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Wednesday, May 5, 2021

This is a Synopsis of Life Consciousness (Part 1 of 5)


This is a Synopsis of Life Consciousness.  

“I believe this is needed to offer an amount of Sanity for myself in this Golden Age.”

April 24, 2021


I am going to write today about a subject that has grown close to my heart. I started to write this long before today, but each day I procrastinate and do not get it done, I still believe in (Spirit) and lately I have been urged to get up and finish the article, although I had not been on the computer for a while. So, therefore I do not know what the prompting is all about. I do not have to know it is my job just to be obedient so here goes. I would ask you to read this with me but honestly, I do not know where this if supposed to go.

                                                          Chadwick Boseman 

               Borned; November 29,1976…………………………….Died; August 28,2020

& His Life Taught Lessons, the movies that he starred in and the personal representation that each provides society that will be long lived. This will happen if we have grasped the meaning.

No, I am not a movie Critic, but, when my daughter was in Creative Acting School, she made me aware of certain ways to know about e.g. who was an extra (by the amount of lines) how the clothing, height, certain ways words were spoken, smiles etc., I notice most things when I am watching a movie from habit. I notice very intently what Caucasian actors play parts with ease when starring with a black actor some do, and some do not. I will not call names, but I see a great deal as a Senior Citizen and have learned a few lessons from watching and re-watching each movie. I did this with Chad’s just to see what this young man was trying to teach us in each portrayal of life. I see how black actors are the first to die female or male in most movies and their names most times are never written in aphetically order sometimes not at all. It seems as if Society does not want our youth to think there are no black survivors in life regardless to whatever role they portray. I remember from one of Chadwick, interview he said he co-wrote “21 Bridges” and that some of those roles were originally written for white actors.

               In the beginning I intended to discuss a movie by the name “GODS of EGYPT” Chadwick is not a main character, but he is playing the role of the King’s-Wisdom Guru, Which is not the role of a drug-dealer, nor a drug-user but a scholar who teaches the King and his subjects life knowledge.  I am referring to this because so many of our young men and young women play these roles because of the way the roles are written for Black actors and actresses, I emphasized this because I had especially noticed when upon one interview I remember Chadwick said he had been given a movie script and the producers had said to him that he was to make an enormous sum of money, Chadwick said, “he had never seen that much money “that he thought he was going to earn on this film: but after the first day of shooting , he did not see the role of the “Dad or Mom” after inquiring to the producer Where were they? Of course, there wasn’t a “Dad and Mom” in the picture, except the usual was inferred Dad was in Jail, Mom an addict or something to that degree, he was asked after his resume was reviewed did he attend “Howard University?” he answered, yes, and he continued to audition, well, as a result he was fired the next day. He stated that Howard had taught him to have “Pride” in himself and he was not forgetting the “Pride” he had in himself to begin with so as not to criticize anyone else but the fewer people that will not take those positions the fewer positions that will be written, He decided not to take the positions that could not represent him as an Actor and as a Positive Black Man. They could always make up the faces to look African Americans or Native Americans. 

This is a Synopsis of Life Consciousness (Part 2 of 5)


My mind reflected to the movie “Red Tails” the producer (George Lucas) of the Tuskegee Airmen although he could not get any monetary assistance from other studios e.g. MGM, (because, he was told that Blacks)  DO NOT attend  the movies theaters, (this came from him in an interview with Oprah) anyway, the reason why Blacks do not attend the movies I think, is because the roles are  usually written for some negative part such as (Drug Addict, Drug Pushers, Molestations, Missing Mom, Strung -Out Dad) instead of enhancing them or their abilities. This is all too real and why go to the movie, pay them to see our real lives enacted on the screen. Be careful thou, as you go to see a positive movie involving blacks sometimes the Movie Screens are so (daaaaaaaaaark) it that is almost impossible to see, facial features. Now we have established my reasons, Am I the only one that this happens too? Is this just a Whim on my part? Maybe and Maybe not!!!!

