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Thursday, February 5, 2015

Painting A Picture of Poems!!! (#126)

Hi EveryOne!!!

Happy Birthday & Birthday Happy. I mean this no less than at other times, (I just wanted to say
it twice) .-))) Today I want you to smile from the beginning of our conversation, maybe I just 
need too and I want the same for you. Let this be a part of our Re-Birth today, OKAY! Since 
it is 5:o'clock am, I am drinking a cup of coffee. if you are reading with me at this time why
not join with me? I am to glad that you are reading with me, therefore I will not tell you today
when to sip or snack. Is that OKAY?
As I was seeking for Guidance, I am being led to share with you, some portion of poems, that
SPIRIT gave to me when I was asked to write a few words of encouragement. I do hope you
will think so to:

 Excerpts from my Collective Works.

I believe in the me , that you can see, I believe in the me that you 
cannot see, If I did not obstruct your vision, then truly I must be 
the me that I think I see.
 When all truths seem to evade your Consciousness.Your truths
will Surpass all that has invaded you.
Be it learned or inherited, Trust your Truths.
Night falls upon the day, and day falls into the night, All hope glimmer 
just between the two, and No-thing can surprise you,because 
you anticipate the rhythm of Each:
Do not be Hindered by the thoughts of, untamed Spectators
Render yourself to all your Passions, which has kept you, afloat through
your Rite of Passage. Life is yours to behold and Enjoy with every fiber of your being.
Your Energy is such like a much Savored Caviar,
Thrusting bountifully in every Aspect of your Human Self;
It looks and taste delectable, but, that is what your Energy is all about. ENJOY,
Alas my Young/Senior Friends,You have made or is making
Many mental steps. To arrive or have arrived where you are now. Supreme is your Thinking
and Actions. To last, To share, & To implore all of your Innate Abilities, Yes, even those to
By LOVING, LOVING, LOVING Yourself and Others: (by Tonnie Stowers Jackson)
BE BLESSED,BE A BLESSING TO OTHERS. Don't forget to Laugh with the LITTLE Ones/
I Appreciate you. I Appreciate the Opportunity to Share. Thank you for joining with me again. I
look forward to seeing all of your Clicks. IT IS JUST SO WONDERFUL. (GO<>FIGURE)
With Much LOVE*TYG*
Tonnie Stowers Jackson

Sunday, February 1, 2015


Hi EveryOne!!!

How are you? Happy, Happy Birthday! Happy Re-Birth to us as well. Tell me did you have a great day to celebrate your day? How was the weather, was it sunny, cloudy. raining, cold, hot or snowing? How did the weather impact your day? Did you let that happen? Or were you just too Grateful and happy to see the day and did you enjoy your day irregardless to the condition of the weather. Good! that is exactly what I wanted you to say.The weather did not matter because you were too Happy going about the business of being Happy than to have worried about the weather, which you nor I can control anyway.
Well,now on to something else. Thank you for joining with me today I am glad you are here. I as per usual have had my quiet time with the SPIRIT and I tell you the absolute truth. I believe I know why it has been written that if your "Consciousness does not Condemn you then I will". I read that so long ago, and I keep it in my Memory Bank, it serves a great purpose especially when I think of negative thoughts, well yes, I sometimes have those too, I just know now when I am having them. At one time I did now know what it meant to be (Negative or Positive).
I did not know when I talked about other people with someone else instead of telling the person my thoughts, that, that is a form of Negation. I did not know that each time I said I can't do this or that It is a form of Negation, especially before I learned that We can do all things through CHRIST who will
strenghten us, Simply this, Instead of saying I can't do something just Think to yourself, Yes.I can and you/will. Instead of saying I do not have, Yes, I do have,perfect health for me, an Abundance of Joy for me, Perfect Limbs that functions in their proper perspective for me. Perfect thoughts that transcend all other doubts and fears for me Etc. It is really so simple when you began to think of it. I still struggle with some issues too, I know that "As a Man Thinketh within his Heart so is he"  PROVERBS (23:7) I think to myself  If I said I have an Overflow of Finance's that I would be  a Billionaire.Instead of I don't have, which is my issue.I have allowed my feet to stand in the Quagmire toooo--- long concerning my Finances, Now why haven't I changed that if I know so Much? Well you see, Let this hint to the wise(YOU) be sufficient. I am a SENIOR with my viewpoints and although you may not agree with me it is okay, as I always say where I am deficient in some things you are not, Where you are sufficient in some things I am not. When I THINK TO THINK JUST WHAT I AM THINKING ABOUT(THE FIVE DAY COURSE IN THINKING by Edward DE Bond)  I checked this book on line and yes it is there. I am so grateful again for my Legal Services. Each time I quote something ,now, I check for it on line before I write it. I have had this book for years.WOW (GO, FIGURE). Anyway, it is a truth balancing out.
You see, SENIORS and Young People don't allow this to happen to you. You/ I are in control of our thought Patterns, We are to be "Transformed by the Renewing of our Minds"ROMANS (12:1). AS I tell my grand-son I want you to be be more knowledgeable that I am, (Which he is already where Technology is concerned) (smile:-))). Needless to say, his mom takes great care of this  Anyway I want you all to have the Freedom of knowing Life is about LOVE and it will always surpass all other hindrances. From the very Young to the Very SEASONED (my new word now) Let us continue to Feel LOVE, To Show LOVE and to Share LOVE.(I JOHN(4:18)There is no fear in LOVE. but perfect LOVE  Casteth  out  Fear, He  that  Feareth  is  not  made  perfect  in  LOVE.!!!  I JOHN (4:8) HE  That  LOVETH  Not,  Knoweth  Not  GOD,  For  GOD  is  LOVE.!!! Hmmmm. 

My grand-son is trying to teach me the new technology games.WOW! I am learning but,I like to play Whist, bridge, backgammon, monopoly. clue, scrabble, and other games. I like to sing, dance, read,write, talk and walk. Of course, I like to Pray and Meditate. I did not make mention of these last two choices because they are a GIVEN and are as important as the Breath I Breathe. I prefer to think of as many ways to help someone in thoughts, words and deeds than to turn my back to them.. I now know when a person turn their back to you it is simply because they cannot stand to see the illumination of your "LIFE LIGHT," I used to think it was to ignore you but as you grow in Grace you will always know that "When a Person know better, they will generally do better". Don"t  get upset when/if this happens to you. just remember that NEGATION cannot be recognized by a Person who is POSITIVE. 
I Appreciate you,.  I Appreciate this Opportunity to share. I hope you did get something to snack on or to sip on, if not take a break, do this now and re-read this BLOG/.(smile)   
With Much LOVE(TYG)
Tonnie Stowers Jackson
(PS) Don't forget to share a MONTHLY read with us as you will reference in POST (#121 &#122) I LOVE WRITING THIS BLOG SO MUCH I WANTED OTHERS TO SHARE WITH ME, I JUST DID NOT KNOW HOW to CONNECT IT TO MY OWN BLOGGER PAGE., BUT NOW I  AM LEARNING HOW TO DO IT NEXT TIME.(GO< FIGURE) while you are being happy.:-)))