Hi EveryOne!!!
How are you? Today we are riding the bus to Anderson. I began to listen to two gentlemen talking about how not to worry about anything one said to the other,"God's got it and he will take care of it". I listened intently because that is really my belief. My thoughts, my feelings, my dependency mirrors his words. We are becoming a family of : "SOUL" bus riders.:)))
As we walk to get the bus, we always repeat the (23 Psalms) but this is our Praise. Riding,Walking or Standing. It will make you Fearless. Confident and Strong. Try it ! Many people have not learned it yet and many people have. If you have then you are already aware of which I speak and if you have not, simply get a small Testament and carry it with you, better than that, write it down and read it as you task, you will be amazed as to how fast you will memorize it. You will began to experience a change in your Life and Affairs. This can be done by anyone. If you do not want to then that is okay too for you.
Well now, did you take a look at the LINK(s) for LSN KIDS as per my suggestion in last night BLOG? If not you still have time to do so, you can take as long as you want but if you like it please just give a thumb up for like, (OKAY?) It will really help and that within itself will be a Victory.
I am writing this article now because the last line in the article, stated that the Founder's grand-mother was one the first Mid-Wives in this area as well as the surrounding areas. Which is the truth. Although times have changed, abilities have continued to exits. She taught her family the meaning of Hard work and tenacity. She went back to night school at a very late age to get more Education. She used to say it with such Pride and Dedication. It is funny though she could recite Scriptures and read her Bible without any problems. She continued to use (dem) for them, (dat) for that and (doze) for those. She made it a point because she would always say I want more than this for you all. She helped to indoctrinate that into the Founder of (LSN KIDS) memory bank. (She entered college at age 15.) Her grand-mother transitioned in 2004 at (92 years young). The Founder has other family members that have been First in their respective occupations with creative abilities to match those of their Mother, and grand-mother as well.
The Founder strove to become the best person that she could be, as you will see or have seen if you have visited the LINK(s). She came to SC with her (BA) degree in Accounting decided to go back to school here and graduated with her Master's in Education and is now pursuing her Doctoral degree. Do you know why I am telling you all of this? Well, some things are hereditary and somethings are acquired. Either way it is left up to us to find out what road we are to travel on by our destiny. The Founder of (LSN KIDS) has a gift for singing and was working on that endeavor, when she began to Substitute as a Teacher. She often said that this is what she felt God was re-directing her to do. She became a Certified teacher. At this time she began to recognize the disparity treatment of students of different races and backgrounds. She had (6) little cousins that lived in another state, by now of course, she began to think what if these students were her little cousins.
She became totally engrossed in a "Pursuit Of Happiness" for her students. She tried to find their energy source since all of us have one. She knew that you can so easily"Free Your Spirit' through dance. She first became interested in acquiring a facility for them to be able to meet with their parents. She would aid them however she could. With tutorial guidance, monetary assistance or maybe just kindness. God supplied her guidance with the means to do it. She worked to get enough students/families to join with her in perfecting her desire. You see schools here already were teaching ballet, tap and etc. She did not want to create any undue hardships by having these Studios think she was infringing on their Clientele. It was amazing How reluctant PEOPLE were to give any assistance but she forged on anyway. Parents began to join and help. It was and still is basically FREE PROGRAM with all monies coming from her. She established a Program with a curriculum and named it (LSN KIDS) a forerunner for Cultural Diversity.
I am going to finish this tomorrow!! Please join me as I tell you what happened to her after teaching for (8) years.
For yesterday and today and see about tomorrow.
Much LOVE and Peace:
Tonnie Stowers Jackson, (TYG)
My Pageviews
Thursday, February 27, 2014
Painting a Picture With Previous Blogs!!!
Hi EveryOne!!!
Thank you for joining me again. Tonight is the time to get your coffee, tea, milk or water:
How was your day? Did you accept the "Things" you wanted and REJECTED the "Things" you did not want? Again, I just finished my Meditation and even though I have two pages written to share, I think I am supposed to write this another way. Bear with me Please!
In yesterday's BLOG, I shared with you about LSN KIDS. It means Los Ninos de Spring into Salsa "THE CHILDREN OF SPRING INTO SALSA" their Slogan is "ONE FOOTPRINT FOR ALL CHILDREN". Be sure to view the LINKS and give a like for their sakes. If you like it, OKAY!
In one of the previous BLOGS I wrote "Nothing is too Hard for God" in another I wrote "'In all thy Ways Acknowledge him and he will Direct thy Paths" also "Our Thoughts are Prayers and We are Always Praying".
We sometime think God only handles our big problems, but the Question is asked? Is there anything too hard for me and IN ALL THY WAYS ACKNOWLEDGE ME AND I WILL DIRECT THY PATHS. I believe it whole-heartedly. DO NOT LAUGH UNTIL AFTER YOU HAVE TRIED IT. If Not Okay. Thou knowest my downsitting and mine uprising and thou understandeth my thoughts afar off. (Go,Figure)(TYG)
Much Love,
Tonnie Stowers Jackson
Thank you for joining me again. Tonight is the time to get your coffee, tea, milk or water:
How was your day? Did you accept the "Things" you wanted and REJECTED the "Things" you did not want? Again, I just finished my Meditation and even though I have two pages written to share, I think I am supposed to write this another way. Bear with me Please!
In yesterday's BLOG, I shared with you about LSN KIDS. It means Los Ninos de Spring into Salsa "THE CHILDREN OF SPRING INTO SALSA" their Slogan is "ONE FOOTPRINT FOR ALL CHILDREN". Be sure to view the LINKS and give a like for their sakes. If you like it, OKAY!
In one of the previous BLOGS I wrote "Nothing is too Hard for God" in another I wrote "'In all thy Ways Acknowledge him and he will Direct thy Paths" also "Our Thoughts are Prayers and We are Always Praying".
- Nothing is too hard for God: Have you ever tried to move furniture or anything heavy? and you just cannot muster the strength to do it? Well, just ask for guidance and it will happen. I just say Heave Ho over and over and it works for me. Try It!!!:)))
- In all thy Ways Acknowledge him and he will Direct the Paths: Have you ever been to the parking lot and just could not find a good parking space? Well, just ask for the perfect place for you near the entrance. It always works for me. See will it work for you! Now don't think you can get by without saying thank you. Try It:!!! :)))
- Our thoughts are Prayers and We are always Praying:Have you ever thought to yourself, Now what will I wear to work today? Just ask the thought aloud and you will be amazed as to the most grand outfit you have ever worn,although you may not like it, you will still look gorgeous/handsome in it. It works for me: Try It!!!:))) No Respector of Person.
We sometime think God only handles our big problems, but the Question is asked? Is there anything too hard for me and IN ALL THY WAYS ACKNOWLEDGE ME AND I WILL DIRECT THY PATHS. I believe it whole-heartedly. DO NOT LAUGH UNTIL AFTER YOU HAVE TRIED IT. If Not Okay. Thou knowest my downsitting and mine uprising and thou understandeth my thoughts afar off. (Go,Figure)(TYG)
Much Love,
Tonnie Stowers Jackson
Tuesday, February 25, 2014
Painting a Picture of Miracles Working!!!
We went to practice yesterday (Sunday) with LSN KIDS. These are some of the students which comprise the program. The program consists of kids and young people from 5 to 18 years of age, who are given by its founder, the opportunity to dance, free their spirits through techniques of Salsa, Merengue, Yoga, and Tai Chi. It is a program that avails students a chance to socialize while learning cultural diversity. They have classes virtually and face-to-face.
It includes Spanish classes, behavior, and camaraderie.
Students with parents as their chaperones are given the opportunity to visit a variety of venues. This is a program that is offered in love; performed in and by love for all cultures.
Please view the links to find out more. We appreciate you viewing. This is an organizational program that is very dear to my heart.
This exposure is a Blessed Miracle rendered through the Anderson Independent Mail by Educational Journalist Sarah Freishtat and Photographer Nathan Gray. Check out the Purchase Photo Button at the bottom of each image on the Anderson Independent Article Page or the Nathan Gray Link above to order prints and products of the article image.
