Happy, Happy Birthday, and Happy Belated Birthday. I have not written deliberately
for three days. I wanted the Back-To-School BLOG to have the Opportunity to sink in
after being shared. I thought it was worthy and I appreciated the efforts that my daughter
put forth in writing it for us. Many of you read/shared the Article I am so appreciative.I think whomever needed it the most read and absorbed its content. And It is Still There!!
Happy Re-Birth as well, did you say audibly or inaudibly that is/will be the best One
that you ever have had? What about your Re-Birth did you find out something that you
said to yourself, I will never forget that? or did you say I will never say that again! or think,
or never do that again? Sometimes, I think I am looking to have an enormous thing
happen to say, WOW! This must be that Re-Birth thing, but, on the contrary, it is usually
Something so mi-nute that you don't even notice that you are doing, thinking ,
or saying it? Yet, the impact can cause a Life-long verbal eruption,which could be as that
movie that's titled (The Never-Ending Story.
I did Meditate on just what to write because I wanted this to be another special BLOG!
I do not know about that, cause I kept saying to SPIRIT "I just want to give some Heavy-
Heart the ability to LAUGH" SEE HINT BELOW!!
I am pleased to announce that my grand-son is now writing with both hands, his left as well,
as his right hand. Do you know why? Well, here is a little something to LAUGH about.
When he first began to write he would try to write with both hands at the same times, he
would literally hold the pencil with both hands. We began to notice that this wasn't a good
thing to let him do. We would concentrate on the right hand and as a result he used his right
hand more that his left.Well, this summer his Mom has been teaching him to write cursive
writing.and would you believe he is totally ambidextrous? His Mom stated "That is probably
why he doesn't like to write" ('Cause we have helped him used the right instead his left hand)
He is writing much better with his left. Now, would you believe? (Naawww) It COULDN'T BE!! COULD IT? (GO,FIGURE)
I practiced this saying all day long; after I looked at the movie"
It was very delightful and is portrayed with a group of SENIORS included in the Cast
Just like the Little Train: YES I CAN!!, YES I CAN, CAN!!!, YES I CAN!! I practiced
it over and over. Believe it or not I had TO FACE A RARE intimidation about
myself this weekend. That is why my daughter and grand-son went to the Library and
brought me the DVD to watch!!!
.BE BLESSED,<BE A BLESSING to others, Don't forget to LAUGH with LITTLE ones/
PARENTs/SENIORs/VETERANs/SOLDIERs/FRIENDs/ I was asked to say "foe" at least
a couple more times. So here goes LAUGH YOUR foe INTO A FRIEND.
I Appreciate you!! I Appreciate this Opportunity!!
With Much LOVE(TYG)
Tonnie Stowers Jackson
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