Happy, Happy Birthday!!! Happy Re-Birth today!!! Let us get on the same page as we usually do,
even if I discover it at a later time, By that I mean I do not know who is reading with me, But,
Again I thank you for joining with me.
I am going to write the last part of the program as it is already written. The Celebration was held
in Columbia SC as well as the one in Sandy Springs SC for my Great Uncle Freddie and then I
want to share my wonderful week-end with you. I hope you will think so too. DO YOU KNOW
THAT THESE GUIDELINES EXIST? I Didn't know, that is why I am sharing them, just in case that I'm not the only person that don't know them.
On July25, 1863 Congress established a set of guidelines under which the
Medal of Honor could be awarded.
a.) while engaged in an action against an enemy of the United States.
b.)while engaged in military operations involving conflict with an opposing foreign force, or,
c.) while serving with friendly forces engaged in armed conflict against an
opposing armed force in which the United States is not a belligerent party.
The first award of the Medal of Honor was made March 25,1863 to Private Jacob Parrot,
and five others. Since then there have been:
. 3,459 Medal of Honor Awarded
. For 3,421 separate acts of Heroism
. Performed by 3,440 Individuals (including 9"Unknowns"
. Today there are 130 living Recipients of the Medal of Honor
. 52% of the living Recipients earned their Medal more than 50 years
ago while serving in WWII (49) or Korea(18).
. Of the 49 Recipients from WWII, more that 33 are over the age of 80.
. The oldest Recipient is John W. Finn, age 94.
. Of the 63 Recipients from Vietnam, less than 40 are under the age of 60.
The youngest Recipient is Gordon R. Roberts, age 53.
The last awards of the Medal of Honor, in a conflict following Vietnam, were
award posthumously(occurring or continuing after one's death) to Army
Sergeants Gordon and Shughart for action in Somalia in 1993.
There were no awards of the Medal of Honor during Grenada, Panama, Lebanon, or Desert Storm.
. Since 1993, 41 other Medals of Honor have been awarded to correct past errors, follow up
on lost recommendations or were the result of new evidence . Of those Recipients, 13
were living at the time the Medal of Honor was presented.
Anderson County Administrator(then) Joey R Preston gave the Welcome Address;
and recognition of special guests who were.....
Major General Stanhope Spears, Adjutant General of South Carolina
General Abraham Turner, United States Army
Wilson Eagleson, Tuskegee Airman
and others person who took a very active part in the Recognition Ceremony.
It would be remiss of me if I do not tell you that I did check some of the information out that
was accurate at the time this Ceremony was held. If you know of something different please don't hold it against me. Some still remain true as of today.
I also learned that a Medal Of Honor had been given to a Dr. Mary Walker the one a only female Recipient . It was rescinded and restored for the sake of her Recognition, I am sharing this information.
ALSO, ON June 19, 2014, PRESIDENT OBAMA AWARDED CPL. WILLIAM KYLE CARPENTER A MEDAL OF HONOR for his Heroic actions which makes him the now youngest
Recipient of this Honor.
As I continue to write my BLOGS I think I will try to avail myself to more information to share about our Soldiers/Veterans .They are a great part( (a value part of our Society not
just the one who are Homeless also Jobless and very often in need of clothing and many other things that have been shared with us as we have been riding the bus .Oh Spirit, Thank you for helping me to take ONE DAY AT A Time. I now am believing that this is where I am being Guided to make a difference. Will you help with me???. I give to the VETERANS BUT WHAT HAVE I NOT GIVEN? That I Can Give? Maybe we all can ask that Question of ourselves.
BE BLESSED<BE A BLESSINGS to others. Don't forget to LAUGH with the LITTLE ones/SENIORs/PARENTs/SOLDIERs/VETERANS equally. What has made you the most Happy
today? Did you find anything to Smile about?. Aaaaaw come on and Laugh. If you could see what
I am going through jut to get this done .you would really have something to Laugh about, well
maybe not, you may want to CRY instead. (GO, FIGURE)
With Much LOVE(TYG)
Tonnie Stowers Jackson
I also learned that a Medal Of Honor had been given to a Dr. Mary Walker the one a only female Recipient . It was rescinded and restored for the sake of her Recognition, I am sharing this information.
ALSO, ON June 19, 2014, PRESIDENT OBAMA AWARDED CPL. WILLIAM KYLE CARPENTER A MEDAL OF HONOR for his Heroic actions which makes him the now youngest
Recipient of this Honor.
As I continue to write my BLOGS I think I will try to avail myself to more information to share about our Soldiers/Veterans .They are a great part( (a value part of our Society not
just the one who are Homeless also Jobless and very often in need of clothing and many other things that have been shared with us as we have been riding the bus .Oh Spirit, Thank you for helping me to take ONE DAY AT A Time. I now am believing that this is where I am being Guided to make a difference. Will you help with me???. I give to the VETERANS BUT WHAT HAVE I NOT GIVEN? That I Can Give? Maybe we all can ask that Question of ourselves.
BE BLESSED<BE A BLESSINGS to others. Don't forget to LAUGH with the LITTLE ones/SENIORs/PARENTs/SOLDIERs/VETERANS equally. What has made you the most Happy
today? Did you find anything to Smile about?. Aaaaaw come on and Laugh. If you could see what
I am going through jut to get this done .you would really have something to Laugh about, well
maybe not, you may want to CRY instead. (GO, FIGURE)
With Much LOVE(TYG)
Tonnie Stowers Jackson
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