With Much Love,
Tonnie Stowers Jackson
Monday, February 24, 2014
Painting a Picture for Today's Mind-Set!!!
Hi EveryOne!!
Thank you for joining me again. Guess what? I am going to write something this evening that is a little less serious. (Although, I would do it again if it will make someone feel better). I will try not to take up too much of your time, and I am sure if we were having a verbal conversation you would have gone to sleep by now.:)))
Tonight, I am going to do as my grand-son suggested and keep it short. Okay? Oh, before I forget you know by now I am a Senior, and I am Painting my Pictures WithWords also that I am just getting to know the aspects of (BLOGGING) therefore, as of yet I do not know all the things I should know, but I am learning. I keep feeling (500) but I do not know yet what it means.
Show Me!!!!
Show me how to rise
above where I am
Show me!
Show me how to be more
than I am
Show me!
Show me how to think
Only of Good things
Show me!
Show me how to tell my
Friends that the good road
Never end,
Show me!
Show me how to Believe
in Myself
Show me!
Show me how to dispel
the myth of Fear
Show me!
Show me how to believe in
Show me!
Show me how not to
Be afraid of Life seeming
Show me!
Show me how to LOVE Myself
Show me!
Show me how to Feel others
seemly Pain/Joy
Show me!
Show me how to Know that
Then You would have
By Tonnie Jackson's
Collective Works
With Much LOVE!!!
Saturday, February 22, 2014
Painting a Picture With Punctuation Marks!!!
. , ; : " ' ( ) ?
Hello Everyone!!!
Thank you for joining me again. Do you wonder why I am writing so large? Well, today I will just say I am in a Larger State of Mind. :)
Well to be honest, if I were texting, my daughter would say to me. "Why are you yelling at me?" I would say really? I simple texts large in order to see the print. (DUH! Go Figure) I know there must be a Texting book for Dummies they have them for all subjects. I must look for one for myself. My daughter, god-daughter and grand-son have taught me some of the lingo I now know. Except, I really try to text in small fonts now. How wonderful it is to learn. I remember that "A little child shall lead them." (Is.11:6) I hold on to that and sure enough I continue to learn.
Let me ask first do you have your coffee,tea,water or milk? I want to share today's events with you. and it will seem a little long.
Our first encounter. We went to the post office in the township next to where we live. In and out of the doors people entered and exited. I watched as some people would say thank you, nod or smile to the person holding the door for them. Others would not even make a gesture what-so-ever. Elderly Seniors, middle aged or young people they all behaved the same way. I only counted 9 people but I said to myself Gosh! "Where have all the manners gone?" I noticed a well dressed elderly male Senior that held the door for an elderly female Senior and sure enough she did not say anything either. Therefore, I am not just picking on anyone but merely stating a fact. I blame manners for not jumping up and declaring "I am here! , "Don't you want me to help you?" (smile) Why does everyone seem to be so unhappy?
As my daughter finally came out of the post office, I asked "What had taken her so long?" She explained that the mail clerk acknowledged her presence and continued processing an application for a passport. After providing a one word answer to her questions ("no") three times, she ignored her standing there and got up and left her post. My daughter waited for her to return to get her name to report her attitude, yet was friendly to those who came before her in the line. My daughter will not complain most time about things and she tells me to "Spread Love." I told her this is the first year that I have seen such a Diversified group of students on this particular campus, and I wonder what would their parents think to know in a college town, someone still have a prejudice attitude? How far does it extend? I just thought to myself "Is it just toward Minorities?" and if so where would it end? Indian, Asians, African American or whom? I thought, this young lady need to be retrained or at least placed in a position wherein she does not have to deal with Minorities. (Mind you now, this was my perception.) Oh, Parents be sure and tell your children do not patronize any place and tolerate someone being rude to them without first asking for a manager, if that person is the manager then take your business elsewhere. or then complain to the owner! Most of them are in business for a profit (I thought to myself it goes much further than the door that I had previously observed). The mail clerk is not in the minority. Maybe she believes what she is doing is correct...because that is what she has been taught. Wow! And at such an early age. (This statement represents the Period.)
(This entry represents a Question?) Ladies can think of what you do if some one came into your home and asked " May I use your rest-room?" It is clean, you don' t mind. You say okay/yes. Now, when they leave they have left your commode un-flushed, paper towels on the floor, Paper -towels on the counter, soap running from the dispenser, floor wet from splashed water and the commode top wet from urine. then you wonder, WOW, "I thought that they would do the same thing as they would do at their home". Well, what would you do if it was your job to clean up after this person, how would you then feel? Think about it and try to be a little more considerate of the person who has to perform this job as their livelihood. It is a honest living and hard work I presume. Don't make it harder for them to do their job. I know you want to feel relaxed but you can and still be clean. Is it just a matter of respect for another person or the lack thereof? (Okay, I am just asking for a favor for my friend). Who stated that, "The men aren' t nearly as bad as the women." KUDOS to the men.
Today my friend was consumed about her cousin who had been previously gunned down by the police. She spoke as to how, her cousin had spent 4 years in the Military and when she came home she had become addicted. She had gone into one of the local stores and taken some of their merchandise but before she was gunned down, she returned the merchandise back to the store, and that the car she supposedly had been driving as of yet, has not been found. A March is being held on Sunday from one of the Local Churches here for her. I told her "Since we are riding the bus now and there is no transportation on Sunday's her family will be in our Prayers. I knew her demeanor was different and when I saw her during her job, I did not see the happy face I had grown accustomed to seeing. That is how this whole conversation took place.
I don't know but if you are still here. I appreciate you and especially for your time. I don't know if I will bother you tomorrow or not. But I probably will. (SMILE) I want to help anyone that I can. I think more and more that I am not just talking to myself and if you tell me something Maybe if I write it in my Blog, it will work for us. I forgot to tell you last night I wrote (12) Scriptures on " SOUL" and they were mysteriously deleted. I asked myself is this blog under censorship? I do not intend to try and guide your life, but I share with you what I have found that works for me. IS THAT A MISTAKE? I want it to be fun and helpful. My grand-son said "just Write a little, MOM." If I write tomorrow it will be a poem. OKAY!
Well I tried to include all Punctuation marks. My daughter said if I continue to underline, then someone may began to look for the links. I said I was having such fun underlining!!! Like I said, I am learning and I don't want to run you away but instead bring you towards reading my BLOG daily!!!
With Much Love,
Tonnie Stowers Jackson
Hello Everyone!!!
Thank you for joining me again. Do you wonder why I am writing so large? Well, today I will just say I am in a Larger State of Mind. :)
Well to be honest, if I were texting, my daughter would say to me. "Why are you yelling at me?" I would say really? I simple texts large in order to see the print. (DUH! Go Figure) I know there must be a Texting book for Dummies they have them for all subjects. I must look for one for myself. My daughter, god-daughter and grand-son have taught me some of the lingo I now know. Except, I really try to text in small fonts now. How wonderful it is to learn. I remember that "A little child shall lead them." (Is.11:6) I hold on to that and sure enough I continue to learn.
Let me ask first do you have your coffee,tea,water or milk? I want to share today's events with you. and it will seem a little long.
Our first encounter. We went to the post office in the township next to where we live. In and out of the doors people entered and exited. I watched as some people would say thank you, nod or smile to the person holding the door for them. Others would not even make a gesture what-so-ever. Elderly Seniors, middle aged or young people they all behaved the same way. I only counted 9 people but I said to myself Gosh! "Where have all the manners gone?" I noticed a well dressed elderly male Senior that held the door for an elderly female Senior and sure enough she did not say anything either. Therefore, I am not just picking on anyone but merely stating a fact. I blame manners for not jumping up and declaring "I am here! , "Don't you want me to help you?" (smile) Why does everyone seem to be so unhappy?
