Good morning, How are you? Thank you for joining with me again today. This is such a Blessing to awake, give Thanks and be eternally Grateful for this opportunity to share with those of you who take the time to glance at my Blog. You know something, I think I am suppose to say to you, that even though I write, I informed from the very beginning that I am not a Scholar, but, instead I am writing my Picture with My Words. Sometime you will see grammatical errors and errors in my punctuations but you already know I am a Senior, this is not to make excuses but gently to say these are my thoughts I want to say. I place capital letters where I want to place emphasis to express words. I told you, that my daughter told me not to use so many underlines, because now it could mean directing a person to a LINK, and just think that is where I was having so much Fun.(Go, Figure) Be it far from me to be accused of being Politically or Grammatically correct. I do believe that everything I need to know is Revealed to Me and I can Do all things through Christ who Strengtheneth me.(Philippians:4:13). Sometimes even spellcheck has a problem defining the spelling of words. I smiled to myself and I thought l, oh well, even with all the new technology Foolish things can still confound the Wise.:))) My verses are almost always Biblically correct. (Go, Figure)
I am going to now get back to EMOTIONS I wanted you to find a little humor before I started with my thoughts on the family of EMOTIONS. Do you know that everything is determined I believe on some kind of feelings. It is regarded as a Negative or a Positive state of mind, and regardless to the Mind, or to whom it belong, one day when you arise your EMOTIONS will not rise with you. it will say Arm emotions I do not want to rise today. Arm will check in with Leg emotions and say "I do not want to rise today either" after they confer with each other they decide to ask Feet emotions "do you intend to rise today"? Feet emotions will reply "I do not think so",but I am going to ask Eye emotions, "Äre they going to open today" Eye emotions.state "yes, I am"but quickly add I think I heard that Back emotions said "that it doesn't think that it is going to rise today" Back emotions say" I know for a fact that Heart emotion is going to rise but will shut down later on today!" Every part of the body go through this Every day I am now waiting to see has any other part contacted (Mind emotion), here it comes, after all of the body parts have made their agreements whether or not they will knock the human off from it routine they all finally ask the Mind Emotions "What are its intentions for Tonnie today?" Mine will say "Well, I think she has become a little to Positive in her thinking and she will tell each body part that IT HAS NO POWER TO HURT HER, AND THAT SHE WILL REJECT US IN THE NAME OF JESUS CHRIST! but don't worry, (she is not as confident in the area of Finances we will get her later, because you all know we will find a way to reach every one that does not know that Emotions have not gender nor age preference) "Just wait." I think all of us will have a need to go a physician, dentist, or some other professional, but for the things that are guided by mind, often bring on strokes or something else devastating.we must began to believe in what not to use a crutch in our lives or our children lives. Have you ever asked you little one "How are you feeling today" and he/she will reply' I have a stomach ache or head ache or any other ache" and all the while you are so concerned, you are rushing out the door to get to work on time. You will say sometimes, "We,ll just stay in bed I will check on you later." Come to find out later that the tiny tot is being bullied at school and just do not want to tell mom or dad.
In the meantime, Tonnie is trying to share her secret with the few people that will listen. It is written
that To the weak became I as weak
that I might gain the weak: I am
made all things to all men that I might in all wise gain some:(Cor.9:22)
What does this have to do with EMOTIONS? Just this that the EMOTIONal family control our every thought and action and I honestly believe from Inception to our Home going. It is busy performing its duty in us and through us.Be it through the form of depression. hate, dislike for ourselves or our fellow man. judgmental of ourselves or our fellow man, envy, jealousy strife, lack and other illness that come in many forms out in the physical parts of our body that part that is unseen by the naked eye or microscopically, These children of the EMOTIONal family causes many things to happen for
the lack of knowing to say. I just reject you in the name of Jesus Christ, and if our doctors can tell what is mentally affecting us then the medical ailments would be easier to diagnose.
It is so much to say about EMOTIONS. I am going to write more tomorrow. Please bear with me and Thank you for all the LOVE that you show by reading my our BLOGS. (smile)
With Much Love(TYG)
Tonnie Stowers Jackson
It is so much to say about EMOTIONS. I am going to write more tomorrow. Please bear with me and Thank you for all the LOVE that you show by reading my our BLOGS. (smile)
With Much Love(TYG)
Tonnie Stowers Jackson
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