writing will be short, but, If you want to, Please get something to snack on or to sip on!
I received a Powerful Message I believe, as I Meditated last night and in the early Morn.
I asked  SPIRIT"Why do we tend to complicate Simplicity?" and "Why couldn't more 
people share with those people who have so much less than they do" If I had more? Would
I give More? My answer is "Yes, my Mom used to tell me she was so glad for me that God
had connected my head to my body because if I could I would give it away as I did 
everything else" :))) These thoughts came because of the philanthropist that was dropping 
money from a plane in the news the other day. Then,  I guess he will not make/or remain one of the 
(Richest Men List) unless it is his list.(GO, FIGURE) (smile)
As I beheld these thoughts, I was reminded of a Story that I had read many years before, I 
was not sure of the complete story, but I affirmed it with my favorite,(Google), and sure 
enough It confirmed my memory..But, I am sure of the Prayer because I often say it to keep me
grounded and to always be Thankful
We know that this was a young man who's family was a family of great Means, and he wasn't exactly
referred too as a PRODIGAL SON,  he was allowed to enjoy the Amenities of the world by his 
earthly father but one day his Heavenly father told him "GO AND PREPARE MY HOUSE 
WHICH YOU SEE IS FALLING APART"Francis thought the Voice meant a Brick and Mortar
Building.(which he attempted to do)  However, It was God telling to repair his house, the building
of Souls. After quite a few challenges,he finally understood and set forth to do just that and he Prayed a,


Lord, make me an Instrument of your Peace,
Where there is Hatred......let me sow LOVE,
Where there is Injury....Pardon,
Where there is Doubt....Faith,
Where there is Despair....Hope,
Where there is Darkness.....Light,
Where there is Sadness....Joy,
O Divine Master, grant that I may not so much seek
To be to Console,
To be Understood.....As to Understand,
To be LOVED....As to LOVE
It is in Giving....that we Receive,
It is Pardoning.....that we are Pardoned,
It is is Dying....that we are Born to Eternal Life.
St Francis of Assisi

Thank you for joining with me again I LOVE this Simple Prayer(I know many of you do as well)
almost as much as the 23rd PSALMS.
BE BLESSED<BE A BLESSING to others. Don't forget to Laugh, and with the LITTLE ones, SENIORs/
With Much LOVE(TYG)
Tonnie Stowers Jackson

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