As my daughter finally came out of the post office, I asked "What had taken her so long?" She explained that the mail clerk acknowledged her presence and continued processing an application for a passport. After providing a one word answer to her questions ("no") three times, she ignored her standing there and got up and left her post. My daughter waited for her to return to get her name to report her attitude, yet was friendly to those who came before her in the line. My daughter will not complain most time about things and she tells me to "Spread Love." I told her this is the first year that I have seen such a Diversified group of students on this particular campus, and I wonder what would their parents think to know in a college town, someone still have a prejudice attitude? How far does it extend? I just thought to myself "Is it just toward Minorities?" and if so where would it end? Indian, Asians, African American or whom? I thought, this young lady need to be retrained or at least placed in a position wherein she does not have to deal with Minorities. (Mind you now, this was my perception.) Oh, Parents be sure and tell your children do not patronize any place and tolerate someone being rude to them without first asking for a manager, if that person is the manager then take your business elsewhere. or then complain to the owner! Most of them are in business for a profit (I thought to myself it goes much further than the door that I had previously observed). The mail clerk is not in the minority. Maybe she believes what she is doing is correct...because that is what she has been taught. Wow! And at such an early age. (This statement represents the Period.)
(This entry represents a Question?) Ladies can think of what you do if some one came into your home and asked " May I use your rest-room?" It is clean, you don' t mind. You say okay/yes. Now, when they leave they have left your commode un-flushed, paper towels on the floor, Paper -towels on the counter, soap running from the dispenser, floor wet from splashed water and the commode top wet from urine. then you wonder, WOW, "I thought that they would do the same thing as they would do at their home". Well, what would you do if it was your job to clean up after this person, how would you then feel? Think about it and try to be a little more considerate of the person who has to perform this job as their livelihood. It is a honest living and hard work I presume. Don't make it harder for them to do their job. I know you want to feel relaxed but you can and still be clean. Is it just a matter of respect for another person or the lack thereof? (Okay, I am just asking for a favor for my friend). Who stated that, "The men aren' t nearly as bad as the women." KUDOS to the men.
Today my friend was consumed about her cousin who had been previously gunned down by the police. She spoke as to how, her cousin had spent 4 years in the Military and when she came home she had become addicted. She had gone into one of the local stores and taken some of their merchandise but before she was gunned down, she returned the merchandise back to the store, and that the car she supposedly had been driving as of yet, has not been found. A March is being held on Sunday from one of the Local Churches here for her. I told her "Since we are riding the bus now and there is no transportation on Sunday's her family will be in our Prayers. I knew her demeanor was different and when I saw her during her job, I did not see the happy face I had grown accustomed to seeing. That is how this whole conversation took place.
I don't know but if you are still here. I appreciate you and especially for your time. I don't know if I will bother you tomorrow or not. But I probably will. (SMILE) I want to help anyone that I can. I think more and more that I am not just talking to myself and if you tell me something Maybe if I write it in my Blog, it will work for us. I forgot to tell you last night I wrote (12) Scriptures on " SOUL" and they were mysteriously deleted. I asked myself is this blog under censorship? I do not intend to try and guide your life, but I share with you what I have found that works for me. IS THAT A MISTAKE? I want it to be fun and helpful. My grand-son said "just Write a little, MOM." If I write tomorrow it will be a poem. OKAY!
Well I tried to include all Punctuation marks. My daughter said if I continue to underline, then someone may began to look for the links. I said I was having such fun underlining!!! Like I said, I am learning and I don't want to run you away but instead bring you towards reading my BLOG daily!!!
With Much Love,
Tonnie Stowers Jackson
Thursday, February 20, 2014
Wednesday, February 19, 2014
Painting a Picture with Words in Color!!!
Hi EveryOne:
Thank you again for joining with me. Tonight I want to Paint a Picture with Words in Color. Of course I had to ask my daughter to refresh my memory, it is (1:39am) in the morning. She answered mommie, "I am not going to get back up." She even gave me a scenario about wanting to paint tips on fingers without having any nails with tips in the first place. (Go, Figure)
Sometime I just say things to make her laugh which she doesn't do too much anymore... Never the less since she has already told me what to do I will not ask again. I really want to share this, and I hope you will like it We used to sing this in our Church every Sunday. I thought the author was anonymous, but even in my blogs I do not want to give misleading information. l contacted our wonderful Legal Service at my daughter's suggestion and guess what? It is not anonymous and you may look it up for yourself. "I present it to you in part."
Our thoughts are Prayers,
And we are always Praying;
Our thoughts are Prayers,
Take charge of what you are saying:
Seek a Higher consciousness
A state of Peacefulness,
and know that God is always there
and every thought becomes a Prayer.
Words and music by Lucillie K. Olsen
Roman 12:1
I am sharing in color as thus commanded. Thank you , Please join with me again!!!
I had to share this with you, but I will write about "Souls" tomorrow.
Tuesday, February 18, 2014
Painting A Picture for Child/Step-Child!!!
Hi EveryOne!
Thank you for joining with me again. I think I finally think I have it. I Meditated on this for two days. I am sure all of you know when I say Meditate. It means I am I am Praying a Silent Prayer
I am learning to put a little more feeling in my words. As I have fore stated, I want you to join me, not have you turned off in Spirit because of one "'continuous" tone. Let us see what I have learned together. I do like the Idea that someone is actually reading with me.
Thank you for joining with me again. I think I finally think I have it. I Meditated on this for two days. I am sure all of you know when I say Meditate. It means I am I am Praying a Silent Prayer
I am learning to put a little more feeling in my words. As I have fore stated, I want you to join me, not have you turned off in Spirit because of one "'continuous" tone. Let us see what I have learned together. I do like the Idea that someone is actually reading with me.
I usually write my Scriptures in bold, but tonight I will write my Feelings, I hope that will be okay. whether bold or not. Well, do you have your coffee, tea, milk or water? I ask that when I think I will write a lot. (smile)
I have for a very long time wondered about the term "STEP-CHILD" I do not have one but maybe that is why I have given it thought. I have often heard it said by other people and I am sure I am not the only person that have had these thoughts. None the less I am speaking to it, because I really want to understand why?
Believe this or not I have researched today for quite a long time to fine an answer. I know about myself. I have (2) biological sisters and (1) brother. (1) biological daughter (2) nieces, (1)grand-son
(4) great-nieces, and (4) great-nephews.
This comprises our immediate family by man's definition.
But I believe God connects SOUL families and
I have(3) additional sisters (2) sons(6) daughters ,(2) God-daughters which include all races.
( 5) nieces,(4) nephews and (3) grand-children.
Many young people call me" MOM" and that pleases me.
Now are you asking "What does that have to do with anything?" Well, I will answer this way. I told you earlier that I had researched for answers. I was asking what else could a family be referred too instead of "STEP". You see I personally don't believe in saying "STEP" anything. I do not use the terminology especially for people. I looked up the meaning in my American Hertiage Dictionary and online this time and it defines "STEP" (the single complete movement of raising one foot and putting it down in another spot.) That was one of the several definitions it gave.
"STEP" indicates relationship through the marriage of a spouse or through the remarriage of a parent rather than by blood:
- Step-brother-the son of one stepparent by a previous marriage
- Step-child the child of one spouse by a former marriage.
- Step-daughter the daughter of one spouse by a former marriage
NOW REMEMBER "STEP" MEANS THE COMPLETE MOVEMENT OF RAISING ONE FOOT AND PUTTING IT DOWN IN ANOTHER SPOT. I just don't get why the children are called "STEP" and the SPOUSES are not referred to as Step-Spouses.
It behooves me to think somewhere this doesn't cause a break-down in families. If we embody this thought we may be implanting this in our children minds. How does a family know who's stepping down? They each are biological family initially? I asked myself could children be referred to as SOUL-FAMILIES? Now I know young people perform stepping acts :), and I know step-down mean to take a lesser position that is not what I am trying to project.
It behooves me to think somewhere this doesn't cause a break-down in families. If we embody this thought we may be implanting this in our children minds. How does a family know who's stepping down? They each are biological family initially? I asked myself could children be referred to as SOUL-FAMILIES? Now I know young people perform stepping acts :), and I know step-down mean to take a lesser position that is not what I am trying to project.