Research and you will see how much it grossed. I researched this although I personally heard the words from his mouth to (Oprah) but rather than to say this, Studios put the blame on us for not wanting to patronize their (Pockets) I found it to have been so difficult, he said, that was the reason he used his money to promote the movie. Look for it online yourself to see the” Interview and the Movie”.

Even Comedians laugh and joke about the us with blatant language, and just think we thought we were being integrated for equality, but what kind? I see that this article is causing me to have to remember too much, then I get total carried away. Too much is going on and “Grandma Moses painted Pictures” and now here I am” Painting Pictures with words” Now, I think that is what happened when I stopped writing my Blogs, only this time I want to share.

I am not trying to second guess what “ Chadwick” intentions were why he chose the Positive Films he chose, or The Forgotten Hero’s, He Chose, but I believe it was to let the younger generation know, such as he himself was, that the opportunity to just know that they have a choice and if the producers want them to play a different role, then they will write a different script, Chadwick said that while taking his classes he wanted to have the movies so that black young men and women would have something to look forward too, Maybe more than a little. He also assisted in rewriting & producing some of the films that he starred in.” 42, Jackie Robinson”,” Marshall” “21 Bridges” “Get On Up” “The Black Panther” and more. It has just been of late that some of the movies that he starred in just started to mention his name.  My Grandson gave me the DVD long before “The Black Panther” was produced.  “GODS of EGYPT” I noticed when there are no negative connotations to explain when the producers explain in their synopsis’s that the movie was not a good part and we at least know why, “BECAUSE WE BLACKS ARE NOT SHOWN IN A NEGATIVE MANNER.” I am just thinking.

Now another reason why I am writing this article is because I cannot for the life of me understand the reason why the clichés never change. In my time of youth “Ray Charles” and other  artists sang about words,  Sticks and Stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me, and yet the words are the only things that do hurt, well, with the exception of bullets, but bullets are not used over the phone, bullets cannot be yelled across the fences, in the alley or alongside another form of transportation. Can you see my point? If we cannot get rid of the words of “Negation” how then will we change? Do you know of the scripture that states: “The tongue no man can tame” look in the book of James if you want to know where verbatim this is located?

This is a Synopsis of Life Consciousness (Part 3 of 5)


I intend to embark on a specific word, but I must write this way to recollect my thinking as I write I was watching a movie and since I was young, I would turn away or turn to another channel if the (“N”) word was used, that is how bad I allowed the word to affect me. I would cringe if someone else would use the (“N”) word a true story below:

When my daughter was very young, in fact I had her in my arms; because she had said that she was tired of walking, we were greeted by a Co-worker of mine as she passed us in the Mall. She said of my little one (Hi precious, you are so pretty,) my daughter retorted “Shut your mouth you (“N”) you!! I tell you I almost dropped her and I almost had a Stroke at the same time, I rushed home and I told my Niece (Rhoda) what had happened, she then said to me “WHY “would you faint?, she hear you say the word all the time,” I said, Are you serious” “She answered”, yes I am “I wasn’t even aware that is was a part of my vocabulary especially since I worked really hard I thought at really trying to phrase words for my daughter’s sake so that her words would not be Limited in her vocabulary but then I became aware of just how easy it is to formulate words by force of Habit rather than Planned. Therefore, I understand how easy it is to allow our Memory Banks to be filled with idle words and thoughts, there are words that I am very aware of and after that incident I made it a “Habit” to guard the words that would come out of my mouth, I safeguard our minds by not using words that define who we are, Although I am going to write them now I would not teach them to my daughter or grandson (“N”),(“S”),(“D”),(“U”) now these words I stayed away from (as she) my daughter, and now my grandson grew up.   

Now the words are Ni—a, Ni—er, Stupid, Dumb, and Ugly. Now, do not believe that they do not know these words or their meaning but that is why they know because these are words that they were taught to reframe from using, I have made this article leading up to the memorial of language. I am going to write about.

