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Saturday, January 24, 2015

Painting A Picture of BEING BARREN!!!(124)

Hi EveryOne!!!

Happy, Happy Birthday! From ages 1 through Forever. How are you and are you enjoying 
your day? How are we during with our Re-Births today? Today it will seem like I am writing a Journal for myself,and maybe that is what I do each time I write, but I just look at the clicks 
and then I think maybe, just maybe I am not doing this for myself, but if I am I  must still say I am sure these are some of the things that the SPIRIT want me to know.(smile). As you are here please join me with snack of your choice and a beverage to drink. Frankly I have a taste for a Bagel but I do not have one and thus I must continue to write .. Is that one of the SENIOR Moment I just had?(smile)
I just do not want you to read a little and say "PHEW" so much for this: Stay with me for awhile. If you have chosen to Click a View with me today I want to continue to explain what the following POST means:
On Monday January 19,2015, We attended a Celebration for Dr. Martin Luther King,at the Civic Center in our Area, The Center was a little less than filled to it's capacity. It was a program that was both Entertaining and Educational, for the most part. All Cultures, All Ages, All Genders represented the audiences and the Keynote Speaker was Ms. Angela Robinson. I was so in Awe of this young lady's Speech that I had to tell SPIRIT Thanks for it's Guidance's again.
(Although I had received the word BARREN and I had only concentrated on the Oak Tree that had shed all its leaves an whereas I thought it looked so Barren just standing there,I know in just a few months another set of leaves would replace the ones that had turned brown and fallen to the ground.) 

Anyway, as she spoke, I equated her speech with Mother Tree( that is what my grand-son call our Trees) He says, that the Trees "have so many children"(meaning the Branches) (GO,FIGURE).
 Then again I understood why I previously got the word BARREN.
{Ms. Robinson spoke to the story of Elizabeth and Zacharias which can be found in the book of Luke in the Bible}, "I looked for it and it can be read starting in chapter 1" verse 5 "The Birth of John the Baptist" although they were stricken in  years God gave them a Son, Which they could not believe when the Angel came forth and told them it was going to happen. Zacharias became fearful, but was made dumb so he could not spread his fear among the people,and could not speak of it to anyone, and in the meantime {Elizabeth hid herself from View, for 5 months because she could not believe it either. Mary went in later to visit Elizabeth and cried out to her in a loud voice, the babe leaped in her womb and Elizabeth was filled with the Holy Ghost}.  Her son was later born and he was called 
"John the Baptist" It was in the same manner that God had done with the Virgin Mary and Joseph. They could not believe it either, Even God had said to Mary, "Hail thou art Highly Favored"The Lord is with thee, Blessed art thou among Women" and her son was called Jesus" Most of us know the story of Sarah who also gave Birth at a later age.{ Ms.Robinson gave an analogy to this story that states," That many of us are impregnated with Dreams and if we are young or Seasoned. if we believe it, it will happen, We JUST Have to have Someone, sometimes to call it out to us and tell us to PUSH HARDER,
Meaning put forth a little more effort and then the Materialization will take place".  If we concentrate on what can be done instead of what hasn't been done.
Does it mean that we have to remain "Barren" for the rest of our life span because we have not Achieved at our time or are we going to Trust God's Timing? She stated" Your Career is what you're paid for, Your Calling is what you are made for" Young Men/Seasoned Men. Young Women/Seasoned Women, do  not give up on your Dreams,. (She said she came that day to be our Mary and she was calling us out to fulfill our Dreams by telling us to PUSH HARDER).
She also stated that since she was 10 years old, she had wanted to Act, but only when she had learned to LOVE herself that the LOVE she has for HER self is shown for all Others,REGARDLESS TO RACE, COLOR, or GENDER.  Among her Achievements she is so Blessed to portray Veronica in "Tyler Perry's" The Haves and The Have Nots which can be seen on Tuesday Evenings On Oprah "OWN" TV Network. Now, mind you. because we do not have Cable I have not seen the program,but needles to say The rest of the Audiences yelled loudly when she was introduced. Although, we have seen her in some of her others performances, I was so intrigued of her unencumbered speech and the fact that she left no one out as she spoke about her childhood, her parents and her Guiding Forces. and her Employer who expect the very best from each one of them, and direct them to achieve this goal. It is busy work and she loves every minute of it.
I would now place Tyler Perry's Sitcom with my two others Shows I would watch continuously. Ellen and Steve Harvey.We often get his movies (Tyler's) from the Library,when we can, but we have to be on the waiting Lists, because they do not remain on the Library shelf, but a hot minute:-))) Anyway not to Plug any show but it is so nice to watch wherein the three of us in our family can watch as a family view the same movie at the same time.WITHOUT Murder, Mayhem, Drugs, etc.
I Appreciate You, I Appreciate the Opportunity to share. Thanks for joining me. Please join again. and bring along a friend. 
With Much LOVE(TYG)
Tonnie Stowers Jackson
(PS) Even when we are BARREN, as Mother Tree, we still carry somethings over even when the new leaves(thoughts) appear. From the cradle to the grave,!!! Are you and I  LOVING ourselves with the Christ LOVE Today? Hmmm I WONDER...... AM I?