I don't hear people refer to " STEP" cousins, friends, or foes. You see I believe God creates an unbreakable bond and to be Blessed enough to find Love and a Second family
is to be held in high regards.
When SPIRIT speaks to us, I think what we hear is MY CHILD.
not my STEP-CHILD.
Maybe you will began to think about it and call your family just that " MY FAMILY."
You Moms and Dads will began to be your own Brady Brunch. :) I am sure most of you already are!!!
Isaiah 11:6 an a little child shall lead them.
Please join me tomorrow so I can share about SOULS. Did you know that there are over 52 verses containing positive comfort?.
With Much LOVE
Saturday, February 15, 2014
Paint a Picture of A Bloat to Float
Hi EveryOne!
Thank you for me joining again, I want to share something that I believe to be rather profound. I
was doing my Meditation this evening and apparently I fell asleep. I was awaken by my daughter and grand-son running downstairs to ask me "Mommy, did you hear the loud noise?" I sat up and said "no!" but I stated, I was awaken with the phrase in my mind "A bloat to float." They looked at me as I turned to look at them, for a moment we just stared at each other, neither realizing what the other was talking about.
My daughter said there was a loud noise and she called our family and friends and they also heard what the two of them heard. It was being cited on the News (my cousin shared this) that an earthquake had taken place, first a loud noise followed by a vibration in South Carolina. This is totally unheard of in these parts, by that I mean S.C.
Needless, to say I was still trying to figure out what did "A Bloat to Float" mean, I explained this to my grand-son, he stated to me "Mom, do you remember drawing a picture last year to Sink or Swim?" I answered "No, not really." He then said, "How can you Paint a Picture with words if you can't remember to 'Paint a Picture?'" I began to think on this; Is this a little child leading me? Sometimes we miss our lessons because a little child is LEADING US. (Go Figure)
I suddenly remembered, In all thy ways acknowledge me and I will direct thy Path: Proverbs 3:6 and
Trust in the Lord with all thine heart and lean not to thine own understanding. Proverbs 3:5
Now, after all of this. I asked my family am I getting bloated about my blog? My grand-son stated, "maybe you are expanding across the world." My daughter said, "maybe you are helping people." I thought to myself and just think I thought I was just a Senior getting out of their hair. I would Love to think Spirit is helping someone through me as I lean not to mine own Understanding.
Please join me again and don't forget to listen to the Less-on your child/grandchild may be teaching you.
With Much Love,
Thank you for me joining again, I want to share something that I believe to be rather profound. I
was doing my Meditation this evening and apparently I fell asleep. I was awaken by my daughter and grand-son running downstairs to ask me "Mommy, did you hear the loud noise?" I sat up and said "no!" but I stated, I was awaken with the phrase in my mind "A bloat to float." They looked at me as I turned to look at them, for a moment we just stared at each other, neither realizing what the other was talking about.
My daughter said there was a loud noise and she called our family and friends and they also heard what the two of them heard. It was being cited on the News (my cousin shared this) that an earthquake had taken place, first a loud noise followed by a vibration in South Carolina. This is totally unheard of in these parts, by that I mean S.C.
Needless, to say I was still trying to figure out what did "A Bloat to Float" mean, I explained this to my grand-son, he stated to me "Mom, do you remember drawing a picture last year to Sink or Swim?" I answered "No, not really." He then said, "How can you Paint a Picture with words if you can't remember to 'Paint a Picture?'" I began to think on this; Is this a little child leading me? Sometimes we miss our lessons because a little child is LEADING US. (Go Figure)
I suddenly remembered, In all thy ways acknowledge me and I will direct thy Path: Proverbs 3:6 and
Trust in the Lord with all thine heart and lean not to thine own understanding. Proverbs 3:5
Now, after all of this. I asked my family am I getting bloated about my blog? My grand-son stated, "maybe you are expanding across the world." My daughter said, "maybe you are helping people." I thought to myself and just think I thought I was just a Senior getting out of their hair. I would Love to think Spirit is helping someone through me as I lean not to mine own Understanding.
Please join me again and don't forget to listen to the Less-on your child/grandchild may be teaching you.
With Much Love,
Thursday, February 13, 2014
Painting a Heart of Love
Hi EveryOne!
Thank you for joining me. Another glorious day. I am so excited. Please connect with me on this; I must finish writing the Verses on LOVE. I will not procrastinate on this. I just want to ask you one thing. Did you notice I wrote the Verses from Right to Left instead of from Left to Right?. In my effort to question this I was given To Start out Right "Means Just That" Start out Right! Hmmmm!!
13. Hosea 14:4 I will heal thy Backsliding I will LOVE them freely for mine anger is turned away from him.
14. 1 John 4:19 We LOVE him because he first LOVED us.
15. John 5:42 But I know you and you have not the Love of God in you.
16. John 15:12 This is my Commandment that you LOVE one another as I have LOVED
17. John 15:17 These things I command thee, that you LOVE one another.
18. Luke 10:27 And he answering said, Thou shalt LOVE the Lord thy God with all thy heart and with all thy Soul, and with all thy Strength and with all thy Mind and thy neighbor as thyself.
19. Mark12:30 And thy shalt LOVE the Lord thy God with all thy Heart,and with all thy Soul and with all thy Mind, and with all thy Strength, This is the first Commandment.
20. Mark 12:31 And the second is like namely this. Thy shall LOVE thy neighbor as thyself. There is none other Commandments greater than these.
I especially wanted you to see just how Serious this topic is. It seems as if the Verses are identical yet in the 19th and 20th Verse it is listed as the first and second Commandments. (LOVE THY NEIGHBOR AS THYSELF)
21. Song of Songs 1:2 Let him kiss me with the Kisses of his mouth, for thy LOVE is better than wine.
22. Song of Songs 8:6 Set me as a Seal upon thine heart, as a Seal upon thine arm for LOVE is Strong as death: Jealousy is as Cruel as the grave.
Love is Love!
Love is love and Love Loves
Everybody or nobody,
It is its own world clasped, among the
Entire Universe inhabitants not knowing
Why! Or Who they are or where
They came from truly,but,knowing:
It is its own everything and to know
this is the greatest Love of
all: To each of us who have tried to
define what Love is to some one else,
Who knows not where to begin.
With Much Love, Tonnie
Please join me again for another Picture:
Wednesday, February 12, 2014
(Con't ....( Painting A Design With Words!
Hi EveryOne!
Thank you for joining with me again. My grandson just asked me why do I capitalize the O in EveryOne, his mom answered "That is just the way she wants it." I answered, "It is because that is 'Who EveryOne is the One and Only,' who make up EveryOne." We laughed; neither of us understanding the answer Spirit had given.
Well, I remember I am supposed to give you the verses on "LOVE" tonight and that is just what I am going to do. You know what happened? I was supposed to give you the Verses last night and I thought I was writing too long of a blog. I took it upon myself to shorten the length of it, well, needless to say I will not do that again. I actually finished writing the blog around (5:00 am). I went to the preview prompt I could not get my page to return in order to publish it. I sat there looking and I said to Spirit "I will do it tomorrow" without hesitation and I am. I remembered about him being a Jealous God and all that.
In all thy ways acknowledge Him, and he shall direct
thy paths. Proverbs 3:6
1John 4:8: He that loveth not , knoweth not God, for
God is Love.
2. John 3:16: For God so loved the World that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish but have everlasting Life.
3. Romans 8:35 Who shall separate us from the Love of Christ? Shall tribulation, or distress, or persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or peril or sword.
4. Hebrew:13:1-2 Let brotherly Love continue. Be not forgetful to entertain strangers, For thereby some have Entertained Angels unawares.
5. Matthew 5:14 But I say unto you, Love your enemies. bless them that curse you ,do good to them that hate you and pray for them which despite fully use you and persecute you.
6. Deuteronomy 6:5 And thy shall Love the Lord thy God with all thine Heart and with all thy Soul and with all thy might.
