Today is the Month for Congratulations: To the many graduates of Schools and Colleges.
To the many Person's whose Birthdays'are this month, We say Happy, Birthday to you. We
also say to you take some time to Enjoy a much needed break. It is with much LOVE that
we embrace the Accomplishments with you that you have achieved. Sometimes, I imagine
that you thought, When Will I finish/whatever?......No more wondering it is done. BRAVO!!!
We Congratulate the new Promotions.The new Homeowner, The new Bride/Groom, The Veterans that returned home from the War.
Oh, there are so many people that truly need to be honored today///
Let us see how many we can think of together:
We Congratulate the students who passed from Head-Start to Kindergarten.!
We Congratulate the students who passed from Kindergarten to Elementary School!.
We Congratulate the students who passed from Elementary to Middle School.!
We Congratulate the students who passed from Middle School to Junior High.!
We Congratulate the students who passed from Junior High to High School!
We Congratulate the students that passed with ON-LINE-CLASSES!
We Congratulate the students that passed their GED exams!
We Congratulate all the Grades that you have achieved not necessarily just the A's, B's,
or any particular grades, but the Tenacity that you have shown in acquiring a GRADE!!!.
I also passed my test for my Legal Services Business License with a whopping 92% instead of the 1st grade of 79%. the Passing score was 80% (GO< FIGURE)!! I told you I would keep trying and I did.
I had Meditated on what to write about today and this what I have been led to say"
MAYBE WE ARE IN EACH other LIVES TO ASPIRE (to have a great ambition of ultimate desire: to arrive toward and end:) TO INSPIRE(to stimulate to an indicated feel or action)
Thank you for joining with me today, and did you get your coffee, tea, milk, water or a snack?
I took a long time to ask, yet it was the 3rd line I originally wrote, but today I see we are to give
notice to EveryOne. If I did not single you, (YOU) are to just look at the above Statement and just KNOW today we are all included. From the Tiny Youngest to the Oldest!!
BE BLESSED<BE A BLESSINGS to others, and Don't forget to LAUGH and with the LITTLE ones, the SENIORs/PARENTs/VETERANs equally. I APPRECIATE YOU!!!
With Much LOVE(TYG)
Tonnie Stowers Jackson