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Monday, April 13, 2015

Painting A Picture of BROKE/BROKEN!!!(#133)

Hi EveryOne!!!

     Happy, Happy Birthday. Happy Re-Birth to us as well. How are you and how have you enjoyed yourself today? 
Did you relax? Did you ask what should you do today? Did you plan to do anything special or did you say that I 
am going to accept what is given me to do?
     Were you listening or did you just think GIVE ME THIS DAY MY DAILY BREAD! It really doesn't matter
unless you ask for Guidance, if that be the case then I really do not have to say anymore about that.
     As usual, I Meditated on just what to write today and I received in Consciousness the following thoughts on the
words, BROKE/BROKEN. I said okay, SPIRIT Speak your Words through me and think your thoughts through me. 
     Do you want us to continue now? Well, here goes. If you want to get something to snack on or sip on, okay, if 
not and you are reading while riding that is okay to. I am so glad to know that you are reading with me I give 
Thanks to SPIRIT that I remember to ask for Guidance and further more I give Thanks that I remember how to 
type from one day to another.I looked at a movie entitled "AGE OLD FRIENDS" I am a SENIOR and when you /I
look and listen if  we do not acknowledge how Grateful we are,where would we be?, What's to become of us?  
I do not  look at movies that make me unhappy, I simple REJECT, (REJECT), and REFUSE 
to accept  anything that Quench my spirit. How much time do we have to continue to accept 
this kind of thinking?. If you are doing it then STOP, if your PARENTS are doing it then tell

     Definitions acquired from {The American Heritage Dictionary}

Broke; Lacking funds(past tense of break) 
Broken;(past participle of break) #1.adj.Forcibly fractured into two or more pieces shattered.
#2. Violated, transgressed as promises.#3.Fragmentary incomplete(a broken set of books)
#4. Disorganized routed(broken troops), #5.Intermittently stopping and starting, discontinuous.
#6.Varying Abruptly, as in pitch(broken sobs),#7.Spoken imperfectly(broken English)
#8.Topographically rough, uneven,#9. Subdued,humbled(a broken spirit)
#10.Tamed and Trained(a broken stallion) #11.Weakened, Exhausted (broken health)
#12. Crushed by Grief(a broken heart) & #13.Financially ruined, bankrupt,#14.Not functioning
      As I began to concentrate on the meanings, I thought to myself. I only use the word (BROKE)
when I am stating that I do not have any money, but rarely do I use it in any other context,Now that I have observed the meaning of  the word (BROKEN)I realize why I am given the two words. Do you
see as I do the only difference is the (N) attached to the word BROKE, Can we see just what changes came come forth by something so min -ute?Would you believe that often times we make ourselves
so miserable by just changing one thing , let alone one word?You nor I am BROKE/or BROKEN, and if you are in the habit as I am/was saying it let us refrain from given little things so much Power over us. There is Power in the Spoken Word and from this instance on.may we regard this as a lesson to be "reckoned" with. Frankly I have never looked up the word BROKEN, but this I know as it is stated in
JOHN: (10:35)"........The Scripture cannot be BROKEN.
PROVERBS (17:22)  A Merry heart doeth good like a medicine,but a BROKEN spirit drieth   up the Bones.
I Appreciate you, and I Appreciate the Opportunity to Share. Thank you for joining with me. and
Don't forget to Laugh with EveryOne. BE BLESSED & BE A BLESSING TO OTHERS.
With Much Love(TYG)
Tonnie Stowers Jackson
(PS) From now on I will for my Salutation say the same as my greeting, because my grand-son said I did not include the Little people after I watched the movie "The Minis" you know what He is right, and just to think, I thought I was including all/Most people. "AND A LITTLE CHILD SHALL THEM" (GO,FIGURE) As he said "how do you know if I don't tell you". To Every Parent Child, where ever you are. Whaaaaaaaaat ever your age may be, BE HAPPY!!!:-)))

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