How are you? Thank you for joining with me.
Happy, Happy Birthday and Happy Re-Birthday. I want you to be happy in what ever kind of day it was for you. I honestly believe that today I had a Re-Birthday myself. (Smile)
It is early morning now and I started to write this BLOG awhile ago, but I stopped without the clarity, I felt I had been given, because I wanted to think a mistake had been made, but, alas,(an exclamation expressing sorrow) it had not and I just did not want to face a very silent reprimand from the HOLY SPIRIT.:)))
I have not asked you did you get your tea, coffee, milk or water? My grand-son asked me "Why don't I ever say soda" and is it "because they don't drink it" I told him, "No, because I drink both coke and pepsi(s)". I just do not ever ask, anyway as not to shun anyone I will say henceforth, something to drink. We agreed that would be best. Do you all agree? (Go,Figure)
This is a repeat of what I wrote out earlier, and stopped for awhile as I forestated.
It is a beautiful day here, the sun is rising amidst the clouds, just above the tree tops. It seem as if the Oak trees are awakening from their winter sleep for the spring. I love to see Mother Nature in all its glory. The flowers are a variety of colors even the same plants, and I am not as knowledgeable as my sister is as to their names, but I can and do still appreciate the LOVE that God displays in every facet of Life. Isn't it amazing? It helps us to understand why so many pastels are used for Palm an Easter Sunday(s), or at least I think so. We have an enormous Cactus in our yard and each year it seem to get larger and larger I talked about removing some parts of it this spring and "Guess What?" the Beetles got in it and destroyed about 1/4 side of it, for the first time since I have been back home, now, I said that for this reason, I wanted to remove parts of it to retard it growth, and the Universe took me at my word. You see, I try to be careful as to what I speak, because THERE IS POWER IN THE SPOKEN WORD and very rarely do our words return to us VOID. <hmmm>
I was Meditating today and I think I expected God to take on a Human Form and Gossip with me. I began to ask all these questions concerning other people business, e.g. I never do this, today I did. Well, "Spirit when are you going to resolve my daughter's case?" I only received "In all thy ways acknowledge me and I will direct thy path".
I asked, "What about a car for us of our very own" I received " In all thy ways acknowledge me and I will direct thy path."
Again I asked, (this time I said) " Holy Spirit Why does Ms. So & So and Mr. So & So behave in such a mean way, by pretending to be for us and all the times trying to stick a knife in our backs?" I again received" In all thy ways acknowledge me and I will direct thy paths." But, this time I felt a certain sternness," TO LOOK UP, (THY), MY CHILD" I said okay "HOLY SPIRIT" I will look up (THY) for which I did.
In my American Heritage Dictionary its states "Attributively to indicate possession
agency, or reception of an action by the person/persons spoken to" Yahoo states, "Of or relating to thee or thyself as a possession or agent of an object of an action".
There now, I simply said "Thank You" to Gossip is not my forte, but this time I thought I would go to the Source, for which I believe all thoughts and all things created comes from whether in thoughts words or deeds. I will steadfastly hold on too, " In all thy ways acknowledge him and he will direct thy paths" Do not for one minute think that if we had my conversation, we would still not be talking, because we would have. (Smile) Sometimes we just have to say I really do not want to have this conversation especially if we are imparting Negation.
If this conversation has helped someone else as it has helped me I am glad; God is certainly no Respecter of person and LOVES each of us enough to tell us so. Will we Listen?. I will.
Take care; BE BLESSED<BE WHOLE< and Tomorrow join me as we tell the Story of Solomon. I LOVE it. Don't forget to Laugh with yourself and with the Little Ones as Well.
With Much LOVE(TYG)
Tonnie Stowers Jackson
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