I was watching Chadwick’s movies, then it came to me to watch “42 Jackie Robinson” I said to “SPIRIT”, umhum I don’t want to watch it I had started to watch it once, but I stopped because they had called him the (“N”) so many times just from the beginning of the movie, I said I will not watch this mess, but if you don’t know it let me share if there is a lesson “SPIRIT” want you to learn you are going to learn it in other words there are some things in life we will face, I really think it depends on what you are asking for Guidance on. Needless, to say I was led to watch the movie again, I had to watch it again, I was still complaining, in an audible voice it seems as if I had to watch it until the words no longer mattered.(It is almost riding the Roller Coaster over and over until the fear is gone)  Do you not know I watched the movie so many times until I can tell you almost every line?  Now, why do you think I had to watch it was because that was how long it took for me not to react to the word Nigger. He was called Nigga and Nigger approximately 15 times,13 of those times was in succession(by one the other teams managers) get the movie watch it for yourself, as he came up to bat, the more I watched the more I dispelled the word, it was truly amazing how I (FEIT) for him, He was so angry, but the owner said to him in the movie that he had to win for all of us therefore he could not openly react to the name calling or the criticisms.

This is a Synopsis of Life Consciousness (Part 4 of 5)


 Jackie told owner, that he lived his sermon every day out there, (on the field, and asked the owner did he think that he could do it? )The owner answered him and said “NO” but that he(Jackie) had too because with him playing they could win the Pendant, and that was how to beat the people who continued to call him names after the last round of name calling, he became very “ANGRY” AND BROKE THE BAT AGAINST THE WALL, BUT HE WENT BACK OUT ON THE FIELD AND HE HIT A HOME RUN”) Now this was the portrayal I don’t know how much was in actuality but the “Spirit” had well succeeded in having me overlook anyone especially of another race that refers to me as “The “N” word, I guess it depends on your degree of Love one has for themselves, as to how you will pronounce it. He was not just called the (“N”) on the field and just not one field but everywhere that they went. He was not allowed to go into the hotels or eat in any of the restaurants. It was not that he was afraid because he loved the game and knew the game so when he was given the opportunity to play with the Dodgers, he only hesitated for a moment because he wanted to play for the Dodgers then he was offered the salary that was much, much more than he was earning while playing on the African American League.  The movie depicts that they won the pendant and before the movie was completed, he had won the “HEARTS” of some of his teammates, which help to defray some of the negativity from him. In this portrayal The Owner kept him as protected as best as he could, even allowed his wife to follow him because he the Owner knew what he was going to be confronted with.  

A Caucasian person asked Judge Mathis (while being facetious on his show between the (ga/er)what is the difference in these two words, he explained its meaning which when we say it (Blacks) it is a form of endearment, but when they say it ,it is to be derogatory, maybe so and maybe not, I wish every person especially (Black) people would watch “42, Jackie Robinson” over and over until it  resonate within our Consciousness to let it go and if and when we do it ,it will not anger you or sadden you when some unlearned person say to you complimentary  or not. Do you not know that is the only word that resonate anger from us quickly, so, if we learn to learn to ignore it (WE DISARM THE ONLY AMMUNITION THAT MOST OF THEM HAVE, TRY IT!!!!! NOW THAT WILL BE A NEW PAGE IN THE HISTORY BOOKS AND JUST THINK IT WOULD BE JUST AS POWERFUL IF WE STOP USING IT OURSELVES).

Get the Movie, Have your young ones watch it with you they can put down the games, I-Pad, X-box or whatever maybe occupying their minds which is really hindering their capacity to THINK, I believe. There are many other movies that they can watch but they will not find most of them to be as therapeutic as this one, then they can go back to watching (BLACK PANTHER) or play Fortnite.    

