Thank you for joining with me again,
How are you today?
Happy, Happy Birthday and Happy Re-Birth today! Did you have a great celebration for your birthday? Did you notice just what you had a Re-Birth about today? Are you relaxed?
Do you want to get something to snack or to sip on?
Here is something funny to start your laughter off today,well for those of you who are computer
savvy. you know the little swiggly line that comes when an error has occurred.? I did not wrap my hands around that at first, although I noticed that it did not come under every word, it did come. I continued to type and I wanted my daughter or my grand-son to do all my checking or should I say proof-reading at once. Therefore, I did not bother them until I finished. I almost had swiggles all over the page. (smile) When my grand-son checked my writing, he stated to his mom. "Mu-Mu. I think you had better check this because I have never seen this many swiggly lines before. When they explained this to me , We all had a great BIG laugh. Now don't think I have learned everything yet, about the computer but I sure have learned about spell-check and I know the meaning of the swigglies as I call them (Go,Figure)( Oh, by the way I began to write in different colors, and when I use all red I don't see the swigglies).:)))
Now this is just how conscientious I am, I almost always check my American Heritage Dictionary and now Google, to confirm the information that I write in my BLOG(s) because when SPIRIT gives me something to say I have to know that I am being /doing what I am led to do.Tonight I am writing about Squares./Circle for a reason. SPIRIT led me to look up the word, sure enough I had felt SQUIGGLY but I said aah I don't think so, if you noticed I spelled it incorrectly(5) times because I was just sure the word looked right, isn't that something it looked right!. No, I don't know everything that is why I rely on SPIRIT to reveal things to me.(I never knew the word when we played Scrabble)
But, when we ask, and we receive, do we believe that we have received?
or do
we continue to look for what we really wanted and it did not come in the
package we were looking for?
Then do we conform to what is /has been given or do we try hard to put a
Square into a Circle? that is the same proportion?
We can change the Circle to fit the Square or the Square to fit the Circle
but should we have too?
When the change occur, who's the most happy the Square or the Circle?
or do
we continue to look for what we really wanted and it did not come in the
package we were looking for?
Then do we conform to what is /has been given or do we try hard to put a
Square into a Circle? that is the same proportion?
We can change the Circle to fit the Square or the Square to fit the Circle
but should we have too?
When the change occur, who's the most happy the Square or the Circle?
This seem redundant doesn't it? Mmm
My SENIOR analogy is simply this: DO NOT BE UNEVENLY YOKED!!!(something that connect or is joined together). If ,for, what ever your reasons for having been such, (were/are), then do not worry it can be repealed. If you know what this feels like (THINK!!! ) (are you/ did it make you happy?) Well then it isn't so redundant after all is it?
Be it far from me to tell you how to live your life, but in my SENIOR life, I have found out that when you make concessions for any thing other the Guidance's of SPIRIT to you for your Life. You simply have to keep on trying to fit the Square into the Circle or the Circle into the Square . It then filter down to your Children and then you began to think that it is Hereditary. ( GO, FIGURE) :)))
Just a tid-bit more and I will take my leave for this article. We were Looking at the movie"THE RETURN Of NANNY McPHEE" , in it the little boy's family was waiting for the father to come home from the War. The uncle lied and said that the father had died in the War(because he wanted their land) the little boy contended and would not change it that his father was still alive.When he was asked" How did he know that he was still alive". He answered that "He knew because that was his feeling, and that his dad had taught him that if something feels right it usually is right" AGAIN, THIS I WILL CONTINUE TO SAY, A LITTLE CHILD SHALL LEAD THEM. Confer with your child ask them without any hesitation the questions and they will more than likely have an answer for you:))) I would not have said this to my mom, no, no, no, but I am sure you can.
BE BLESSED< BE A BLESSING to others, and Don't forget to Laugh and Laugh with the Little ones and the Parents/Senior as well.
With Much LOVE(TYG)
Tonnie Stowers Jackson
(PS) What was the Happiest thing that Happened to YOU today!!!
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