7. Deuteronomy 11:1 Thy shall Love the Lord thy God, and keep his statues and his judgements and all his commandments always.
8. Psalms 18:1 I will Love thee O Lord, my strength
9. Ecclesiastes 3:8 A time of Love, and a time to hate. A time of Peace and a time of war.
10. Micah 6:8 For he hath showed thee O man what is good. And what doth the Lord require or thee, but to do justly and to Love Mercy and to walk humbly with the Lord.
11. Matthew 19:19 Honour thy father and thy mother and, thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself.
12. Matthew 22:37 Jesus said unto him, they shall Love the Lord thy God with all thy heart and with all thy soul and with all thy mind.
10. Micah 6:8 For he hath showed thee O man what is good. And what doth the Lord require or thee, but to do justly and to Love Mercy and to walk humbly with the Lord.
11. Matthew 19:19 Honour thy father and thy mother and, thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself.
12. Matthew 22:37 Jesus said unto him, they shall Love the Lord thy God with all thy heart and with all thy soul and with all thy mind.
I will have to complete these Verses with a Poem tomorrow. With Much Love, Tonnie
Painting a Design With Words!
Hi EveryOne!
Thank you for joining with me again. Tonight I went on the site basically to
explore. Guess what I discovered? A new way to format. I saw all
my blogs. and honestly if you don't want to take a lot
of time to read, You will miss the Messages I
believe that Spirit gives to me. I asked
for guidance and here goes!
I told you that I have begun to Meditate again, and sometime it isn't to get anything but rather to listen to what I am guided to say and do.
I will Meditate in my Precepts
and have respect unto thy ways.
Psalms 119:15
Anyway I wanted to elaborate on completing my thoughts on children but for the time being, I have to write about LOVE!
Many years ago I had a friend who always spoke of Love. Well, you see, I experienced the great Love she and her entire family had for each other. It did not stop there for it extended out in their lives. She was non-judgemental, she did not gossip, she did not find fault, she not ridicule anything, or anyone for any reason. She only saw the good in everything and everyone including me. I used to think I, want to be just like her when I grow up. Mind you now, I was already approaching (30) years old.:) But really, when we would end our daily conversation for the evening, she would always sign off by calling me "LOVE". She referred to everyone the same. I didn't wrap my hands around that too tight because, you see I thought I had to be in "LOVE" with someone to be called "LOVE". I was always looking for someone to "LOVE" me. I didn't realize that I didn't "LOVE" myself. It took a lot of their time to help me. I was a mess and I do not know how they stood me but they did and I was so unworthy, but she would say God "Loves" you and so do We. That is why I share this lesson when and where I can.
Monday, February 10, 2014
(Con't) Making a Difference With Pictures for Words:
Hi Everyone!
Thank you for joining me again.Tonight my title looks a little confusing to me, and maybe to you too. First, my daughter showed me how to correct my errors from yesterday, and I am writing this to continue. My grandson drew illustration characters for my blog today. I was so happy, but, you cannot see the details he drew in the pictures, therefore I am going to place it up front so you can see the pimples on one of faces. I thought it was cool, and he did this because I read my blog to he and his mom. I usually think as I write but I told you that I had been up early writing and I did not see my errors.
You see,the only time anything really bothers me/you/us is when an opinion is different from ours. Now, what do I mean? Just different. When your child is teased about their size, their hair, the color of their skin, the texture of their skin, the size of their nose, eyes, feet, their mother size, their father's job or whatever they are teased about, It is helpful for them to counteract the negative remarks with positive ones. (For instance) Here are some criticisms and some reply answers. About Size, Do think So? About Hair, Well, yes and I am tender-headed as well. About Color of Skin Tone Dark Medium or Light. Gosh, thank you for pointing that out I did not know that. About Head Size Wow, it is big/little because I have a functioning brain. About Skin Texture Simply say: Are you sure? About Nose Size True that (as young people say today) About Eyes, Big, Cross, or Pop So you like my eyes, HUH? About Feet Size Big or Flat Yes,that is because one day I will have my own shoe store and I can sell you some shoes.
I took the time to write all of this, because I have heard all of these things said to kids, really I have heard adults say these things as well. I am a Senior and I doubt that some little child is going to say these antiquated words. But you as a parent can tell your child what she/he can say to help them feel better about themselves. You can tell your child to tell The Teacher, The Preacher, The Policeman or their Best Buddy. What you want to do is to empower them with Strong ,Confident and Positive thoughts that will work for them. Wherever they are. Don't let the Emotions of someone else settle in their minds. Your child has been Entrusted in your care to nurture by God. Help them to overlook Negation. You can say "Don't say anything back" but you can not keep them from storing Negation in their Memory Bank. Think about the times you were bullied (unless you were the bully) in your life, or simply made to feel bad.
Sometimes, we as adults get angry when these words are said to us. We must Re-train ourselves while we are training our children. Do you know as a Senior what I have found out? If you say anything at all back to a person, simply say what they have said to you. I believe that people are seeing you in the Reflection of their Mirrors, because they are facing the Mirrors while looking at the Back of their Heads. Other than that you can only see in others what you will not recognize in yourself, because ultimately you only see in others what lies with-in you.
Always show them LOVE, LOVE, LOVE I know the pace of today's world and just to stay afloat, you cannot always take time to show love but you MUST find what will work for you. I know, nowadays children have so much technology to keep them busy but it only serves as a temporary solution. If you have to make an appointment with them to tell them (YOU LOVE THEM) Do it. LOL MUCH LOVE

You see,the only time anything really bothers me/you/us is when an opinion is different from ours. Now, what do I mean? Just different. When your child is teased about their size, their hair, the color of their skin, the texture of their skin, the size of their nose, eyes, feet, their mother size, their father's job or whatever they are teased about, It is helpful for them to counteract the negative remarks with positive ones. (For instance) Here are some criticisms and some reply answers. About Size, Do think So? About Hair, Well, yes and I am tender-headed as well. About Color of Skin Tone Dark Medium or Light. Gosh, thank you for pointing that out I did not know that. About Head Size Wow, it is big/little because I have a functioning brain. About Skin Texture Simply say: Are you sure? About Nose Size True that (as young people say today) About Eyes, Big, Cross, or Pop So you like my eyes, HUH? About Feet Size Big or Flat Yes,that is because one day I will have my own shoe store and I can sell you some shoes.
I took the time to write all of this, because I have heard all of these things said to kids, really I have heard adults say these things as well. I am a Senior and I doubt that some little child is going to say these antiquated words. But you as a parent can tell your child what she/he can say to help them feel better about themselves. You can tell your child to tell The Teacher, The Preacher, The Policeman or their Best Buddy. What you want to do is to empower them with Strong ,Confident and Positive thoughts that will work for them. Wherever they are. Don't let the Emotions of someone else settle in their minds. Your child has been Entrusted in your care to nurture by God. Help them to overlook Negation. You can say "Don't say anything back" but you can not keep them from storing Negation in their Memory Bank. Think about the times you were bullied (unless you were the bully) in your life, or simply made to feel bad.
Sometimes, we as adults get angry when these words are said to us. We must Re-train ourselves while we are training our children. Do you know as a Senior what I have found out? If you say anything at all back to a person, simply say what they have said to you. I believe that people are seeing you in the Reflection of their Mirrors, because they are facing the Mirrors while looking at the Back of their Heads. Other than that you can only see in others what you will not recognize in yourself, because ultimately you only see in others what lies with-in you.
Always show them LOVE, LOVE, LOVE I know the pace of today's world and just to stay afloat, you cannot always take time to show love but you MUST find what will work for you. I know, nowadays children have so much technology to keep them busy but it only serves as a temporary solution. If you have to make an appointment with them to tell them (YOU LOVE THEM) Do it. LOL MUCH LOVE
Sunday, February 9, 2014
Paint a Difference Today!!
Hi Everyone!
