Hi EveryOne!!!
Happy, Happy Birthday,to you & How are you? Happy Re-Birth to us as well.
Will we start out just being thankful for Who we are? Whose we are, and where we
are? Are you where you want to be? Are you where you thought you wanted to be,
but, would now like to rescind that thought, if you could? I behold the Christ in you &
in me.In no way am trying to tell you how to think or live, but, I must be true to
who I am and Whose I think I am, You are privy to do the same.I am uplifted and
guided by the Christ Mind. He that "planted the ear, shall he not hear? he that made the
"eye shall he not see?He that "giveth man knowledge" shall he not know? This is
written in part from (PSALMS: 94:9-10).
Today, my Meditation has led me to write my Prayer aloud. I always think SPEAK your
WORDS through Me. THINK your thoughts through me, ACT through me and REACT
through me, Thank you Holy SPIRIT, You are my shepherd, and I shall not want for
No-thing. You have continued to BLESS me and my Family, my personal being, my
household and my Sound Mind. My eyes, my ears my legs, my arms,etc,
each body part. I Thank you for the use of my Limbs, and that each one is functioning in
its proper perspective. I am Thankful for the little things that I forget on a daily basis,
to give thanks to you for, I Thank you for the Person/Persons that you have allowed
to cross my path today, Did I say what you wanted me to say/, Did I help Win a Soul today?
Did I remember to ask for Forgiveness If by some chance I hurt some one's feelings today?.
Did I say Thank you for your Forgiveness if I allowed someone to hurt my feeling today?
I Thank you so much that you have made me worthy to Appreciate all the good that You have
allowed me to share in my Conscious Mind, Oh, Father, Mother God, If by some chance
I have not given my best to day, I ask thy Forgiveness, If by some chance I took things to
serious instead of knowing that it is not my privilege to save, but to simple be an instrument
of thy PEACE. I ask for thy Forgiveness. I Thank you, that you are The Desire and the Full-fill
ment of my desires. I Thank you that I remember that I am "not" to be the person that diggeth
a ditch and to "fall" there-into the ditch that I have dug.(PSALMS (7-15) I acquire just a little
of the thoughts of you to Lead, Guide and Protect me from All Hurts, Harms and Danger,. If by
Chance Father, Mother God that someone will be helped by my Prayers of Thanks, I Thank you,
For the Sick and Shut-In, For the Men/Women that are Incarcerated, for the Veterans, for the
SENIORS that are in the Hospital beds and the Nursing Homes. For the Little Ones that are now learning about your Grace and Mercy, I Thank you for the Parents that know how to teach and are trying to teach their children about some aspect of Spirituality, it just may be" ONE DAY BE THEIR Saving Grace...I Thank you for all our Animals friends and for all our Trees and Flowers.
I Thank you for the Earthly Judges, The Lawyers,& The Jurors who have a determinant responsibility to EMIT a Godly Justice for any and all recipients at their Mercy.
I Thank you for all the things that I do not know while I remember that your words says that "IN all our ways to Acknowledge you and you will direct Our Paths. I Thank you that you are LOVE and
in Believing in you so Much, It makes me to be a LOVING Person. I just want to keep my mind stayed on THEE, and try to ascertain the Height of my own SPIRITUALITY. through my continued
efforts. For that in which I do not know or believe, Help my Unbelief!!! And So It is. Amen
I Appreciate you. I Appreciate this Opportunity to Share,. Thank you for joining with me. LAUGH, BE,BLESSED<BE A BLESSINGS TO OTHERS. PLEASE SEE THAT YOU PASS ON ALL THE GOOD THAT YOU SEE IN YOU. Then you cannot help but to be HAPPY
With Much LOVE(TYG)
Tonnie Stowers Jackson
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