How are you?
Did you have a Happy, Happy Birthday?
Even so, let me tell you as well. Happy,
Happy Birthday. Can you imagine how your
mom/dad felt the day you were borne? Try to imagine
then recapture the feeling and I am sure
from this Birthday forward, you will be assured
that this is a very Happy Day for you.
How did you spend your day? Relaxed, running ,
dancing, cleaning, or did you just say
I am just going to BE STILL and KNOW?
Happy Re-Birth today as well!
It is so awesome to think we can start with
new thoughts to Guide us on our daily walk.
Today I will not occupy to much of your time, but I am grateful for the time you are allowing me to occupy. Thank you for joining with me. I have just finished with my coffee. and if you want to get you something to snack or sip on that will be just great. I must tell you this, I enjoy this so much that my daughter asked me last night ?"Mommie are you becoming ADDICTED to BLOGGING?"I had a melt-down when my spell-check wouldn't work and a coupled of other things I readily could not identify with happened. I sat and Meditated and I was all for the better. If I am supposed to do this, I WILL and if not then I WILL NOT! I feel Guided and somehow I believe if this is the will of SPIRIT, to share even if to you/I alone then OKAY!!!
It will remain or it will cease. ALL I can say is It is a feeling of "Utopia" to think that SPIRIT will speak through this VEHICLE that its has chosen for me to do it through. (GO,FIGURE)
Again, Edification is in order. Let me say Thank You Again. And I thank my daughter for using her expertise to help me to understand what this company already knows. and I do NOT!!
Re-read these verses with me, because this is what today I am being led to write. I do not, nor do I have to understand why, except maybe I am/we are not living them to the fullest. (GO,FIGURE)!!!
In all thy way acknowledge me and I will direct thy paths. PROVERBS (3:6)
Trust in the Lord with all thine heart and lead not to thy own understanding PROVERBS(3:5)
For as a man thinketh within his heart so is he.PROVERBS (23:7)
and lastly
Behold I will do a new thing: Now, It shall spring forth: Shall you not know it? I will even make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert. ISAIAH (44:19)
Well, honest to goodness, that is especially for me, I just finished telling you I was having a Melt-down about my BLOGS (GO, FIGURE) Well, so be it SPIRIT: As you can see, Age doesn't really matter and if I had known THAT I was going to be reprimanded in such a kind way, I don't know if I would have written this article, today, but I Thank the Spirit for the Kindness. Have you any reason to be Thankful for a Re-Birth lesson today? It will always hold true that "WE ALWAYS TRY TO TEACH WHAT WE NEED MOST TO LEARN" Sometimes I really get, "MY CHILD, STOP YOUR WHINING". Mmmm this must be one of those times.:)))BE BLESSED<BE A BLESSING to Others, and don't forget to Laugh,and with the LITTLE ones,the SENIORS/PARENTS/VETERANS as well/
With Much LOVE(TYG)
Tonnie Stowers Jackson
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