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Sunday, November 16, 2014


Hi EveryOne!!!

Happy, Happy Birthday! How are you today, and how has your day been so far?
Are you having a great day? About our Re-Births, Are we notating our progress?
Are we recognizing our Growth?
We have had such a splendid week, First off, I want to tell you of this week events.
It has been a little different than usual.
On June 13,2014. I wrote about out Historian here in Pendleton, by the name of 
Mr. Jim Smith while I was discussing My Great Uncle, CPL.Freddy Stowers. I made
mention that I had cited his name while I was writing my article without his permission
and had labeled him as our Historian, he just smiled and said that he was not a Historian
but he did not seem to mind that I had done so. I had to do it because if it had not been
for the fact that he is a History buff, and knew my Mom, we would probably not have
begun this joyous journey about my Great Uncle. I think it is time to say (GO,FIGURE)
and to give him a BIG THANK YOU again, Whether he reads this or not, I am saying it
to you who click a read with me." IT IS BETTER TO BE LOOKED OVER, THAN TO BE OVERLOOKED". I am glad I saw he and wife again!
We went to Hilton Head Resort on Friday to my grand-son school outing, We were going to 
tour on the boat to see the Dolphins, would you believe that my daughter drove 5 hours
each way which totaled a 10 hour trip just driving and we were 30 minutes late reaching Dock C
to aboard the boat to take the tour. Can you imagine that? My young cousin whom I always
call my daughters-sister took the trip with us and explained the features of Hilton Head 
which I did not know about.  For those of you who have never visited there it is just a 
Majestic Place and I have never just felt that I would like to live any place where  I 
was visiting. The impulse was so great I had to make mention of it. The buildings are of
low structure and the signs are all at eye length at least the ones we saw. I told my family that
they really had their zoning laws in place. Now I understand why some years ago, when I
lived in DC. I had seen a show on channel 26, wherein a gentlemen had stated that they
had bought all the land in Hilton Head 25 years prior just to be able to monitor who would 
be able to buy/and live there. It is a place that calms the spirit, and the energy is unforgettable
The tallest buildings were the Hotels/Apartment buildings surrounding the Harbour. I believe
that it is because there seem to be a great deal  of water that's around the Resort that the 
atmosphere is just peaceful. My grand-son stated upon my observation "That maybe it is 
because everyone that lives there is Rich" we all laughed and agreed. We always know that 
there are no accidents and although we did not make the tour , we will go back and we will
be on time the next time.:-))) I even liked the moss on the trees.
Lastly, I mentioned about Seniors wearing our high heels in my last article, and I had no idea,
that I would have this to write to you today, but here is a Chuckle for you. My O.E.S presented 
a Baby Contest, and Fashion Show this Saturday and it was a tremendous success. We had
all age groups, as well as SENIOR COUPLEs, I looked at one of the ladies who had on a pair 
of heels, and I said to her, "That I had written about us in my Blog, I told her that I admired 
seeing us (Seniors) in our attire that we still can wear that uplifts our spirit and keep us feeling whole".
(Of course I Still stand 5'8 and I can still wear my heels as well) She stated to me" On that I,
say as the youths say Don't pay any attention to the Hater's, how they feel is not my Problem, it is there's, and she said  I am sixty-five(65) years old and I will wear my heels as long as I live,
because I will not think any other way and I have already told my husband if I ever get where
I can not wear my heels, put them on me and push me around in my Wheel Chair with them 
On that." I Guffaw and I said "YOU GO GIRL". So SENIORS Friends Awake to Your Divine Self. Let us have the attitude of this beautiful Senior Lady.
Don't be intimidated by the misplaced thoughts of others. 
INSTEAD become a Sophisticated Senior, I once started a Club called "Sophisticated Seniors"
Don't be like the lady who once told me that she was a Senior but she wasn't a Sophisticated
Senior, I told her, Oh Yes, when you live to be a Senior you can call yourself any name you 
want too, or you can listen to (My now new Phrase) THE HATERs. They are the same ones Who will tell me why don't I dye my Hair but never mention to be like theirs.(dah) The Scripture states that "GREY HAIR IS A MAN'S GLORY. I TAKE IT TO MEAN A LADY AS WELL".
 BE<BLESSED, BE A BLESSING TO OTHERS. Don't forget to Laugh with the LITTLE ONES/
your FRIENDs'
I Appreciate you, and I Appreciate this Opportunity to share with you .What has made you the Happiest today?. DON'T BE OFENDED BY PEOPLE WHO ARE OFFENSIVE, JUST SAY IT
IS JUST THEIR NATURE!!!(GO,FIGURE) Thank you for joining with me!
With Much Love(TYG)
Tonnie Stowers Jackson

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