How are you? How have you been? How should I begin? Should I begin?
To answer the last question, Yes, an I will began, by asking my favorite
To ALL: How have your Birthdays been treating you? How have you been
treating your Birthdays? May I just say, Happy, Happy Birthday to each of us
and Happy Re-Birth to us as well..
I am going to start as if I never stopped writing in October of 2015. I have
the opportunity to write again, and I will avail myself to it. Now what I do
not know is if anyone is still going to read with me, but I have to believe that
if the opportunity has presented itself then so will my Bloggers friends, began
to read with me again.
So much has happened since I last wrote, but I will not dwell on it at this time.
However, I did manage to share photos of the Celebration of a Statue of My
Great Uncle CPL.Freddy Stowers. Did you get to see them? Much contents that
I will elaborate on in the future. I now have access to my own computer and I will not
be disturbing my Grand-son's,or my daughter Studies.,Frankly they have continued
to tell me to write my Blog, but sometimes I have just not wanted to get in their
way of studies and jobs.
I have been watching the movie "THE BOOK of ELI" with "Denzel Washington"
I have found it to be so inspiring and I am not infringing on any one rights when I
say 'WE LIVE BY FAITH AND NOT BY SIGHT' as is shown through out this
Anyway after yesterday I thought I had better start to write again, because somehow
I am not living up to my full potential. I was asked to Bless the food, and I started off
as I always do, when I Pray regardless to where I am. I asked God to "Speak his words
through me, Thinks his thoughts through me, Act through me and React through me"
In this way I do not feel like I will say something wrong. Anyway when I finished saying
my form of Grace a Member walked over to me and asked me ,"Did I Bless the Food"
I answered by saying "Oh, you not hear me Thank the ones who prepared the food that
we would consume!.& Our palates and tongues that we will use to help chew our food."
Now, that I am writing this I can see how she missed the Blessing,( or did I) I could very
well have said "Lord Bless our food that we have received", but you see this has never
occurred to me since I had to have (years ago)surgery in my mouth to have a
Torus( a bony protrusion on my palate) removed. As if my own surgery was not bad
enough a friend had to have hers removed and it was cancerous(which by the way was
the only reason I had mine removed in the first place.
Instead of my friend's palate she had a big ball of wax in her mouth, to replace her palate.
(I am sure with all the new technology some other methods are now used), so this is not
to frighten anyone that has a Torus) but perchance if your Dentist recommends removal
if you have one ,please listen!!!
Needles to say,
every since that time I have always given THANKS for my palate, tongue, and teeth as
I give Thanks for the ability to chew.( This is very True).
For some reason I wanted to start off this BLOG with that little bit of REMEMBRANCE,
I just never thought that everyone does not think that just because we see & have food
that we will be able to chew it, But again, you see I always give God" THANKS"that
each part of my body functions in its proper perspective. and this is my fervent Prayer.
Think about what is yours . It isn't my Business therefore, I will not ask you, but you
can ask yourself and you will not get angry with yourself for asking.(smile)
I am glad to write again,and if by chance you are reading with me, I thank you as well.
I Appreciate the Opportunity to write again, Thank you for Joining With Me. And Thanks
With Much Love,
Tonnie Stowers Jackson(TYG)
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