Do we realize that if we stop saying it to each other, then it would take all the negative aspect from everyone else, and if they cannot call us that one word, they will be totally disarmed for further discussions of any sorts, and if we stop using it ourselves then we will start to rebuild our own self esteem? I often think why? Now, remember I already explained that years before I said it and did not even realized that it was that imbedded in my (Consciousness) so maybe this article will reach one person, and then help them to say something else in) LIEU of the one overused (DAMAGING) word.

This is a Synopsis of Life Consciousness. (Part 5 of 5)

Here is a thought for you, if you were in Diabolical (disgracefully, bad) Menagerie (a strange or diverse collection of people or things) and someone yelled and called you the (“N”) word what would you do? Would you as of today react? you see, I also understand some people have made it a point “NOT TO LET OTHER PEOPLE GET INSIDE OF THEIR HEAD” therefore, any name you call them will not matter, if you are on that Plateau, I applaud you. If you are not there yet, Keep on Trying. If you are not aware that you say the word often as I was, began to monitor your speech and make a Change. It can happen at any time.  

I was watching a movie about “Bad Girls” and the 4 beautiful young black women were cussing not cursing so much and using the (“N”) I said to myself that each of them must have needed the work I do Judge now though, after Chadwick, and I wished that all of them that are approached with this kind of Negative material be directed back to the writing table. I have observed that Christmas Movies do not have too many (Black Actors) why? Is that because the messages are written in a positive stance without much Rhetoric and Profanity. Watch out my people, do we know that when we Eradicate the Negative words, we will Eradicate the Negative Actions as well? Do you know how many lives that could be saved, just think some of our young people are incarcerated because of words, that maybe could be avoided if they just begin to think another way about words.

Could we at least try to encourage each other with some positive knowledge?

I think I will take a break and my daughter must reset my margins for me then I will return. Well now, isn’t that great? I asked my daughter about spelling out the (“N”) word she said that they will let me know by not letting it show in its completeness. And see I am thankful that finally I have finished this writing, I was going to write you a scripture, then I am led to do something else instead, Will you do something for me to those of you who will read this please get the Movie “42, Jackie Robinson” Chadwick Boseman starring role. Or borrow you friends copy (LOL). I don’t know of anyone else that’s concerned but, this is the greatest Therapy Session you can have and when you watch the movie a few times, you would never have had a greater” Session”, I am a Layman and if that is not who you are or will listen too. Total Disregard this request: There are many other movies where the word is used but not in this exact context and maybe because of the receptiveness.

All of his other movies are great. Each has a very Positive meaning please be sure to find that meaning in everything he appeared in. He lived a short while, but he did so much for African American Community. And the world at large. 

This short article has renewed my desire to just do, say, and think the right things.

BY Tonnie Stowers Jackson

Thank you and Blessings with God’s Love Always!!!!





We can and we ,must make changes.

Saturday, May 12, 2018

Administrator of Anderson County Preserves Veteran History (#161)

Hello Everyone!
Please see the Press Release Below that details a human interest story about African-American, Congressional Medal of Honor & Purple Heart recipient, Cpl. Freddie Stowers and extended gratitude to Mr. Rusty Burns, Anderson County Administrator for his avid support.

More information to follow...

Thank you for your interest,
Tonnie Stowers Jackson
May 12, 2018

This is a letter of Gratitude for the County of Anderson Administrator,
Mr. Rusty Burns

We the descendants of Cpl. Freddie Stowers, humbly submit this letter of "Thanks" for the 
professionalism and prompt service that was provided to us by Mr. Burns and his designee
Ms. Dana Owens, in restoring the Commemorative Marker erected in his honor in 2004.  