Thank you for joining with me today. I said I would write every other day but, as I sat here so many thoughts began to Paint A Picture With Words in my mind. I have begun to Meditate again and quite Frankly, it is AMAZING. I thought of Children, Seniors, Animals, Trees, Grass and Emotions. Now, you
may ask is this a sign of my instability or my Brilliance? That would depend on whether you use negative or positive words. :-):-):-) Maybe and maybe not.You can judge that for yourself.
I believe,We think only one thought at a time, but it is done with such rapidity that it always seem that we are thinking many thoughts at the same time. I am a Senior and not a Scientist and this is my personal opinion.I believe the computer is based on the Mind Structure and with a touch of a button we can activate any data we want from any source yet we don't use our full potential Brain Power but only a portion thereof.
On children, I began to think of my grandson and how different it is now for him and yet it is the same as when his mother was growing up.(My Ex-use to say, the games don't change just the players) In fact, I think I am supposed to elaborate on Children first. Then,whatever come next to my Consciousness I will communicate that. I am glad I am not getting rebuttals right now because you see, no one has to agree or disagree with me. That is the beauty of being able to blog. In fact, I looked up blog in my dictionary and it wasn' there I'll have to ask my grandson to research it online for me, Well, I did and he said it means (WEB LOG) now (Go figure). You see things do change that is why I am Painting a New Picture With Words.
Back to my grandson people usually say to him after they ask how old is he? After he answered
invariably someone will tell him he is tall for his age. It bothered him for a while but after we discussed it together we suggested that he ask them "AM I?" also we suggested he would add "I AM ALSO A VEGETARIAN". Well he doesn't seem to be as concerned anymore We often help him look at things in another way
Until Tomorrow.
With Much Love,
Thank you for joining with me today. I said I would write every other day but, as I sat here so many thoughts began to Paint A Picture With Words in my mind. I have begun to Meditate again and quite Frankly, it is AMAZING. I thought of Children, Seniors, Animals, Trees, Grass and Emotions. Now, you
may ask is this a sign of my instability or my Brilliance? That would depend on whether you use negative or positive words. :-):-):-) Maybe and maybe not.You can judge that for yourself.
I believe,We think only one thought at a time, but it is done with such rapidity that it always seem that we are thinking many thoughts at the same time. I am a Senior and not a Scientist and this is my personal opinion.I believe the computer is based on the Mind Structure and with a touch of a button we can activate any data we want from any source yet we don't use our full potential Brain Power but only a portion thereof.
On children, I began to think of my grandson and how different it is now for him and yet it is the same as when his mother was growing up.(My Ex-use to say, the games don't change just the players) In fact, I think I am supposed to elaborate on Children first. Then,whatever come next to my Consciousness I will communicate that. I am glad I am not getting rebuttals right now because you see, no one has to agree or disagree with me. That is the beauty of being able to blog. In fact, I looked up blog in my dictionary and it wasn' there I'll have to ask my grandson to research it online for me, Well, I did and he said it means (WEB LOG) now (Go figure). You see things do change that is why I am Painting a New Picture With Words.
Back to my grandson people usually say to him after they ask how old is he? After he answered
invariably someone will tell him he is tall for his age. It bothered him for a while but after we discussed it together we suggested that he ask them "AM I?" also we suggested he would add "I AM ALSO A VEGETARIAN". Well he doesn't seem to be as concerned anymore We often help him look at things in another way

Until Tomorrow.
With Much Love,
Saturday, February 8, 2014
I Am What I Am (Con't)
Hi Everyone!
Thank ýou for joining me as I Paint A Picture with Words. I am going to believe now WE are in this together.
Now to proceed. Many years ago I read the story of Moses, I am sure that many of you already know it but for those of you who are not as familiar with it I will share it with you. (I have to call names just to Paint A Picture with Words this time.( Please bear with me and Thank you).
And Moses said unto the Lord, 'Behold, when I come unto the children of Israel, and shall say unto them,The God of your fathers hath sent me unto you and they shall say to me, What is his name? what shall I say unto them And God said unto Moses,
" I AM THAT I AM:(EXODUS 4:13-14)
I want to say from this time on I am usually very careful as to how I speak the words I AM. Of course I have already explained the Healthy and Wealthy thoughts but just think of the many other words I/We use with I Am. When once you understand that your thought, feeling and expression of "I AM" sets the Mighty God power in you into action then you become a little less afraid of the Greatness within you.
I AM, I AM etc. You cannot think of your Greatness, without thinking the same about others.
THINK ABOUT THE WAY YOU USE I AM! and began to Paint A New Picture With Word.
With Much Love.
Thank ýou for joining me as I Paint A Picture with Words. I am going to believe now WE are in this together.
Now to proceed. Many years ago I read the story of Moses, I am sure that many of you already know it but for those of you who are not as familiar with it I will share it with you. (I have to call names just to Paint A Picture with Words this time.( Please bear with me and Thank you).
And Moses said unto the Lord, 'Behold, when I come unto the children of Israel, and shall say unto them,The God of your fathers hath sent me unto you and they shall say to me, What is his name? what shall I say unto them And God said unto Moses,
" I AM THAT I AM:(EXODUS 4:13-14)
I want to say from this time on I am usually very careful as to how I speak the words I AM. Of course I have already explained the Healthy and Wealthy thoughts but just think of the many other words I/We use with I Am. When once you understand that your thought, feeling and expression of "I AM" sets the Mighty God power in you into action then you become a little less afraid of the Greatness within you.
I AM, I AM etc. You cannot think of your Greatness, without thinking the same about others.
THINK ABOUT THE WAY YOU USE I AM! and began to Paint A New Picture With Word.
With Much Love.
Friday, February 7, 2014
I Am What I Am!!!
Hi Everyone!
Today, I want to to tell you a little story about who I am. I started to think on this morning and I am sure you can tell by now I tend to allow my thoughts to consume my time.
I really want to say I have through the years read a variety of books, but none as complex or as friendly as the Holy Bible. It contain stories of Love, Hate, War and Peace! I really wanted to become a Bible Scholar, but believe this or not I found out I could not even pronounce some of the words in the Bible...e.g.(Kibrothhattaavah) in the book of Numbers.
:-), :-), :-) My grandson just taught me to smiley face. (Go Figure!)
Now,this is not the only book in the Bible wherein I could not pronounce words and I as a Senior I was taught to believe that we are not supppose to add or take from the written word in the Bible. Therefore, I studied and studied from various teachers and various doctrines and mastered a support system of words from the Bible that works for me in my life and in the life of others. I don't pretend to be anyone other than "Who I am".
Tomorrow night I am going to tell you, Why!! Please join me!. I do not want to bore anyone, because now, I believe I am suppose to Paint a Picture with Words for other Seniors like myself and I am always being taught by the young people anyway.
With Much Love!
Today, I want to to tell you a little story about who I am. I started to think on this morning and I am sure you can tell by now I tend to allow my thoughts to consume my time.
I really want to say I have through the years read a variety of books, but none as complex or as friendly as the Holy Bible. It contain stories of Love, Hate, War and Peace! I really wanted to become a Bible Scholar, but believe this or not I found out I could not even pronounce some of the words in the Bible...e.g.(Kibrothhattaavah) in the book of Numbers.
:-), :-), :-) My grandson just taught me to smiley face. (Go Figure!)
Now,this is not the only book in the Bible wherein I could not pronounce words and I as a Senior I was taught to believe that we are not supppose to add or take from the written word in the Bible. Therefore, I studied and studied from various teachers and various doctrines and mastered a support system of words from the Bible that works for me in my life and in the life of others. I don't pretend to be anyone other than "Who I am".
Tomorrow night I am going to tell you, Why!! Please join me!. I do not want to bore anyone, because now, I believe I am suppose to Paint a Picture with Words for other Seniors like myself and I am always being taught by the young people anyway.
With Much Love!
Thursday, February 6, 2014
"Paint a Picture to Renew your Mind"
Hi Everyone:
Much Love,
Today I want to say just a few thoughts to make you think of a new way to look at your thoughts.
