Hi EveryOne!!!
How are you today? Happy, Happy Birthday! Happy RE-Birth to you & I as well. I
am wondering today "WHY PAINT" A PICTURE of words? An old adage states:
"A Picture is worth a thousand Words"
Should I be so bold as to think that it is okay for me (to think) it is OKAY for me to try
and do so? (YOU BET) it is and if I am the only one who knows that I have done so, then
I must be the one that need to be reminded.(smile) I was learning how to tell the difference
and then I would become a little apprehensive if I thought that I had not reached the one
person or persons
that I was supposed to reach. I would look at the numbers and I would think to myself
"Oh my Goodness" maybe so, maybe not so.
Anyway, I gather that if I am sincere about my purpose, then if I Plant all the Mental seeds
that I am given to Plant, then the Harvest is not mine to worry about, but, being a "SENIOR
HUMAN' I just want to know that some other SENIOR will be saying I am going to read with
my Peer today, or that some one of the youth persuasion will say is she for real?.....
My Meditation sometime Preclude my Actions.
Heck so much for the redundancy, if that is exactly what I do not want to do, then I had best
change my way of trying to "PAINT A PICTURE OF WORDS" I want to think of another way
to at least give you something to LAUGH or Say Hmmm about.
We were talking about something my Grand-son told me that he had heard on one of his movies.
He asked me this question"Mom do you know the one thing that KILLS most Elderly People?
I said "No". He answered," IT IS RETIREMENT".After I finished laughing, I just there in AWE, and I said"OH, my GOSH, you are probably Right.
Immediately, I started to think just do not think this about me or anyone else I know, because we are going to Live, and don't expect us to just Hand/Hang up our traveling Shoes, and put away our best underwear while we wait to be fitted for the Big Final Ride. "No Sirree Buddy,!!!
Most of us worked either from 25 to 30 years just to be able to RELAX at our Leisure and learn to play the Piano, the flute, go roller skating or bike riding or whatever, and then we try to get on the bike seat and feel a pain in our legs or we try to to stretch out our arthritic fingers or our hips will not allow us to kick our legs but so high. Now look this is a Dismal Picture that I am Painting with Words, and We will not have it. If we cannot ride, then walk, if we cannot play the flute, piano etc. then we will take a breathing exercise. Work Puzzles, Write Poetry, Sing the same Song over and over,, We will and We must do what ever it will take,to live our Lives to the fullest. Else how can be be called the "SENIOR BOOMERS" of today? as were the" BABY BOOMERS"called of Yesteryear?. I do not intend to make light of our age Plight,, but I believe that if we get our prescriptions filled on our way to the Bowling Alley or get them filled on our way to a Bridge or Whist or Golf Game, it would please our Physicians and think how good we will be for his/her Practice.
He/She will definitely be known as a Geriatric Specialist. (GO<FIGURE) WOW, won't that be an example for those same people to write bout? (smile) I will tell this to my Grand-son, tell it to your
Children and Grands as well.( I READ SOMEWHERE THAT THE 80's are now the new 50's)
My Niece always say, "She is not a Granny- Mom but, a Glamour Mom as well". Just a little Thought
for today. Visualize this as We Paint Our Picture with Words.( Paint the Image as we Paint the Images
our Words have predicted).
I Appreciate You, I Appreciate the Opportunity to have shared. Thank you for joining with me!!!
We are BLESSED , HEALED and HARMONIOUS in the name of JESUS the CHRIST, Remember I am not trying to tell you what to believe, just Affirm what makes you the most Happy OFTEN. But,
Today I must say to you, Whatever you Do or Say Be BLESSED in your Coming And Goings. Don't forget to LAUGH. OH, you are? Well, I am soooo Happy for you.
With Much LOVE(TYG)
Tonnie Stowers Jackson
(PS) My Grand-son now has a Fancy-Bearded -dragon, he thinks it is soooo amazing , how everything that liveth, has a Heartbeat. Hm mm. Isn't that Something? "AND A LITTLE CHILD SHALL LEAD THEM"
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