On February 2, 2018, my family and I found the Commemorative Marker uprooted from
the ground, leaning against a tree in the Sandy Springs Community park in Anderson
County. Finding the marker in this state led to astonishment by family members and we
were uncertain as to whether vandalism played a part in its move however, in immediately
seeking a resolve, we found restitution in the assistance of Mr. Rusty Burns.  Mr. Burns
ensured us of the safe return and enhanced grounding of the marker from its previous
state. He made "good" on his word in assigning Ms. Dana Owens, Anderson County
Landscape Specialist to redesign the space with members of our family. We worked
together with Ms. Owens in a project that improved the park,unexpectedly for the
overall community.

The Commemorative Marker was restored to the ground with a new concrete, handicapped
accessible ramp, beautified with surrounding boulders on April 20, 2018.  Matching the
improvement to this area also facilitated the replacement of old benches in the park, to
new wrought-iron benches for park dwellers. Our extension of gratitude to Mr. Burns, Ms.
Owens, and Anderson County staff is of the utmost importance.  We are grateful to
Anderson County for their commitment to preserve the history of its' residents and their
steps to finalize a Restoration Event for the re-grounding of this Commemorative Marker.

We are approaching the centennial anniversary of Corporal Freddie Stowers' birthday and
are planning a celebratory event to include the vast array of individuals committed to the
cause of preserving the history of our uncle/great uncle Freddie Stowers and veterans far
and wide.  

**Corporal Freddie Stowers was awarded the Congressional Medal of Honor, posthumously
on April 24, 1991, by President George W. Bush, Sr.  He is the first African-American,
Congressional Medal of Honor recipient for WWI and II, recognizing his acts of bravery.

If this is a story of interest, feel free to contact family members below for more detailed


Tonnie Stowers Jackson, niece of Corporal Freddie Stowers @ 864.209.7553 /
 | Ri'Cha ri Sancho, great niece @

Sunday, February 28, 2016

Painting A "PICTURE OF CHURCHES"(#160)

Hi EveryOne!!!

Do you know what? I was awaken this morning by the "SPIRIT" to write my BLOG
about Churches. But first, 

Let me say Happy, Happy Birthday to Each of you and Happy Re-Birth to us as well.

