Hi EveryOne!!!
Happy, Happy Birthday to one and all. How are you? How has your day gone so far? How is your day going or is your day going on without you?You and I both know that we can go with the flow of the day or it will simply go on without us, by that I mean are we participating in the events of today/ each day or are we remembering what happened yesterday? Oh, we can plan to live each day to the FULLEST!!! ARE WE? Are we teaching our young ones the same truths that we are applying? Are (are) they applying what they (C) SEE!
When we live and C, (see) tomorrow, we will see it came/ went on its way with or/ without us. But, for those of us who have seen many Re-Births we can attest, that, it is wise to make the very best of each new horizon that our eyes can behold. I write to alleviate stagnated Energy. and I (so)enjoy the idea of being able to do so. I (so) enjoy the idea for those of you who read with me. I sometimes say to SPIRIT, I want the whole world to read with me, but then, I remember of your own Free Will, you join with me and for that I am so Grateful. I mean it when I say I Appreciate you, and I Appreciate an OPPORTUNITY TO SHARE. Thanks be to GOOGLE!!!
Are you going to stay for a while? Well if so, why not get something to snack on to to sip on?. If you cannot, well, that is okay. I will write anyways and maybe you will not get too bored while reading with me. Now, that I know you may be reading while you are riding.
I have been trying to wrap my mind around what SPIRIT is giving me to write about, I keep getting the alphabet "C." I have been Concentrating all week on just what this means. I am sure it just might be that I am suppose to Contemplate on the Consistency of thoughts. I even looked on line to try to find out how many C's are there meanings given for, to no avail, I MEDITATED on the Alphabet (C) then I asked,"Is It SEE?"Am I/ Have I missed something I should SEE? Therefore, I began to Concentrate on some words that began with (C) from my own Consciousness,such as;
1. Candle, burns one's candle on both ends(to expends to much of one's energy)
2. Candid(without pre-judging)
3. Caprice(an impulsive change of mind)
4. Capriccioso (lively and free)as in music .
5. Caring(to support or sustain)
6. Carry(to transport from one place to another)
7. Circumvent((to avoid by passing it around)
8. Circumlocution(a roundabout expression)
9. Concede(to acknowledge as truth)
10. Concise(expressing much in a few words) (GO< FIGURE) :-)))
11. Conjecture(to infer from inclusive evidence, to guess)
12. Couth(refined,suave, knowledgeable, humorous)
Just to name a very few, I did not know I knew so many. WOW<>WOW.(smile) I really think I LOVE to (LiVE) my Wisdom.
Maybe, some of these words you already use, maybe not, but, If I convey my SENIORS thoughts to you I will Continue to Consult SPIRIT's Guidance to you and (to) myself. To Connect the truths that I may always Conclude with Candor(frankness of expression.)
This I SEE, that God, is the Master Planner and although,We are given "FREE WILL" to be the Master of our fate, We must See that LOVE will Conquer the test of time in my Life and in yours. If I/we Continue to See this, then, we would have seen what ever we need to (C)
(smile)Then we will not have to( have )a Plan A&B. ASK, TRUST, BELIEVE!
I Contend that I don't always know what I am going to end up writing but I always write, and it is verbatim to what I have been given, and then some times a word will change here and there. When I read it back before I publish it, is as if I am reading it for the first time. { It is just so Wonderful,} especially since I never forget to ask SPIRIT, to SPEAK THROUGH ME, ACT THROUGH ME AND REACT THROUGH ME. I don't worry about it because sometimes I am learning as SPIRIT teaches both you and I. In this way, I Confess that everything I need to know is being revealed to me.!! Sometimes I even try to use the word I (LESS) but as of right now that hasn't changed and"It" must be OKAY, because it is easy for you to read as if you are writing yourself, or at least that is what I BELIEVE: (GO<FIGURE)
With Much LOVE(TYG)
Tonnie Stowers Jackson
(PS)If you BLESS a person, that person has no Power to harm You. by V. Henderson
Believe this as you Commit to being "HAPPY"
I like the C's! :)