Thursday, January 22, 2015

Painting A Picture of Mother Tree!!!(#123)

Hello EveryOne!!!

How are you and was this a Happy, Happy Birthday? Was this a Happy RE-Birth day as well?
Please observe this Oak tree, It grows at the side of our home. We have 5 such trees that surround
our property. Although these branches are Barren of leaves now, it grows in the spring with gigantic leaves and the acorns are usually plentiful. The squirrels run along the limbs all day long whether it has leaves or not.
I am not going to distract from the subject that SPIRIT has given me to write about being
Barren... .I am going to write about how everything in life has a beginning and without it, nothing IS.

Please study the tree and when I write tomorrow we will observe and read about being Seasoned or not and being Barren. This is truly, truly wonderful.
I Appreciate you. I Appreciate the Opportunity to share with you. Thank you for joining with me!!
 I think the TREE is a true depiction of what it is like to be BARREN YET FILLED:
With Much LOVE(TYG)
Tonnie Stowers Jackson
(PS) Please don't forget to review #(121&122) BLOGS!

Monday, January 19, 2015

Painting A Picture of Rocks!!!((122)

Hi EveryOne!!!

How Are You? Happy, Happy Birthday, and Happy Re-Birth to us as well. Today I am going to 
write the BLOG on what I perceive as a little different than usual. Let me say from the very beginning I am trying to say to us that the foundation we stand on is as Solid as a Rock. Did you
get a snack or a beverage of your choice. Again, you know what this means. (I do not know what SPIRIT will Teach Us).

My grand-son is a collector of rocks, and I asked him why?, he answered " I don't know why,
but I just like to collect them". He has been collecting rocks since he was around 4 years old. We 
have rocks in the refrigerator in a bowl and he continues to add water to them every time  the water evaporate. Frankly, I was going to finally take them out but I wanted to know was/is there a reason for them to continue to stay in the water. They are just regular rocks and he has place one in every
room in the house. In his young mind I often have wondered did he believe that the Rocks had some kind of Protective  power? Then, I thought what does he know about Protective Powers?, but I/we try to honor his we try to teach him to honor our space as well, Did the placing of the Rocks make him feel that all the space is our space?(maybe) I used to move them from the dresser, tables, night stand etc.Then, when I would look around he would have placed another rock right back from where I had moved them. I decided to ask SPIRIT to help me to understand what this was all about? He has spray painted some of them and he told me he like the one that have a crystal look to them. Well, I thought now we are getting someplace, I will go through them and throw away all of them that did not have a crystal look EXCEPT  I could not see what he is seeing. His mom just said we 
will know just wait and see. She really did not know either  Although, I felt puzzled and,

Again, I went back to SPIRIT and I took the time to MEDITATE on the Rocks, maybe you are wondering why did I take the time to do all of this instead of just saying "Throw the Rocks away" and that will be the end of that, but since I am a SENIOR and I learned from his mom , that there was
usually a reason for all the things she did growing up, of which sometimes I  would understand and sometimes I would not but ultimately the reason would always come forth and then I would say Hmmm, oh that is why. Have you ever been this way?. It could be said as a METHOD TO HER/HIS MADNESS  to use a Metaphor.