I am so happy to tell you that in the beginning of my attempt to began writing my BLOG
again, I asked myself (exactly what had really happened in my Conscious world that caused
me to just, practically give up writing and was I hiding behind the fact that my daughter
and grand-son occupy the computer most of the time,Now, I have it). I usually read the Clicks 
that my friends have kept up with me, and I allowed myself to become a little discouraged 
when I noticed that the clicks were no longer visible. I did not know just what had happened, 
but, (then the count amounted to a little over 27,000 clicks).
I finally shared this with my daughter, she helped me to understand that another system had 
been put in placed and if I changed some things I will again be able to see the Clicks, then she
asked me" What had been my intentions from the start"I pondered, then with sincerity I 
answered "It was to get out of their hair" (with a Smile). She said, then your purpose has not 
been lost, and anyway she added" You are now more in our hair" by not doing your BLOG. 
I smiled again, and I began to ask"SPIRIT"for Guidance. You see , I never stopped Meditating 
and I never WILL.  I would write for me but not for my "BLOG." (A SENIORS SANITY).
Today,  I want to challenge myself, with just how much I want to say. I have never attempted to 
remember what I am about to say. Read with me, if you will, whether or not I can count the 
clicks I can read it for my own Strength.   
ROMANS (8:28) and we know that all things work together for good to them that love GOD, to them who are THE called according to his purpose.
I grew up in a Methodist Church (King Chapel AME) mixed with visiting my mom's Church
(Piney Grove Baptist Church). This continued, throughout my youth. As I graduated and left home
I joined (Bethesda Baptist Church) in DC. There, I remained until I met and married my husband
I became an Episcopalian with him at (Church of Atonement) I thought at the time not to be unevenly yoked. Guess what? We Separated for two years. Not to be without a Church Home, I began to attend A Methodist Church in my neighborhood(Kings Chapel AME) for which I later joined. 
Needless, to say I relocated to another address, Then, I began to attend (Bethel-ham Baptist Church)
yes, you guessed it. I became a member there as well. All this time because I am a Tither I felt I 
should belong where I Tithed.  I think now, as I am writing this and reading I was searching all the while for a place to truly be accepted for whom I was, but, I really did not know why I kept going from Church to Church. I gave you some of my reasons., & I  love to sing and I love singing it doesn't matter who it is that is singing, I just love songs.( But I kept feeling that I was missing something) I was informed about a Church by a Co-Worker by the name of (Unity Center of Truth) at this time my Husband and I became a Union again and I had finally given Birth to my daughter, Wherein I raised my daughter in this All Faith's Church. (This time I did not change Church's) I learned how to believe in the Christ Self that dwells within each of us, and that if we are to believe in being Lovers of God and Self. We would not treat anyone less that we would treat ourselves, because the 
Forgiving Love of Jesus the Christ has set us free from the past, and the results of mistakes of the past. We are uplifted and upheld by the Christ Mind, No Di-sease can exist in Christ Mind and no Di-sease can exist in me. I couldn't stop wondering why Women weren't  allowed in the Pulpit of some Churches. I strongly believe that God loves us equally and I began to analyze that I really had a problem with this, Yet, I had learned that the Christ in me now Frees, Cleanses and heals Me.
And there is no Condemnation in Christ Jesus and there is no Condemnation in me. But I sought out Churches where Women are allowed in the Pulpit. Would you believe that just in October I attended
My mothers Church,again much to my surprise, Not only is the Minister young but The first Lady is as well. They are an Awesome Family and they are Dynamic Leaders, She stands in the Pulpit of my Mothers Church and at one time this was a "No",No" in ("Piney Grove Church").  My Mom would be so happy to see this or (is so happy to see this) "smile" this depends on your belief. Not only did I become Re-Instated but my sister who grew up as a Catholic and who has been very ill became Re-Instated as well. You see, when we were young my mom allowed us to attend our Choice of Church but she made sure that all of us were Baptized at (Piney Grove Baptist Church) even my Brother and Nieces. That was her way of giving us a good Foundation. (she often said) It Worked. 
ISAIAH(43:18-19) "Remember not the former things, neither consider the things of old. Behold I will do a new thing, now it shall it spring forth: shall ye not know it? I will make a way in the wilderness, and a river in the desert." It was if God spoke to me in an inaudible voice and said "Now, you are HOME" 
You too, will be just as, Welcomed.
If you ever visit Anderson , Pendleton, Sandy Springs, Clemson or the adjoining areas , Please visit us at (PINEY GROVE BAPTIST CHURCH) We have an additional Minister on Staff as well who is also God -Filled and God -Called. They are Rev. Dr. Corey and Minister Andrea Williams & Minister Roy Foster & Family. I can think that "WE ARE MOVING ON UP." 
Thank you for joining with me again, as I thank the 'SPIRIT" for writing this BLOG through me whether I was ready for it or not. It is not my Will but Thine that was done in this BLOG. Always
BE<BLESSED & BE A BLESSINGS TO OTHERS. Let us Be Happy together and May we Smile
to ourselves and then to Every One else. You always know that these are this "SENIOR'S VIEW-POINTS" I Have learned many things in my moving about, and I am sure that you have learned much where you are. But in all your ways "ACKNOWLEDGE HIM AND HE WILL DIRECT YOUR/MY PATH  ." There is yet more to learn and as I ALWAYS contend "A Little Child Lead Shall Them." Thank you GOOGLE for the Opportunity. I Appreciate ALL!!!!.
With Much LOVE!!!
Tonnie Stowers Jackson(TYG)   
(PS) My grand-son asked me "Now, mom when are you going to start writing again?" I said ooops there it is!! I must really have gotten on their Nerves.while getting in their hair. (so to speak)THAT IS WHY I NOW HAVE MY OWN TABLET  (Go-Figure):)