And be not conformed to this world, but be ye transformed
by the renewing of your mind,
that you may prove what is that's good and acceptable and perfect will of God.
(Romans: 12.1)
If we think that we are winners then that is who we will become of course if we think that we aren't
then that too will prevail. I will share that I believe that I am Healthy and Blessed and I really feel.
'That I am'! but on the other hand I equally did not believe that I am Wealthy and Blessed and "That I am"
as well.
I Choose to Paint a New Picture of Abundance. "Start Now To make Your Thoughts become your
New Life".
I Choose to Paint a New Picture of Abundance. "Start Now To make Your Thoughts become your
New Life".
Much Love,
Tuesday, February 4, 2014
Overheard a New Picture Being Painted!
Hi Everyone!
I now know why I wrote so much yesterday I am grateful. It gave my God-daughter a chance to read while she took the 4 hour trip home from NY. Spirit is so smart:
Well, here is a little tid-bit of info. Today I sat on the bus,as I was trying to take a nap I overheard two young students matching wits with each other in back of me. Finally the young lady said rather loudly"What is wrong with me?"for a moment there was silence because she was asking this question of herself. Finally, Then the young male student said rather quietly "You were talking about me weren,t you?" If fact she was, but it did not ensue an arguement because she placed the question on herself. I smiled to myself and as I did I thought a bout a verse, which I apply to my issues that i am confronted with.
I now know why I wrote so much yesterday I am grateful. It gave my God-daughter a chance to read while she took the 4 hour trip home from NY. Spirit is so smart:
Well, here is a little tid-bit of info. Today I sat on the bus,as I was trying to take a nap I overheard two young students matching wits with each other in back of me. Finally the young lady said rather loudly"What is wrong with me?"for a moment there was silence because she was asking this question of herself. Finally, Then the young male student said rather quietly "You were talking about me weren,t you?" If fact she was, but it did not ensue an arguement because she placed the question on herself. I smiled to myself and as I did I thought a bout a verse, which I apply to my issues that i am confronted with.
But God hath chosen the foolish things of the world to confound
the wise; and hath chosen the weak things of the world to
confound the things which are mighty: (1Corinthians 1:27)
If you wondering why did I choose this verse. I chose it because I really don't feel bad anymore when I do not know something that someone else does. What matters if you are wiser than I am? You too can be confounded.
You see when the young man took the time to place the statement in his mind he allowed it to comsume a portion of his mind.
This Young Lady Painted a New Picture with her Words. Hooray for Her!!!!
Much Love!
Monday, February 3, 2014
Grandparenting & Parenting
Good morning!
Take your time reading this one. Thank you in advance. I will not write this length anymore. I just hd to tell it all.
It is 5:35am and I could not rest any longer. I wanted to share my experience for this weekend.
Initially I wanted to share something else but, I FEEL I must share this instead. Of course I had to wake my daughter to ask her how to turn on the computer. She said, I am so proud that you want to do your Blog but mommie if you wake me up I cannot go back to sleep. I felt anxious to get started and I am a Senior as I forstated. That is no excuse to be inconsiderate but I guess I was. I can type but I am not technologically savvy. My sister is and she has always been. I am proud of her. My first instinct was to stop but I remembered I am Painting a New Picture With Words and I must go on without any fear and this is the time when they are not getting their school work. My grandson is in Virtual School and my daughter is studying for her Doctorate. We have been through some learning experiences last year and this year as well. ("For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love and of a sound mind," 2 Timothy 1:7). This has sustained us. Some people call it pride but No, it is this verse. Now to continue:
I had my cell phone in my pocket and I honestly believe that on Wednesday my grandson put a snowball
in my pocket and as it melted it damaged my phone. Needless to say when I asked him did he do that he answered "No Mom"(that is what he calls me). I laughed to myself. I did not tell his mother because she would have been too through. She had given me a Verizon prepaid cell phone last February and it was my pride and joy. I don't keep-up with a lot of things but I loved my phone. When I would get ready to complain about something I would say but "I love my phone." My grandson wanted to throw snowballs and after he threw one on himself I asked why had he done that. He answered, he did not have anyone else to throw one on. I concluded no but you put one in my pocket. I thought to myself, we are funny, and if you do not know us, you too would call us strange, which most people do.
On Saturday, my grandson (9yrs) old showed me how to go from one prompt to another on the phone (which I did not know). He showed me a feature of how to retrieve my calls if my phone is lost, damaged or stolen, especially after we had gone to the Verizon store and they could not help me because the snow damaged my phone and the screen would not display properly. I said WOW, this is great! All of my calls were retrieved! Does your phone have this feature? Well, if not, "A Hint to The Wise Is Sufficient". I am learning to be totally savvy with the new technical products. I can text now and I am writing my own blog, especially since I stopped calling it blob! Gosh, Go Figure!
I started out to tell you about my grandson. When he was in nursery school (age 3) he did not understand why he could not have all the toys because he was accustomed to having his own here at home. He had to leave the Nursery school after he told us that one of the teachers had struck his hand, of course it was suggested by the director that he not return to the school if my daugther believed he was struck. Everywhere we went in town that day, my grandson told everyone his teacher hit him in school. Now, whom do you think I believed?
When my grandson started to Elementary school (age 5), (he had never sat in a car without a seat belt before) he rode the school bus and guess what they said happened? He would not stay in his seat. Therefore, the driver put him on the back seat of the bus. Now what do you think happened? My mind reflected to the time when African Americans had to ride in the back of the bus. I was livid. I felt this was some kind of retribution. A 5 year old on a large school bus with 8 other children, none of whom he knew, and he was on the very back seat which spanned across the door? A meeting was held with the school principal and bus director. We began to drive him and we thought this school matter had been resolved.
He came home one day and asked us what did stupid mean? I tried to regain my breath as I asked him why did he ask? He answered that a little kid called him a jerk and said he was stupid. I stated "w-what?" I answered "let us get the dictionary and see what it means. The American Heritage Dictionary states that Stupid means 'slow to apprehend; Showing a lack of sense or intelligence' and jerk means 'stupid person'." He said "if it's in the dictionary why don't we say it?" I explainded that at home we do not call each other names ;we never have and we never will. I really thought maybe since my daughter left him in my care daily perhaps I HAD not trained him with the up-to-date training. Remember now, I am a Senior and even though I am a late bearing parent I would not allow my daughter to use words like stupid, dumb, ugly. or any words with negative connotations. If I could give praise I would not say anything. I am not trying to tell anyone how to raise their children. I am a Senior, this today is my Blog and unless I am in some violation for discussing my phone's name I am Painting my Own Picture With Words, but, if by some chance it will help anyone I will be so pleased.
Do not raise your children with criticisms; then there will be no bullying going on in the Home, School or Church. If you raised your child not to fight and he goes to Church and other kids knock him down, the very place you think he should avoid confrontation, what do you do? Well, I just believe that something is wrong. Why subject them or yourself to trauma drama? No. We were told how spoiled my grandson was but you see, every child and adult needs to be a little spoiled if that be the case. I call it love. The thing I do not wrap my hands around is when one adult says something negative about your child and another adult will chime in and say that person is right and do not have any knowledge of you or your child. Believe your child and they will always come to you first if that rapport exits between you. There will not be any reason for your child to lie to you in the first place and if the rapport is there you will know because you are raising up your child the way he/she go and when they grow up they will not depart from that.
I did not raise my daughter with what she could or could not do . We tried to explain the consquences that could arise if she did this, that, or the other. We did not want her to grow up believing she could not do something because everything was wrong. Firstly, we taught her with Godly principles and my grandson, I actually almost cried. At an early age my daughter came home from school and said all the kids laughed at her because she had said "yes mam" to her teacher. That day I relented. Now some of our children say "yep" or "nope" to adults, including my grandson. I wanted to correct my grandson this weekend when he said "nope" to a senior, but my daughter said not to have him use "mam" and when she hears him say "nope" or "yep"he will write it a thousand times or he will not play his DS.