I remembered songs from the past that had something to do with Rocks. Believe it or not so as not to tell you erroneous information I asked my daughter to help me research information about rocks on 
line while I looked up information from a Biblical standpoint, Well, there are over forty(40) verses that contains the word Rock in my Concordance. I also remembered somewhere I had read about the Rock of GIBRALTAR on line it states that(there is a big Rock in the city of GIBRALTAR, a British overseas Territory Located on the Southern end of the Iberian Peninsula, and it provided shelter for over one thousand(1000) years .Also the Rock is Crown Property of the UK and is made of Limestone.) Additional information is on line if you choose to look for it.

The songs I remembered are (Rock of Ages,Cleft for me, Let me hide myself in thee)
The Solid Rock(On Christ the Solid Rock I Stand, All other ground is Sinking Sand)
On line it shows a song from Frankie Lane (1952) about selling brushes and he is like the Rock of GIBRALTAR but I know nothing of this. But, I do know the very popular song from Ashford and Simpson. SOLID AS A ROCK , that's what LOVE is, BUILD IT UP, BUILD IT UP, BUILD IT UP.
LEARN TO TRUST AND DON;t RUN AWAY.  It isn't repeated Verbatim but these are the words I am suppose to write about and I hope we all learn to Trust in the Greater Good and the Greater Power and if we cannot remember to do this then just start by picking up Rocks and placing them as does my grand-son in view . he said" if water gets in the cracks of rocks and freezes it can break open the rock"My research is limited on this, Do you know? AND A LITTLE CHILD SHALL LEAD THEM!!!(GO<FIGURE) and :-)))) I thought to myself if positive energy get into the cracks of negation it will crack it opens as well!!!
I Appreciate you, I Appreciate the Opportunity to share with you, and don 't forget to join with us again. BE<BLESSED, BE A BLESSING TO OTHERS.

With Much LOVE(TYG)
Tonnie Stowers Jackson
(PS) in the meantime find or maybe you have already found your SOLID ROCK, IF NOT TRY THIS: PSALMS (31:3) 
For thou art my rock and my
fortress: therefore for thy name's sake
lead me; and guide me>

Saturday, January 10, 2015

Painting a Picture of Convergence (#121)

Hi EveryOne!!!
How are you today?  Happy, Happy, Birthday! And Happy ReBirth to us as well!  First let me say thank you for joining with me.  It's always a pleasure to note that you are continuing to click a view with me.  I appreciate you to the utmost. 

In my MEDITATION, I received the word "CONVEYOR," and then I thought to myself "Ok SPIRIT, what am I supposed to write about the CONVEYOR?"  From this I received the word "convergence" of which I will share its meaning now.  (Convergence means a meeting place or point.)  Although, I am not void of anything else to say.  I believe what I am supposed to do is share with you some links that I have in mind that we could consider as a meeting place, but we will say it is an apparent meeting of minds that collectively we may all enjoy some of the links that I provide.  First let me ask you that when you first turn to please visit our contact page, send us your comments and starting in our March monthly online news site, we will begin to post your comments. 

Today we are going to use the method of the CONVEYOR BELT.  If you don't know anything about assembly lines, sometimes workers are placed on an assembly line; each one adding a new piece onto a product that is being packaged for delivery to different locations.  We will use our links as an assembly line today.  Take a look at the links I have below, you may find some of them interesting. - visit our Partners pages for Expressions, Psychology, Education, and Compliance. - this is a Prospering Benefit for the Entire Family. - Help us gain new LIKES on this page. - Kids 501c3 promoting cultural awareness through dance & language - Monthly Cultural Contest - download forms online

PS:These links will provide you with much enjoyment!

Let us Converge with Each Other on our Great CONVEYOR BELT for Life!!! 


I Appreciate You.  I Appreciate this Opportunity to Share! Thank You for Sharing Your Time With Me. Let Us Prosper Together!

