Hi EveryOne!!!
How are you? Happy, Happy Birthday!! Happy, Re-Birth to you and I as well.
Did you celebrate this day in any special way?
My family and I attended a Veterans Day Ceremony today, and I came home with
a different mind-set than when I first sat down to listen to the Veterans speak. I sat
there and listened as one such Veteran spoke about his tour in the Armed Forces. He
had been a POW and he explained his Grueling experience in this form of Captivity. I
will not refer to his name, because I did not ask for his permission to write about him, I
will say, though, that I was is a slight state of depression when he encountered many
incidents that arose, while he was imprisoned. He stated that he had been in three different
camps, in three years and how when they (the soldiers) could not walk to keep up that
they were shot.
His foot had had been mangled from the artillery of the Japanese and he decided then and
there that he would survive. He said that it got so bad that one of the Japanese Soldiers
actually carried him on his back, although he was determined to live, it was so very hard
for him to walk, an that they traveled by night so that the American (who had attempted
to free them) would not be able to see them and rescue them in the daytime. They still had
to make the journey. He said there were 12 to 13 men in his camp and they were served
one cup of millet in the morning and one cup in the afternoon. He was a Lieutenant and his
men tried to help him, he finally told them to stop trying to help him, because there were
too many repercussions against them in a retaliatory sense. He saw men that had deceased
laid in column of three up to 18 soldiers, then,two men were designated to dig holes and bury
them. He personally felt that their dog tags were removed and destroyed so that many men
were never accounted for, or listed MIS.
I told you earlier that I came away a little depressed, and I really did but, I thought to myself,
what about the soldiers that were undergoing this kind of torture and what about the ones that
are not able to talk about it even today? What about the ones who have PTSD and other
ailments such as Agent Orange?.
This is a Caucasian. male and I began to wonder what about the minority soldiers? What must
they have gone through, especially soldiers like my Great-Uncle Freddie Stowers, who fought
in an all Black unit and had to wear the uniform of the French instead of the U.S.,(once in France) because of his race. It did not make him too hostile to lead his company to overcome the enemy. I immediately sanctioned my thoughts and said instead, LOOK AT ALL THE SOLDIERS THAT were NOT RECOGNIZED IN ANY FORM. Whose families loved and missed them as well.
I thought what about Now? How many Soldiers still suffer from imprisoned mindset,irregardless to what war they have served in, and in part, what has changed so much? Are we true Believer that "All Men Are Created Equal? If that was so, then the "Civil Rights Act" of 1886 (i believe) would not have been eradicated and another one had to implemented in1964.
I see now why I just have to keep on believing that I will not center my attention on the things that
will Clog my Arteries(so to speak) and medically I doubt any physician will agreed with me, but,
there is a Scripture that states "PHYSICIAN HEAL THYSELF" I choose to abhor(to reject) the negatives that can so easily destroy a Peaceful State of Consciousness and Clog my Arteries.(GO,FIGURE). I know why I do what I do, I know why I think what I think, I know why it is
important to simple "LET GO & LET GOD", If not your/my burden would be too heavy to bear.
an I have long reached SENIOR HOOD and I want to Continue to LIVE<>
I Appreciate you, Thank you for joining with me, I appreciate my Opportunity to share with you.
Remember that WE ARE ALL BLESSED, HEALED and HARMONIOUS IN THE NAME OF JESUS the CHRIST. This works for me, Say What you Believe Works for you, but, don't forget to
Say it Often!!!:-)))....
With Much LOVE(TYG)
Tonnie Stowers Jackson
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