Now here I go again. I volunteered at the school when my daughter was little. The Guidance Counselor asked me one day was she my daughter I said "yes." She answered "may I tell you something?" I said "yes." She said "if that little girl wasn't as strong as she is you would have to have her under psychiatric care because the kids give her a fit." I lifted an eyebrow but I waited to hear more. She said they called her "Ms. Pinky" because of her high voice. They called her "nerd", "four eyes", "skinny," etc. I thanked her. When my daughter came home I asked her about it; she asked me not to volunteer anymore. She told me she didn't want me there fighting her battles. I promised her I would not.
You see, the kids had always laughed because I was an older parent with gray hair. This was her first year in public school as a 8th grader. Prior to this, all of her schooling was in Private School. All I am saying is Love your child into being the best that they can be, not to be better than but so that they understand everything/everyone in life has been made for a special purpose. Our children might be indigos or not but all are born with the brilliance of Divine Order. Don't defend, when you know they are wrong but do not be ashamed to think you have not done a good job raising them. Which is bascially our biggest problem if we really face our own truths.
I think this is why my daughter is an Advocate for Children Rights. She painted a New Picture with Words.
With Much Love,
Take your time reading this one. Thank you in advance. I will not write this length anymore. I just hd to tell it all.
It is 5:35am and I could not rest any longer. I wanted to share my experience for this weekend.
Initially I wanted to share something else but, I FEEL I must share this instead. Of course I had to wake my daughter to ask her how to turn on the computer. She said, I am so proud that you want to do your Blog but mommie if you wake me up I cannot go back to sleep. I felt anxious to get started and I am a Senior as I forstated. That is no excuse to be inconsiderate but I guess I was. I can type but I am not technologically savvy. My sister is and she has always been. I am proud of her. My first instinct was to stop but I remembered I am Painting a New Picture With Words and I must go on without any fear and this is the time when they are not getting their school work. My grandson is in Virtual School and my daughter is studying for her Doctorate. We have been through some learning experiences last year and this year as well. ("For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love and of a sound mind," 2 Timothy 1:7). This has sustained us. Some people call it pride but No, it is this verse. Now to continue:
I had my cell phone in my pocket and I honestly believe that on Wednesday my grandson put a snowball
in my pocket and as it melted it damaged my phone. Needless to say when I asked him did he do that he answered "No Mom"(that is what he calls me). I laughed to myself. I did not tell his mother because she would have been too through. She had given me a Verizon prepaid cell phone last February and it was my pride and joy. I don't keep-up with a lot of things but I loved my phone. When I would get ready to complain about something I would say but "I love my phone." My grandson wanted to throw snowballs and after he threw one on himself I asked why had he done that. He answered, he did not have anyone else to throw one on. I concluded no but you put one in my pocket. I thought to myself, we are funny, and if you do not know us, you too would call us strange, which most people do.
On Saturday, my grandson (9yrs) old showed me how to go from one prompt to another on the phone (which I did not know). He showed me a feature of how to retrieve my calls if my phone is lost, damaged or stolen, especially after we had gone to the Verizon store and they could not help me because the snow damaged my phone and the screen would not display properly. I said WOW, this is great! All of my calls were retrieved! Does your phone have this feature? Well, if not, "A Hint to The Wise Is Sufficient". I am learning to be totally savvy with the new technical products. I can text now and I am writing my own blog, especially since I stopped calling it blob! Gosh, Go Figure!
I started out to tell you about my grandson. When he was in nursery school (age 3) he did not understand why he could not have all the toys because he was accustomed to having his own here at home. He had to leave the Nursery school after he told us that one of the teachers had struck his hand, of course it was suggested by the director that he not return to the school if my daugther believed he was struck. Everywhere we went in town that day, my grandson told everyone his teacher hit him in school. Now, whom do you think I believed?
When my grandson started to Elementary school (age 5), (he had never sat in a car without a seat belt before) he rode the school bus and guess what they said happened? He would not stay in his seat. Therefore, the driver put him on the back seat of the bus. Now what do you think happened? My mind reflected to the time when African Americans had to ride in the back of the bus. I was livid. I felt this was some kind of retribution. A 5 year old on a large school bus with 8 other children, none of whom he knew, and he was on the very back seat which spanned across the door? A meeting was held with the school principal and bus director. We began to drive him and we thought this school matter had been resolved.
He came home one day and asked us what did stupid mean? I tried to regain my breath as I asked him why did he ask? He answered that a little kid called him a jerk and said he was stupid. I stated "w-what?" I answered "let us get the dictionary and see what it means. The American Heritage Dictionary states that Stupid means 'slow to apprehend; Showing a lack of sense or intelligence' and jerk means 'stupid person'." He said "if it's in the dictionary why don't we say it?" I explainded that at home we do not call each other names ;we never have and we never will. I really thought maybe since my daughter left him in my care daily perhaps I HAD not trained him with the up-to-date training. Remember now, I am a Senior and even though I am a late bearing parent I would not allow my daughter to use words like stupid, dumb, ugly. or any words with negative connotations. If I could give praise I would not say anything. I am not trying to tell anyone how to raise their children. I am a Senior, this today is my Blog and unless I am in some violation for discussing my phone's name I am Painting my Own Picture With Words, but, if by some chance it will help anyone I will be so pleased.
Do not raise your children with criticisms; then there will be no bullying going on in the Home, School or Church. If you raised your child not to fight and he goes to Church and other kids knock him down, the very place you think he should avoid confrontation, what do you do? Well, I just believe that something is wrong. Why subject them or yourself to trauma drama? No. We were told how spoiled my grandson was but you see, every child and adult needs to be a little spoiled if that be the case. I call it love. The thing I do not wrap my hands around is when one adult says something negative about your child and another adult will chime in and say that person is right and do not have any knowledge of you or your child. Believe your child and they will always come to you first if that rapport exits between you. There will not be any reason for your child to lie to you in the first place and if the rapport is there you will know because you are raising up your child the way he/she go and when they grow up they will not depart from that.
I did not raise my daughter with what she could or could not do . We tried to explain the consquences that could arise if she did this, that, or the other. We did not want her to grow up believing she could not do something because everything was wrong. Firstly, we taught her with Godly principles and my grandson, I actually almost cried. At an early age my daughter came home from school and said all the kids laughed at her because she had said "yes mam" to her teacher. That day I relented. Now some of our children say "yep" or "nope" to adults, including my grandson. I wanted to correct my grandson this weekend when he said "nope" to a senior, but my daughter said not to have him use "mam" and when she hears him say "nope" or "yep"he will write it a thousand times or he will not play his DS.
Now here I go again. I volunteered at the school when my daughter was little. The Guidance Counselor asked me one day was she my daughter I said "yes." She answered "may I tell you something?" I said "yes." She said "if that little girl wasn't as strong as she is you would have to have her under psychiatric care because the kids give her a fit." I lifted an eyebrow but I waited to hear more. She said they called her "Ms. Pinky" because of her high voice. They called her "nerd", "four eyes", "skinny," etc. I thanked her. When my daughter came home I asked her about it; she asked me not to volunteer anymore. She told me she didn't want me there fighting her battles. I promised her I would not.
You see, the kids had always laughed because I was an older parent with gray hair. This was her first year in public school as a 8th grader. Prior to this, all of her schooling was in Private School. All I am saying is Love your child into being the best that they can be, not to be better than but so that they understand everything/everyone in life has been made for a special purpose. Our children might be indigos or not but all are born with the brilliance of Divine Order. Don't defend, when you know they are wrong but do not be ashamed to think you have not done a good job raising them. Which is bascially our biggest problem if we really face our own truths.
I think this is why my daughter is an Advocate for Children Rights. She painted a New Picture with Words.
With Much Love,
Saturday, February 1, 2014
Nothing is Hard!
I say this because of this verse.
("Is there anything too hard for the Lord? ....") (Gensis18:14)
I think in my painted words, If I call it easy then it will be easy. If I call it hard
then it is hard. Now I can answer the question that has been posed.
Paint a New Picture
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