With Much Love (TYG)
Tonnie Stowers Jackson

Sunday, January 4, 2015

Painting a Picture for YEAR 2015( #120)

Hi EveryOne!!!

How are you? Although this is the beginning of a New Year. I will continue to say Happy, Happy Birthday, and Happy Re-Birth to us as well. Are you Happy with You?, Do you feel that this has been one of the best years of your Life?. Are you intending to repeat the same lessons over and over?. Maybe I should say Learning Experiences. If I say that, would I/we have to be reminded of the advice that you/I have imparted to others?, Do you/I then say "Don't do as I do, but rather Do as I say DO"...No,because we would then be told, Who are we to tell in the first place?(GO,FIGURE)

This is the now the time to say to Ourselves I WILL TAKE ONE DAY AT A TIME! If you have not said it take the time to say it NOW!.

Now, with that having been said, I will just take the time to say: For this New Year take the time to do something different.But, please continue to View a read with me.:-)))
I have been thinking to myself All of the Holidays for this season have passed and we have for this most part surpassed all the things that have confronted us. IT IS JUST SO WONDERFUL!

Many Joys have come our ways, some Joys in the Ways of Sorrow have come our way. It is just what we Call them that matters the most. Some lessons that we have taught are now being learned by us. That statement seem redundant doesn't it? With this meaning clarified it simply means that although we think we have learned what we teach we are given the opportunity to Express through our Actions whether or not we have stood on solid ground with our Learning/Teachings. We are all Scholars in our own right, and if we take a little from this person/book and a little from the other person while believing that Every Thing that we need to know will be Revealed to us it will be just as Spirit  intends it to be. It will not preclude any lessons.  I am not going to ask you about anything else. I am simply going to say Let us concentrate on TAKING ONE DAY, ONE STEP AT A TIME.
What better way to start a Brand New Year that we have not seen before. 

I so want to believe that everyone had a great Holiday whatever your day of Celebration may be referred to as being.  This is the first year that we have had a New Years Celebration from 9pm to 1:00am, on the square in my hometown, it was delightful and fun. We Stopped and Prayed as we always do in our family then continued to greet each others with a Genuine Embrace of Unity. I Thanked the Spirit for the camaraderie of all Cultures and all ages. I Pray for the Continuous Unification that we all will remember throughout this coming Year. Then, we can truly Say Things have Truly Changed for the Better, FREE AT LAST, FREE AT LAST, GREAT GOD ALMIGHTY, WE ARE FREE AT LAST. That would be just SOOOO WONDERFUL! DO NOT ALLOW NEGATION TO HOLD YOU IN BONDAGE. THINK ON /DWELL ON ONLY THE POSITIVE. ALSO DO NOT ALLOW OTHERS NEGATION TO BIND YOU. IT IS LEFT UP TO US TO ACCEPT, OR REFUSE AND REJECT ALL THINGS WE ALLOW TO OCCUPY SPACE IN OUR CONSCIOUSNESS. LET US TRAIN OUR CHILDREN THE SELF SAME PRINCIPLES. IT WILL WORK , BUT, ONLY IF WE WORK IT.!!!

BE<BLESSED, BE A BLESSINGS TO OTHERS. Don't forget to Laugh with the Little Ones/SENIORs/PARENTs/GRAND/GOD PARENTs/SOLDIERs/VETERANs /FRIENDs/and my grand-son reminded me that the TEACHERs/FAMILY MEMBERs should laugh as well. I told him I had already included everyone that SPIRIT had given me, He stated that "SPIRIT had given him the other names". (GO,FIGURE) I smiled and said okay to myself as I remembered that A LITTLE CHILD SHALL LEAD THEM.    
I Appreciate you, I Appreciate being able to share with you, I welcome your friends tell them to join us while we/they take a snack or a sip.. Let us make us this a Blogger Success Story,
I know someone one still Click a View with me, and as long as I am allowed too I will WRITE. Thank you for me including me in your choice of reads. 

With Much LOVE(TYG)
Tonnie Stowers Jackson